Pink Fox: its Raining...IN MY HOUSE! :/


Almost Self-Reliant
Jan 7, 2009
Reaction score
Evening Shade, AR
Hey Pinkie,

Just a word of warning from someone with experience on those ShelterLogic sheds...ours developed pin-holes in the roof within 2 years from sitting in the TN sun and they suck if you ever get a decent snow. I've lost count of the hours that I've put in knocking the snow off of the roof of ours, since we've been out here. :th

Denim Deb

More Precious than Rubies
Oct 21, 2010
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I had one, then the roof developed a bit rip in it and that was the end of it. It was impossible to find a new cover w/out paying about the same as a new one cost. But then again, mine was much larger.

I wanna go horseback riding too! Oh wait, I am supposed to be going, tomorrow! That is, as long as I get others going w/me. It's to a place we've never been, and I don't want to go by myself. Took me a while to figure out where this place was. I always knew it as the CC woods, now they call it Glassboro Wildlife Management Area. :hu It's not far from the farm and is quite large for this area.


Little Miss Sunshine
Sep 27, 2010
Reaction score
Pinky, you gotta meet my new neighbor buddy. She's who we ride with. She would let you ride too.


Super Self-Sufficient
Feb 11, 2011
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yay riding...will definatly have to meet her :)

todays PISSED...

i got up this morning to find a crate of scrap metal and all the peices i put by the box because they wonldnt fit back in the box for the shed MOVED...(everything still looks to be there)
the damned neighbor "kid" (hes MY age) has been roaming round the woods "havesting" scrap again, without permission moving my stuff (probably sizing it up to take for scrap)
theres not alot of worth in mst of the crap back there, but the metal would at least somewhat offset the cost im going to incure removing the junk theyve dumped back there over the years...
Its MINE, my property my scrap metal and my junk...
ive never once given him permission to go metal finding on my property, or tol him he could have anything he found ect...

I wondered why the dogs were acting odd when i got home, they were stressed to the high hills because the guy must have been wandering around...

so i dumped the crate, wrote a note, kept a copy for myself saying "ive returned your crate...EMPTY..." and that they have no rights to be on my property, they have no rights to remove ANYTHIGN fomr my property without express written permission from me for EVERY item they wish to remove and next time i suspect they have been wandering around i Will be filing a report...
and i also made it very clear that i NEVER MISS...

i know i need to put some no tresspassing signs up too.
im SOOO pissed...the dad has always been nice...he asked the other day if he could take a look for bricks...but the "kid" needs a 22 up his arse!

I dont want people wandering round my property in the first place...plain and simple...
but i especally dont want people wandeirng round my property when im NOT HOME, collecting scrap metal to sell...

so theyve been officially wanrned that its stealing and i wont be standing for it...
nothings god damned sacred...

vent over.

finnishing up breakfast.
then going to move the support peices down to the back feild for the arrow shed so there less likley to just go missing...
then a quick run to crump then home to work on the beast...

good to know on the shelter logic ones guys thanks :)
was hoping i could save a few bucks...but given how things tend to go msising around here mabe going with something like the arrow shed would be better anyway...

oh to get finnished up so i can get out and home before mr "i have rights to wander your propety" decides he wants to eb spitefull that i wont let him harvest the scrap...
I KNOW thats where my fence post etter whent.


Super Self-Sufficient
Feb 11, 2011
Reaction score
Keep fingers crossed folks, looks like little Dot is going home either today or tomorrow...
kinda puts the shed building on hold untill i know when to expect them (as ill have to give her a bath and do nails and scrub the pen and vacume my livingroom LOL!) but itll be good to say g'bye to another one and then i just need to get penny into a new home and we'll be all set on that front...(and i can claim my livingroom and bedroom back lol)

whent to crump, lots of junk but nothing much in terms of livestock...think i was either too early or too late for cindi lol, but i didnt bother sticking around as i do reay need to get stuff done today (if nothing else i want to move all the peices for the shed into the back field before the end of the day to make sure nothigns at risk of going missing...

it is a BEAUTIFUL day out though so yay there!


