Pink Fox: its Raining...IN MY HOUSE! :/


Super Self-Sufficient
Feb 11, 2011
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well im cold...but i managed to haul home enough wood to make 4 4x8 raised beds for the garden area.
its a start :) a small start...but a start. and thats how many beds i did last year so i think for this yearit shoudl eb enough room.
kinda funny though aparently i ca fit no more thn 6 of the 8ft lengths of 1x6 in my car if i want to close the top...
i had 8 (and the 4ft lengths too)
it was a little chilly on the last 15 mins of the ride home as the clouds came over but the rain was nice to hold off lol
kind funny the looks you get when your llbundled up with the top down on your convertable...i swear i half expected to see the padded wagon roll inbehind me to take me to the funny farm lol.

this means march ill have to FILL said beds
going to clean out the goat house and the duck/goose house of winter bedding in march anyway, so im planning on putting that down first, then top over with a little clean hay so the manure wont come direct contact then fll to the top with topsoil peat and compost.
will be doing sqft planting again this year so that helps max the space.
each be will be about 16cuft (beds will be a 6" depth, yes i know not deep eough for root crops but it should work fine for most eveyrhting else, last years garden did at the same depth)
fun times.
shoudl be enough room for 12 tomatoe plants, 12 pepper plants and plenty of lettuce
will probably do squash, mellon and peas and beans in buckets or strawbales, then through the season as i have extra cash ill add more beds and fill them up, by next yeah i should tripple my planting space and by the following spring i should hve more than enough room :)

think im going to take some screws to my greenhouse frame, bolt the whole thing together then tie it down, then put the plastic back on and once its secured inside mabe somehow attach tent lines to that too...

in other news, im drooling over some GOS piglets that are within driving distance...
i dont have the cash but ive got a potential "investor" the old goat shelter would be the piggy need some fencing to rig up a afe are for baby pigs though, so got to see where money lays ect.
GOS pigs are a great homested breed, there beautiful mrbled meat, sweet temperments (laid bck) not huge on the rooting (pasture pigs) and incredibly thrifty/self sufficiant...its what ive wanted all along...but got some homework to do in terms of finding her bore to breed her back to (i could breed back to comercial untill i can find a gos unrelated male, im also looking into AI but if i cna find a nice boar even better...)

pigs would also help clear the land, theyl till all the leaf litter and help kill the root systems of some of the privet...

all this with fencing proects on the brain to boot lol. its going to be a busy spring i think lol


Little Miss Sunshine
Sep 27, 2010
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You know how to AI huh? Sounds like fun. If you can AI a cow for me say around May, you're hired :lol: Get me a bill wrote up. I DO NOT want to have to house a bull or really haul my cows to the Amish, though I can if it's not cost effective to AI. I have NO experience with stickin my arm up a cows rear, so was hoping sometime you coud show me how it's done. I need the experience, but don't look forward to it anyway :sick I still gotta get over there and get those guineas, but i won't share my cooties with you right now. Shoulda done it last week...but the days are shrinking i swear! :lol:


Super Self-Sufficient
Feb 11, 2011
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lol, ive checked pregnancy in cows but never ai'd them...cant be much different than any other
ive only done pigs twice before but they cycle alot like humans do so its fairly easy from what i remember!

ahh fun stuff LOL!


Little Miss Sunshine
Sep 27, 2010
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I'm gonna try to get over there and get the guineas tomorrow if that's okay. I have to go pick up a roo at the P.O. sometime tomorrow and will continue from there to your place if that's good for you. Let me know :)


Super Self-Sufficient
Feb 11, 2011
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that should work fine for me, being so wet and yuky im hoping theyll go in with no issues tonight :D


Super Self-Sufficient
Feb 11, 2011
Reaction score
well i got up this morning when i should have stayed in bed.
spent money yestery not only on wood for the new planting beds, but a new hose pipe...ive got it figured out to the point i can turn the water on and off despite it being broken by using the little hooks i set up...
put the hose on this mrnng and one of the rubber washers had come out...ater everywhere...i was it fixed got everyone sorted came in and no power...WTF...
called the power compny they had no idea there was an outage...
they looked into it, and i left for my gyn apointment.
dr is very nice but doesnt want me on deppo (it causes serious boe density issues long term and s far s we know im a record holder, your not supposed to be on it longer than 2 years..iv been on it 10...

so afer discussing i told im the IUD is OUT...not happening, too many friends whove had more tha serious issues with it...

we can look into other Inplants but not the inra-uterine, i know theres one that goes in the arm...we'll see
hes put me on the ring for now, wants me to try it out and if im not comofrtable/happy hell give me my shot while we explore other options.
the 3rd option is endometril ablation...which is probably the next step if the rng doesnt work for me since i have no interest in (and 99% likely no chance of)bearing children.

