Pink Fox: its Raining...IN MY HOUSE! :/

Denim Deb

More Precious than Rubies
Oct 21, 2010
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Yep, they sure are. Question, how old is Willow? I'm thinking she's not much more than a kitten herself.


Super Self-Sufficient
Feb 11, 2011
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shes right around 1 yr 3 months old. she was born 3/18/11, so shes 1 yr and 3 months exactly today...not realy old enough to be a momma by any means but at least shes not a baby baby herself...
whats odd is i KNOW what cat heat cycles are like, shes never shown any signs (ive never had to keep her in due to signs of heat) and shes NEVER gotten pregnant, so i realy didnt even think about it untill about 2 weeks ago when i noticed she wasnt getting any smaller, but the vet insisted "false pregnancy" and "its quite common".
Shes also a small kitty (shes JUST 5lbs full grown) and has very kittenish features so she looks alot younger than she is i think...but she is more an older teen than a kitten...

still SHOULDNT have happend one way or another...

but it certinaly could be worse.
i just wish id noticed some kind of "symptoms"...

As a side not vet says if id like i can actually stay and watch her get spayed this time around...
(im kinda hoping if i hang around there enough tyll give me a job LOL)

Denim Deb

More Precious than Rubies
Oct 21, 2010
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So, she's a tiny one like Rerun was. Glad she's OK. And, I don't blame you for not catching it. After all, you did the responsible thing. :hugs If you weren't so far away, I'd be tempted to take the little girl. :love


Super Self-Sufficient
Feb 11, 2011
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lol, id say "thanks" but i realy didnt do anything...but ill be happy to tell her how beautiful her babies are. im just glad it was only 4, she is such a small framed cat that i think more than that would have been realy hard on her.
As it stands i still cant figure it out, because doing the math the time she MUST have gotten pregnant, i saw no males hanging around, 2 weeks prior to that however we had boys all over the place...the whole situation is so messed up, but whats done is done and these babies will have good hoems one way or another...
and shes doing great, eating liek a piggy lol, attentive but not overly protective...

todays plan...well to be honest...there realy isnt much of a plan
i have to give the fed store a call, turns out i forgot 2 waterbottles and a food dish when i was there on saturday (they were spares that i take to hook up to the crates) so im HOPING it got handed in (the waterbottles are almost $4 a peice right now)
if they did ill head up that direction and probably pick up some T-Posts while im up there (and check out the electrical dept for insulated wire, the stuff sold for electric fence is 30 cents a foot, im pretty certain i can get 12-14g insulated rated for up to 20,000 volts for less than that...)

otherwise, not much going on.
will probably do the rabbit cages this afternoon and ive got some plants to try and get in the ground before they die on me
tomorrow is tidy up day...thursday is probably going to be dog bath day (so ruby is ready to go when my blade arrives supposed to be on friday)
and then friday i think im going to turn into craft day after ruby is done. need to get all those gourds out of my car so i figure i can pull them out ad spend the day cutting the holes and cleaning them out (least ill have a metric buttload of gourd seeds to plant next season lol)
need to get the supplies for cleaning them up on the outside (they have to be sanded and "polished") then i have to go through and desiced "who" it going to be what...
Purple martins seem to prefer white houses, where as other birds dont realy im thinking of doing some black, some white and mabe even some "natural"
most will end up being bird houses of some kind but theres a few that may end up becoming other things kinda want to try my hand at "carving" one, and i knwo theres one that was damaged so couldnt be abird house so i may try carving that one out since its already damaged.

but the day begins...


