Pink Fox: its Raining...IN MY HOUSE! :/


Little Miss Sunshine
Sep 27, 2010
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YAY for hatchin! :D I've got some Delaware eggs down now. I'm about to put some more in tomorrow along with some duck eggs. My problem, I don't have my ducks seperated, so it'll be Muscovy eggs, and Runner eggs, and I have no idea which is which. I know they won't be mixed though, my ducks are all racist and only hang out with their own kind. Won't even sleep nearby the other breed :rolleyes:


Super Self-Sufficient
Feb 11, 2011
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well today looks like its going to be one of those go back to bed and try again tomorrow type days...
eighbor woke me t 7am rapping on the door asking if he could check my burn pile for any scrap (to tired to bother so said go-ahead just dont killyourself on ny glass or barbed wire)
stibbed my toe, hit my head, the whent out to do morning chores, hit my head again, got my button stuck in the rabbit pen wiht 1 ft off the ground and had to hop around like an idiot siced my finger seperating a hay flake out for the buns...came in banged my knee...
got everyone fed mad emy own breakfast my egg stuck to the pan, and i droppe dmy wireless mouse in the dog water dish, (im HOPING itll start working again once its had a chance to fully dry out

and its only 9:30

temps are 20 below normal with no signs of a warm up/spring weather in the next week and thats kinda getting to me too...
nd i THINK my neighbor is using my front acre as a cut through to steal stuff out of my other neighbors (along the front of my properties) yards. when i whent out he was rummaging in my burn pile, when i came back in tough after getting everyone fed i look out my window and hes carryingthe base (engine/blades part) of a green lawmower...i KNOW there was nothing like that in the burn piles (as if there was i woudl have puled it, dad loves to tinker and stuf flike that and i need a lawnmower...
so next time i see my front neighbors out im going to ask them if there missing any "scrap metal" and if so we know where its going...he dumped it and a handfull of other stuff (didnt see what as i dont have a clear veiw rom my window) into the back of his truck so he could cash it in...
he tol me he was looking for tin for the roof of their rooster thats it. hes no longer allowed to come onto my property at all and i WILL give his name right over if i fnd out my neighbors are missing stuff cause ive NO desre to be associated with that bull.


set up the brinsea today, ducks gve me nother 3 this morning so thats 14 to go in, its warming up (and im finding it kind mmusing to look over every 15 mins or so ans see its turned just enough to be noticable lol. (its one of those octo ones on a auto turn cradle. it moves ever so slowly but its kinda fun...( easily ammused)

todays plan is currently unplanned...
ive got a sink full of dishes that need to be done, and i realy do need to think about building the veggie beds and still doing reaserch/math into the piggies...
i got pictures of the entire litter...
theres 3 little femlaes that i like, and 3 little mles that i like, shes going to get more pics and we can go from there, im still thinking better to get the male from this one due to the price difference but one of the little females i REALY like, beautiful markings nice good defined spotting...
ive dropped the other breeder a note to find out if any of her upcomming litters would be unrelated, if so i might get the 1 female i realy like from this litte and get an unrelaed pair in a few mnths when the next batch hit the ground.

need to top up my fish tank today too...sounds like theres a waterfall in my livingroom lol


Super Self-Sufficient
Feb 11, 2011
Reaction score
thanks, this too shall pass...hopefully sooner rather than later...

weve decided to go with a pair of pigs for now, a gilt from this litter and a boar from the other breeder in a few months
then we can add another female at a later date (or once the litters arrive in a few months take a 1/2 brother and sister as she has 2 unrelated sows and you can breed 1/2 siblings as long as you dont then breed them back to their offspring)

so for now were just going to do one.

now i need to decide if im going to bring her home next week (shell be about a week and 1/2 old) and pan feed her milk for the next 3 weeks...
Or if i want to wait untill shes 4 weeks old and almost fuly weaned.

i do love bottle raising...and would go through about 1 gal a week bottle feeding her to weaning (3 weeks)


Sustainability Master
Mar 10, 2012
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I'd let somebody else feed her for the next few weeks! :) Of course, bottle babies can be fun.... or not... but sometimes... maybe... :barnie

I always do have a hard time making decisions :/

But really excited that you're getting piggies! We have a breeder close by who raises Red Wattles and GOS, and sometimes she has what she calls "spotted wattles".... interesting, huh?


Super Self-Sufficient
Feb 11, 2011
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i can imagine spotted wattle pigs would be cool...wonder what they look like, theyd be realy pretty if they kept the red and got the big black patches liek the gos and the wattles fomr the reds but the big ole floppy ears form the old spots! id love to see pictures lol.
bet theyd make for some good homestead pigs too, i mean all the benefits of 2 good heritidge breeds both good for pasture raising and expnding eachothers limited gene pools too! nothing bad about that!

im just now waiting to hear bck from piggy lady #1 i told her which one i want and she tells me "well ive got a guy comming to get 2gilts and 2 boars on sunday..." *GRUMBLES* weve bene tlaking back and forth regularly now
theres 3 females id look at but this one is the one i REALY like the most so im hoping either shell let me put a hold on her and ill head out early sunday to go get her, or that he chooses 2 other girls lol.
if she will hold her till sunday ill bottle raise, if shes not willing to "hold" her untill i can get a deposit over there though ill place a dopeit on one fo the female i like that he doesnt pick, and wait till shes pretty much almost weaned.
either way im fairly certain theres a female piggy comming home before the end of march...

now i just wish the wether woudl get clue and relize ITS MARCH!!!
whats with the white fluffy stuff falling outside my window?!


Little Miss Sunshine
Sep 27, 2010
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The white stuff...thats just where a cotton trailer blew up after they got it loaded down. :p It's NOT snow'm in denial, but whatever :p

I hope you get the piggie you want sis! What's their asking price if ya don't mind telling?


Super Self-Sufficient
Feb 11, 2011
Reaction score
$125 on the gilts...
the other breeder is asking $75 on un-reg boars

these guys usually go for anywhere between $200-$700 a pig depending on parent/ their body type age, lines and regstration. i figure spend a few years unregistered save up some money form each litter and then replace out with fully registered stock :D...

hence my financial investor being so alert when she saw this add at that price, ive gone on about this breed for so long now that she knows what piglets of this breed usualy sell for. that and not much beats GOS pork for flavor lol.

i will evetually need some names of some good processors though Lady! lol...we'll be keeping at least 1 porker back each year to send off to freezer going to be wanting susage and english style bacon, and loin and and and *drool* lol.


Little Miss Sunshine
Sep 27, 2010
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I got the list ready, and half are on speed dial :cool: :lol:

That IS a good price! The cost has always been a deterrent for me too. I have looked into them....looooooong time ago. If you get ready to sell the meat, count me in, I'd like to try it :) I'd love to invest in some of those, but considering how much money I have already spent on the farm this month....I'll definately have to pass. DH would kill meh :lol:


Little Miss Sunshine
Sep 27, 2010
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Pinky I have a cute little Duroc that looks like she may have been crossed with the GOS, and she's cute as a button with her red hair and black splotches :) I'll have to get pics up of her soon to show you. She's a cutie!

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