Pink Fox: its Raining...IN MY HOUSE! :/


Little Miss Sunshine
Sep 27, 2010
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I just had Haagen Dazs chocolate ice cream, and so very highly recommend it :D Congrats on the bunny sales!


Super Self-Sufficient
Feb 11, 2011
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lol, there not even "on hold" untill i have that delivery fee check in hand. i wont eliver them untill that check has cleared the bank and is MY money and there not "sold" untill i drop them off and have cash in my hand for them...
but its one step closer to sold i guess lol.

Nothing from blackberry this morning, shes due today so im hoping like bluebell she stays true and by tomorrow morning i wake to find healthy babbit sin a lovely nest...shes a first timer so im nervous on this one...
shes got plenty of shavings in her house, and a good few handfulls of both hay and ive got my fingers crossed instinct is better with her than its been for the mini rex.

i cant for the life of me get holly to rebreed...her and thistle are just not interested in eachother right im going to give them the weekednto think about things then try putting then back together again...theres no agression...but theres no NOTHING lol. neither are interested at all.
Thinking im going to do some moving around on hutches...need to seperate strawberry and silver as they are both aproaching the age of possibility and i do not need strawberry bred early nor do i need a brother sister match up... shes SUPPOSED to go in the main bank where rowans babbits currently im thinking of moving the babbits into the lower level on the small bank, move strawberry into her perminent home...
if i dont have the deposit check in hand by tomorrow morning ill be taking the babbits up to the r&J swap on saturday along with haystack, i just dont know on her, i got her so i could breed her to rex and use all the kits for meat...but shes 4 months old there abuouts and smaller than strawberry whos the same i think im going to sell her, and just keep going with the rex...espceially if i get slow sales on litters like i have with rowans...
Once i can afford some hanging cages ill put the word out for some good pure nz or calis...i dont think flea market stock is going to cut it in this case though...

i picked 1 lb of roma tomatoes off my plants this morning. a couple have some soft spots, so they will probably get trimmed up as sammich tomatoe for lunch today :D the rest will go in the fridge, and to be quite honest, with the rate i go through maters, may never see the jars i bought for them lol. but if they do last long enough to make a batch im planning pasta sauce :D

i pulled about 1/2 of the carrots id planted, there TINY not even baby carrot sized tiny...not sure the bunnies got them this morning. got another batch i can pull next week for them too. a little disapointed that theyve done nothing (i planted them plenty early enough they should be harvestable now and the dirt is deep and soft and they wernt overcrowded) but least the buns got fresh greens this morning lol.

Right now imbiding time untill lunch doing some research on guinnea (the dogs are picking up ticks in the fenced yard...and i cant have that, and a friend has 3 guinea keets hatched on monday she doesnt want and wil sell me at 1/2 the price there going for elsewhere) so after lunch ill be dragging my broder box back in t get it set up for LIKE to find 3 more keets to go in with them too.
Which means ill be needing to build some form of house for them as they get bigger, thinking a simple house like the duck and goose house will be the best bet, essentially a box with a roof as i know as they get older its highly likely theyll decide they dont NEED to come home at night and will pick various trees around the property...but untill then they need some kind of home so im thinking of making it tractor style so once they stop using it i can use it for something else...*cough cough* cream legbars *cough cough* lol.

after lunch has settled and the brooder is set up for their arrival im hoping to get back out back with the weed acker and my pruning sheres and at least make a start on working through that back section. i need to get it marked for fence so that i know where i need to realy focus on trimming up too... so i figure knowck out enough to make it comfy to get through then mark up with some string and then head back on through on a few passes to get it realy chopped back. we'll see...
the good news is, the goats will sure apreciate all the privet ive got to cut through to get the fenceline where i want it lol.

tomorrow ill be picking up the 3 keets and hopefully my loander fence charger and then mabe i can have this prject done before the end of the month *fingers crossed* there is of course still that annoying "need the wire and grounding rods and stuff" aspect...but ill get there lol.

