Pink Fox: its Raining...IN MY HOUSE! :/

Denim Deb

More Precious than Rubies
Oct 21, 2010
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Hope you start feeling better. My Bible study group is praying for you.


Little Miss Sunshine
Sep 27, 2010
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Sister I feel your pain on the grocery shopping thing. If all else fails you can always come help yourself to food from my garden :) Actually, from the freezer now, from the garden later :lol: I have a bunch of squash left in the freezer, and green tomatoes, and I think some blueberries. Want some of that stuff? I can hook you up! I'm trying to get some of it gone so I can clean up the freezer to restock next month with meats. I have lotsa hot dogs still in there from that crazy shopping trip where I got like 60 packs for $25 :lol: and I have some venison we won't eat. I know...I was already supposed to bring you some stuffs, but I forgot :rolleyes: Go ahead and smack meh :p


Super Self-Sufficient
Feb 11, 2011
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venison?! you know you got me hooked on tha right? and id love blueberries/any fruit you dont want :) (thy go into smoothies nicely LOL!)

so...1: the results are in.
the GOOD news, thyroid is "normal" in shape and size, its just "prominnent.
some of the numbes were slightly fof but the dr is now certin tht this is a b12 related issue and will go away as we balance it out (and all the other thyroid symptms shoudl also. we will be doing 6 onthly thyroid checks just to be certain though.

they didnt make me take a standard glucose test....instead they had me go, do ftng sugar then go out and buy the carbiest greasiest yuckiest (i added thelast onw) breakfst i could find and manage to eat, the more carbs the better...he suggested 2 buiscuits with egg and cheese...
So out i whent picked up 1 buiscuit with egg and cheese and a small DECAFF coffee...i used 1 pck of regular sugar to try and boost the numbers like they need...(i usually use splenda as its the only fake sweetner i can use and i cant do without sweetner nd sugar makes me ill lol) so eat go bck they take my 1 hour...sit around take my 2 hours
then she comes out looksing mildly terrified, out with crackers and a juicebox and a terrified look on her face "you NEED to drink this now!" and stands over me to ake sure i did. no more than 5 misn later im in the bathroom, the juisce box and crackers together were about 25g of sugar...YUCK!
finally get myself together and go sit in the waitingroom and drift in and out of a half sleep for about another hour befroe i got a 3rd finger prick and 10 mins later im waiting on the dr...

turns out...
my fasting blood sugar, 85, my 1 hour aftr eating 100 (well within "normal" range) however my 2 hour PLUMMETED to 50...people strt passing out from hypoglycemia aroud the 55 mark...thats why she was so worried ad adamant that i drank all the juice nd ate the danmed crackers...3rd reading was still only 60...
drs looking at the results and are you awake, you should have been in a coma at the 50 mark!
i told him i felt absolutly FINE untill she made me drink the juice, then within seconds i felt tired and nauseous...
so he explained that it takes about 30 mins for blood to brain tranferer and thats why the sudn reinput of more sugar than im used to made me crash despite feeling fine at 50...pretty much that by the time i got th ejuice my bran was just getting the mesage i was low and while the juice made me dump it ws the low sugar that made me sleepy.
so he goes...Im REALY glad you refused the glucose test, because with numbers like this wed have been rushign you to the hospital in n literally could have killed me.
while this kind of reaction is what he expected (and is normal in Gastric bypass patients) its much more SEVERE than what is normal.

He asked that id eaten and i told him1 buicuit with egg cheese salt and a small coffe with 1 sugar...and his face ws a picture..."realy? thats it?! ive NEVER seen results this drastic on so little food..."
he also pointed out that giveni felt FINE at a 50 onthe sugar it means when i get REALY ill from eating too much sugar, most people would probably be in a coma at that point...he can only imagine how low my sugar must get f i have more than 20grams of sugar in a meal.
given that my post meal sugar was "Normal" and it just crahed like crzy im not techincally diabetic...
what this is IS 100% related to the b12 (which as suspected now im back on sublinguals untill we can work things out my b12 was below normal gain. normal is 209-900, mine was a 5...(no not a 50, or a 500, 5...thats with 5000 iu's daily.)

he now has no doubt that all my current issues are the direct result of this b12 problem and he cant understand why my body is having such a hard time processing (even with the 6cc b12 injection prior to my last blod test my b12 was only 115.)

hes given me a medication to try as a sample, and a prescription for it, but th downside here is that he doesnt belive insurance ill cover the script...he ants me to submit it anyway and if they dont just keep using the samples untill the next blood test.
he thinks if this medication works even if they dont normally aprove it he might be able to talk them into it based on absolute neseccity...and if they wont, they MIGHT chnge thier mind about covering the b12 when they compare the cost of the b12 shot vs this medication lol.
and if still not then well aproach form different angle.

so yeah...kinda crazy what not enough b12 can cause huh?!
even odder is my body has o problem with folate and iron and usualy with a b12 deficiency you have b1, folate and iron problems too...

finally home, Exhausted.... and not going to doing anythign that reuires any real mental focus all wishy washy.

now thats out of the way:
parrotlet egg #4 hatched...2 more to go *fingers crossed*

and 2 more bunny litters this morning, one in silvers colony and 1 in bigwigs.

bigwigs itter i belive from the fur is from hazel, (i was in a rush this morning so couldnt check her belly), 3 little babbits, not sure what colors we'll get form that group there is 1 broken though :D)

silvers litter (#2 litter for that colony though, realy threw me off, there was fur randomly in the pen so i knewsomeone had delivered or wasbuiding a nest, checked all the nest boxes NOTHING, get to the last one..the same box silver x haystacks litter is in...and theres a hole new batch of fur...
aparently theve decied to communal nest. yup haystacks litter of 5 is now a litter of 10 about 5 days apart in age. i was expecing when i saw this to find a blood bth, i belive this new litter is bluebells and i ws exptingher to kill the older kits, Or visa versa hystack kill the interlopers...
but right now 10 little babbits with full tummies surrounded by lots fo fur. and everyone all comfy cozy. i AM going to hve to watch them very cosely to make sure the older babies dont monopolize the milk but i also dont want to seperte them out and risk upseting either doe and loosing both litters.
both breds can handle 10-12 kits in a litter under normal circumstances anyway so im hoping that as long as both does continue to feed them all there should be plenty to go round.

