Pink Fox: its Raining...IN MY HOUSE! :/


Super Self-Sufficient
Feb 11, 2011
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Well, Penny has gone home and her new neame is peanut (her brother is boston cream pie, she is peanut butter cup, so boston and peanut) which is funny because thats been my nickname for her, is lil peanut! shell be living the life of luxury with a havanese brother to run around crazy with and lots of love and attention with some lovely people.
hard to say g'bye but nice to see the smiles.

now its time for lunch...
then after lunch ill be breaking down the playpens and getting everything put away and then doing some cleaning...
time to claim the livingroom and bedroom back lol.


Super Self-Sufficient
Feb 11, 2011
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my livingroom sudenly looks HUGE lol! still need to take down the pack and play rom the bedroom but the livingroom playpen has been put away at least.
unfortunatly my get up and go is lacking the go...
im hungry but cant figue out what i want for lunch


Super Self-Sufficient
Feb 11, 2011
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well im not sure what today is going to bring...
i do need to tidy the bedroom and do dishes...
im supposed to have someone bringing some pallets today too
and i could realy do with measuring up the wardrobe in my bedroom and the kitchen cabinates so i can start thinking about putting some shelves in...i dnt have neer enough storage and my kitchen and bedroom are suffering...
the kitchen is because none of the base cabinates have shelves in them...there just the bottom of the cabinate and nothing inside (and its 1 long peice with nothing dividing individual sections so adding shelves is going to be...interesting too.
I realy like those pull out acessories but they are so expensive so looks like ill be figuring out shelves instead somehow...
Ive also got a pot rack id like to hang that would also help clear up some space just need to figure out WHERE its going and how im going to do that (its pretty heavy lol)

so yeah probably a day of lots of measuring up and writing things down and drawing things out so i can get my "winter house projects" list underway.

it is however a beautiful day, bright blue skys, a slight breeze
going to try and get some bunnies bred again today...these buns are driving me batty with noone showing any interest...*Grumbles*
id at least like to have a few litters ready for chiristmas time...but if not they have untill spring...if i cant get litters out of them in time for easter they are going, ill pick up a trio of basic meat rabbits to put food in the freezer and thats it...


Super Self-Sufficient
Feb 11, 2011
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well my pallets came, i paid for delivery of 4 he left about 10 and next time hes commign through the area he'll drop off more if i want them :D no charge, hed just rather they not go to waste.
so a little later im going to go out and play pallet tetris make my hay/straw "shed" out of pallets and any left over can be set aside for future projects :)
they also have a frined with a BIG dozer that they think shoudl eb able to give me a price on having the property cleared...aparently things with his doer hecould have the entire property cleared of "junk" within a day lol. we'll see, i dont realy have the money and thing i can do some myself, but i might have him do the front acre where all the trash is at least, well...depending on price of course.

after the pallets got deliverd and the folks delivering asked me about the commotion at the community center i took a walk and did my part to support my local fire dept (which is 100% memmonite run) they were having their anual bbq fundraiser...
1 bbq sandwhich, a drink, and home made apple crumb and fresh made icecream, and $6 later im STUFFED and sleepy, but so worth it lol.
chatted with some of the memmonite ladies and got invited to their farm...where they play host to the contries largest flock o purple martins each year, the farm aptly named "the martins farm" (my last name is martin lol)


Super Self-Sufficient
Feb 11, 2011
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well, 14 pallets is now a makeshift straw/hay storage facility.
the batch of pallets wernt all the same size so its not realy "pretty" or even...but its got the bales off the ground and was enough to put an end cap a middle divider and a back wall on. could do with 1 more pallet for the last end cap for the straw side.
its 6 pallets long sits with its back to the front of my property line (kind of like a little fence) and should be in a perfect spot for easy loading at delivery times.
i could as time goes on make it 2 pallets deep doubling storage space.
right now theres room on the hay side for a total of 18 bales (once they get over 3 tall i cant reach to lift them down but i could go 25 if i stacked 4 tall) ive got 4 bales already and another 11 comming hopefully this comming week.

in terms of straw i have again enough room for a total of 18 bales (25 if i go up 4 high) so depending on how funds are at the end of the month i may have the guy deliver another 10 bales for me. as long as i keep them covered and out of the weather, id probably not have to buy straw again for about a year lol.

so yeah scratch another job off the list.
tomorrow ill head into the city to harbor freight and pick up some tarps and bungees to finnish everything off, theres no rain in the forecast untill next sturday but id rather get it done.

then monday im picking up a used loveseat from the friends i house sat for, it was stored in their shed and the renters never came back for it so i figure i can use it under the carport, itll stay dry under there either way so thats the plan. will then keep my eyes peeled for another loveseat in a similar style to finnish out the seating area on my PATIO lol. i can toss cheap throw covers or even plan old sheets over them to make them match :)

so yeah.
this next week will be some serious tidying of the carport work...
i need to figure out a better storage sollution for the feed now too i hate just having it siting there in it own bag stacked in a tuppertote under the carport...its just asking for mice as the weather gets colder...

and thats about it for this evenings check in.
suns going down so time to go feed the masses and then myself :D

Denim Deb

More Precious than Rubies
Oct 21, 2010
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Pinky, if you want to stack your hay higher than 3 high, just make steps out of it. I do it all the time. Then, the only hay that's not stacked that high is the stuff in the front. And, I don't want it stack too high cuz then I can't get it down.


Sustainability Master
Mar 10, 2012
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Congrats on getting the hay storage taken care of. Can't wait to see pics of your new patio area when you get it taken care of. We've been wanting to cover our back porch and put some nice patio furniture out there. Our weather is such that we'd almost get year round use out of it.


Super Self-Sufficient
Feb 11, 2011
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i got my first Duck Egg this morning *WOOT*
and WOW im actually suprised at how large it is.

when the chickens start laying they lay those 1/2 sized pullet eggs for a while...
when ducks start laying aparently they dnt fool around lol. and if they do and this IS half sized...holy hades OUCH lol.
its about the size of a large jumbo chicken egg and considering runners are not large seems disproportionate lol, id expect this size from a larger duck, a cayuga or pekin mabe, a breed with a little more body...but considering the size of a runner...this is a nice egg. its dirty, so now i guess this is lifes way of saying "time to put in ome "nest boxes" so today when i go out ill probably pick up a couple of cheap dish pans or large cat litter trays to put in as nest boxes.

in other news, the neighbor BROKE my hose spigot...i dont knwo how but he came ove r last night, hes had a pipe blow, i was in the mddle of cooking dinner and he asked if he could fill up his cooler with water from the hose...i couldnt very well leave dinner unsupervised so said sure (becaus ei could JUST ee him from the kitchen..)
well i ont know WHAT he did but this morning i go out and to my suprise the hose is ON...oh well he just forgot, thankfully its not leaking more than a drip...
so did everything i need to and whent to turn it OFF...and it wont turn off...the handle just spins and spins, and if i put pressure on the handle to turn it off it kinda feels like its spring loaded will "turn off" a little ways then pop back out as soon as i let go, i cant get the stupid thing to turn off. SOOOO pissed off. dad put this thing in brand new when he was the hell do you BREAK a hose even has labes on it with arrows for ON and OFF...
the only thing i can think of is he mabe turned it on too much and bre a pin or something...but im seriously upset...those fixtures arent "cheap" either. so im going to do some looking a little later and see if i can figur eout whats wrong with it or if im going to have to replace it *grumbles*

anywho...yay duck egg!

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