so yeah...its lunch time. ham cheese lettuce and tomatoe sammich i think, with a little mayo and mustard. need to get out protein for tonights dinner too...thinking ill pull out some of my frozen leftovers to go through over the next few days :)

yup...SUPER exciteing lol


Super Self-Sufficient
Feb 11, 2011
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well i made a start at cutting a path through the brush, its not going too badly i THINK im about 1/2 way through LOL, its very disorientating back there because theres realy no visable point of reference. my electric fenceline will NOT be straight by any means, short of hacking down some larger trees its impossible and some spots the brush is too thick with some seriously crazy wild grape and some form of killer thorny vine thats not im pretty mch currenlty following the path of least resistance, ill measure it all up once i ge tthrough to the other side/clearing area and if im not going to have enough wire ill redirect and adjust as nessicary.
right now ive found myself following what i assume to be water run off lines and deer paths and am trimming out any limbs that cross those paths and anythign that comes too low unfortunatly for the goats, most of the leafy stuff is up way too high for them to reach but at worse that area will give them a shaded spot to hide during the hot daytime hours and lots of fallen leaves to much through. eventually if he goats cant clear out the wood, i can have a doer come in and simply round the goats into a smaller pen while the dozer does its work, but untill i can afford that at least theyll have alot more room to xplore.

i ended up stopping about 10 mins ago though because something owied i came in to make sure it wasnt some unknown deadly venemous creature that would need a hospital visit and antivenom...
thankfully whatevr it was was not on the list of TN's more deadly, its a single point of entry so not a snake or spider bite. whateverit was got me 3 times though before i squished/swatted it off...left a nice sized single puncture wound in each sting location, of whihc is stining but not excruciatingly so and is a little raised..
kinda hurts but not enough to be confsed so i washed it off put a little benzocain and neosporin on it and am taking a break with a cold drink.
will probably head back out for round 2 in a little while just to try and get the path cleared and marked out so i knwo where i stand in terms of wire needs ect.

its hot in the sun but was actually quite comofrtable under the brush line hacking away at limbs lol...though i KNOW my arms are going t ache like cray in the morning as im working my way thorugh with a set ofbypass prnuners and most of the work is above my head lol. i think a nice cool shower will be in order this evening before bed. (this time of year i prefer a cool shower anyway but ive found cool water actaully helps my muscles more than hot does...go figure.

anywho..still need to set up the brooder for the 3 guinea keets commng tomorrow, but right arm stings so im going to go pout for a little while :p


Super Self-Sufficient
Feb 11, 2011
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i did it, i did it...
i got through the "woods" with my bypass pruners.
now all i need to do is attack some tall weed/grass with a machette and go around the entire path with the weedwacker to get everything in terms of grass/leafy stuff as short as possible. theyll have about 1/2 an acre to explore once all is said and done.
the plan is to have them clear out as much as possible over the next year or so (im sure it wont take them that long to completly clear the grass and weed and some of the smaller brush) then have a dozer come in and clear what the goats dont eat as eventually the area that will be fenced for the goats right now will become the orchard vineyard and berry patch (and mabe a small croplot too, either actual veggies or just left in clover for harvest for the rabbits and sheep...
the goats will eventually have 2 acres along the back property line which is a wooded hill, i hope to get it selectivly logged (mostly pine with some oak) to get some more light in there so theyll have a combination of woodland and open sun...that 2 acres will be home to hopefully 4 nanny goats and 2 ewe sheep. then 1/3rd of an acre will behome to a buck and a ram (the can live togehter as buddies as long as i keep them fed seperate on the minerals (which shouldnt be too hard if i make a modified creep feeder for the copper supliment for the nigi...the ram shoudl be too big to get in if i do it right lol)
that will then leave me with the front 2 acres, 1 of which is where whats left of munchkin land used to stand...and the other is where my house is of which im currenlty using 1/4...on the trashed front arce eventually that will beocme part of the goat/sheep feild, and a trio of pigs will be taking over the final acre.
im hoping 2 acres will be enough for 4 goats, 2 sheep and 2 small draft type horses...
as much as id LIKE a cow...i dont think its nesscary, ill have goats milk comming out of my ears year round with 4 does (breed 2 in spring 2 in fall, rotating through) and the breed of sheep im looking into can be used as a milk sheep too.
So i think cow is off the list. if mum and dad move here and get the property they want i can always buy 1/2 a steer of them as they are already talking about raising some cows
a Guard Llama however might go ON the list in its place to live with the goats/sheep and eventually horses. i like llama lol.

