Pink Fox: its Raining...IN MY HOUSE! :/


Little Miss Sunshine
Sep 27, 2010
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Pinky that bator is ready for you whenever I can get out there. I also have you another decent pallet out there for building materials. I'm just gonna have to TAKE a day to come out I guess. ;)


Super Self-Sufficient
Feb 11, 2011
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well productive evening...still need to bring the dogs crates back inside LOL...

but after the biggest pied guinnea decided "i have wings im going to use them" got out of the brooder, TERRIFIED the cat (who kills rats and mice but aparenlty knwos Touch inside birds you DIE because it landed neer her and she SPAZED like it was made of ure terror LOL) and then started Putting on a right squarking/peeping fuss because none of its smaller buddies followed it and i had to go rescue it LOL...
i decided i needed to make a top for the brooder...when i relized i didnt have enough wire i moved them into the other bird cage i have (its 30 x 18) so now not only do they have about the same amount of floor space, but they have actual perches to practice with an Cant fly out...mwhahahaha! lol.
there kinda stinking cute lol.
they dont "like" me but theyll sit in my hand for a few mins if i pck them up lol.

then i had leftover sausage and meatballs with galirc parmesan italian bread for dinner...and i think im going to have some icecream later because well...i want some. lol.

the neighbor offered me one of his outbuildings...theres one thats like a little cabin but its sitting on 5 ft stilts (i think it was a coop at one point) an hes planning on pulling it down "soon" (this could mean 10 yrs from now, but definatly wont be untill after his gardens done producing...
but he said if he can get it down in one peice (itll nee a new roof and mabe a new floor) i can have it...theyll just drag it to wherever i want it....
doesnt realy help right now...but itll probably make a great little coop with some TLC...

i NEED to get the old shed hacked thinking a eciprocating/sawsall type deal on the supports and a truck and a chain and itll come down easy...i think getting it down is going to be the better option than trying to rebuild cindi im going to call your help on that one once you get a chance...i think ive got the goat pen stuff sorted in terms of work, but the fally down shed i cant do alone. if we can cut the supports and pull it down i can then pull it apart on my own time, trim up any boards to re-use if possible ect.
that way i can get that spot cleaned up leveled out and figure out how im going to procede with a building. if i can get a concrete pad poured i might go ith one of those metal arrow sheds since we dont have to worry quite so much about prolonged freezes and feet of snow here lol.

need to figure out a house for the guinea too.
im thinking a simple shelter made out of pallets (and scrap wood to cover the gaps in the pallets) with a temporary pen attatched untill there old enough (and trained enough) to range.

but first is getting this goat fence sorted...need to do some math an see what i can afford to buy realy hoping to get it up before the en of the month, then i can focus on getting the guinea house built next month.


Super Self-Sufficient
Feb 11, 2011
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well i think i can safely say the fence is NOT going to get done before the end of the month. i am going to needmore rabbit and goat feed next week and i id the math and its going to cost about $200 in supplies to do this fence.
(ofcourse the big exense is actually all the silly fiddly bits like insulators, insulated wire, and posts lol.)

so i think next week ill pick up the main structural 2 grounding rods, 5 solid t-posts and the unsulate wire (need to get from the charger to where i need the grouners and fence.)
I can then focus on getting the grounding rods in...which ive got a feeling is going to be the hardest part of the whole deal...get the main posts in for the fence line (the t-posts) to set the corners (because i can better measure things out when ive got somehting more than a little stick to push in the dirt..which just happens to look like EVERY OTHER stick sticking out of the dirt lol) an get properly measured up.
then at the beginning of next month i can get the step ins, the wire ect an get it actually built, hoping i can have it done by the second week of july.

was going to go out today ad make a start on hacking through the grass/weed section...but my get up an go got up and left without me so im going to use the "day of rest" reasoning to be rather lazy today.
though later i am going to get myself a batch of goatsmilk yogurt started and mabe bake up a lemon loaf cake and do some ishes...for the most quite content right now wasting time.

i NEED to sell 2 more bunnies...
so im trying to sell them as a pair (the x.rex buck baby and the nz/cali doe) for $20...theyll be a great meat/fur herd starter pair but i gotta get them moved to make room and get things back into the swing... that $20 will cover food for the buns for about 2 months and it would be nice to be able to get that in so i have it...

the keets seem quite happy in thier new house so thats good (and my goodness they are messy with food!)

Thats realy about all there is for right now...


Super Self-Sufficient
Feb 11, 2011
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well ive been saving my swagbuck bought amazon gift cards for 2 1/2 months and finally had the $25 i needed to buy the replacment blade for my clippers...
Ruby is MISERABLE right now, we were outside and its not that hot today, nice breeze ect and shes lay there sprawled out panting, looking like an overgrown sheep...then she tried to push the geese out of their pond (which by 3pm looks more like a mud puddle than somehting youd WANT to splash in) just so she could get her feet wet (the geese were not happy about this and told her so by pulling her tail...

the last one i was waiting on hit this afternoon so i just ordered the blade, should be here by the 22nd (though it usually doesnt take that long, ive had 2-3 day delivery n most amazon orders in the past without upgrading...) so that means THIS week at some point ruby gets a bath (better to clip a CLEAN dog than a dirty one as the blades dull faster clipping dirty hair) and i need to charge both my arco batteries as shes realy ungodly thick right now and her hair IS like sheeps the batteries will probbaly run down pretty quick.

