Pink Fox: its Raining...IN MY HOUSE! :/


Super Self-Sufficient
Feb 11, 2011
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well i now have 2 birdhouse gourds, 6 spaghetti, 4 acorn and 4 butternut squash starts in the ground. not much life from my watermellon seeds though.
And Dozer tried to eat the raspberry canes i bought that looked like they were completly dead so i whent to lift them and both have sighns of new growth below the surface so they got replanted and better protected and *fingers crossed*

ive decided i need to make some lists of upcomming projects, orders of which things will need to eb done and what i need for the projects so i can keep track of things a little easier.

as well as make lists of verieties of plants i want so i can keep my eyes peeled locally for sales and such.
just got to get things back on the rails as things have kinda gotten away from me this past couple of months vision wise.
theres so many needed projects and even more "wanted" projects, so i need to figure out a way of balancing all that out so i can do both.

and for some reason this past few days ive been realy missing my family...
probably because i know there comming and 2 weeks cant go by fast enoguh right now...but still im having those "waht was i thinking" feelings about moving so far away from them.
I REALY hope dad gets a job offer hes after, would be nice to have them closer (but not too close lol)

anywho...its 4pm, todays gone at a fairly steady pace but no responces to emails on the baby buns which means im taking them all to jackson tomorrow to try and sell. the problem...i have no boxes for folks to take them home in...hmm. that could be fun.

the good news is, i managed to get all caught up on my laundry...and the kittens are settling quite nicely. mum will be taking one home with her, there trying to decide on a name, i told them no worries theyve got time lol.

Denim Deb

More Precious than Rubies
Oct 21, 2010
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I had a problem w/my buns when they were little. They weren't drinking, either. They had been, but then stopped. I thought they were going to die on me, but they finally started to drink again, and have been fine since. And, they didn't HAVE a problem w/their bottle. Don't know why they weren't drinking.


Super Self-Sufficient
Feb 11, 2011
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well hes still with us today, still havent seen him eat but have seen him drink (both from the bowl and the bottle) i felt his tummy and he had pellets in there so im wondering if hes constipated/blocked, gave him some mineral oil, will dose again this evening, if he doesnt start eating soon hes not going to mkae it no matter what...and if it is a blockage the only way to fix it is with the likes of mineral oil or similar laxitives (they usually dont survive surgery to remove blockages) so we'll do mineral oil and tummy massages and watch him and hope for the best, hes still fighting though, thats a good sign.

Whent to the w.Tn poultry meet at tractor suply this morning...didnt sell any buns, have one whos supposed ot be calling me though (needs to get a cage first) who wants a black otter doe.
there wernt many passer bys due to the weather it was CHILLY and DAMP this morning) and people see bunnies at fleas and swaps and such and dont want to pay much over $5 for them $10 if your lucky...
i KNOW my buns are not over priced for what they are...
Just over priced for the people that were there and thats definatly going to be a key, i need to market, get my name out there, which mean im probably going to have to start showing.
thats ok though sat and chatted picked up what i needed from TSC (i had to go up there one way or another) i did get chilly though when the rain started to come through so now im sat all bundled up at home trying to get warm again lol.

Gonna push on my advertising this week and then mabe take them down to crump flea market next saturday.
there only 5 weeks yesterday so ive got some wiggle time, but i dont have grow out space for them right now so cant keep them much beyond 8 weeks for shere lack of space lol.
Ive got a bunch of little wooden plaques that i might try and paint up with various flowers this week and take them too...if i even make $5 a peice on them it would be money in the pocket.
I need to get a weekly "extra cash" thing going one way or another if i want to make any real progress around this place.
right now the bunnies need to sell so i can buy another bag of bunny food lol.

Got home, tried rowan in with bigwig, he was ready and rearing but hes just not making contact, same whent for blackberry, they are tucking under and hes getting frustrated/bored after a few tries. when i try to lift for him to get some better aces he gets too distracted...Going to try rowan again with him this afternoon give them both time to relax, and then blackberry on Monday if hes sucessfull. if not ill try blackberry in with him tomorrow morning. this will be the last breedings before the heat sets in so. (fingers crossed) hes trying...and when he htis the mark hes sucessfull, but the girls just arnt presenting high enough (or hes mounting too high)

as a side note, didnt sleep well last night and then a 7 am wakeup, then getting cold and damp has me feeling like Yick. time for a hot cup of tea and some kitten snuggle time i think.


Super Self-Sufficient
Feb 11, 2011
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well, i have NEVER had kittens turn around as quickly as these little ones have.
when i pulled them out of that box i was grated with growling, hissing, caws and teeth, i will admit to being a tad worried that these guys wernt going to tame down enough to make them good "pets" and would probably have to be indoor/outdoor or barn cats.

onc i got them home the little smudgy kitten settled down quickly, she wanted to play and liked attention but the growls and hisses when it came to the dogs...
and poor little scardy kitty depiste wanting to be loved was just too afraid to do anythign about it...

i cant say in the past few days ive spent ALOT of time with them...because i honestly havent, 1/ an hour here, 1/2 an hour there...
but wow, theyve come such a lng way despite not having constant quiet attention.
today i broughtt hem into the livingroom where i sat wiht them on my chair, the dog all around and after an initial hiss, not only did smudgy kitty settle right down (and even bat at dozers nose playfully, but SCARDEY kitty even relaxed, played and even seemed to enjoy the dozer drool (mabe dozer drool has some majocal calming effect lol)

i cant "keep" them in the back bedroom anymore if they dont want to be in there, they can scale the gate, so i lifted it a few inches so if they do come out they can eaisly run right back in under the gate without the dogs following them.
i just am amazed at the progress theyve made in such a short time.


Super Self-Sufficient
Feb 11, 2011
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it amazes me how resiliant these little creatures can be. as i type this Scardey kitty is on the couch curled up, no longer the frightend hissing growling bundle of terror, but a calm quiet little fur ball who was just a few mins ago LICKING dozers nose! mum and dad are taking "scardey kitty" who has not yet been given her official name.
the other kitten who has planted herself between my belly and the laptop keyboard and is currently napping with the occasional belly buzzing purr, is staying. right now Mia seems tobe winning out for a name.

in other news...
trying to find out who owns the house at the beginning of my street, whoever owns that house owns the land directly behind me and the whole street corner and eventually id like to potentially buy that property (or some of the land)...
checked the state assesment website but according to that site theres only 2 name owndd properties on the street, min and my direct next door neighbor...the property at the beginning of the street isnt listed so i tried the 2 other roads the property faces...they dont have anything listed either.
i want to know, the house is clearly very empty, the property looks abandoned if it wasnt for the fact that someone keeps the side field and the broken down fenceline mowed/clear.
im thinking i should just leave a note taped to the door at some point introducing myself, its gotta be owned by someone else who would be paying the taxes on it? right?
if i could get um and dad to buy that plot and build a new house on it, wed have about 15 acres between us lol.

Denim Deb

More Precious than Rubies
Oct 21, 2010
Reaction score
Can you go to the tax assessor's office and find out who owns it?


Super Self-Sufficient
Feb 11, 2011
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i think i found it lol, i wa going through the tas assesment/property assesment site. the property has no number, but it does have an owner listed, which is C/O another person at a PO Box here in town.
they bought the property in 2006 but its definatly not being used.


Super Self-Sufficient
Feb 11, 2011
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yeah i think im going to mail them a letter stating im their new neighbor and if they ever decide to sell some or all of the property id like to be the first informed, their property is 15 acres, mine is 4.3...thats a deacent chunk of land between the 2 properties.

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