on the remaining front acre then will be the chicken, and turkey pens (i plan on just building random safe houses around the back acre for the guinea eventually lol) a 3 bay garage for hay/straw/feed and vehicle storage (i figure 3 bays should be enough to have 1 for hay/straw, 1 bay for feed and my atv that i plan on getting and 1 bay for my car. lol.) and Veggies/fruit/berries/grapes ect...

thats the plan

this is where the goat pen will be going for now (grey line...) the blue are gullies and water runoffs that are only wet in heavy rain...(kinda hope i can dig the one over closer to the left out one day and set her up as a pond...


eventualy the property will look somehting like...


obviously by that point the brush and trees wont be so heavy/thick, ill have done some selective logging ad alot of brush thinning, the trash will all be gone it wont look quite though i do NOT plan on clear cutting the lot, i want to leave plenty of clusters of trees for shade, but i do need to take out enough to plant some chestnut and cherry trees abouts too... (they get huge and wont work in the orchard lol)
the dotte lines are dividing fences so i can rotate/seperate as in the pig pen i can put a sow with very young piglets on one side of the fence and let the other sow with older piglets and the boar on the other. the nice thing with the pig breed i want is they ten to be incredibly mellow even with little ones in tow and boars are very attentie daddies, so there only realy "at risk" in the first wee or so of life at which time they cna be allowed back out to free range with the other members of the herd....
or in the goat pen i can have them on one acre or the other to allow each sie to recover, or seperate out if i need to ect...

the woods are primarily pine with some silver barked trees (aspen mabe?) and a few red and white oaks, so im thinking thinning out the pine shoudl give me plenty of room for some nut trees to go in and to let the oak an silver barked trees realy shine and thrive.

i think itsa good plan. should be enough room to run about 15-20 dwarf/semi dwaf fruit trees, plenty of berries and about 18 grape in the area behind the house (next to the pink fence) the ig area should handle a nice amount of clover if i tend it properly which can be harvested both as needed or en mass a few times a year and if i fence that area right i shoudl eb able to let the sheep ect grae it occasionally too. then behind the chicken/turkey house and the sotrage barn i can grow all my own use veggies plus a little. (that area gets full sun most of the day)

ill make this 4.3 acres work nicely i if only i knew someone with a dozer and a digger lol.

Denim Deb

More Precious than Rubies
Oct 21, 2010
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Pinky, if you can get some good pics of your trees and vines, I might be able to tell you what they are.

ETA: Are your vines maybe cat briar?


Super Self-Sufficient
Feb 11, 2011
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oh yeah.....
that looks like the devilish stuff...
i see its supposedly gotta get through the spines first though, some of the thorns are almost 1" long.
unlike the wild blackberry though least the spines on this stuff are straight and big enough to easily see, the blackberry has that little hook on the end of the thorn that grabs you and wont let go an there tiny enough to hook you right through denim lol.
the briar stuff is deifnalty an "eye risk" though lol.

i think the white barked trees are aspen as they dont peel like birch does and i think the humidity and temps are too high here for birch to do all that well...the leaves go bright yellow in the fall and aspen is the only other true white barked tree i knwo of in the usa lol. i do love white barked trees, they look so pretty!
i love how they stan out on the overhead veiws too, they look like big white webs in the mist of all the green lol

Denim Deb

More Precious than Rubies
Oct 21, 2010
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They probably are an aspen, probably big tooth aspen. I think you're too far south for quaking aspen.


