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- #2,581
Super Self-Sufficient
whew...what a morning!
took jack jack for his nails done. didnt feel like wreslting with the crate (i dont have a small carrier or anythign for him) so i put him in my soft sides carrier...took him about 30 mins to figure out the zipper, thankfully id put his harness and leash on before leaving and essentially tied him to the handle of the carrier so he couldnt go anywhere realy.
got there without incident (few odd looks at the parrot riding shotgun though) met the receptionist and tech filled in the new patient form they oooooo'd and ahhhhhh'd over him alot which had him loving every minute, hes only my shoulder al poofed up making his baby dinosaur noises and looking down right cute...(oh if only they knew lol)
saw the vet, VERY nice woman, she complimented me on how good he looked, we chatted for a few mins and i explained since moving i cant do his nails alone and theyd just gotten so sharp, so they towled him, clipped his nails he did exceptionally well, no screaching or trying to bite (still ot a job one can do unless one has 4 hands) then they let him up and she gave him some scritches which he allowd before he dove back to me and started baby begging and giving kisses (frightend behaviour) so i let him settle down a bit and we chatted some more, she once again complimented me on how good he looks, and his personality, said shed NEVER met a 2 yr old macaw as well socilized as jack jack...
then we headed home, didnt even bother putting him in the carrier, he just sat on my shoulder.
stopped to put some gas in the car...
and then outside the gas station was a guy giving away free kittens...there were 2 left, and NOONE wanted them, spoke to him said hed been there 3 hours, and these 2 kittens (who are gorgeous) are huddled in a corner growling and hissing and generally super stressed) noone wants them cause their mean he tels me...
then he informs me that if none takes them soon there going to jackson rabies control....
now i know how that place works..owner surreneders can be euthanized IMMEDIATLY...TODAY is euth day and given the time and these kittens obvious "personality" problems, they would have ben euthanized imediatly on arrival...JRC is small and overcrowded as is...they dont keep owner surrender animals any longer than it takes to get them to the next euth day...and owner surrender with a behavioural concern.
so yup, you guess it...home they came. i KNOW i can get them calmed down, cleaned up, vacs/wormed/flea preventative and into new homes realy easily, but it was a little...unexpected. they are stunning through. ill get some pics in a little while, but they look like snowshoes
momma was a siamese who got out, and daddy is unknown.
got home, got them set up in the crate with a small litterbox, bed food and water, untill there a little more relaxed theyll be crated, not having them running loose) and are currently snoozing. going to go sit with them for a little while aftr im done checking everything online and have eaten lunch.
once they were sorted out time to get the rabbit hutches done.
unfortunatly found Fiver Dead (probably very reacently as she was still warm and floppy) couldnt see anythign wrong with her so im thinking a combination of stress from the fleamarket/journey home, then the heat on sunday and then there was a paper wasp in their hutch yesterday that i think stung her (it landed on her and she did jump) it was probably all just too much.
so i moved rowan and her litter to the bottom floor of the doe bank, strawberry whent into rowand hutch, moved the mini rexes to the bottom floor of the mini bank and moved the lops up and then haystack into one of those hutches for now, and silve moved into the buck hutch next door to Bigwig. so other than haystack and the holland girls everyone is in their "perminent" homes.
Haystack will be moving to a wire cage once i get some, then ash and clover will be seperated at that time.
after the hutches were al done i sprinked some DE in the Duck and goose houses reflled everyones water, put out another load of laundry (just one more and im caught up
) and now im just finnishing up lunch.
yup...crazy day!
took jack jack for his nails done. didnt feel like wreslting with the crate (i dont have a small carrier or anythign for him) so i put him in my soft sides carrier...took him about 30 mins to figure out the zipper, thankfully id put his harness and leash on before leaving and essentially tied him to the handle of the carrier so he couldnt go anywhere realy.
got there without incident (few odd looks at the parrot riding shotgun though) met the receptionist and tech filled in the new patient form they oooooo'd and ahhhhhh'd over him alot which had him loving every minute, hes only my shoulder al poofed up making his baby dinosaur noises and looking down right cute...(oh if only they knew lol)
saw the vet, VERY nice woman, she complimented me on how good he looked, we chatted for a few mins and i explained since moving i cant do his nails alone and theyd just gotten so sharp, so they towled him, clipped his nails he did exceptionally well, no screaching or trying to bite (still ot a job one can do unless one has 4 hands) then they let him up and she gave him some scritches which he allowd before he dove back to me and started baby begging and giving kisses (frightend behaviour) so i let him settle down a bit and we chatted some more, she once again complimented me on how good he looks, and his personality, said shed NEVER met a 2 yr old macaw as well socilized as jack jack...
then we headed home, didnt even bother putting him in the carrier, he just sat on my shoulder.
stopped to put some gas in the car...
and then outside the gas station was a guy giving away free kittens...there were 2 left, and NOONE wanted them, spoke to him said hed been there 3 hours, and these 2 kittens (who are gorgeous) are huddled in a corner growling and hissing and generally super stressed) noone wants them cause their mean he tels me...
then he informs me that if none takes them soon there going to jackson rabies control....
now i know how that place works..owner surreneders can be euthanized IMMEDIATLY...TODAY is euth day and given the time and these kittens obvious "personality" problems, they would have ben euthanized imediatly on arrival...JRC is small and overcrowded as is...they dont keep owner surrender animals any longer than it takes to get them to the next euth day...and owner surrender with a behavioural concern.
so yup, you guess it...home they came. i KNOW i can get them calmed down, cleaned up, vacs/wormed/flea preventative and into new homes realy easily, but it was a little...unexpected. they are stunning through. ill get some pics in a little while, but they look like snowshoes
momma was a siamese who got out, and daddy is unknown.
got home, got them set up in the crate with a small litterbox, bed food and water, untill there a little more relaxed theyll be crated, not having them running loose) and are currently snoozing. going to go sit with them for a little while aftr im done checking everything online and have eaten lunch.
once they were sorted out time to get the rabbit hutches done.
unfortunatly found Fiver Dead (probably very reacently as she was still warm and floppy) couldnt see anythign wrong with her so im thinking a combination of stress from the fleamarket/journey home, then the heat on sunday and then there was a paper wasp in their hutch yesterday that i think stung her (it landed on her and she did jump) it was probably all just too much.
so i moved rowan and her litter to the bottom floor of the doe bank, strawberry whent into rowand hutch, moved the mini rexes to the bottom floor of the mini bank and moved the lops up and then haystack into one of those hutches for now, and silve moved into the buck hutch next door to Bigwig. so other than haystack and the holland girls everyone is in their "perminent" homes.
Haystack will be moving to a wire cage once i get some, then ash and clover will be seperated at that time.
after the hutches were al done i sprinked some DE in the Duck and goose houses reflled everyones water, put out another load of laundry (just one more and im caught up

yup...crazy day!