Pink Fox: its Raining...IN MY HOUSE! :/

Denim Deb

More Precious than Rubies
Oct 21, 2010
Reaction score
Wonderful! Now you just need to post some pics.

And, getting that little trailer is probably a great idea! Not only will you be able to haul hay and straw, but you can also pick up pallets and anything else you see that you might need (or want) and not have to worry about a truck for awhile.


Little Miss Sunshine
Sep 27, 2010
Reaction score
Awesome job pinky! Glad you got it done...but where's pics? :p


Super Self-Sufficient
Feb 11, 2011
Reaction score
pics will get done onesim finnished finnihes lol.
still got to finnish a few screws and the last 2 peices of roof trimthat my cramping hand couldnt handle yesterday...
get it anchored and get the doors done.

thats actually todays job.
1: breakfast *Done*
2: clothes *Done*
3: screws and trim for the roof *Done*
4:anchor kit *Done*
5: a quick trip to henderson and the post office. *done*
6: home and prep the doors, if i decie i can hang them myself i will if not at least they will be ready *done!*
7: make my house less of a pig sty again.

so a busy day lined up and im just getting started after a restless night filled with some prettyweird/freeky dreams that i cant figure out whre they came from

as long as i get the last few screws/trim and anchor kit done today ill be happy though.

and thats about it right some stuff to do online while breakfast settles and then its straight to work.


Super Self-Sufficient
Feb 11, 2011
Reaction score
well i got everything but the cleaning marked off my list (and theres still time to clean :))

here the accumulation of the past few days


its 10ft wide by 8 ft deep, the plan is for kidding ill put a divider (cattle pannel most likely) right down the center (and that coudl techincally be halved again to make 2 5x4 "stalls" for kidding) at a rate of 15sqft per adult doe i could fit 5 does in there comfortably...
since i only plan on having 4 adult does at any one time i should be perfectly fine :)
suprisingly enough the doors, whihc i wa worried were going to be a real PITA trying to hang were SERIOUSLy easy to put up. a refreshing suprise considering how arkward the rest of the kit is to build lol. (im pretty sure they expect people are part eleastigal and part octopus!


now just taking a little bit before getting back off my tuch and getting some cleaning done.
at very minimum today i want to get the bird cages and kitty litter box done so they cna go out with the trash for tomorrow morning...
everythign else can wait till tomorrow if my energy levels stay where they are lol


Super Self-Sufficient
Feb 11, 2011
Reaction score
thanks guys feels good to sit back and say "i did that!"

last nights storms..well...honestly i cantsay much abou them...ind started picking up about 9ish, i was EXHUSTED and drifitng off to sleep just as the thunder started comming in at 9:45 took the dogs out and it was raining and flashing, came in and crashed...i didnt hear a thing, and was out cold lol.
did a quick check this morning, nothing seems to be down...
will go out a little later and check the entire fenceline who knows whats come down in the woods lol...and i need to take the weedwacker ut a little later and do the fenceline again anyway so will kill 2 birds with 1 stone. depending on my energy i may even turn off the electric fence and take my bypass pruners out and start working on some brush removal figure if i can get the smaller branches down itll make it alot easier when i can get my mits on a chainsaw of some kind :D

so yeah the "big scary storm" aparently not scary enough when it comes between me and my sleep LOL!

got to send an email out today to see when the people want tocome pick up penny, they said tomorrow since they both have the day off but im going to see if i can talk them into comming tonight, that way theyve got all day tomorrow to bond/play with her (and ive got all day tomorow to break down pens and clean up the spots i havent been able to get to easily lol.)

i also need to finnish cleaning INSIDE the house today since i didnt get that done yesterday.


Super Self-Sufficient
Feb 11, 2011
Reaction score
so ive got 10 bales of wheet straw comming my way this afternoon, got it for $2.20 (after taxes) LESS than i isually pay per bale AND hes dropping it off!
figure 3-4 bales will be needed to bed down the goat shed, and the duck/goose house could do with a top up...
so thats 5 bales left that will have to go under the car port for now.
on the look out for some pallets and need to pick up tarps and am going to go with that suggestion for storage this winter
got another 11 bales of hay that shouldbe comming my way in the next week or so too so i think thats the best method.

not entirely sure ill be getting a trailer this year either...
my car is not equipt with a reciver kit for the tow bar itself...and that kit alone is almost $300 for the cheapest i could find not including instalation, making my $280 trailer an alost $600 one...for an extra $600 i could probably buy a cheap beat up farm truck...
add to that i just got the bill for my early termination on direct tv, there claiming if i dont pay it in 20 days they can simply harge my card (im pretty sure thats illegal but whatever) and its almost tripple what i throught it was going to be...why? because i let them talk me into that FREE HD reciver instead of the standard, and that FREE hd reciver is almost tripple the early termination fee.
im currently trying to negotiate a lower fee and payment plan, (even the higher fee is still about 1/2 he price of paying for the extra year of tv so it still saves me money by not having it...but still OUCH)

ill figure it out though :)

weed whacked the orchard section of the fenceline and now just waiting on my delivery...once thats in and put away its back to the house cleaning part.

lease keep fingers cossed that peny goes home tomorrow, havent heard anythign form the people today to confirm but there at work so im just hoping its caue they cant get online/check email.

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