VERY odd!

i think since im pretty much out of commision for the ay on ny kind of real "excersize" ill probbaly go clip rbbit nails, check mommas add some straw to the pens (now i know both boys have been busy i know ive got at least 2 more does potentilly due soon...)

at least its beautiful outside.


Almost Self-Reliant
Jul 14, 2011
Reaction score
:hugs on the testing - glad you made it through OK!

On the meds the doc suggested - sometimes you can contact the company if you can't afford them (I see ads on TV that say "If you need ____ and cannot afford it, ______ drug company may be able to help") :hu


Sustainability Master
Mar 10, 2012
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USDA 9a on the blood sugar readings. My DH is diabetic and there was a night when I felt him trembling in bed, I reached over to touch him thinking he was having a bad dream. He was chilled, but covered with sweat and pretty incoherent. I ran downstairs, grabbed the honey and got some under his tongue. Went back downstairs, grabbed his meter and tested him... his blood sugar was 38. Oh man, I was terrified. He was conscious, but loopy as he((. I probably shoulda called 911, but I knew I could get his sugar back up before they could get here... but oh man that was scary.

Even if he goes down to 50 he's in bad shape - so I'm amazed that you felt good. I'm glad to hear you're NOT diabetic - it's a horrible disease. Hope they get your B-12 issues straightened out!

Congrats on the latest parotlett and your new bunnies! Talk about a population explosion, lol.

Denim Deb

More Precious than Rubies
Oct 21, 2010
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I know my son had to take me to the doctor's once-my blood sugar was 55. I've never had it spike, but it will bottom out if I'm not careful. I've found that if I eat oatmeal for breakfast and some fruit, I'm normally pretty good.

Glad to hear your thyroid appears normal, and hope they're able to get everything else figured out soon. It's no fun feeling bad. :hugs


Super Self-Sufficient
Feb 11, 2011
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thanks, yup my usual breakfast is either a bowl of oatmeal or a single peice of whole grain toast with a little real butter, cheese and a single duck egg...
doc thinks that i must be dropping like that regularly (though probbaly not quite as dasticallyas its rare i have those kinds of simply carbs like a buiscuit (as much as i love em) but my bodys just adapted to it hence me feeling fine.

even the nurse said to the dr "yeah she looked ok untill she finnished the juice then her color drained...
if hadnt have had the juice i would have been fine and would never have known it was low...

"reactive hypoglycemia" is what hes calling it for now lol.

i must say depist feeling a little yuck this evening omg its lovely out! whent out bout 2 hours ago didbunny nails, checked to see whos who in bunny land. (th litter in bgwigs colony is out of my cstor doe Strawberry, only 3 in this litter but the broken looks like its going to be realy nicely marked, and this is her first ever litter so im happy shes got 3 live babies rather than 5 dead ones...
those 3 ive got 1 nice broken, 1 "white" (could be REW or pointed) nand one solid (expecting a castor or black/black otter)

haystacks litter isdefinatly 4 white/pointeds and 1 whos looking lke a chinchilla to me but could be a sablepoint (going to be pretty)
and Bluebells litter all look dark, no brokens, so im thinking mabe all chinchillas? itll be interesting. (shes NEVER had an all solid litter with bigwig, and silver, the buck shes currently in with is from a mostly broken litter...very odd lol)

and it looks like blckberry in silvers colony has started pulling some fur (shes the only one in that group with black fur lol and i found black fur, look like shes decided to be "neighbor" rather than nest mate, least if she keeps the nest shes started)
id be expetcing castors, blacks, blakc otters or chinchilla out of this pairing.

yay spring is in the air...ashame none willbe ready for easter lol.


Little Miss Sunshine
Sep 27, 2010
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Wow at the bunnies! Wow at the blood sugar! You've had a busy busy day to have not done much sis ;) Yeah, I know I got ya hooked on deer meat :p I would have came by today, but.....I JUST got done, and still have to catch a couple birds that the neighbor is buying. Hope he gets here soon! I'm beat half to death today. I have you some, organic cucumbers, lettuce, organic celery, grapes, tangelos, roma tomatoes, and.....oh yeah, organic garlic, and maybe something else..can't remember, been a long day :lol: That's just from the truck though ;) I have blueberries and venison in the freezer for you, along with some squash, and probably some other stuff. BUT.......I have the flea market tomorrow, and am hoping maybe afterwards i can get my tush out your way. If not, it'll be monday before i can get over there to get you the stuff. :/ HOPE it will keep! I was going to come today, but everything got in the way as usual and time ran out waaaaaaaaaaay early for me. DH and DD even beat me home!


Super Self-Sufficient
Feb 11, 2011
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not a problem i was so all over the place today with feeling odd that who knows if id even been awake.
just let me know what day works for you, :)

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