Super Self-Sufficient
Feb 11, 2011
Reaction score
verdict is in...
1 person CAN put the walls of an arrow shed up...HOWEVER...1 person SHOULD all the online videos i watched those corners always seemed to stable and sturdy...
in reality these things are made of paper and will crumple is someone 2 miles down the road sneezes in the wrong direction...
that ebing said a combination of using other parts to prop eachother up and some mild contortionaism...the walls are pretty much up!
i need to put in 5 more screwes in the overlap reas and some extra bolts...but quite frankly...i ran out of steam and was getting to that point where i kept loosing the tiny screws so rather than loose all my peices in the long grass i decided to cal it quits ofr tonight...

i will NOT be attempting to put the roof on by myself...i will be calling in assistance for that (and am NOT looking forward to that part.)
i grazed the palm of my had, ive got somepatches that are going to form into some nice blisters from my screwdriver (and word of caution, these things are like paper, and had i used an electirc screwdriver i would have likely sheared ALL the screwholes to uselessness...
i ache and im tired...BUT the walls are UP and i accomplished what i set out to today.

all that being said, if id had an extr set of hands i likely could have had the whole thing finnished in about 6 hours from opening box to ompleted.
its not "hard" as in difficult, infact kids could put one of these thigns together for the most part...its just SERIOUSLy arkward and there NOT kidding when they say "watch for wind" even the slightest breeze and the thing wanted to fall over, blow away, take me flying as i carried wall pannels down ect lol. if id held one roof pannel above my head and ogt a good run i probably could have used it as a glider!

and in other news...Little Dot whent home...her new momy will keep me updated and said i can friend her on facebook to see lots of pictures...
now if i can get penny into a new home asap and the other 2 linnies sold...ill be good to go.


Sustainability Master
Mar 10, 2012
Reaction score
Whoop, Whoop! You are the WOMAN! I am constantly amazed at the things you do - especially the things you do with no help! I need about 5 of you to come to my house, lol! Congrats on moving the pup too!


Little Miss Sunshine
Sep 27, 2010
Reaction score
Wow sis! Good job. When I put mine up I did at least have a 12 year old on standby in case I dropped something or needed a 70 pound support for a second or two :lol: The roof was pure suckage :p It's is extremely difficult to do and not dent the roof panels. Do you have a ladder? If not, I do, and can and will bring it Tuesday if that's good for you. Neighbor kid will be with me, but we can do it. That wind truly is horrible...I remember very well. :lol: Just let me know, would do it Monday, but my Mondays are stupid hectic and backward.


Super Self-Sufficient
Feb 11, 2011
Reaction score
ive got a feeling having someone whos done it before would be a good thing, lol. assuming i dont drive myself batty and try to do it before hand tuesday sounds good.
im not worried about dents, theres plenty of ents in it calling them "pre-installed character" because not only was i wrestling with the breeze but 2 very curious goats who aparently liked the sound it made when they jumped on the pannels :rolleyes:
will definatly need a step ladder too...

they say 2 people to put it together,but after today id say a minimum of 4...add 2 for 1 for each corner, and 2 to pas things get thigns you forgot and tell you whe the wind is changing direction lol


Little Miss Sunshine
Sep 27, 2010
Reaction score
Yeah it took DD and I about 8 hours to get it done. The wind and denting the roof was terrible! If you don't get those screws put in just right too, it can spring a leak fairly easily :/ Once it's up, it's up though, and seems to last fairly well. Ours is....well that DD will be 21 in December...and she was 12 years and still looks fairly new. Wow, I didn't realize it had been that long ago :lol: Anyway, yeah, they hold up well ;) and now I feel old :p Me and L will be there Tuesday them if nothing comes up. We'll shoot for morning after we get animals fed and breakfast for us. Need us to bring anything besides the ladder? Oh, and screw gun is better on the roof, so long as you don't over do it. Those angles suck even with a ladder :rolleyes: and it is murder on your wrists with a manual. I have a good 18 volt I'll bring with to get them most of the way in, and finish off with the trusty old manual driver so we don't over tighten.

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