Pink Fox: its Raining...IN MY HOUSE! :/


Super Self-Sufficient
Feb 11, 2011
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there nto 100% sure yet...
hes going to be working in bridgewater...but right now there looking closer towards the PA line, over in the washington twp area, around neer budd lack area ect.

me and dad discussed last night, hes very intent on either getting a place with enough land to build me a cabin on, or buying land in tn and me having my own cabin on there, either way hesgot every intent on having me move in the next 2 years to more land and closer to them (but still have my own place more remote on the property so we dont have to feel like we live together. he want me to be his "farm manager" since he realy wants a farm and is concerned mum wont be able to do it with double rotator cuff injuries...
hes ound a bunch of propertyies there going to go look at as soon as the details are etched out (the company is giving him an all expenses paid week to go house hunting) 2 ealy catch his eye,one is an "old" (its a new build built to look old) colonial on 18 acres backing up to some state land (his favorite) the other (MY favorite is a chaltet style house on 34 woodwed acres with a 1 acre paddock and small horse barn already in place.
he likes the colonial though because its more "updated" inside and alot more useable sft, the cabin has the same basic footprint BUT because the upper floor is a "loft" its about 2000sft less than the colonial style. the 34 acres is in the same area as the 18 acres (great meadows) and also bacs onto state land though that one specificially says "with horsetrails" and the other doesnt.

hes going to look at both...
to me the chalet/cabin style home is the better deal, but dad thinks it might also be too isolated, you drive through your own property uite a good distance to get to the house, whereas the colonial is closer to the neighbors...
(i think hes more worrie about snow blowing the driveway...
but i told him...
you said you wanted a tractor! just get atractor that you can put a plow on the front of and tada, snow problem soved.
but in the end even 18 acres is alot of land.
well see though, i already told him in order to make this work id nee dmy own house, and id need to be able to bring my animals, and id need to be allowed to manage this in such a way as i want (ie dont get antsy if i buy more ducks, or a llama lol) he said thats not a problem, as long as i have a plan for that animal to work on the property ect...

given what He eventually wants to do with the land though...the 34 acres is a MUCH better buy..., its less than the colonial, been on the market longer...

but we'll see...
either way il be here for a while, in orde to sellrent out this place ill need to have the pipe fixed o im going to make some calls to see i soeone can give me a quote, not interested in replacing the leech feild it woks fine when theres not a big crack and the oots of 2 humongo pines clogging the whole thing up. so im hoing they can just replace the section thats damaged and clogged. well see how much that will be before going any further though, it may be cheaper to list the house forless than id realy want for it and avoid it all together.
but ive got a while.
I also told him if imhaving a place built i want to pick out the floor plan and the "conveniences" going into my house.
im not going over board, but im an amature designer and ive got some ideas i want to play out lol...

she seems to be ok with the terms and conditions but theyve got to find thier place too. and ive told them im not moving for anything less than 7 acres lol

todays plan is to get off my butt and get some stuff done.
need to do the top on the brooder box, candled the eggs today when i took it off the turner and added liquid and weve got some definatly ducky like shapes in some. ome of the ones due to hatch earliest are too dark to rely see anything, but im getting excited about that :D
technically we shoudl start hatching tomorrow.

ive got to move the parrotlets into the brooder either today or tomorrow...looks like i have a green, a white and possibly a yellow or another green and then the tinest is completly unknwn yet, it amaing what a weeks ae diference can do in parrot snad their feather development.

im not REALY not sure about selling the pair...if theres a white in the box like i think there is, hes worth the pairs value alone...and if they ca make more like him...its worth putting up with angry bird daddy lol
yes the money would be nice NOW, but theres more money potential if i hold onto them.

the house needs cleaning, ive got dishes and laundry to do, alundry to put away too...a kitchen that needs a good scrub down...bird cages and kitty boxes to get done...
and still need to do bunny bottles (everything was frozen solid this morning so figure ill wait for the sun to warm the world a little bit first.


