Pink Fox: its Raining...IN MY HOUSE! :/


Super Self-Sufficient
Feb 11, 2011
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sounds goodif she doesnt come weds they are yours :D
thats what happend to 2 of mine, no fathers no nothing..ust gone...least the 3rd i ost there was evidence...
strange creatures they are lol.

managed ot turn 2 chinekbreasts into 2 servings of sweet and sour, 1 thigh and 2 wings (and whatever was left on the carcas) into chicken salad with bell peppe and onion. divided up the 2 packs of catfish into 8 portions, and the big hunk of sirloin tip i got on managers special into 7 portions!...back bedroom is clean and all the pre-prep dishes done...
justneed to wash the afte rprep/dinner dishes tonight...tomorrow afternoon after i come back form playing microchip nurse (the local rescue group is having a microchip clinic in jackson, their usual person backed out so i got voluntered and i couldnt say no lol. but yeah once thats over itll be a case of come home and clean the rest of my house lol. cleaning seems to be never ending lol.

tonights dinner is 4oz of sirloin...probably put it with a jacket potatoe with little bit of chives and sour cream, trying to get back on the eating right/serving size bang wagon, ive slipped over the winter (and ben eating way too many carbs)...
i alwys crave "heavy" food in the winter...come summer itll be all meat fruit and salads, mabe the occasional pasta or potato dish thrown in but mostly salads lol. im so very seasonal...

i also got zumba for the wii, so im going to start doing that at least 4 times a week, the nights i dont do the zumba im going to get back to doing yoga and pilates, and i need to start walking every morning, evenif its just a mile each morning with the dozey dog.


Little Miss Sunshine
Sep 27, 2010
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I eat heavier in the winter time too. I gotta watch the salt, and I mean getting too low now. I got a little shakey before dinner :/ I had a small bowl of frosted mini wheats for breakfast and two bananas for lunch. Dinner was nearly 5 getting here, and I was STARVING! But, I have been busy today :hu


Super Self-Sufficient
Feb 11, 2011
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i get the shakeys when my blood sugar drops, the only thing that seems to stabalize it is refined carbs a bowl of oatmeal or a slice of toast with peanut butter is my go to at those moments...

as a side note the sirloin turned out so good that i only ate 1/2 of the little 3oz portion of cheezy taters i made lol.


Little Miss Sunshine
Sep 27, 2010
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Yeah I used to have low blood sugar when I was younger, and this was a different feeling. I've been cutting too far on the salt, and having issues with borderline dehydration. I'm still trying to find the balance between good blood pressure and good hydration. Too little salt and my lips get really chapped, too much, and my blood pressure gets a little elevated in the evenings, enough to make me feel like crap, and have my energy tapped. My sugar stays pretty consistent now. My metabolism was extremely high when I was younger, and I think that kept my sugar low if I didn't constantly eat. I used to have to do 6 meals a day and snacks and still looked like I was walking on stilts my legs were so skinny :lol: I guess that's why I don't like being too skinny now. :hu Now since my metabolism has changed I don't have issues with sugar. Up until my late twenties that was a big issue.

Anywho, good mornin sis! Whatcha gonna do today?


Super Self-Sufficient
Feb 11, 2011
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today i get to go to Tactor suply in ackson and jb small animals with large needles.
the group fosters with found out i was a vet tech and sked if id be willing to help occasionally do shots/chpping fo foster dogs so they didnt have to spend so much on vet wok ect...
no poblem
well thee having a microchip cliic today and thier main person (the only person who knows how) has had an emegency and cant make apaently it ws told to thm it would be "no poblem" because i had a ride...
i couldt turn them down because its for the animals...but still...DOH

they only have 15-20 chips and it takes but a minute to get them done so assuming its a good turn out it shouldnt take too long to get though the batch. going to try and get some lunch out of the deal though since i was volunteed for it lol.

ad now im witing for my "always on time" ride...whos aleady 10 mins late...


Little Miss Sunshine
Sep 27, 2010
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Sounds like a fun time sis...I hate being volunteered for stuff :lol: It's SO different if I volunteer myself!!


