Pink Fox: its Raining...IN MY HOUSE! :/


Super Self-Sufficient
Feb 11, 2011
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yeah bitch fights are deifnatly the worst, but thats the very reason they are NEVER EVER alone togehter...
unfortunatly though it only takes 1 wll placed (or misplaced) bite to cuse severe problems and it scares me every day...
but finding doer a safe new home is just as hard, hes a HYPER giant bully breed...
im trying to contact some am-bulldog rescues to see if i can find some kind of help/ideas.
im hoping once jaspers neutered (becuase he seems to be starting it) itll help.

but if dozers not snowing improvement at the end of october (2 yrs) ill be looking for a rescue to surrender him to.
its too risky to rehome in this area myself, and i dont have the resources i used to for doing background checks ect. so i figure ill if i can find a rescue to help me (no kill) thatllbe the best choice.

but right now ive got a hyper stubborn puppy on one hand and an intact male with a napoleon complex on the other...


Sustainability Master
Mar 10, 2012
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Napolean complex describes it perfectly. The little ones don't know they are little, and the big ones don't know their own strength....


Super Self-Sufficient
Feb 11, 2011
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i think thats deifnatly the issue..
jasper makes it a point to growl at him avery time he walks past dozer ect...
and while its no more jaspers fault than it is ozers (takes 2 to tango) i can understand such a responce when jasper pulls that bull...

i justwish i could read their minds understand the situation fully and explain to them the full consequences...
if anyone knows of device that ca do that...let me know! lol


Super Self-Sufficient
Feb 11, 2011
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well i lost the little tiny runt bunny...thats sad :( but still have 14 healthy babbits in the boxes right now that seem quite happy. still keeping a close eye on bluebells babies as they are tiny compared to haystcks little butterballs but everyone had tummies full this morning so *fingers crossed*
looks like ive got at least 3 different colors of those 4 kits in bluebells litter, theres 4 kits all in varying shades of blue/silver...cant wait to see how they turn out.

im hoping haystack/silvers chinchilla baby is female, is so ill probably keep her back...bred back to a rex should give me some rex coated babies but im loving the chinchilla coloration.
but we'll see, if i get any REAL nice rex girls i may end up prefering them over the mixes...its hard to tell right now and i wont know sex for another few weeks.

and realy thts all i got right now
my body is rather confused with the time change...
I need to make a grocery store run so i cn make satin balls for ruby whos for some reason having a hard time keeping on weight this time around...need to keep her in tippy top shape.
and i need to get this house cleaned! i need to sort laundry and get a load done tonight (i dont have the dryer hooked up so been waiting on some nice weather so i can "hang" stuff and its supposed to be nice the next few days so going to get all the laundry done!)
ive got a sink full of dishes and a kitchen full of baby piggies (o only 2 baby piggies but they make enough mess for 10 lol.

then the rest of this week will be getting the pig pen done.
and at some point id like to try and get the guest bedroom painted so i can realy start pulling things together around here. (ive got a set of drawers that needs to get oved into that room tht i need to fix but im not moving them untill the rooms painted and i acn put everything where it needs to go and not have to be moved again lol.)

got the veggie beds to start filling too and i need to get the greenhouse modified so i can set itback up and restart my maters and stuff....

going to be a cray next few weeks, jus thoping i can find the get up and go to get it done!


Super Self-Sufficient
Feb 11, 2011
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you ever have one of those dys where you re all gung ho to get thigns done only to start and sudenly wonder where all your energy whent?
yup thats me today...

managed to get my grocery run in...
did 1 batch of dishes and a lod of laundry made rubies satin balls, put batch 1 of dishes away and did what was left (not that many dishes realy but im REALY limited for drainage space). fed the piglets, scooped 1 litterbox, put another load of laundry in (its breezy enough that btch 1 shoud be dry pretty quick i think) and sored out the rest, got a load of undies, a load of cottons a load of woolies a load of jeans a load of sheets and a loa of owles left...which sounds like an incredible lot, but my wahsingmashine is small and fits about 1/4 normal sie load lol. (but its also a HE front loader and fits in my lundry room so who cares if i have to do a few more loads im still using about 1/2 the water lol.
ill have my ryer hooked up before next winter nd it wont have to pile up like that again lol.
instaling a washing line is also on my "to-do" list...
oh and i also did the parrotlet cage.

and ive got nothing done compared to what needs to be dont *gah*

oh well bck to work!


Little Miss Sunshine
Sep 27, 2010
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I stayed on the road half the day, 100 mile round trip to Lexington, 50 mile round trip to backwoods Bethel Springs, and another 30 mile round trip to Purdy :lol:


Super Self-Sufficient
Feb 11, 2011
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oh wow, busy busy lady!!!

sa morning this morning, bluebells litter is gone. they were 1/2 the sie of the other litter born the same day so im wonderingif in the shared nest situation they idnt get any good colostrum.
the litter also born on the same ay already starting to "fur up" and these guys barely a hint of fur...
frustrating to say the least, but at least i know fertility is good and we can try again.

i also added 2 angora rabbits to the family yesterday, fiver and clover are "fun fiber" angoras (1/2 english and 1/2 french) ive already got a few poeple interested in taking fiber if im not planing on using it so thats kind of fun :) they should earn their keep pretty quicky and i want the fiber for myself too :)

got the pallet shelter cleaned out yesterday and started on the fence, need a few more t-posts and then ill have to set up the electric wire and need o haul a bale of straw down there to re-bed the entire thing. unfortunaty all that gread compost is in 2 piles on the hill because my wheel barrow is NOT built for uneven ground and dumped all over the times so ive got to haul that up the hill probbaly in many small loads.

