Pink Fox: its Raining...IN MY HOUSE! :/


Little Miss Sunshine
Sep 27, 2010
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Good deal on the river cane! Let me know how well it does :)

Denim Deb

More Precious than Rubies
Oct 21, 2010
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If you find it's spreading in directions you don't want it to, you can put something in the ground to act as a barrier, especially if it's going into the neighbor's yard. I've seen instructions B4 on how to do that, but don't recall off the top of my head how.

And, if you're able to get all different colors, I think it would look stunning! Be sure to take some pics for us.


Super Self-Sufficient
Feb 11, 2011
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im not too worried for me, i love bamboo shoots so once it covers the area i want it its very likley ill be harvesting alot of the shoots long before they can become an issue. neighbors side...not too worried, im going to putup a realy cheap/simply fence to mark the propety line once ive got a little cash and going to tell them anything that grows on their side of said line, if i dont get round ot harvesting it before hand they can jus thit it with the mower if its short or take a little saw to it if its too tall itll be up to them to keep their side in check at that point. but im hoping to harvest most "runaway" shoots for nommies! :D
im just hoping it makes it survives the transplant.

whent to a birthday party last night, and supriingly had a good was the first time meeting alot of these folks but they were all very nice!

and now for pictures...
the puppies have thier eyes open!

Tri Hairy Hairless Boy
this little guy is little, probably iwll be about the same size as asper at 5 1/2-6lbs full gown and is STUNNING.
if only this little man had been a little lady!


His deposit fell through but hes already had a little more interest *fingres crossed*

Chocolate Tri Hairless Boy
Hes going to be a nice sized young man, about 10lbs full grown, not going to have as much hair, but still
This little guy is going to be a real cutie!


he is Pending Deposit! shoudl be here mid next week :D

Chocolate Tri Powderpuff Female 1 (1 spot)
Gorgeous little girl, going to be mid size range, thinking 8-9 lbs full grown, and shes going to be realy flashy :)
chocolates are consdered fairly "rare"


shes a possible pending deposit, shes got someone who says they want her, so ive just got to confirm an recive deposit.

Chocolate Tri Powderpuff Female 2 (3 spots)
Now this little giril is going to be Super flashy, nice large partches, beautiful mask, and shes going to be a good size too, im expcecint her to hit the 10-11 lb range full grown.
i cant wait to see how she continues to dvelop over the next few weeks...


no real solid interest on her yet but ive got a feeling someones going to snap her up quickly as shes a stunner!

todays pan involes bing lazy this morning and then heading to the park later for a walk...i shoudlnt realy spend the gas money but i promised myself id walk 5 days a week and sunays would be my "pretty" walk...and theres not too many of those along the roads lol. and give its a beautiful day, i definatly want to make the most of it before the temps climb again. (i dont even have my AC unit on right now WOOT!

then when we get bac from that i want to use some of the scrap wood and tackle making a little "roof" for over the fence charger box, right now ive got an old window leaning against/over it but its bulky and arkward, ive got enough scrap that i could easily make a little house for it with very little effort. im also thinking of re-routing the extension cord im currently running it off and plugging it in in the laundry room so ive not got this cable running all over my patio.
i realy need to clean/tidy/straighten up out there but we'll see how i feel when we get back from the walk and ive finnished my little building project. it may end up being a case of me just sitting out back and scrubbing gourds instead as i realy need to get a move on with that project too, hoping to sell those and at least make enough to buymy buckling goat in the spring and have some money for christmas gifts AND money to "restock" on the gourds since i didnt maage to grow any this year...

so yeah...


Super Self-Sufficient
Feb 11, 2011
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lol, no prob
they are chinese cresteds.

Momma is powderpuff crestie (though i eep her ctrimmed very short on the body),

daddy is a hairy hairless crestie


Power Conserver
Feb 9, 2012
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That's what I thought! I ADORE that breed and really want one someday. Sphinx cats and Crestie dogs I just adore them. If they made a hairless rabbit I'd have them haha! My chihuahua is smooth haired with no undercoat so in the summer he's practically naked. If I could just get him to grow a Mohawk!