Super Self-Sufficient
Feb 11, 2011
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well big immeiate need job of the day done.
brooder is made and im actually realy liking how it came out.
1 35 gal tupper tote orm walmart, took a peice of leftover hardware cloth and cut a hole in the lid of the box, used some washers screws nd bolts to affix the hardware cloth and tada.
total o about $10 to make, and ater each brood they can easily be dumped out hosed down and bleached. no worries about setiliing wood, or rusting metal and 1/10th of the costive bene seeing for some small wood and metal "professional" brooders. and when there not in use (becuse we know ill be making more eventually lol) youcan stack em in each other.
plus there incredibly light weight, smaller ones woudl pe perfect for things like meets and fleamarket sales ect...

you could easily add venitlation if ust the mesh top isnt enough or ya by cutting out sides and putting in mesh around the sides too...
very pleased with this one :) will post a picture later and think ill probably end up setting up like this as i start making more progress on the farm (or if i do move to dads place, these could easily be set up multiple high on shelving.) in a baby barn :D

anywho...its lunch i think im going to have myself a sammich then the cleaning of the house begins. laundry and dishes are last on the list but i do need to do boxes cages and vacume so all that can go out wiht the trash tomorrow...
tomorrow i can then focus on laundry and the fish tank and scrubbing down every surface in the kitchen...

the weekend coudl go either way yet...
nd then next week, if possible id like to try and paint the back bedroom so i can get that room rearranged and re-usable. (right now its just a catch-all)

then next month the kitchen, and after that starts the big project, the bathroom. need to take the pannels down around the shower and see what ive got to work with. but kitchens and bathrooms sell houses so i definatly need to get both thoe rooms dine no matter what hapens.

Denim Deb

More Precious than Rubies
Oct 21, 2010
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I had to look to see where Budd Lake was. Just some things for them to watch for in NJ.

First off, there's more than one Washington Township. There's at least 2, if not more. 1 is close to me-but not the one they're looking into. I figured it wasn't since I'm not familiar w/the lake.

Secondly, NJ can be VERY restrictive in some areas when it comes to animals. I know people who have bought land intending to get horses only to find out that you need to have at LEAST 5 acres to even have 1 horse! I know someone that lives about an hour from here that, even though he has several acres and has horses, he can't have any goats or chickens! :ep And some places, you need a permit to cut down any trees. Plus, you're restricted to the number that you can cut in a year.

So, if they're going to look in Jersey, make SURE they ask about any restrictions they need to be aware of. I'd hate to see them get something they like only to find out they can't do what they want w/it.


Super Self-Sufficient
Feb 11, 2011
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i actually told mum the same thing tht they need to check if its oned ag, and if not if it can be, and that just because a prperty allows horses DOESNT mean its going to allow livestock ect...but ill make sure to tell dad the same ting too because sometimes things dont get relayed.
dads going to be telling the realtor too that hes secifically looking for a place he cna have some livetock (hes got 10 chickens of his own to figure out lol)
im hopng that side of NJ at least might be a little lessrestrictive being right on the PA boarder...but who knows.

in other news, back bedroom and livingroom CLEAN (still need to tidy some but generally clean, doing my enforcer spray (permethrin) as a pre-emptive flea strike...havent seen any bugs on the dogs but pulled a tickoff me the other day...the enforcer is a 6 monthly aplication spray anyway so spring and fall and its the onlyproduct i found safe to use around the fishtank/bird (since its a liuid not a bomb) that actually worked when we got that nasty flea infestation...

got to go switch the laundry and do the bunny water bottles, pope should be unfrozen now...and bring in the trash can so i can start loading it up lol.
then i think im going to tackle a batch of dishes then change the sheets on my bed and vacume/spray in there.

kitchen blitz will probably be tomorrow levels are starting to drop again.


Little Miss Sunshine
Sep 27, 2010
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Lovely weather today :D Better than yesterday anyway. I wasted the entire thing. :/ I had to take DD to the doctor and shopping, then I had to send off a package, and blah blah blah...and now it's almost time to start some dinner. Glad you had a great day sis!!!!!!! :weee


