Pink Fox: its Raining...IN MY HOUSE! :/


Super Self-Sufficient
Feb 11, 2011
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you little local post office is great...
but they have one carrier who realy bugs me...
my fruit trees arrived today, least they were suppose ot.
I dont have to sign for the package (i made sure) so i eft a note to leave the trees under the car port if nooen answered...
MOST of the cariers whould have (and have before) simply putting the box next to the house around the side...

this one...NEVER...
this is the one who was supposed to deliver my christmas package the day before chiristmas but because i didnt answe the horn beep fast enough she took it back to the office and i dint get it till almost a week after christmas...and my brithday package insted of getting out of the car and opening the back door to get the package out she fumbled and wrestled with it to try and wedge it between the 2 front seats and then had to force it out the front window...i even said "i sure as hell hope theres nothing fragile in there" and she jut rolled her eyes
and today...instead of simply gettingout of her care and placing the package net to the house...she bepped once (i herd the beep but was in the bathroom) by the time id pulled my pants up and got to the door shed gone, no package, nothing excpet a note in the box 'sorry we missed you" and under reason "package too big to fit in mailbox" *BLINK BLINK* shes the ONLY one that does this, always looks like someone hit her with a wet kipper (shes flat out miserable) and now ive got to wait untill noon go ove there and pick it up because she refused to get out of her danmend wasnt raining or anything...*sigh*

nywho...they are in town, and currently taing a ride around the place and i get to go get them at lunctime...
going to flip the kiddy pool and fill it with couple buckets of water and some rabbit pooop (a mild manure tea) and theyll soak untill tomorrow...then the big job begins because i need to dig all the holes and its rainging today lol.

so todays plan is to clean, go pick up the fruit trees, prep my tater tub (need to drill holes in thebottom) and finnish a craft project that needs ot be done in time for riday afternoon/evening for a v-day party.


Super Self-Sufficient
Feb 11, 2011
Reaction score
box o sticks arrived, look firly good, raspberies all look like...well sticks, but everythign else hs visable buds ust obvously dormant. they sent me extra kiowa blackberries and an extra rugosa too (my 2 kiowa is more like 6 tiny little rooted plants lol) everything is currently soaking but everything came wrapped in soaked newspaper and well wrapped in plastic so noting seemed overly dry. so no need to get them planted and see what happens.

neighbor just came over to tellme he thinks theres a panther, (as far as i know the area has bobcats but no panthers/mountain lions) and askedif id lost any critters...*touch wood, no*
said hes going to move his pit closer to the chicnek coop hes building (you knos cause a single pit against a panther is great odds)
but im definatly thinking its time to realy focus on getting the perimiter fence sorted...ive got a lead on 200ft of 7ft welded wire, i could easily cut it in half and get 400ft of 3 1/2 ft welded wire to stple up...then topp with a few strands of barbed and a hot line, but its in jackson and ive no way to get it home (i have a hard enough time getting a single 100ft 4ft tll roll home) then interior fence with the electric too, got to deifnatly get to working on that job. even if theres no panther, there re coyotes in the area and its only a matter of time before the discover my little peice of land.

im also thinking about rehoming dozer...
once again today he decided out of the blue that jasper was lunch, theyve been so good together even with ruby in heat and then sudenly...he goes for the head/back of the neck too which is even more terrifying. theres seemingly no rhyme or reason and i cnt put dozer out full time (its not fair to him and hed freek out) so ive contacted a rescue who specializes in large breed dogs, theres no kennels all dogs are put in foster home situations, ect...
i think he needs a home with NO other pets...he plays too rough for ruby and wiht his random crazy at jasper and ack jack...i just worry its simply a matter of time.
we'll see what they say.
im certianly not saying i wont have a big dog...i NEED a big dog, (and if dozer goes to a new home i will consider getting a couple of pyrs once the perimeter is fenced) but i just dont know if i can spend the next 12 years crate/rotate and HOPING i dont screw up, or something...

anywho...its chilly its damp and i still havent finnished cleaning this litterboxes to do and craft project to work on...and a mind to keep busy


Sustainability Master
Mar 10, 2012
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Just say 'no' to panthers.... Bobcats are scary enough. I lost a goat to a bobcat a couple years ago and had another one injured. Got the Pyr and no more problems.

I'm sure you'll make the right decision for Dozer. May not be easy though.

