Pink Fox: its Raining...IN MY HOUSE! :/


Super Self-Sufficient
Feb 11, 2011
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well got up this morning and id chores, Dumped out all but one of the rabbit boxes (left the one the entire batch of babbits has seemed to claim for thier own lol) cleaned out the rest becaus if timing goes right we should start seeing neting behaviour again in the next couple of weeks.
i also have 1 bunny, my tri doe Hazel, building a nest. given timing this would be a litter out of big-wig who passed away almost 2 weeks ago...
just goes to show how quikly he whent down hill in that case, with a 4 week estation he was obviousy perfectly "normal" 2 weeks prior... rabits go down so quickly.

then i lost his replacment only 2 days after bringing him in. i had him in a quaentein hutch (as is normal procedure especially given hed been an indoor bunny) and something must have spooked hi because i found him in a unky position very likley a broken neck.

so now im o the look out for a new buck for that pen and im thinking it might be worth going with a lop and working on my plush lop program.
found one i realy like just gotta see what the money does this month.

ive got 10 ducks in the brooder, and 8 more im waiting on...i heard one peeping a little this moring soim expecting him tomorrow, hoping that prompts the last ones to hatch...if ive got nothing on the candler by thursday indiating effort im not yet sure if ill try assisting (im worried humidity might be an issue and theyve shrink wrapped, my hydrometer has been acting up the past coupld of days) or if ill ust let hem kills me to think of tossing perfectly viable eggs but then i wonder if perhaps they were never meant to be...
we'll see.

on friday im supposed ot be picking up MY chicks...
i placed a special order for my partridge standard cochins. Price was rght, so ive got for sure 4 comming. im thining of trying to get my hand on some barred cochins too and using them uner the partidge roo to make some sexlink cochins. they wouldnt have the true crele pattern like multi gens woul but they should still look pretty cooland a least id be able to sell those chicks sexed lol.

im planing on then ordering my 2 male pom geese and my batch of sexed khakis from ideal for the end of the month.
so its going to be a busy spring.

had to take my muscle relaxer last night, which always leave me feeling like im stuck in slow-motion the next day....
ive got to clip m little lamb ruby dog so she looks less likea sheep with it foot in a socket...
shes due tohave her pups on the she needs to be cleaned off before that anyway.

and lilly is due to kid practically any timin the nex week or so.


Sustainability Master
Mar 10, 2012
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Wow, you are moving right along.

It's hard to believe that you've already got kids due. Seems like just the other day you were bottle feeding those little ladies. Time flies!


Super Self-Sufficient
Feb 11, 2011
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lol, i knwo right, hard ot belive they were both a year old in february.
heck aspen is almost 6 months old already!!!

so 6 of the 10 ducklings whent home this morning.
ive got more ducklings in the incubator right now. both piped unipped and looks like there a few days early, i havent touched them much, one is practically free but hasnt completly done absorbing the yolk...though theres no blood which is good...
the other it got the top off but theres some blood (which means that ones not even remotly done absorbing the yolk yet...)
not sure if either of them will make it. hoping so...but its hard to tell, odds are against them at this point.
in good news however 4 or 6, any ive got from this hatch left are going to their new home on friday. hoping its 6...but 4 is better than none

looking like all 4 parrotlet babies are already pre-sold too! (and ive got a month to go before there ready) which means mean momy and daddy are staying. the linnies i didnt get a bite biut the parrotlets, ive got quite a bit of interest in so i think its worth keeping them around a while...
i may even look into getting a second pair IF i can find them at the right price.

ive got 2 of the 10 buns pre-sold, mabe 3...
i im ust not sure if i can sell (he picked up some kind of eye inection and its seriously goopy, been trying to keep it clean but i think he got poked by straw when his eyes were opening. the eye is VERY obvioulsy blinded at this point, which wouldnt be so bad, but i just cannot seem to get the puss/infection under control.
he may end up in the meat pen
hes eating drinking running around and otherwise seemingly completly healthy, but no room in the inn for another boy right now.

ruby is due to bring her pups into the world on the 9th

and on the 11th im heading to memphis for the day while duty binx and jasper are..."fixed"
dusty i driving me batty, tempi and willow didnt have thier first heats untll almost a year old..
dusty is what 8 months, and shes on her second run, and not only is it driving me cray but thers aparently 2 big tom cats in the rea right now and DOZERS driving me cray as both of them keep coming round to see if shes managed to sneak out and it SERIOUSLY annoys dozer...his cats, GREAT...but i think hed actually kill a strange cat if he got hold of one...

so thats going to be a day at the memphis zoo for that one,going to pack a lunch and do like i did last time and make a day of it, supposed to be overcast but dry in the lower 60's, so it hould be a nice "walk around" type day.
a frined is trying to see if she can get the day off work to come with...but i dont mind going alone either, sometimes its nice to wander around tak to the animals and get lost in thought of where id put my tent to hide so they couldnt throw me out (i LOVE the oo and to be honest not being able to work with these animalsanymoe kinda hurts quite a bit. dont get me worng i like my farm and my livestock..but working with exotics is something else!

