Pink Fox: its Raining...IN MY HOUSE! :/


Super Self-Sufficient
Feb 11, 2011
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well this moring hes doing fine, slept through the ight no squeeking (me not so much lol, even with the muscle relaxant and the med deisngend to make me sleep i still wokeup a few times in the night (i was just ALOT more groggy when it happend LOL
anyway, he woke up this morning thirsty, drank, hasnt realy eaten yet but took a few nibbles of dog food. ill give him a little turkey and rice at lunch if he hasnt eaten (dnt want him getting a sour tummy and ending up wiht yellow bile all over the place lol.
hes not squeeking or sighing deeply this morning and was trying to play "carry my kitten around" (he picks dustyup and carries her around...literally...self propelled squeeky toy!
Willow is also doing fine and her insicion is tiny tiny, literally looks like the procedure was done with something the size of a drinking straw...

so everyone is fed, settled and im not yet quite with it...ill soon be donning some clothes to run into town for milk, as i ran out last night :( (wes looking forward to my oatmeal this morning but dont like it made with water *eww* so i had a bananna instead.
today is clean up day, and back bedroom and kitchen in particular need a good scub down again..i dont know how it gets so yuky around here!

at some point today Dusty the jumping bean needs her nails cut

tomorrow im hoping to do bunny nails and give jasper and ruby "spa days" (baths, trims, nails ect) they both need it...

otherwise, nothing now going on for the rest of the month.


Super Self-Sufficient
Feb 11, 2011
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been lazy all
just had lunch so i think im going to get dressed, and run to the store while food digests then come home and i NEED to get the chore list done...i had to eat first though so i wont be tempted by store yummyness.

then once cleaning is done im going to slice up some onion and boil up some eggs, E gave me a jarof home made pickled eggs and its DELICIOUS so im going to make another jar as ive only got 1 egg and a few strings of onion left...
im very picky about my pickled goods, i LOVE pickeld beets and pickled onion...least i used to, then i came here and they just wernt the same so im hanigng on to any good pckling recipie i find (and brand) NOM!
now i wonder where i can find raw cocktail onions LOL!

oh well, gotta get moving or ill NEVER get anthing done today.


Jun 27, 2011
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Hi there! Sounds like you are as busy as ever! I'm just trying to catch up a little.


Little Miss Sunshine
Sep 27, 2010
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Pinky, you just feel free to come help me shell peas whenever. K? Although....we might have to change your name to lavendar...aint that what pink and purple makes if ya mix em? Anyway.... :frow


Super Self-Sufficient
Feb 11, 2011
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Ive got to go into selmer next week, wont have dozey with me (probably a good thing as ive got to try and keep him "calm" for 14 days and since calm and "lets go see people" dont go together well lol.
but once i figure out what day im going ill let you know and if youve got nothing planned i may come by for a little while :D

today is moving...but slowly. i had a bust of energy about 4pm, got the back bedroom cleaned, all the dishes done and the kitchen done...
now its lagging again and i stillneed to do the livingroom, bathroom and my bedroom (all my bedroom needs is some clothes put away the ac filter vacuming and thebed made) the bathroom doesnt take long either, but yeah...
did manage to get the fishtanks cleaned and topped off though before ME quit on me again...

got to take the trash curbside before bed too...musnt forget.
but yeah.
Got hamburger steak out for dinner, going to have some of that with some quinoa salad i think...thats a nice healthy protein packed dinner...and i think i like quinoa even better cold :D
got some boneless picnick "rib" thawing that ill throw in the crockpot with garlic bbq sauce for tomorrows dinner too.

tomorrows plan is to get up and go for a walk, i found a site that can plot routes and tell you distances based on google ive planned out a few routs starting at 1 mile...
so once everyones fed going to pop on dozers halti and go for a walk, itll be a relitivly slow one because obviously dozer will be the dictator...but i think itll do us both good. got just a mile planned for tomorrow...if all goes well we'll do that 5 days a wek for the next 2 weeks, then once hes fully healed ill start increasing distance untill we get up to the hoped for 5 miles.
right now the plan is walk in the mornings or evenings (depending on time i get up and temperatures) itll be 5 days a week for now (sundays and wednesdays off) and then once hes fully healed well do 4 days just locally and 1 day well head up to chickasaw and do a walk there.
im hoping i can afford his training class in September, i do have a $10% off coupon (its only about $12 off but hey every penny saved counts right) so lets hope this puts us BOTH on the right track.

oh well, gonna get finnished up before it goes dark...


Little Miss Sunshine
Sep 27, 2010
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we had hamburger steak too :) It was yummy! Poor Dozey boy, he needs to hurry up and get better!

Call me before ya come, I have nothing planned per se, but know how my life is :p


Super Self-Sufficient
Feb 11, 2011
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well, yesterday startedmy new excersize kick...(plus doer hasbeen a budle of energy and i cant just let him run around the yard, he can walk, but hes not allowed to run) so we logged a 1 1/4 mile walk yesterday morning.
this morning 2 1/4 miles...i dont think ill be going above the 2 1/4 mile walk for a while, least not untill fall comes, firstly dozer needs to build some stamina and secondly with the humidity, he was panting and by the time we got back to the end of the street his back feet were lagging a little (every so often hes scrape the foot, you know like a tired kid who just ant get his feet off the gorund high enough)
and with the humidity id broken a sweat at about the 1 1/2 mile mark (im not one to sweat normally) and by the time we hit the front door i was melting a little LOL.
but we did it, it felt good and we are on our way. i think the 2 1/4 mile walk is going to be our go to for the rest of summer, got a 3, 4 and 5 mile route planned for once the weather switches,
ive also got a 1 1/2 mile route at chickasaw planned which i think is going to be our sunday walk. thees additional trails in chickasaw so as the weather cools we can expand that route.
right now my plan is walk 5 days a week, with weds and sats being my "day off" going to try and get in 1 hour on the wii fit every day too, 30 mins of yoga and 30 mins of the boxing or dance (im going to ask for one of the wii dance games for christmas :D)
i realy should start going to zumba once a week too, but i think ill start that in the fall (gives me time to find and puchase some work out clothes too...)

