Pink Fox: its Raining...IN MY HOUSE! :/


Super Self-Sufficient
Feb 11, 2011
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well tried to do some digging today, soo not happening...its not that its super hard to dig, but fighting the roots plus the heat plus the blister i managed go give myself yesteray right on the pad at the base of the finger so its impossible to avoid pushing it wiht the shovel handle) im not making neer enough progress with the unearthing.
called a few more places toay waiting on hearing back form one more and will go from there...
did get one quote for $200 which includs the dig right now thy are winning.

Dad has offere me a 'bank of daddy' micro-loan, due to be paid back on september 25th (one of the puppies goes home on the 24th so i just have to send the money to him the day after)
to cover the pump out.

some things i learnd since starting to dig.
1: theres no way in hell this system has been pumped out in at least 5 years, there are large 2-3" diameter pine roots running over the top in many places pine grow fast but not that fast, id say its somewhere between 5-10 yrs of root growth...
this system doesnt have a visual acess and so youd have to dig the entie top of the tank clear to acess formaintenence...which would have meant disturbing all those roots...yeah, it hasnt been pumped in YEARS...

2: my kitchen an bathroom sink an shower do NOT drian into my septic tank, i have a grey water pipe and all the water form the sinks and shower just get pumped out onto the back field so the ONLY liquid and waste going into my tank is my toilet...
further proof that no maintenence has been done, im a singe woman who eats no more than 8oz of food per bowel habits arnt exactly large or all that frequent and i "concerve water" following a mellow yellow rule...i dont flush anything down the toilet beyond human waste and septic safe toilet paper...theres NO way if that tank had been cleaned only a few months prior to sale that id have any kind of backup/system failure in less than a year.

dad does agree irst stepis gain acess an pump out...get it emptied and checked (he thinks the neighbor might have somehow tied into the system...i doubt it (his house an system were in place befor emy house was built) but he wants the septic guy to just ouble check for that too...)
once the tanks been flushed he agrees we should try the septic seep, aparently a frined at work tried it and it worked wonders so assuming the septic guy oenst think my ssytem is on the brink of enialation ill order 2 gallons instead of 4 and start using it every 6 months to hopefully reopen a neglected leech feild an keep the system running smoothly...

*sigh* i hate borrowing money from them...but least i can get it done, so waiting on this one last call back and then ill call the $200 guy an tell him come out, make sure im not going to have any hidden/funny costs and come pump it...
need an accurate quote before i can say "go for it" because im not paying for it at this moment.

in other frustration i stil cant get the buns to breed...but its been in theupper 90's wondering if the weather is playing a part...full moon on the 31st so i might retry on friday...if not going to wait untill mid-late september instea an hope the cooler weather brings sucess...

*deep breath*
ive also been stress eating this month and have gained about 3 1/2lbs this past monht...its my own fault, ive not been getting enough excersize because of the temperature an ive been stressed and so eating junk and not eating frequently.
i also havent been writing eveyrhting down...
So saturday im climbing back on the wagn in full force
back to weighing everythign, writing everything down ect.
and back to excersizing. ive got my wii fit and i havent been using it...and i need to get back to taking dozer for his walks again...

im just having an off month and can realy only blame myself.


Sustainability Master
Mar 10, 2012
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Oh Pink, I feel for you! We are about to have our 30 year old system replaced to the tune of about 8 - 9K....:(

We are being forced to go with a new aerobic system... hope it works better. They do 'get' you however, by requiring yearly (maybe it's bi-yearly - I forget these things) inspections.

Keeping my fingers crossed that all you need is some simple maintenance.


Super Self-Sufficient
Feb 11, 2011
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yeah ive heard the aerobic systems are even more upkeep butsupposedly work better overall (i dont know how anything that needs more work "works better".

id love to have an incinerator toilet...that would solve ALL my problems LOL.

Denim Deb

More Precious than Rubies
Oct 21, 2010
Reaction score
Ugh, Pinky, so sorry to have to have this done. And yeah, there's no way the roots would have grown that fast. I don't know if there's anything you can do about making the guy pay or not.


