Pink Fox: its Raining...IN MY HOUSE! :/


Sustainability Master
Mar 10, 2012
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Just proves the old phrase that "no good deed goes unpunished". Don'tcha just hate that - you try to be nice....

Congrats on the egg!


Super Self-Sufficient
Feb 11, 2011
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well 8 of my 11 bales arrived since they could only "safely" put 8 on their truck, she said shell drop off the other 3 next time shes going through unless i end up needing them earlier.
got everything tarped but i thin im going to want to play with the tarps some to get the best configuration to protect everything
got some planting done today damned you lowes and your $2 clearance table, spent more money than i realy should but got alot of lavender, a beautiful wine and roses wegilia bush, some pink fountain guarra (i love that stuff in flower cause you get all these pretty hot pink "fairies" dncing over the plant when the breeze blows), lemon thyme, sweet dreams catmint, carpet phlox, sweet autum sedum, and some others my mind is drawing blank on thi second. either way i put some more lavender in the fornt place to replace what "helpfull neighbor" weed wacked in the summer, and i filled in the back bed thats infront of the back deck which i had some climbing roses as it fills in now that should look beautiful, witht he roes hopefully climbing up all over the deck i put some peony bulbs in there but im not sure if they will urvive, however theres room to add more when i can get ahold of some, would like shirley temple and raspberry sorbets (2 of each) it should fill in nicely and look realy pretty, but it should also SMELL lovely, between the catmint, lavender and lemon thyme, and then when the roses are in bloom and eventulaly the peony...

i got a coupon today for $20 off the dog training class at petsmart, but ive got to sign up by the 28th...
i eep taling about doing the clss with dozer and this might be sign i was looking for...just wish i could sell the last 2 linnies first, the green linnie SHOULD be going home soon which would pay for the class, but i also want to keep some money aside incase i cant get them to lower the early termination fee for the tv...

but he definatly needs some in public focus training work so i think it woudl be worth it...we'll see going to call them and find out exactly what it would cost after tax and such and go from there. and it would be good for him (and me.)

tomorrow i realy need to spend the day BLITZING my house...dozer brought a stic in this evening and managed to make mulch all over my livingroom floor before i even noticed (i shoudl have known he was too quiet lol) and ive got clothes to put away and laundry to do while we've got lovely weather :)

thursday is finish my ears for my halloween costume and ruby is in need of bath time and im hoping to finally take in my feety pjs

and then friday im pre-making my dirt cake and my side dish for the halloween party on Saturday.


Super Self-Sufficient
Feb 11, 2011
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checked into the classes for Dozers Obeience ive got to coupon is good untill sunday so as long as i make up my mind before then lol.

done most of my cleaning...still need to vacume/mop the kitchen andbathroom and sort out my bedroom.
did the bunny hutches and spent some time plucking Big-Wig...hes shedding like crazy and aparently too lazy (or cant reach) his tush...
Turned a crate into a makeshift "nest" for the ducks...put it in the spot i found 2 of the 3 eggs so hoping theyll decide to use it (itll make collection easier and eggs less likley to get smushed.
and spent some time force snuggling green linnie...hes supposed to go home tomorrow and i dont knwo whats got into him youd swear hed never been handled before form his attitude about not wanting to stay with me. up untill 3 days ago hed be the first one out and all over me, and now...unless i have him cupped in my hand against my body so its cozy and dark he has NO interest in sitting with me.
but yeah hes supposed to go home tomorrow...will snuggle with him again for a while after dinner and then before they come tomorrow and hopefully hell get over himself lol. (i know its just weanling independance but still talk about timing lol.)

trying to figure out what im doing for the bunnies for the winter...i know that wihtout the ai of a dozer a pit and a fire large enough to scar the fire department im not getting the spot i wanted tp put the colony cleared any time a tad overwhelmed looking at that spot...
but im also DREADING waterbottles over winter.
was thinking if i could get them into a colony setting hook up a bucket with water nipples between the 2 "units (2 does and a buck in each cause aparently im not going to be getting them to breed any time soon lol) and then drop a small heater (ether fishtank or small livestock one) in the bucket with an extension cord out...
Ive got the 2 little chicken coops...i can easily hold off on getting chickens (especially with the ducks laying AND the cost of layer feed the way it is) id just need to make runs for them...i wouldnt be able to move them (these little coops are HEAVY) but im thinking if i raised a wire floor about 6" off the ground, theyd have acess to the grass without being able to eat it completly down put them in the orchard area so theyd also be surrounded by the electric fence making it a little less nessicary to make the runs fort knox and when i finally get it planted the fruti trees would porvide plenty of shade.
im Definatly not expanding my rabbit project either so this might be a good option...will have to price up wire next month...

and yeah...thats about all i got for today, got an early morning tomorrow, and got the green linnies peple supposedly comming in the afternoon, and i need to finnish my halloween costume and play with makeup to finalize that aspect.


Little Miss Sunshine
Sep 27, 2010
Reaction score
How much are those classes for Dozer?

