Pink Fox: its Raining...IN MY HOUSE! :/


Super Self-Sufficient
Feb 11, 2011
Reaction score
sounds like a plan on the electric screwdriver


Little Miss Sunshine
Sep 27, 2010
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I'll make sure to have both batteries charged up for it then, and hopefully see you Tuesday morning!! :D L is wanting SO BADLY to see Dozer lol! Everyone loves that big ole drool pot to death ;)


Super Self-Sufficient
Feb 11, 2011
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had a crazy day yesterday, up everyone sorted shower and out by 1pm and didnt get home untill 7:30pm...was a good day though.
today is planned to be a slow day im not feeling 100% (i think i ate something with soy in it yesterday ick) so i think im going to work on making my feety pjs smaller, and making the final peice for my halloween costume.

at some point today i also want to double check and finnish up all the screws and make sure everything needing to be done before putting the roof on is done...and move all the peices for the roof down to the back pasture so its ready to go for tomorrow.

once that project is out of the way im going to tart on more "brush removal" with my bypass pruners, i figure if i can take down the smaller branches and open up the space itll leave it much easier acess when i can get a chainsaw in...obviously thats going ot be an ongoing project but now leaves are starting to change and fall its going to be alot easier to work on that i think.

and in other news i MIGHT have a home lined up for Penny as of friday :) *fingers crossed*


Sustainability Master
Mar 10, 2012
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Hope you feel better soon. Good luck on finishing up the new shed tomorrow! Hoping Penny gets a new home too. :fl


Super Self-Sufficient
Feb 11, 2011
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well everything is prepped for tomorrow, all except moving the roof pannels down (because i didnt want to goats walking all over them) once there in bed for the night ill drag them down the hill so everything will be in place and waiting.
my frined E is going to come help since Cindi is busy so i think we can get it knocked out...if it wernt for the fact that i dont have a 10ft arm span i COULD have done it myself LOL!
but least the frame is done, its squared again and leveld off again, the door frame is in place the gable peices are ready to go up, and the roof trusses are sat there waiting. once the foor trusses are up its just a case of pannel by pannel and weather taping as we go too. *fingers crossed*

i also managed to get all but the ears for my halloween costume completed...i had the ears on a headband, but the headband got broken during themove so i need to take the dremmel with the drill bit peice and drill holes in the ears so i can thread leather cord through and just tie them on.
then its just a case of finalizing the going to be a kitty cat...but the dinsey color version of ill be a pink and purple kitty.

i confirmed with the people who want penny and shes supposed to be going home on friday...*fingers crossed*
had another lady email me today an offer me $25 less for her, told her ive got soeone interested but will let her know if things fall through, so hopefully shell be my backup. would be nice to have penny go home, shes so cute and sweet and id love to keep her, but i think im done with puppies for a while...least untill dozer is a little and my next dog is going to be omeone dozers size (already an adult preferably) so hell stop trying to drag ruby through the mud by her head in an attempts to play...
im thinking a dobie or a dane mix or similar...but i need to get him graduated through a basic obedience class first.

i still need to resize my feety pajamas, planned to do that today but didnt get around to it so thats on the lit for another day...

i got an apology from neighbor about the issue with his son tresspassing...he said his boy was "too embarrased" to come over and apologie himself...*shakes head* whatever...i told him flat out, i just dont like people wandering around on my property, freeks me out, freeks the dogs out, and its a good way to get himsefl theres so many trip hazards and rusty nails and such back there that id half expect to come home and find him crawling out of the woods bleeding to death because he impaled himself on a shard of glass or tripped onto some barbed wire or something...
so i was promised it wont be happending again and was told he didnt know his sone was collecting scrap metal off the property, thought he was just looking for bricks to finnish the fireplace off...*rolls eyes*
either way, least that issue SHOULD be over and done with.

oh and my TV officially whnt away today...least my dish network did, ust after midnight they switched the box off, they still havent sent me my "send it back to us" box for the reciver and remote, i was execting to have that before signal whent own but whatever.
so tomorrow ill go about unplugging that and re-sorting the wires out.
i do know that the reciver has one of those power sucking mosnter box attatchd to the plug so itll be interesting to see what not running the reciver is going to save on the electric bill...
ive also decided since i wont have that plugged in im going to put my timer back on my fishtank so the light comes on for a few hours in the evening automatically...ive been trying to save a little power so not been running the light...but i need something to refocus on once in a while lol.