Super Self-Sufficient
Feb 11, 2011
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agreed, its one thing to volunteer oneself...
im always wary about events like that because 1; people, and we know how i am...and 2: it does tke it out of you to have to jab small often scared animals like that...

event whent well though, out of 20 chips we had 3 left at the end of the day...had 3 squeekers, 2 pitties LOL! youd think with their high pain tolerance...nope their babies, and 1 little itlan greyhound mix, the IG had to be restuck as the first time mommy insisted on holding him and just as i pressed the plunger he moved so we had to re-load and re-stick, i felt so bad poor little guy but the second time i just hd her put him on the tble and step back, tucked his head under my arm scruff/tented him ad tada, done. didnt put up any fuss the 2nd time so i think like most dogs, they often act up when "mommy" is around...
one of the volunteers had a chip-wand which was also a big help a its nice to be ble to double check placement and that the chip is inserted and working.

so 17 micro chips and 20 vaccinations later im a little drained...but none the worse for wear, and as a thankyou i got to pick a bag of food form the TSC donation (they donated about 200lbs worth of dog food, some great stuff, some junky stuff, some inbetween stuff)
i grabbed a bag of nutro, i usually go for diamond(naturals only) but they only gave the light and puppy (15lb bags) and the nutro is a great food and a 30lb bag. so that came home with me...
which is awesome because looks like im going to be a nekki puppy grandma again.

see ruby is 6 at the end of this already decided to get her spayed...nd of course jasper neutered (because why have an intct male in the house if your NOT breeding...)
now i did my math and marked my calender, for the past 5 1/2 years or so ruby has come into heat every 8 1/2 months, NEVER before nd never after, always 8 months and 2 weks on the dot...
given this math and based on her last cycle, i have untill mid may there abouts...
ive got jasper booked in for neuter in mid april because thats the earliest apt i coudl get thoguht a local clinic (i have to keep checking ith the low cost to see if anythign opens up before hnd though) ruby i need to get booked in at a regular vet because she needs her teeth doing while shes under for the spay.

shes 6 months since her last heat and came home to find her and jasepr in a "compromising position" hes not missed in the past so...come early april we will be prepping for pups to arrive unless by that point shes given me reosn to think otherwise.

jasper will go in for his neuter s soon s at this point...but it also means i can wait a little for the low cost in memphis to get funding since itll be a while before she comes back in, especially if she is pregnnt now. and as soon as the pups are weaned and go home shell go in to be spayed...
shes 6 at the end of this month and thats my typical "retirment" age for breeding girls...but seriously, her usual 8 1/2 month cycle and she decides "nawh lets spice thigns up little" LOL.

my prrotlets that im supposed to be selling also laid an egg yesterday, she layed on the floor of the cage, but i also was vacuming and they were in the nest box so i think i spooked them...i put the egg in the nest box and have seen her go in and noticed theyve moved the shavings hoping shell lay the rest of the clutch in there even if the 1st egg isnt fertile...they dont usually incubate untill egg 2-3 anyway so theres still hope. if she lays a fertile clutch ill keep hold of them untill the chicks can be pulled to hand feed at which point il pull the babies to rais emyself and sell them on i think, mak a little off the chicks that way too...but we'll see
ducks however will be entering week 3 with no eggs as of monday...ive looked all over the back feild dug through their strw and the goose house straw and found nothing so sure there not "hiding" them...*shakes head* lazy ducks, and when they do strt back up again ive got to pul some for the incubator, id like at least a small batch in time for easter.

Same for the bunnies too, no babbits yet, though this time of year it can be difficult to get the to breed so hoping its just that...but theyve got till the end of spring before i strt re-evaluating...

in terms of goats, technically poppy and lilly are due end of march...but as ofright now im thinking only lilly is possibly pregnant...but ive never been around early stage prego goats nd theyve stil got just under 2 months left untill due trying not to think about it too much.

and now ive decided to rehome the guineas, theyve decided its safter to sty neer home! LOL, aint that the way lol...i may yet change my mind and keep just these 3 but yeah we'll see lol.
im so indicisive sometimes lol.

i hve decided that i need to work on fencing and the veggie patch, with fencing being a big one to get done...
and ive decided as long as doers issues dont get worse come mid-late summer ill probably be looking to adopt him a big goofy girly playmate...i think part of his issue is excess energy/boredome lol.

otherwise, its kinda chilly got the het on, gonna sit and do a little crafting after i put the livestock to bed in about 1/2 an hour...not yet sure whats for dinner but since i was bought lunch for todays efforts itll probbly be soup or somethign otherwise firly light as im curently not hungry.
and im tired so i think after crafting and diner time itll be hot shower and early bed time.
got to head to savannah for a mystery shop tomorrow morning so ill probably make a quick stop at the flea market too, then meeting some friends in the afternoon. MOndy im helping a friend out with her car having to go in for the day for work..then tuesday i back to the grind as usuall, might have a craft project for a friend to work on next week, (a prototype for something i want to try and sell, so if she likes shell be my marketing dummy lol).

time to go put the critters to bed.