Super Self-Sufficient
Feb 11, 2011
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woot they do indeed have my it looks like ill be heading up there a little later today....2 waterbottles and a dish seem so trivial but between the 2 bottles and the disk theres about $10 in that bag to replace and thats a big chunk of change. so its safe i can go get it whenever.

otherwise nothing going on...realy just pulling things together so i can head out for a bit...though part of my just wants to stay a bit of a funk, couldnt get to sleep last night (it was 2am before i finally felt like putting the computer down and trying to sleep again and even then it took a while to finaly drift away..and then 7am the 1:30am pizza boy neighbor is knocking on my door asking to use my phone...(which was dead...) so i told him that (wearing nothing but a blanket and probably looking like id had a rough night lol) and he stood there teling me but he only wants to use it for a wasnt even charged enoguh to turn on...*shakes head*

i think tomorrow im going to make some dr type calls though and get apsych set back up..i keep putting it off and i realy do need to have one set up familiar UST in case, and the fact my sleep schedual IS wacky right now is usually an early sign of an incomming swing...*sigh*

i realy DONT want to go back on medication either so my brain keeps saying "why see a dr if you dont want meds?" btu the other part of me is saying "just in cant hurt to knwo whoes there..."

stupid rational side of the brain!


<Insert Snazzy Title Here
Nov 23, 2011
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Fallston, MD
Yay for beautiful surprise babies! So glad she's taking good care of them!

:hugs hope you get things worked out and settled down soon!


Super Self-Sufficient
Feb 11, 2011
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thanks :D

today i ended up doing very little and by that im in the process of putting about 25lbs of potatoes in the freezer....(lot 2 is now chilling after being blanched in dices)
ive still got about another 25lbs of potatoes left to put up, of those im sure some are beyond saving...but if theres enough good oes im going to do 1/2 the lot in fries and 1/2 the lot will be frozen as pre-made mashed taters.

my house smells a little startchy right now LOL.

ive also got chicken legs in the crock pot with lime juce, tomatoes, garlic salt and pepper, thats starting to smell delicious and will be the base for my fiesta enchiladas (once its cooked ill remove the chicken, remove the bone and cartlidge from the meat, shred the meat and put the meat back in the crock pot with some enchliada sauce i have currently in the freezer. theyll get premade as tortillas and frozen individually...then when im craving enchiladas i can just grab one from the freezer and put it inthe toaster oven.
(its also what im having for dinner tomorrow lol)

tonight im having home made pizza pocket, should have enough to make 2 :D so thats lunch for tomorrow too :D

once the chicken is out of the crock pot tomorrow ive got some goats milk to go in the crock pot to make goats milk yogurt, itll be my first attempt at yogurt and im told crockpot yogurt is the easiest...kinda excited :D

ive also got a watermellon that i think id like to try and do soemthing with to thinking possibly sorbet?

tomorrow is clean up in the morning (and its a big one cause ive been seriously lazy all week), then in the afternoon ive got to go pick up the waterbottles and might be picking up a coupld of holland lop does too if i can get the time sorted with the seller. going to move some of the buns around tomorrow too to make room so i can seperate Strawberry and Silver, Haystack can go in one of the smaller hutches for now, and rowans last 2 kits can stay together for a little longer. the 2 holland lop does can go together for a little while at least untill i sell the extras....

lots of "ideas" in my head right now...


Super Self-Sufficient
Feb 11, 2011
Reaction score
well, i was doing my evening check of the bunnies and i checked o blackberry and my heart STOPPED...
there was 3 babies in the nest, scoured the hutch NOTHING...where the hell...then i noticed a small hole in the dividing wall between blackberry and haystack and my heart sunk...
females with litters will often "foster" other does young if there about the same age...but...haystack isnt another young mother...shes an almost 5 month old Doe, whows never had a litter...i was expecting carnage...
slowly open the door to the hidey house...and there right infront of my eyes were 2 little black babbits all snuggled up in a little bed of hay and white fur...not aot of fur...but enough to make it very clear that little haystack had tried to make them a nest and keep them warm...i couldnt belive it...
ive been thinking of selling haystack...but now im thinking i need to keep her back...ive never known such a young doe develop such a strong maternal instinct.

itsnot like she just ignored them...she put them in a nest...
SOOO cute!

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