Super Self-Sufficient
Feb 11, 2011
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cool, will try and get some leaves to see :D

this morning has been going ok...
no babbits from blackberry yet and no nest building either...hmmmmm.....

a vegan friend on facebook started a thread that i mgith have goen a little haywire on...
i was arguing that were actually omnivores given we o not have a cats teeth but we also dont have a cows stomach lol...
someone else brought up the "our closest relitives are apes and they get by with NO animal protein"
which then sent me into woah woah woah not true...our closest relitives ARE apes...we are 98% relate to the chimpanzee...and chimps eat meat whenever they ccan dang well catch it...its well documente they eat monkey, birds, eggs, snakes, and insects...
gorilla (96% dna related) howere do not eat animal base protein, BUT we are closer related to the meat eating chimp then the berry munching using apes as a reason people shouldnt eat meat is kinda not going to work for you. the chimps at our zoo would o ANYTHING for chicken...
and NONE of the apes liked lettuce LOL. even the orangutan refused it lol. so by those observations we should eat meat berries and fruits but NOT eat any kind of leafy greens lol.

got to get my brooder box set back up...
trying something new this time around.
time for guinea.

ive been debating guinea for a while now...i keep going back an forth on them...
there dumb but there tick eating machines, ugly but cool in that hey its a dinosaur kind of way.

then yesteray i pulled a tick out of ozers ear, (hes only been in the fence garden which is kept pretty well "mowed") and this morning i found 2 on me (not attatched) 1 on dozer and 1 on jasper (not attatched) from under an hour outside in the fenced area....the ticks are invading and its time to do somethign about them.
a frien has 3 keets that are almost a week old shes doing me a good deal on. so im going to go get them this afternoon and then try an pick up another few keets over the next few days in the same age range. hoping to have a total of 12... ill probably then end up re-selling 6 of them leaving me with 1/2 a dozen to start out with.
ive never brooded guinea before...and my only experience with them is the realy annoying ones at the zoo (we had a flock of 50 VERY skittish birds who we had to herd through a 3ft wie door EVERY realy put me off the dumb things, but i also think 6-12 birds is going to be alot easier to handle than
and im hoping if i feed them in the same place every night, i can train them to come home each evening.
so yeah. gotta get my tush moving. got an email to send out to the person who was supposed to be sending me a delivery/eposit on these 3 buns, nothign arrived today and im now not sure if i want to take them up to the swap tomorrow...
gotta set up the brooder box
gotta go get my all kins of "exciting" lol.


Super Self-Sufficient
Feb 11, 2011
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well today turned out a little crazier than i thought it would.
picked up the keets from E...3 adorable little babies 1 lavender 2 pearl...
then got a call from a club member in tenton, he had peids and i took the drive up there and picked up more (the price was right even with the gas milage)
then on the way home got a call form someone in jackson with keets too, Peids...their price was even better so i swung by and took their last 6...
so i now have 12 keets in the brooder...Im keeping 6, the lavender, the 2 pearls and im still undecided if i want 2 whites and a peid or 2 peids and a white lol...the whites are closer to the size of the other 3 and only one peid, the other peids are all abotu a week older and are starting to feather so they are probably the ones ill rehome. hoping ill then have 3 pairs on the keets and that the white and the peid are males (white on solid will give peids and peid on solid will give peid carriers lol)

finally got home, got them settled then whent to put the goats in for the night and check the bunnies...
blackberry had built a beautiful nest (and is still pulling fur which could mean OCD momma or it could mean shes not done yet lol) and in it were 6 babies. 5 alive well clean and wiggly and 1 dead...shes not been able to get it out of its sack and judging by how tight the sack was by the time i got to it id say it was probably the first born and instinct hadnt quite kicked in.
so ive currently got 5 black otter babies in her nest box...
i was expecting brokens too but nope, all solids lol.