Super Self-Sufficient
Feb 11, 2011
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they are such an amzing breed, kind of like having a dog crossed with a cat crossed with a monkey crossed with an alien lol. now i have cresties in my life i dont think i could ever be without them!


Super Self-Sufficient
Feb 11, 2011
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well this morning was my follow up apt for the dr from last weeks blood work...

D is low, im currently taking 6400 IU's a day...I now have to add an additional 2500 IUs der day, and if that doesnt work hell go perscription strength at 10,000 IU's per day

B's (particularly 12) are also low, the nurse when she called to tel me the reusts said my b's were in normal range...dr however said not...then i showed him what im taking DAILY for my B's and he said in that case they are EXCEPTIONALLY low (for the past year ive been telling them my b's come in low are they SURE im in a good range...and they were saying yes...well now there "EXCEPTIONALLY" low
my B1 is "normal low" so im just ordered to double that one (which is good because the B1 shot STINGS... i dont knwo why but the B1 (thiamin) realy does burn...) so my current dose is 250mg a day...(or 16667% the daily nimimal reccomended value) im now going to be taking 500mg's a day and hoping that brings my B1's into the mid "normal" range

my B6 is "normal low" my current dose is 5mg's (200% the daily reccomended values) so on orders to double that too

my B12 however is VERY low (and thats the one that tends to cause all kinds of fun issues...) I CURRENTLY take: 2500mcg (or 41,667% normal daily reccomended) every day...(you cant od on B's as they are water soluable...)
so my new regime is continue taking the sublingual 2500mcg daily AND a B12 shot once a month. we'll redo bloodwork in 3 months and if its still low ill be getting a script to do B12 shots at home anywhere form once a week to once every 2 weeks depending on what the blood work shows...if the bes are finally normal though we'll just continue the monthly which he says either i can stop in for (theyll do it walk in) or he can give me a script so i can just do it myself at home...

i KNEW me B's were wacky, they always have been but it wasnt untill i brought my bottles in of what i take DAILY that hes like Holy heck, your numbers should eb through the roof...that they belived me lol
My iron is also way high...which is very normal for me (and unusal when you have a B-deficiency lol...
my body is aparently REALY odd.

he thinks given the D and B issues thats whats causing the lack of energy sleeping issues, dry skin, and tinglies, down in the dumps ect...said to give it a few days and see if the issues resolve themselves now ive had a massive dose of B shot lol...if not i can call and we'll go from there...

its nice to be right...i knew my body was trying to tell me something when my ankles started swelling an i was just feeling so blah all the time...

so yeah.

weve got small t-storms rolling through randomly today, they keep saying "some storms could be severe" but so far all morning all ive seen is 2 cloud to ground lghtning bolts and heard 3 rumbles of thunder...
radar is currently showing nothing neer me, everythings north of us up past jackson and staying above the 40 corridor, but i still hear the occasional rumble out there
we could realy do with a little rain in my town at least though, while other towns around us have had some in the past few days i think my town must be in a little holler or weather vortex or something because the towns all around us can be having torrentioal rain and we'll be lucky to get a sprinkle...and when we do get real weather comming through it always moves over us REALY quickly...great when you dont want bad weather, but a once a week soaking would be helpfull, espeiclaly trying to keep the bamboo alive untill it gets some kind of hold and takes off lol.

also started trying to plan for spring...
need to figure out how many raised beds i need to put in for next years planting. i want gourd beds for sure so i can grow my own gourds for future years
but i also need to figure out veggies too, i know i want alot more tomatoes, some bell peppers, onions, garlic (even though my onions and garlic did nothign this year im willing to try again), beets, mellons and squash, lettuce, and sweet potatoes...
the beets wil be harvested as "babies" for pickling, onions im also planning on doing primarily pickling onions. i dont need alot of bellpepper just enough to enjoy fresh on my salads through the summer, same with the sweet potatoes, i dont eat enough to need a metric ton...the tomatoes though, i want lots of maters lol.

spring is alos hopefully going to bring some berry bushes...

fruit trees or the fall...

