Pink Fox: its Raining...IN MY HOUSE! :/


Super Self-Sufficient
Feb 11, 2011
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well im pretty sure march needs to re-start...
fter everyhting yesterday about 11:30 i go to give pig their bedtime feeding and notice things ont feel as coldin the firdge as they should...
turnes out my fridge hasnt been running, not a clue hfor how long but long enough that by midnight lastnight it was 65 degrees...
couldnt do much about it then o i when to bed cussing and agrivated....
didnt seelp well last night but whatever.

got up this morning, and after geting all morning chores done and before breakfast i emptied EVERYTHIN out of the fridge and reezer (stil too heavy to pull out to unplug) so out came the shelves drawers reezer baskets and then after still no sucess, off came the doors, finally light enough to pull out far enough to unplug.
the freezer was woring fine so i was mostly expecting to ee a defrost proble (forzen coils) fanangle about to ge tthe back panel off....
theres a small fan that blows the cold air up fro the freezer to the fridge...the plastic fan blade part had somehow worked loose and fallen off...thankfully popped the fan back onto its spinle plugged it in and things seemed to be wroking, unplugged it put the pannel back on, plugged it backin again pushed it back into place then had to rebuild my fridge freezer.
seems to be working normally now...*fingers crossed*
but i wont know untill i start opening yogurts and milk as to how long my fridge was not working correctly nd if i lost about $35 worth of dairy products.

feling frustrated at the thought of loosing the food and having to do it...
tired form the moving/lifting (my fridge/freezer is a BEAST (its a 25cuft capacity lol)

an yet suprisingly acomplished that i managed to troublehoot the problem and fix it myself (yes it turne out to be a problem a monkey could fix, but instead of panicking i did some searching online for a list of most likely problems and troubleshooted and seem to have solved the issue (least my fridgestarted blowing cold air again and i keep hearing it kick on once in a while)
*fingers crossed the milk/yogurts/cheese survied, everythign else is more in there just because i didnt have enough cabinate space (ie my flour and stuff)...but the dairy...*

nayway, now the plan is to veg, then have some lunch, then get my tuckus outside. hoping to get the 4 veggie beds built and the pallet shelter shoveled out (figure build the beds first and dump the old poop and bedding stright into them...)
tomrrow and monday are called for rain so ill be cleaning the house
then tuesday ill start errecting the temporry fence for te piglets, going to put a 3 ft weldedwire pen up attatched to the shelter, then run a single line electric about piglet nose height so i can start teaching them what the electric fence is. hoping once they hit about 4 weeks old i can start letting them run with the goats during the day :)

once this project is complete ill be strengthing the little greenhouse and trying to get some stuff re-started so thats onthe agenda for late nextweek (im planning on screwing the frame together and hopign that keeps it orm being puled apart everytime theres a stiff breeze lol.


Little Miss Sunshine
Sep 27, 2010
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Was good to see you today sis :) I hope the dairy stuff is still good!!!! I hadn't read this before I came, hadn't been online, if I had i'd have picked you up some fresh stuff :hugs


Super Self-Sufficient
Feb 11, 2011
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well i had a yogurt for lunch and that tasted liek a normal yogurt, so im still fingers crossed on the milk lol.

it was great seeing you...i think i need to put dozey on ridalin lol. hes a crazy boy.

today turned out to be a good day over all, my fridge seems to be working properly, the pigs got some outside time, i got the 4 veggie beds i bought the wood for built (id like to build 8 more total and then 2 4x4's 1 for each rabbit pen (ill put wire over the top of those and plant grass and clover unerneath so they cant kill the roots but still get the yummies :D)
will probbly do the 4x4's next batch since that would also help my feed bill for the buns, expecially since they seem to now have the idea bout the rabbit multiplication table! lol.
got the goodies cindi brought put away and its SOOO nice to have so much fresh stuff in my fridge...
tonights diner, some knd of meat with a huge salad! lol...
cindi took some eating and hatching runner duck eggs, so ill hve an extr incubator to confirm fertility :D (and shell hoepfully get a nice batch or duckilings!) and ive now got a little more room for eggs in the fridge lol
once my btch hatches im going to try selling some hathcing eggs but with 5 girls its hard, takes me 3-4 days to gather a dozen eggs (despite their best efforts lol) and i take 1 a day for breakfast lol.
but that just means i need more LOL!
i think i need some of cindis fawn and whites runners, or some khakis lol. i know khakis lay better than runner so im realy thinkig about getting a group of those.
ive put a cap on 12 ducks total so i need to decide. lol.