i have to call my insurance today and find out what we need to do to start moving forward with that stuff, but otherwise theres nothign realy planned for today.
have to hose out my big trash can...i do it every week usually on thursday but even still im having issues with maggots in the so frustrated with the flies...:/

still have jack jack and the 2 baby guineas to feed (gimpy is doing well this morning, both feet under him and moving fairly well though hes still scooting rather than standing. *fingers crossed*) and the dog food to put out, i decided walk will come before inside try and beatthe heat a little lol.
and i need to do bunny nails today at some point too...
it may even turn into doggy spa day depending on how much energy i have over the next few hours.


Super Self-Sufficient
Feb 11, 2011
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oh and while on our walk today got an offer i just couldnt LAUGH at...

some guy goes "hey lady, ill give you $5 for that dog..."
me "unless your adding a minimum of three zeros before the decimal place on that 5 its not happening"

He looked confused then offered me $10...

you know because i already thought $5 was such a great i told him, "sorry bud, wouldnt sell him for 10 grand, let alone 10 bucks..."

seriously, you want me to sell MY dog to you...some random stranger for pocket change?!
id not sell dozer anyway, but i sure as hell wouldnt sell him to some guy who yells at me on the street offering me $5...realy?! yeah your impressive Mr. Big Spender...

his wife commented on how hes a beautiful dog, i smiled thanked her and told her hes "just a mutt but i love him" and "hes only 10 months old" (thier jaws dropped lol, he is a pretty big boy for a 10month old lol) and we kept walking as the guy muttered something about me being weird for not taking $10 for the dog...
I know im lving in a completly different world now...
but you DONT see people walking their dogs around id think it would be pretty obvious if someone is out walking their dog, they must be at least semi dedicated to said animal and NOT the kind of person to just sell said animal to a random person, for chump change no less...

anwho, been a quiet day, got the outside of the fenceline between me and the neighbor weed wacked, just a path about 2ft wide to keep the realy long stuff form flopping over and hitting the fence...
got the front flower bed mostly weeded (i REALY need to mulch that bed) and have a ig pile of grass to take back to the rabbits this evening (will give half to the buns the other half ill leave out for the ducks in the morning.)
didnt get bunny nails or doggy spa day done though so those will be sunday or monday now... a little i think im going to make a phoen call and then see if i can pump myself up with some Wii Fit.

Denim Deb

More Precious than Rubies
Oct 21, 2010
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Some nerve! I'd offer you at LEAST $15.00 for him. :hide


Super Self-Sufficient
Feb 11, 2011
Reaction score
and some
what got me was he looked so proud of himself when he offered me $5 and then looked truly offended when i even turned down his $10...i aparently was supposed to be SERIOUSLY impressed with his $5 offer and sell him my dog!
yup, way to be impressive Mr. Big spender.

Anyway, i ACHE right now lol.
Ms.E found a small bamboo grove not far form her house, ive been looking for some runer and clumper bamboo (yes i know how invasive they can be) to plant in the shaded area between me and the neighbor, the rugosa roses i want to use on the rest of the fenceline wont grow under his 2 big pecan trees and while he talks about having them removed, i highly doubt anymore will come of that than his talk of having a privicy fence put in...i realized bamboo will grow pretyt much anywahere as long as you baby it untill it gets established...
E wanted some for herself too so she stopped a few days ago and asked the guy, he told her she could take as much as she wanted as lng as it was beyond a certain point
so she took a small clump the other day and we both whent back today for some more...
got a couple of good clumps and some nice well rooted single clums too...
got em home and put em in and watered well, will water again tongiht and then will be wateiring them twice a day (unless we get rain) for a few weeks then once a day untill the end of fal, they should bewell established beore the freeze comes..*fingers crossed* i set out the rhizomes running in the direction i want the bamboo to run i knwo itll do its own thing once its all established but im hoping the maority of the effort will go into left to right along the rhizome growth rather than trying to send out new runners right now...should eventually form a nice "fence" in the area between the 2 houses.

id like some more, but his grove is well established and the clums are just too big to manage, spring would be a better time to dig for 2-3Ft tall plants (though fall is a better time to plant lol) but with the amount of work that whent into getting such a smal number of plants i think ill save myself the hassle, let these do their thing and eep my eye on thegarden centers for some of the "colored" veieties (this is golden bamboo, commonly nicknamed "river" LOVE some red and some black to intermingle, i think wiht the bright golden yellow of the established clums and the black and red it would look realy sharp.
seen some online, might add them to my christmas list, at $20 a gallon plus shipping, there not cheap...

but yeah 2 1/2 hours of digging them up and then digging them IN to my own yard according to my fitness pal thats over 800 calories burnt so i MORE than made up for not taking a walk today lol.

so now im going to figureout some lunch, then i need to run to the grocery store, and then its home, shower and chill until time to put the critters away then off to a birthday party :)

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