and i also need to plan HOUSING...
spring is hopefully going to bring goat kids, im on the waitinglist for a nigi buckling for spring, and im borrwing E's spotted nubian buck this fall to breed Lilly and poppy. depending on what they have will depend on plance fomr ther but im hoping before the end of spring ill have my 2 first freshners, 2 doelings and a buckling.
(i want a herd of 5 goats, the buckling will be a nigig so 1: easier to handle for me, and 2: i can breed for F1 "mini milkers" im not going to get as much for them as i would pedigreed nubians ect, BUT illy and poppy arnt registered either and im more interested in the milk for my own use...
im Not going to fit 5 goats in that 4x8 pallet shack shelter i built so....i need some kind of more perminet houseing for them...

im also hoping assuming money goes the way i want it to to bring home a pair (or trio) of California red sheep...housing sheel is admitdely a little less involved than goats, so im hoping i cna get some more pallets and modify the pallet shack to make it bigger and that will be the sheeps shelter their primary job will be for wool, ill keep back a wether lamb each year to butcher in the fall for the freezer ill need space to house 4 sheep.

i also need a place to store feed and to put a milking stand...

part of me wants to just have my dream barn built...but id need to re-fi or get a Home equity loan to do it...(or win the lottery)
but at least a custom barn i could make it big enough to house everyone in one building...sheep would have their space, goats theirs, storage ect could all be built in...

my other option is multiple sheds dotted around the place, im thinking those metal arrow buildings
alot cheaper but it means multiple buildings scattered around the place, id at minimum need a 8x10 as a milking x storage room and an 10x12 for the goats (big enough to put in temp kidding stalls and still have plenty of room as i plan to have 2 of 4 does kidding around the same time i need enough room for 2 stalls but i want the stalls to be completly movable so i can have large kidding stalls for the first week or so, then move the walls to make 1 long "kid" stall once i pull them onto bottles (or to keep them seperated from the does at night ect) right now the plan is to pull the kids for bedtime, milk mommas in the morning and let the kids have at the rest of the day (unless im selling as bottle babies in which case theyll get bottles untill they are picked up)

cheaper now, but definatly a little more discombobulated...

heres a question for those with those arrow storage sheds...once they are built can the by taken dwn and rebuilt fairly easily? im thinking they actually while not as "pretty" may be a bette roption while im in the clearing/planning stages because obviously where things are going right now may NOT be where things are going later, and a barn is perminent, but if those metal sheds are fairly easy to pull apart and move, that would mean as things move about i could reposition things as needed and then eventualy get a perminant barn bult when i know exactly where i want everything perminantly...
eventually then, once the goats get a barn the arrow sheds could be turned into other thigns (chicken/turkey coops, storage for feed, storage for equiptment ect...)

so assuming the arrow sheds can be taken apart and moved im pretty sure thats whats going to happen least for now.
a 10x12 for the goats, a 10x8 as a storage room

also have to plan the orchard out too...
going to be a BUSY fall...


Super Self-Sufficient
Feb 11, 2011
Reaction score
as an additional note, the babies started escaping th whelping box so today i rearranged everythign and there officially in the livingroom for daytimes now.
pack and play is in the bedroom for bedtime meaning no chance of escape and a little more room to start sprawling out for them and ruby (ruby will be back to sleeping in her own crate soon as by 4 weeks she refuses to feed them overnight, she already wants to be in hercrate for bedtime but they still need her for another week or so for a midnight feeding...
and then the regular puppy pen (with a sheet of linolium left over from doing the kitchen floor) is in the livingroomgiving them a 4x4 play space to start to find their feet and play in.

ZEUS (the red HL male) deposit came in today so hes officially sold (baring any unforseen sircumstances...hes also the first one to find his growl and bark lol.
the smaller of the 2 PP girls is supposed to have her deposit on Friday too so YAY there...
unfortunatly the HL males people backed out so that leaves me the 2 to find homes fro over the next 5 weeks.
hard to eblive they will be 3 weeks old on wednesday, time has FLOWN.

going to give ruby a shave down i think, shes panting alot this past week or so (health and temps are normal, shes just hot...)

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