I also picked up my loaner fence charger from E and its going to be MORE than big enough (its a 20mile charger, a 5mile charger would do my whole acreage and then some so this shoudl be perfect :D she showed me her system so i have a much better idea of how i want to do this (and some clue on the areas i was having some trouble grasping the concept (i need to see pictures/vidoe or see it in person...written word doesnt realy "sink in" but i deinatly think this will go just fine.
assuming i get everything sold tomorrow i plan to stop at lowes on the way home and at minimum pick up the 2 ground rods...figure theyll be the hardest things to get in so if i can get that part done....thats half the battle.

so right now the plan for the rest of tonight is to sit back and do nothing/watch chiller

the plan for tomorrow is get up relitivly early pack the 2 of rowans babbits i plan to rehome, and haystack and the 6 extra guineas and head to jackson...
hopng to come home with nothing left over.

so yeah...
later...icecream! lol.


Super Self-Sufficient
Feb 11, 2011
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well the keets were sold before id even taken them out of the car.

made about .30 cents a peice on the 6 i sold, so its like i got one of the ones i kept for free.
Left me with 7...
2 pearl, 1 lavender (going to see if i can get hold of another lavender) 2 whites, and 2 peids

i also sold one of the 3 bunnies i took to sell. sold her for as much as the person whos suposed to be seding me a check to delivery them was going to pay...which was a little les than i REALY wanted for her but is cash.
decided im not breeding any of the bunnies for at least a moth or no more babbits after bluebell and blackberries litters untill fall...give the girls the warm season off...
think im going to focuse my "pet sales" around christmas and easter (breed everyone fairly heavily fall winter early spring and then give them the summers off to be lazy (or breed a few litters specifically for meat while the demmand seems to be low. alot of peopel have told me today that they tend to not sell many bunnies over the if that seems to be local trend...i dont mind giving the girls the summer off lol. (saves on feed lol)

i also picked up a bunch of free catnip and tomato plants and some basil and apple mint too for free! woot.

so all in all...yesterday i spent $49...(that inclused topping up my gas tank at $20) today i Made $ essentially all i've ACTUALLY spent this weekend is gas money lol.
i think the guinea have potential to be good money makers if i can keep track of nest sites and collect eggs for incubation.

odly enough everyones silkies did REALY well too...dunno if it was fluke (one guy came and bougth about 20 silkies total from 3 different people)...
and quite a LOT of requests for standard cochins...
i like cochins...and was planning on having a couple to hopeflly be "solar powered broodies" now im wondering if its worth working up to a flock of standard

or at minimum buying standard/giant cochin hatching eggs once i get chance to go pick that small incubator up from cindi...infact id say a couple good hatches would probably pay off what ill owe her FOR the incubator lol.
I need to get that shed either ripped down or refinnish it i need to drag out all the junk, jack up the back wall supports and put in a back wall and a new floor and then a new roof...probelm is as much as it sounds easy...i dont know how to do ANY of that wiht any sucess lol...but if i could get those done...the small one could be the guinea house and the big one could easily be divided up to house a couple of small flocks untill i can get more built lol.

i think right now im looking at cream legbars or Rhode-Bars, standard cochins, speckled sussex and rosecomb brown leghorns as my top of the list breeds...but i know REALY i should just focus on a couple of breeds so im thinking legbars, cochins and Brown Leghorns (i dont think theres anythign quite as pretty s a nice brown leghorn rooster...cept mabe a pheonix roo in full "dress")
and itll be a while befor i can afford legbars. (i cant justify $20 for 6 hatching eggs right now lol)

but first job is that goat fence...and a house for the keets who will be ready for outside in a couple of weeks...(speaking of which i need to make a top for the brooer box, the oldest of the peids i kept i came home to find happily perched on the top edge of the brooder box lol. crazy nut!)

its too hot today to do anything, and i need to clean out the cages i used for this mornign and getthem back in the house (there the dogs crates lol)
but tomorrow im hoping to get out there with the machette and weed wacker and make more progress on clearing the line for the fence...
need to figure out how many step in poles ill need as well as how many t-posts i need (corners, gates and a few on "the long sides" to add just some extra support)
need to figure out how tall and how many strands i want on the fence too (so going to go scour the fiasco farm site as i know they had somethign on there about electric fencing)

im tried just typiing all that out...but i also think i managed to get a tad too much sun and not enough fluids this morning so....easy does it for the rest of the day.

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