need to figure out what i need to do to get my wii online so i can watch netflix on that on the nights i want to be on the computer AND have the tv on...and get a hmi cable so i can hook my computer up to my tv for the other times.i already have acess to a netflix account so if i can get it through the wii that does me nicely lol.

and yeah, thats about all i got right now.

oh, little miz Daizy Duke seems to be doing better, still got a cough, but the nose boogers were none existant today, so once this shed is doneim going tomake sure she knows how the electric fence works and then by the weekend assuming shes still doing ok she can go in with Lilly and Poppy.

and once miss Penny goes to her new home im hopign to get a second arrow shed (though i still like the looks of those shelter logics and am kinda wondering how expensive it would be once the cover fails to turn it into a greenhouse with those plastic siding pannels...i know id have to pre-drill...but thinking it might be an option once the cover goes...the 10x10 is 100 and change cheeper than a 10x8 arrow... but im still debating. wish i could find a bargin on craigslist BUT after putting this stupid thing up, id HATE to take one down and put it back together again LOL!
and in the mean time harbor freight has a 8x6 poly carb (the metal frame solid pannels) greenhouse on sale and i have a coupon would be half way between the 2 prices LOL but it wouldnt give me much room for storage and i realy need hay/straw/feed storage.
stupid desicion making times! lol.

soyeah...almost time to put everyone to bed. so im going to go do a quick email check and then get them all tucked in or the night. later guys!

Denim Deb

More Precious than Rubies
Oct 21, 2010
Reaction score
Pinky, one thing you could do for now for hay storage is to get some pallets and 2 tarps. Put down some pallets, then put the hay on top of it, then put more pallets on top of the hay. Cover it all w/2 layers of tarps. This would allow for air circulation and trap the condensation between the 2 tarps. That would save you some money for now until you're able to come up w/what you want to do. The good thing about tarps and pallets is that you can always find a use for them.


Super Self-Sufficient
Feb 11, 2011
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that is VERY true :) and its definatly on "the list"
i just know i need to figure it out while i will have the money available...

However the other part of me thinks i should not spend money on a storage building and instead invest in a 4x6 or 4x8 trailer kit and tow bar for my car
i could certinaly USE a trailer just as much as i could use a storage building...


Almost Self-Reliant
Jan 7, 2009
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Evening Shade, AR
though i still like the looks of those shelter logics and am kinda wondering how expensive it would be once the cover fails to turn it into a greenhouse
That's what we plan on doing with the frae of our ShelterLogic, once it's retired, for good! ;) It's first job will be a protective shelter over the camper...once we are finished with the kitchen/bath half of the cabin. When we're ready to start on the livingroom/loft bedroom half, we'll have to pull the camper outta that section to work it. We'll just throw a large tarp over the shed frame and park the camper under it until we get fully moved into the cabin. Then the frame will become the greenhouse or huge coldframe, not sure which yet as we'd like to have both, eventually. If you're gonna dream, dream big, right! :D


Super Self-Sufficient
Feb 11, 2011
Reaction score

my shed has a roof!!!
i couldnt have done it without E who came over this morning as my official holder upper.
ive still got some screws to put in (but i can do those myself) some final trim peices to go along the edges, the ground anchor kit and the door.

the rest of todays plan is to finnish the screws, put on the trim peices and put in the ground anchor kit because theres a chance of some storms comming through tomororw and tomorrow night and id like to make sure after all this hard work that it doesnt simply fly away LOL!

i can do the doors tomorrow if the weather co-operates and if not itll hapen thursday they shouldnt take long anyway.

we also got that horrible yellow ear tag off Daizies ear, shes not got a little guaged hole in her ear, it may heal up though, looks like it was JUST done for the auction

i think ive decided im going to be spedning the money i have left on a small trailer and hitch for my car instead of another storage building and doing as suggested with some pallets and tarps for hay. theres a guy on craigslist selling straw for $3 a bale (i have been paying $5) so id like to stock up on some hay, especially since im going to need at least afew bales to bed down the new goat house...which HAS A ROOF NOW *happy dance*

i know it would have been easier to have someone else do it...and the next oe i will pay someone to build it for me...
but at least i can say *I* did it! me, ive built one and it can be done...and while its not "hard" its arkward but *I* did it! its a big acomplishment for me, being out here on my own its silly things like this that make me smile inside knowing i Can!

Anywho....just having a drink then going to get those screws done and get the anchor kit sorted...

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