Super Self-Sufficient
Feb 11, 2011
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dont know whats up with me today
I didnt sleep last night, and when i did for hatever reason the animals were super antsy. Dusty who has NEVER EVEREVER botheed me in my slee before kept comming over and bopping me on the nose, i wasnt in a deep sleep anyway so id wake and shift and try to drit back off...
ruby and dozer were both also very antsy last ight,very unsual but make sme wonder if my chemicals are haywire because noones leaving my side today either. ruby and dozer both paced the fenceline while i did chores (usually ruby pees then sits by the oor to go back in ad doe run around like a nut job), and im sat her eo my susual chare, dusty NEVER sits with me during the day...and shes ON me, dozer is over onthe couch in his usual spot but instead of passed out he eeps looking up, looks at me, gives me this "yup stil good" look then goes back to sleep...and Ruby shows usually invisable during the day (she likes to sleep under the couch where oer cant bother her) is at my feet...
my heads poinding my finger joints ache, barrometrci pressure is up which feels like a ten ton rock squishing me, and im "fuzzy"

supposed to have a frined comming over tomorrow night and staying over, but i may ust have to cencel on them if this doesnt go awy soon....and to be honest, may end up at the walk in hours tomorrow id im still feeling like this...i havent had this hay feeling compbined witht eh animals acting weird in a long time and last timeruby acted this way i had a series of mini seizures. (and no i wont be driving if i dont feel health nsurance covere the loca medical transport bus
it could just be a case of something i ate not agreeing plus lack of sleep but the aniamls are acting very odd.

In other new, i can hear some of the ducklings peeping form the eggs
stil no pips yet nervous.

ducks are otherwise on eggs form them aain in a few days...*grumbles* then again who can blame them with tis its spring no itswinter no its spring no its winter weather!

got nothing that NEEDS to be done today so im just going to sit around be lazy and probably watch a movie and take a nap.


Sustainability Master
Mar 10, 2012
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Pink, it sounds like a good day to take it easy. I think your critters are trying to tell you something - and it's good that you recognize it and can act accordingly!

My DH is always begging me for a little dog we can keep inside... I dunno why he wants that when we have two perfectly sweet, housebroken terriers who could live inside, but.... Anyway, when I finally do give in to his wishes, I'd like to see if we can train it to identify his blood sugar swings. I know there are diabetic alert dogs. I need to investigate further.

Take care of yourself today!


Little Miss Sunshine
Sep 27, 2010
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Sis, if you need me call me!! Your communication is a bit "off" again as well. Hope you're okay, and hope you KNOW I'll drop whatever to help if you need me!!!! Get better :hugs


Super Self-Sufficient
Feb 11, 2011
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well still feeling off kilter.
talked to the dr, he says there is a bug going around so he wants me to give it 48 hours, if in not feling right by sunday he wants me to head to their emergency clinic says itll be abou the same wait time as the ER but once im in the office there wont be any playing around waiting ect...he saiys if its still goign sunday he wants b12 run wants to check the waves
things its either this bug, or its mini seizures (which would explain the dogs)
the mini seiures culd be simply a bath relatedto my disorder...or its mini seizures related to the B12 issue...
hesgot the medical transport booked for sunday morning, and i can aparently cancel at any time before 1am on sunday morning at no penalty...

im used to having "mini seizures" (absence seizures) but usually im fine then i "space" for a few mins, then im tense and achey for a while and then im fine again...
this isnt my usual seizure activity.
im tired, my head is ounding, my fingers are randomly tingling and im in that "diditn get enough sleep" Haze...

weirder is im craing potatoe alad and chocolate and im hungry but the ONLY foo i want is potatoe salad and chcoolate...
i was hungy for lunch, made lunch, (grilled cheese, protein is good) took 2 bites, didnt want it anymore....thats not usual for me...
i dont usually get "hungry" unless im realy hungry, but i sit down and eat regularly...
today ive eaten 2 bites of grilled cheese.
staying hydrated and will do aprotein shake for dinner unless i can find something that says "eat me" lol.
think im going to need a very early night.
was hoping to have ducklings for the fleamarket tomorrow, but i think its for the best that noones hatched yet (got some pips though) and that the weather is going to beycuky...because im under drs orders no driving while i feel like this lol.

oh speaking of uckies...
i lost a duckling this morning...i was making a quick check for pips and dropped an egg...i cried a little when i saw a little ducky inside that wanst ready to meet the world yet.
more frustrating becaue its one i had labeld as a no go...i thought it wasnt developing becaue i sae no veining at all and all the others have clearly visable veining...otherwise i woudlnt have actually picked it up to move it (i just give them a little twist)
oh well, we learn from our mistakes, but still im a ducky murderer now... :(

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