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- #3,881
Super Self-Sufficient
well i made it through yesterday without even a nap, whent to bed slept well and was up at my usual time so hoping that keeps the rythm in check.
its COLD out...stupid feburary lol...so im being relitivly lazy again, got some dishes to do and litterboxes to scoop but otherwise nothing going on.
in cool news the evil parrotlets have decied to work on the box...theyve been at it for days and we have 5 eggs currently and we should see the first one hats on the 28th if they are fertile
*fingers crossed* they should be ready to start going home the 2nd week of april 
assuming we get a good hatch rate, they might just have earnt their keep lol.
ducks are still 1 per day-ing...*rols eyes* lazy ducks)
was going to set up the incubator and do a test hatch but now i think im just going to use my easter hatch as the "test hatch" since they wernt layingearly enough...if i set now ill have babies mid march, if i wait till the beginnignof march ill hve easter babies...i think easter babies have more chance to sell qucikly (since i dont have any real brooder set up going...)
the bunnies are stil not co-operating though.
otherwise nothing going on.
its COLD out...stupid feburary lol...so im being relitivly lazy again, got some dishes to do and litterboxes to scoop but otherwise nothing going on.
in cool news the evil parrotlets have decied to work on the box...theyve been at it for days and we have 5 eggs currently and we should see the first one hats on the 28th if they are fertile
assuming we get a good hatch rate, they might just have earnt their keep lol.
ducks are still 1 per day-ing...*rols eyes* lazy ducks)
was going to set up the incubator and do a test hatch but now i think im just going to use my easter hatch as the "test hatch" since they wernt layingearly enough...if i set now ill have babies mid march, if i wait till the beginnignof march ill hve easter babies...i think easter babies have more chance to sell qucikly (since i dont have any real brooder set up going...)
the bunnies are stil not co-operating though.
otherwise nothing going on.