Then once the pigs are set up, next job is cleaning out the duck/goose house and getting that moved and re-bedded down, and getting the goat house shoveld out and rebedded down...yay spring cleaning. with lilly and poppy both due the very end of march/beginning of april i want a clean house for the babies.
im going to need an order of strawbales soon too. got money comming in from the mystery shopping that should cover an orer of bales...and mabe a few extra bags of feed.

im still undecided on the parrotlets, got someone who wants to buy the adult pair once i pull this clutch for hand feeing, the money would come in very handy, but now i know there going to breed and raise a clutchtheir chicks in the long run would out supply the cost of keeping the adult another week or so before i pull to feed, to make up my mind. it doesnt cost me much to keep em so im thinking it might be worth hanging on to them...if the chicks sell well its potential for a little extra oneyhere and there, and if not i can always sell them later.

and miss dusty kitty is in heat udging by the calling and talking and flopping around shes doing...
fun fun! hes going to be on house lockdown now untill i can get her spayed.
thankfully binx is till clueless and cant understand why shes cting like this but wont wrestle with him lol.


Super Self-Sufficient
Feb 11, 2011
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had someone message me today to tell me i must bever give any of my "food animals" attention because noone with a heart could eat something thy "knew"
and it got me thinking, im the complete opposite of that...butchering a bunny i "know" is hard as hell...but i think without that connection i wouldnt have the apreciation for what the end of its life is giving me....
i wouldnt care if it had a good healthy life or if its death was fast and as painless as possible.
i wouldnt apreciate every mouthfull...

i think its the knowing our "meat" on more than just a "hey i saw it in a field once" is part of what makes us more ware of why what we are tryign to do for ourselves is so important.

i also LovE the look on peoples faces when they conect with the magic that is baby livestock
i have some friends, an older couple who both grew up as "city kids" (one living a very rough urban life and the othe living primarily a nice life on the shore/suburbs. there not tu city slickers but not "country folks" (yet) by any means.
over the past few months ive been introducing the wife to "country life" and i must admit i LOVE seeing her face light up as she meets something for the first time...
he got to hold baby aspen when he was but a week old...
and then when the pigs came she got to feel the texture of a bigs coat...and today she got to hold some of the tiny baby bunnies

i KNOW babies are cute and adorable and i oo and ahh over them, but sometimes i think people must think im nutz...
but then someone comes and gets to see these little miracles, to hold the magic that is a baby animal in thier hands and i think something connects inside to a bigger picture...
it may be only a breif spark or it may be a light that lasts forever but even for a breif moment to see that little glimmer of joy in someone else that i get every day living with these creatures that most people couldnt even comprehend...
i LOVE sharing that magic with people.
especially people whove never had that exposure before.

in the future should i ever stirke rich im buying a metric ton of land and opening a small exotics sanctuary and expading the working homestead and itll be close enough to a bigger city that it would be open for educational trips, kids coud help collect eggs, and brush out bunnies and get up close and personal with their food, but also have the exotics snactuary to educate...
i think the key to preserving and protecting all species is connection, and how can a child be expected to connect with something they only see in a book or on TV...
its like today, she knew baby bunnies were "cute" but the moment her hands touched that softness, felt the little heart beat, THATS when the spark lit...

i dunno, just having a bit of a dreamer day...

got not much done though, whent with my frined to take her foster dog to the vet, unfrotunatly doggy caeback positive for heartworm and a tick born nasty so shes going to be a much longer term foster than origiaonlly planned...and tobe frank, it wasmch too cold to o anythign today...brr that sun was beautiful but the wind was bitter an biting...even a sweater cardigan and jacket wernt enough.
picked up the extra t-posts i need to finnish the piggy pen going to try and get those and the electric line in tomorrow
need to haul a blae of stra down there too and get it bedded down and then we should be ready for pigwigs.
i need to figure out feeders and a water bowl for them, there still too small for a bucket to i thinking some of those rubber bowls instead
thursday they will be 3 weeks old and time to start realy offering them more veriety ontop of their milk

they are so cute though, i gave them a blanket today (since paper wa going everywhere) and sage had a grand old time of trying to cover herslef with it and rosemary was more interested in laying ON it so that made for lot of piggy talk lol


Super Self-Sufficient
Feb 11, 2011
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wha a lovely day!

and the mixed litter was old enough to sex this morning...
2 white boys, 2 white girls, 1 sable chin (like daddy) girl
undecided if ll sell the chin girl...but the white swil be offered for sale untill 12 weeks then assuming they hit butcher weight theyll go to freeer camp if they ont sell.
right now i need the cash more than i need the meat.

the rex are looking nice too, not yet ready to sex but got a white, a orken castor, 2 solid castors and a black (either otter or silver marten)

yay spring


Little Miss Sunshine
Sep 27, 2010
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It has been a very pretty day! I spent most of it on the road, but enjoyed every minute ;)