Sounds like you got a lot of good stuff from Lowe's sis :)


Super Self-Sufficient
Feb 11, 2011
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course runs about $110 before tax...
with the coupon i end up saving $20 so its not "bad" per say...just like everything else it has to be put on the list and "judged" for order of importance...and given what id eventually like to do with him, its pretty dang important realy and i just keep putting it off. theres so many things i want and need to do that...well you know...
and add to the fact that ive trained literally hundereds of dogs over the last 10 years and yet aparently just cant do it alone with this one...
ive NEVER delt with a dog so people friendly/easily distracted...good job i love him lol.


Little Miss Sunshine
Sep 27, 2010
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And what's not to love :lol: He is so VERY lovey though. I can see where it could be/become an issue.


Super Self-Sufficient
Feb 11, 2011
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lol...and so cute about it untill he drowns you in drool (or knocks ya down LOL!) i havent weighed him lately but i say hes gotta be about 85-90lbs and the height and energy of a boxer..perfect height to live up to his name as a bulldozer! lol.
in his defense...he does at least TRY lol.

will call them tomorrow and get us booked in for clases, probably tuesday evening class, and then ill go early and have the a talk with the trainer and mabe se if we can do an evaluation. he knows all the basics so im hoping if we can get some focus out of him in the first basic class theyll bump him to the next level which specifically deals with issues like focus around distractions...butwe may have to go through basic 1 just to get those "issues" (like "hey my hearing aparently doesnt work when im around people other than you mommy", and "it doesnt matter if im pulling so hard im going to pass out, i WILL say hello to that person and that person and oh look theres another person over there!" and "if i try to knock you down, drool on you and try to eat your hand it means i LOVE you sooooo much") under control lol.its frustratingbecause i do brag about how smart and eager to learn he is...and he REALY is a good boy 99% of the time at home (he is after all still a 1 yr old block head!) and then they meet him and must think im some crazy clueless person or just dont care how this beast behaves around strangers.

so yeah...this will be interesting.

in other news a demon other than myself posseed me this afternoon and i decided to move my bedroom not sure not sure i ever want to do it again...but yeah...
my bed is now infront of the window...i never open that curtain anyway because well to be frank it creeps me out a little to think that anyone driving (or the neighbors walking) past can "see" in my window (theres a shear so youd have to be pretty dang close to be peeking in...but still)
my set of drawers is then on one side and makes a nice nightstand too, an the dogs crates are o the other...i just need to figure out a way to make the dogs crates ALOT less ugly lol.
Ive now also got space for a narrow bookcase or shelving along the wall where the drawers USED to be and more storage is ALWAYS good especially since ive got books sitting on the floor in the back bedroom and i HATE having books on the floor.
ive got visions in my head of what it will look like all finnished up...but we'll see if ican pull it out of my tuckus lol.
Sooo many ieas swimming round in my brain...its no wonder i have "issues" theres just way too much "stuff" lol.


Super Self-Sufficient
Feb 11, 2011
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oh...and inbox is no longer full LOL!
we need bigger inboxes!


Super Self-Sufficient
Feb 11, 2011
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was an early orning this morning but at least my freezer is officlaly FULL...which means at some point NEXT week i need to completly empty it, figure out exactly what i have in there and make up some meal plans.

got home an had lunch on the patio...another LOVELY day which is planned to be tempered by rain tomorrow and a cold front over the next week...were expecting 50's a HUGE change from the 80's weve bee having...but oh well ant stop the weather right?!

going to call petsmart in a few mins and get our obedience class started much prefer the weekend class but tuesday evenings will work.
and itll give me an excuse to pull out the crockpot and o some easy crockpot meals for those days :)

found an add on craigslist for some nigi goats...
looks like ill be going on sunday to pick up my new buckling, hes a gold and white spotted blue eyed boy from strong milking lines...

and tomorrow ive got a dozer guy comming to tell me how much to BLITZ the front acre where all the trash is.
ive decided ill do the rest myself, but obviously cant move thousands of lbs of asphalt shingles alone so im going to see what he thinks, if he can take care of the front acre and all the trash (either dig a hole and burry it or simply pile it up along the front boundry line like the reat wall of this point i dont realy care as long as its out of the way and i can start making some sense of things. wont be a right now job...but if i knwo how much money i need...i can start planning.

tomorrow i also need to make the desert for the party but otherwise should be a "quiet" day.
im tired! lol


Super Self-Sufficient
Feb 11, 2011
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green linnie whent home *yay*

rice is cooking to go with my home made sweet and sour chicken...

and i just slathered my fringe (bangs) in pink hair dye that id forgotten smells like raspberries lol.
i didnt bleach first so we'll see how it comes out...i havent done pink in YEARS an depending on how i feel i may decide to keep it around for awhile LOL!

need to decide what campy hulu horror movie im watching tonight (or alternativly is i want to log into netflix and see what movies are on there)
then after dinner/movie time its remove pink from hair time (this stuff is "natural" so i couldleave it on for 24 hours and not have my hair fall out lol)