Little Miss Sunshine
Sep 27, 2010
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Wow...busy day! Glad things went well for you. :) Dozer needs a play date with Bella, those two are matched in energy. She has not left the pup alone on the floor for two hours :rolleyes:

If you decide to keep the guineas let me know. I do need to get a few more either way.

My goats first freshenings, were not as visibly noticeable as the later ones. If they have 2 months, they both still have plenty of time to begin showing.

Denim Deb

More Precious than Rubies
Oct 21, 2010
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If only the goats and bunnies would lay eggs so you could pop them in the incubator, how much easier life would be.


Super Self-Sufficient
Feb 11, 2011
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well what a nice day!
got my first duck egg in alot 3 weeks...any layed this week will get set aside for a hatch, gott test out the incubator before the geese start laying lol.
once ive got enough to fill this test batch the rest can go into the frige untill beginning of march...
it doesnt look like ill have easter bunies but i at least might have some easter ducklings lol

WBF, the guinneas are yours if you want them. As much as they seem to be staying home right now i shouldnt take the risk. mabe ill try a new batch next year , put the coop closer to the back of the property to see if that helps. but for now.
You can either come over for them or i can bring them over to you one day, probbly thursday best for me right now. just let me know :)
havent heard from the other woman and im not playing chase so,you offered sking price so they are yours! yay!

got word thatmy fruit trees shippe yesteray afternoon, guessing theywill be here thursday,they have to soak for 24hours before planting ideallyso ill be planting the orchard over the weekend. the dirt where im planing the orchard looks pretty good (its in part of the leaching field) but im going to get some cmpost to tossin the holes when planting too...need to ive these lil babies the best chance at a good start.
theres also soem raspberry buhes ad my rose bushes comming in on this order too, sool im looking at digging about 20 holes, luckily none shoud need to be all tht large lol.

this morning the weather is lovely and the dogs re driving me batty, ruby is comming out of heat jasper wont leave her alone and is constantly having a hissy fit atdozer (hos NO clue whats going on) but doesnt like jasper growling at him nd has alreay proven to hve o proble simply Eating jasper...and ozers all rilled up b the energy and scent (though not a clue what to do with it all as hes...none hes simply trying to maul/play/drool ruby to death...he knows hes suppose ot be paying lots of atteniton to her..just not clue why LOL!.
but all i hear is squeeking and growling and GAH!
so im going to done some work clothing, grb my bypass pruners and go create a small feast for the goats i think...trying to thin out the tops so when i can have "man with chainsaw" come its just a case of chopping out all the wwood too large for the pruners which can then go into a burn pile an the green which the goats like wont be wasted.
i miht even start the hole digging aspect, but we'll see i dont want to loose dirt to wash away and theres rain at leats 2 days this week before the trees are due...

once ive doen some of that need to prep my potato bin,( just going to do one tote this year), and get tht started,and water the greenhouse....(trying to get it to grow into a bigger one LOL!, JK, mean the stuff IN the greenhouse...gotta check my list and see what i need to do this and next week, and ill need to get more dirt lol.

the parrotlets that i was going to give up on getting interested in the nest box have decied to lay...yup, YAY!, but it means the extramoney i was going to get for selling them is going to have to wait, i we disturb her now by a big move she'll ditch the ive told the person that wanted them that as of right now im holding off, going to see what happens with this clutch then re-evaluate. i may decide to keep this pair on if they turn out to be good parents (though will need to figure out a way to fed them wihtout having to put my fingers neer the bars, this pair is MEAN lol.)
if they hve the kind of bbies they are supposed to have they will more thn earn their kep...if not ive told her once this clutchis at age to hand feed she can come for the pair, ill keep the chicks and eed them out...we'll see. they arnt expensive to feed as a pair, and not difficult on the upkeep either, but here men and kinda noisy for tiny little things...but if there gonna earn their keep they can stay.

anywho...thats about all i got...gonn go play mrs.lumberjack before the weather turns :)

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