the weather was LOVELY today (but those nasty red wasps areback around the front of my hosue again.
and they re mean and like my front oor.
is there any product that kills and leaves a residue to keep them comming back. ive seen em attack the local bees so i want to get them gone, but no matter how much i spray they just keep coming back.
im going to get some spray foam and block up their fvorite spots fter using the wsp spray (im allergic to these buggers too btw) but id like something with some kind of residue that lasts a week or 2 thatll keep em form comming back. mabe make them change their mind about how wonderfull my house is!

becaueof todays lovely wather i will comply and put my clock forward tonight befor ebed...with the nasty weather weve been having i just about staged a formal cant have my hour in bed unless you trade it for spring weather lol...but today was lovely so ill co-operate! lol
i actually got to turn my heat of today...will have to turn it back on before bed (my house stays pretty cool because i get no direct sun or the 2 sides and the back only gets partial sun filtered by the back deck and the pine trees...nice in te summer, but sucks in th winter.

th only real downside of the ay was a i broke my silver chain for my pendant...going o need to go find newone. :/


Little Miss Sunshine
Sep 27, 2010
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Have a good dinner :lol: Everybody is about asleep around here already, I fed them bacon cheeseburgers and fries, and they got lazy on me :p

Dozey doesn't need Ritalin, I just need to visit more often :D I LOVE that boy just as he is ;)

Denim Deb

More Precious than Rubies
Oct 21, 2010
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Pink, I can't say for sure cuz I've never used these, but you might want to try one of these for your wasps. If I have wasps building a nest, I'll always spray the nest, then leave it. When I do that, I don't have any problems w/wasp.


Super Self-Sufficient
Feb 11, 2011
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hmm, wonder if those woudl work. might have to get some when ive got a little extra spending money. :)

this morning we have litter #3 in silvers colony, 2 BIG babbits, one of bluebells babbits is tiny and i found him this morning kinda shoved out of the way and had obviously ot eaten, so i gave him a quick feeding on bluebell and then one on blackbery who has more than enough milk for her 2 giant babbits and a little bitty one) then rubbed him all over her then rubed him all over her 2 babbits and pt him in that nest...he stands a better chance in there, but he was somewhat dehydrated when i found him this morning. he did suckle though and ws moving so fingers crossed.

total babbit count is currently at 15 between 4 does.
5 for haystack, 4 white and 1 sable chinchilla whos going to look just like its daddy!
5 for bluebell, looks like right now im guessing 2 chinchilla and 3 opal...but its hard at only a few days old.
2 for blackberry, look to be both black
3 for strawberry, 1 white, 1 broken (probbly black) and 1 dark (probably black otter)

still hoping for a litter from hazel soon and that will just give me the newest doe whos not been here long enough to be due before end of march at the earliest.

ive actually got my windows open right now! its LOVELY out!


Little Miss Sunshine
Sep 27, 2010
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:bun :bun :bun :bun :bun :bun :bun :bun :bun :bun :bun :bun :bun :bun :bun <--------Pinky's place :lol:


Super Self-Sufficient
Feb 11, 2011
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YAY bunnies lol.

had a good day then got home and dozer tried to eat jaspers head again...
im about 80% sure jasper started it...again no real injuries other than a nick on jasers chine and a couple of canine bruises but still *GRR*

so yeah fun fun...
dozer is currently in a time out and jaspers hiding behin the couch...i feel bad punishing doer when i think jasper started it, but when he gets iled up like that hes on high tension for a while after and fun.
i wish i could read their minds...would make this a hole lot easier.


Sustainability Master
Mar 10, 2012
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Bad dogs, no biscuit!

A few years ago my son and his wife were living here. His wife had a huge dog, real timid, real laid back and real sweet. At that time I had three Westies. Sox was my D-I-L's dog. Bella was one of my Westies. They had a good relationship for over a year.

Bella was queen for the longest time even though she was the smaller dog. One day, out of the blue, Sox became food aggressive. She rushed Bella and literally slung her across the porch. I started bringing Bella inside to feed her and thngs were good for a long time after that.

I went outside one day and Sox came up for a pat. Bella came up for a pat. Sox growled at Bella, and I fussed at her. That was all there was to it, but the next morning I found Bella dead. I didn't hear a fight, and Bella only had two small punctures. From the placement of the punctures it appeared that they had a problem and Bella rolled over on her back to submit. She had punctures on both sides of the bottom of her rib cage. It must have punctured her lung, there was frothy blood at the wound site and from her nose.

I felt horrible - like I let Bella down. I had only witnessed one actual fight, and the one other time that Sox had growled at her. But, Bella still ended up dead. She didn't have a chance. She was 15 lbs and Sox was 100.

I've always heard that bitches are worse in fights than dogs are - and in this case it appeared to be true.

Bunnies are so darn cute... hope you can get pics soon!