this means my swagbuck savings start a new...hoping to get back onto the more active wagon and earn alot more before christmas so i can use them for chrstmas gifts...then after christmas im ging to start saving for Oster A5's or Andis ACG clippers ($150 ish) and various blades, both models should work for not only doing the dogs, but for trimming the goats and sheep and horses ect...(as long as you have the right blade on them)...

had a contact about taking down the shed...guy wants $50 just to pull it down...think ill have to pass on that for now at sure we can do it cheaper i just dont have a sawsall or reciprocating saw to take out the main supports with...a skillsaw MIGHT do it but i knwo my luck, id cut the wrong beam and end up with a shed on my head! lol. but i just know if i can hack through the supports on the front wall and borrow a truck and chain, that thing would pull down REAL easy lol. heck half the time i think if i sneeze funny its going to fall on me as im walking by it each morning to feed the girls lol.

im also thinking about trying to make a little money by opening a kind of doggy boarding facility...would be an "in the house" deal...only 1 dog at a time, and pretty much specifically for larger breed dogs...the idea...get dozer a playmate, WIHTOUT the additional cost of another dog and be able to give it back when im sick of yelling at 2 monsters runnign round like idiots lol...and make a little cash in the process.
I have decided if that doesnt work out...i want to get dozer through basic obedience and mabe intermediate and then look into becommign a great dane foster parent...
i just dont think adding a perminent big dog to the family is realy fesable untill dozer is a little more focused...but he REALY needs someone to run with in the yard...

i need to get him in a group class. but its so much money all at once, especially while im trying to get other things done...
need to though...big doof needs some focus training, hes great when its just us....but add other people to the mix and hes an idiot lol.

but today realy all my day consisted of was sitting n the back deck doing some research online (yay wireless, yay daddy!) and now inside playing online because the skeeters started nibbling.


Super Self-Sufficient
Feb 11, 2011
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well this morning im a grammy again. SPAYED long haired tortoishell cat gave birth to 4 little squeekers at some point between midnight last night and 7am this morning.

yes you read that right, she was spayed, at 7 months old, dropped her off at the low cost clinic, picked her up and she had a little insicion and a nekkid tummy... ive never noticed any signs of heat either...then about 3 weeks ago she started getting wide in the not fat way so i took her to the vets who gave her a dose of dewormer and said it was probbaly just worms...
called her back last week when she was continuing to get larger and the vet tells me "could be a false pregnancy, the low cost cliics are soemtimes rushed and can leavesmall amounts of tissue...and even the tinest amount of reproductive tissue can mean the hormnes are still produced and thus false pregnancy occurs...

well aparently this one isnt a falsey and ive already called the spay/neuter clinic.
the good news is the 4 little babies are healthy, nice size, active ect. shes being an excelent momma.
looks like 3 boys (2 red tabbies and a cream) and 1 girl (VERY dark tortie)

the bed news is the clinic is swearing blind they didnt "screw up" and that this must be a different cat. blah blah blah...
someone certianly did screw up...but i also cant afford a laywer over a $50 spay and im not going to sue a clinic that for most purposes is doing a good thing...(from what im seeing online this is a rare but not unheard of occurance, they get so busy and overwhelmed and sometimes have multiple cats in multiple stages of recovery, one goes down hill and the one on the table gets "forgotten" for a few mins and next thng you know youve got an animal that was supposed to get spayed being sewn back up with acessories still included...
Im also frustrated in myself that it didnt evern notice/think of it...
Id been so busy watching the other tortie thats been around here lately...i thought she must have been pregnant but she didnt put any weight on and she should have had her babies 2 eeks ago and i managed to catch her last week and dropped her off at the vets after talking to one of the techs there who offered her a home....anyway, so busy worrying about her...

oh well, its done, eveyrones happy and healthy, the vets going to offer me the coalition spay price of $30 but says theres a palce in hardin county that soetimes offers FREE cinics for cats so im going to see if i can find any info on them first...
and if thats the case and they do peidatric, all the kittens will get spay/neutered before going home too.

so yeah, day definatly started off...slightly suprising...

then i whent to make breakfast after giving eveyrone else theres...and my mikl had turned at somepoint overnight *DOH* the best by date...6/ did they hit that nal right on the head lol
so i HAVE to go out at some point today and pick up a gallon of milk...

Got pizza dough out for dinner, havent had pizza in forever and ive got some bacon in the fridge that needs using, so i think tonight will be BBQ bacon pizza

and yeah...
thats about all i got for this realy random morning. pics of the babies will come later...

Denim Deb

More Precious than Rubies
Oct 21, 2010
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Don't know if I should say congrats or not! :hu


Super Self-Sufficient
Feb 11, 2011
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lol, confusion is worn off, and there cute and shes doing a good job so i guess congrats works lol. kinda frustrating that it happend...but cant take it back so...and its only 4 of them...had it been say 8...i think id be a lot more concerend about trying to find them new homes lol

whent to town, got milk and cornmeal (so i can dust my pizza tray later) was going to go to the feed store but for some reason autopilot kicked in and brougnt me home i figure itl give me somehting to do later in the week...
kinda sleepy and my tummy is a little unhappy so mabe thats why my body brought me home...just want to take a nap in all honesty lol.


Super Self-Sufficient
Feb 11, 2011
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Willows Little ones

Ive decided on a gypsy theme

The little Dark Tortie Female
i think shes going to look ALOT like her momma!

The little Cream Male

Red Male 1
"Djordji" (Georgie)


Red Male 2
"Pitti" (Peetey)


Aint they cute?

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