Super Self-Sufficient
Feb 11, 2011
Reaction score
accoring to the USDA agent they are going after him for a falsified inspection letter, HOWEVER i wont get anything from it because i "should have had your own inspection done" (even though he had an itemized inspection letter...and usda agent said i didnt need a secondary inspection...)

so its my own fault for taking his word...
i even called the number on the inspection letter and they are a spetic inspection company an they id have a gentleman by the name of the signee working there at the time of the date on the letter, but have never serviced my area and the guy who "signed" the letter quit about 2 weeks after the date on the letter...
so yeah...

my own fault for being a trusting and naieve first time buyer...

Denim Deb

More Precious than Rubies
Oct 21, 2010
Reaction score
I don't agree w/that, but there's probably not much you can do-unless you take him to Judge Judy or something.


Super Self-Sufficient
Feb 11, 2011
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yeah i dont think its "right" but unfortunatly its the current reality.

we'll see what the maint guy says when he comes out to pump, gotta call him in the morning, make sure of the price before i agree to anything and then go from there...

either way its gotta be pumped and cleaned...from there...well we'll see.
dad thinks the neighbor is tapped into my septic system...In which case there n for a rude awakening when i tell them im cutting them off and they need to get thier own system...
but given the location of the tank i dont think they are, i just think this tank probably hasnt been cleaned in more than 10 years...ive been here 1 yr in october, the contracotr before me had it a year, neighbor had it for 10 years (and has NO idea where the outlet for the tank or anythign is which means he didnt have it cleaned out) and the house built by the owner before my neighbor had it and lord knows if he had it pumped at any point...the house was built in 66 according to the tax card...
no clue when the septic was installed but id be suprised if its VER seen a maint truck lol.


Super Self-Sufficient
Feb 11, 2011
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well got a better quote $200 to dig up the cover, pump and clear any roots ect...
the guy thinks right now its likely a lack of maintenece and those pine roots have probably stuffed up the baffles so the water is not getting to the leech field...says it could also be the leech lines but agrees first step is dig pump an inspect, hell clear out any roots in the tank/around the baffles and we'll go from there.

so ive got to double check with dad, they only take cash/check so dad will either paypal the money or send a check for me, and that will be due to pay him back when the little male puppy goes home on the 24th.
and assuming thats ok for dad right now then ill be calling him to come in and get it done asap (with the rain comming through it could be a week...)

hey its not much better but $50 is $50 and this is the best quote ive managed to get.

he did say that once its pumped and cleaned assuming the leech fiel is ok or can be corrected, if its jus tme in the house while he suggest getting it pumped every 3 yrs as a just in case, he thinks i could probably go 5yrs between cleaning assuming im taking care of the thats

today was pretty basic, had to go to wallyworld for catfood oatmeal and a can opener (cause i broke my otheroen trying to food....LOL.)
and yeah that was it.

oh and i had turkey in pasta in MY homemade pasta sauce from the tomatoes I grew...DELICIOUS...not as sweet/rich red as commercial stuff, but alot tasiter overall. NOM! and given there was no adde sugar or high fructos corn syrup or preservatives i fel good eating it too! is there a trick to getting those lids off though?
the jars are definatly WELL sealed (no rings just the lids) took me a while to finally pop the seal lol. theres gotta be a trick to it LOL.


Little Miss Sunshine
Sep 27, 2010
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good on the cheaper quote!

on popping those seals, I just dig my nails up under the edge and pry it off. A fork prong works too, but more likely to spill some of the contents that way.


Sustainability Master
Mar 10, 2012
Reaction score
Just wondering how the pups and the linnies are doing? It's not time to pull the babies and hand feed yet is it?

For popping the lids off of jars, I take a butter knife and lay it lengthwise on one of the ridges on the jar and pry up against the edge of the seal.(I can see it in my minds eye, but it might not make much sense in my explanation)

Keep a good grip on the jar, cuz like WBF said, sometimes they try to get away from you and your hard work will be all over the floor...:(

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