while there he did a full exam...first thing was WEIRD, he saw something and had to thyroid
the gyn doesnt usually check the thyroid...but he SAW soething didnt look right and when he felt it he says it feels once wed done there i had to go get blood work

"argued" with the plebotanist, it was 1 vial for goodness sake and shes like "put pressur ehere" and prepping bandaids and im like...not gonna need that
oh yeah itll bleed its normal...
nope ill put money its already stopped...
no itll bleed...
nope, see...
dont remove poke press...that not possible there should be a little blood
she ended up calling the other lab folks in to come see this...aparently i have magical healing abilities (or as i told her, i just clot pretty dang uickly...this becomes a real issue when doing arterial draws *grumbles* lol

picked up my perscripton came home and was FREEZInG.
thankfully power had at some point been restored i dont knwo if it was a main box issue ( couldnt see if anyone else had powr) or my house, but i swear the wires coming into my house look different now than before lol.) either way,YAY power in the house.

heading out this afternoon to a coupon thing, so im going to be putting everyone to bed early today...and from the temps rain an wind i dont think theyll mind all too much.

in other news, assuming i can get thigns set up it looks like ill be getting my spotty pigs!
i have a temporary investor if i cn provide housing feed ect she will upfront the costs, in exchange shell get initial investment back o the first litter AND 1/2 a hog at the cost of processing (ill raise it to processing weight at no cost then at time shell pay for her half to be processed nd ill keep my half at my processing cost.
she wats pork, she wants good pork, and she doesnt want to raise her own pigs...
and theres nothign uite like GOS meat, its the only por used by the royal family of england, no other breed will do :p
plus thei personalities are unlike any comercial pigs, the ones i grew up with you could actually go lay with the sow and her piglets no issues, we rode grandads gil around the yard half the tie ad she knew all kinds of tricks...

what i need though is a roll of 3ft fencing to set up a temporary pen while there little and being trained to the electric.
ive got 2 local breedrs, breeer 1 ha a litter on the ground right now, breeder #2 is hoping for litters in the next few months.
breeder 1's litter is different group (gos are so limited there bred by color group) than breeder #2 mening if i get a bore from breeder 1 nd ows from breeder 2 (or visa versa) we;ll have nice outcrossing on the lines.

so over the next few days gotta do some asking around locally see if i can get my hands acess on any not good enough to sell produce and such.
i know i can get bread by the barel form the bakery outlet in jackson for pennies on the dollar too...but id rther not feed a diet soley consisting of bred so need to talk to all the local groceries about getting my hands on toss away produce (even if it is a case of "we put the bag out at 8:30 and the garbage me come at 9 kind of deal.
GOS are pasture frinedly and generally sweet enough that they should be fine with the goats...and in the fall i can just pop em in the orchard after harvest to clean up the windfalls too (the GOS is called "the ochard pig" or that reason.

this is a exciting prspect.
but first ive gotta line up fee and such and price things through.
i wot be buyin cracked corn ow springs on its way so pig fed should fit in the food budget...

Im also thinking of looking into "all stock" feed, even if i have to supliment calcium to the layers and copper to the goats, it mght work out a little cheaper.

aso looks like my 2 geese are female, so im working on getting 2 male saddleback poms to join them.

and yeah...thats about all i got. lol


Little Miss Sunshine
Sep 27, 2010
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Ask for the Alabama brand 14% All Stock at AG&N in Adamsville. It's the best price I have found at 8.99 for a 50 pound bag. It's what mine get when I don't have free stuff. I still have a few pallets of yogurt right now though. 8-600 pound pallets goes a long way :p I do mix in feed from time to time just to give them something different if I don't have other veggies scraps to give with the yogurt. My PB sow has some mighty fine babies off that yogurt! ;) Did you still want a PB piglet? They're ready if you do, and they are on the small in won't get massive as long as they aren't overfed. The sow is right at 55-65 pounds and the boar was a good bit smaller, so they should be somewhere in that range at best. All are solid black. Let me know, and I can bring it tomorrow if you want.


Super Self-Sufficient
Feb 11, 2011
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gonna pass on the PB, if i can get my old spots its the breed i REALY wanted so gonna stick to that pln right now (plus i still need to build a pen ect) lol

besdies with this weather icant keep anything that involves me being outside in the cold nd wet IN my head lol. this weather is YUCKY!


Little Miss Sunshine
Sep 27, 2010
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Yeah it sucks and I am tired of it. Wish it'd either get warm and stay or get cooler and stay, this in between business gets me down every year! Do you need pallets or anything tomorrow? Black totes? I know you mentioned you needed some of those, but how many? I'll see if I have enough, not making any promises though. I have plans for a bunch and everybody keeps swiping them from me :lol: I need to call my buddy and see if he has any more I can get...will do that tomorrow before i come see you, IF I am still kickin :p This new front is tearing my head up!!

I looked for the GOS's forever and could never find any. They are what I wanted too, well besides kunekunes or red wattles, but those are just as hard to find.

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