Hope you get all those holes dug for your new sticks! :)


Super Self-Sufficient
Feb 11, 2011
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well the rescue that aparently recues all mastif and mastif mixes isnt intereted because hes part american bulldog...

ive put an add on craigslist, but if the perfect home doesnt come along ill make this work if it dang neer kills me! at worse dozer has to wear a basket muzzle in the house when him and jasper are loose together...

im hoping getting jasper neutered will also help, cause jasper is certinaly not innocent in all this...hes constantly growling and snarling at dozer...(never at the point when dozer attacks him which is odd,youd think that woudl be a trigger).
anywho going to email the clinic again and see how its standing with funds...the sooner i can get jasper done the better either way at this point i think...

anywho. got the 8 fruit sticks planted, now just got the raspberry blackbery and roses to do.

and got a duck/goose house to move...(thatll be interesting im hoping while the grounds slightly wet itll slide easier LOL!) oncethats moved i can move the fence and fix the fenceline between me and "the tweedles". ive decided i want the roses INSIDE my fence, so by buming the fence out the 2 ft (which is still about 1 ft inside where my propety line shoud be according to the plot i was given) it gives me more than enough room in the garden to put in the roses without taking up extra space...

still need to finalize where the raspberry and blackberry are thinking once i bumpout the fence it should be wide enough to back the septic truck in through the side between me and the neighbors and in that case id like to plant the raspberries along the fence line on the other side.
the kiowa blackberries are a thorned type so im thinking of putting them along the front property (eventually theyll be backed by fence to ramble over too)

its slowly starting to come together...if only i could work out the perimeter fence issue.


Little Miss Sunshine
Sep 27, 2010
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I'd take Dozer in a heartbeat, but I got this beast here with the nervous tic :lol: He's such a good boy, wish he'd do better for ya!


Super Self-Sufficient
Feb 11, 2011
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thats 8 fruit trees, 6 raspberry bushes, 6 blackberry bushes (yes my 2 free was 6 little tiny babies) and 7 rose bushes PLANTED, and to my suprise i saw tiny green leaf buds n the blackberry and roses (green to the point of trying to open)
the raspebrries looks like dead sticks and the trees look VERY sleepy but the leaf buds on the blackberrys and roses give me hope that this gamble was worth it.this company got alot of terrible reveiws, (most of them complainingabout their order arriving and being "dead" and "a bunch of sticks" (its DORMANT! lol) i ummed and ahhhhd a bit before taking the risk (afterall, best prices ive seen anywhere even with shipping and TN tax (they are in state) and uite pretty happy thus well jsut have to see hwat happens come spring.
the only comlpaint i have right now is that the labels came off the raspberies so who knows what kind of color/pattern they are planted in right now LOL!

i had plans to plant more blackberries but with the 6 they sent im not sure ill need any LOL! well see whatsurvives this year and ill probably place an order next year as i move things around and make more space.
i do need 10 more rugosa rose to finnish the hedge and next week ill get working on moving the fence over the extra foot or so (i planted the outside the fence for now but by the end of next week, wether ermittingthe fence will be bumped out and they willbe inside the fence
got to move the duck/goose house down the hill into the actual orchard and claim that little corner of back yard space they are currently turning into a mud pit back.

then after that its time to start focusing on perimeter fencing, getting the garden sorted nd building a new duck coop (the geese will stay in the orchard)

busy busy busy.


Super Self-Sufficient
Feb 11, 2011
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fairly busy day today, have to go empty my car out do some cleaning, have a shower and make myself all prettyfull and then drive an hour to a frineds to later drive 2 hours to memphis for a valentines day party were going to...
this is going to be a first for me im assured there shoudlnt be too may people but ive got my rescue remedy going into my purs JUST incase...

in other news getting1 a day form the ducks but broke this mornings...triped on a stick and it fell down and did NOT stick the landing :/
hoping there going to perk up a little id be happy with 3 a day from 5 girls...1 is just not cutting it....and MR duck is VERY active so i know its not for lack of trying on his part lol.
i hd discussions with the bunnies this morning that if i dont start seeing some babits soon im going to have to make reservations at freezer camp...they just looked at me like "yeah lady...whatever...feed us"
checked my greenhouse...the garlic is going crazy, i swear, peas are starting to pop upan some signs of lifein the cabbages too :) green makes me happy

upset with post office...letter sent from a friend on monday is STILL not here...:( and it had something i wanted to try for the prty in it...*sigh*

other than that nothing going on :)


Super Self-Sufficient
Feb 11, 2011
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well last nights party whent well but WAY too late for this pumpkin, it was almost dawn before i finally got home and into bed, slept for about 3 1/2 hours before waking up (though all be it on my own) and now...well now im running on fumes lol.
buti got nowehre to be, nothing to do and im snuggling with my dogs :)

i only took one dose of rescue remidy right when i got there, there wasnt too many people and the space was large enough to not feel crowded...

todays plan, disturb the ogs so i can go make some lunch and gther some snack supplies, puttig my laptop into move mode and watching whatever the heck appears on netflix lol
i my even get realy rwody and take a nap, but not a long one, have ot be carefull in throwin off the sleep cycle any more than it is. going to go to bed relitivly early tongiht nd get me bck into normal rythm.

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