Add a trip to the feed store probably friday to pick up my chicks..
they managed to find someone they could get SEXED standard Partridge cochins off...
i couldnt get my crele marked cochins (can onl find them in banty and even then good luck) but i LOVE thepartridge coloration and pattern...and if i get some barred cochin hens to go with i should get sexlinks out of the barreds under a partridge)
i dont know how many they are getting in, i only want a few, but i may get more than i realy need and sell the extras on since this isnt a breed they usually get (and whe you do see large fowl cochins there usually blue black or buff...)

then closer to the end of the month ill be placing my order for my 2 male saddleback pom geese and my sexed khaki campbell ducks.

and thats the livestock for this year done.
i would like to get my hands on another goat doe, either keep one of the kids (if i get a nice doe out of lilly) or once lillies kids (as im pretty certain poppy is not pregnant) sell look for a nice small lamancha doe kid or doeling...but i wont be bringing in a got untill lillies had her babies and they are gone... 4 girls is my MAX right now.

in terms of the move to NJ stuff, it wont be happening. dad found out how much the taxes were on that 18 acre lot and the monthly ttaxes would be MORE than the mortgage...hes not willing to do that so were back to the origionalplan. the are going toget a modest house in NJ, somewhere backyard chicken frinedly with enough space for a garden...and buying land here in TN...whee in tn we dont know yet probably somewhere fairly neer the river or neer nanche trace park (easy trail acess)
where they will start building their dream home (and a little cabin for me and one for my brother and mabe even one for my sister if she wants one (it would end up being a guest cottage too lol) with plans to have me move on during construction, my house woudl go on first, barns and fencing for the animals, then their foundation and house, then a few little "guest cabins" cdas hoping depending on location putting guest cabins on give an optortunity for rentals, a small campground mabe ect.

i personally like this plan better...they can get alot more land, design it as needed and pay MUCH lower taxes itll be much easier for them to retire earlier here in tn and i personally like it here...alot....
so after adding some more ducks geese and chickens to the homestead (and mabe a male GOS pig if this breeder has any piglets in a few months) and another goat, i think i HAVE to put things on a stop just because ive got no ideahow im going to moveeverything lol.

so it looks like i do easily have another 2 years in my house...plenty of time to titivate, finnish up, mabe replace the septic outlet line thats busted, and then ill either sell or rent this place out.
either way it means ive got a little bit more time :)
but it does mean i probably wont be putting big money into building my barn LOL!
still goign to try and fix up the old one thats already here though. it may be old but its sturdy and couleadd some cash value if it were usable and to be usable it needs a new floor a new roof and the wals patched up lol.

and yeah

been working on my commissio peice today, another 3-4 hours on part one and itl be done then an hour or so on the second part...
kinda sad that that money is already spent, its going to pay for the cats and dog to be "fixed" and my ticket to the also bought chick feed and welded wire so i cant realy complain...but given it was SUPPOSED to go into the tattoo fund im going to take SOME out form soewhere else for "fun money"
i realized ive got to spend my money on something none farm related once in a while just for me so i dont start to resent what im trying to do thats the plan there.

ive got so many projects this month though.
so at least i sholdnt be bored lol


Super Self-Sufficient
Feb 11, 2011
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still nothign from hazel my tri-doe...and no signs of nesting now either...
mabe shes bipolar....or something lol

got a fairly busy day today, gottamake some phone calls to reprice feed
then got to go get feed, then ive got 2 drs apointments this afternoon and ive got to give the p-let babies lunch in there somewhere...

out of the 2 duckligns in the incubotor, one died overnight...i think it piped too early the yolk didnt absorb and it was just too weak
the other still has a little bit of an umbilical herniation, looks like what little yolk that didnt absorb got stuc to the shell and hes gven himself a tug free, ive put a warm wet paper towl o the incubator floor figure keep the area moist so it can heal up properly. hes not actually standing yet..but seems strong and active so ive got my fingers crossed.

and yeah. its wet, its raining and i realy should make a start on the day


Super Self-Sufficient
Feb 11, 2011
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yay, i found my runners that hatched normally whent a couple days over normal and form what ive been readingbeing told thats actually normal for dont be suprised if they are a little late lol

today ended up being nutzo
whent and picked up my uad of cochins and ended up bringing home a sexed pair of embden goslings too...
stopped off nd di my mystery shop, and a uick run into wally world where i got some meat for dinner tonight ince i ddint defrost anythign and gas for my car 9i buy a gift card so i get money fof at the pump that way and it the chepaest gas in the area.
got home, got the chicks and goslings into the brooder with the ducklings, fed the baby parrotlets then it was time to head back out to my 2 docs apts, got down there 5 mins late but got one apointment done, had about an hour till the next one so whent and paid my bills took a ocument to my other dr that they needed fro the insurance, stopped at the pig to pick up a drink and a sweet potato to have with dinner tongiht then co-op for goat feed, (will get the rest of the feed tomorrow as its cheaper in selmer and i have to go there to pay my trash bill anyway tomorrow, but selmer ag doesnt carry the feed i like for the goats, i prefer a 16% and they only carry a 12% in none medicated...i dont giv medicated feed so that kinda decided that or me lol)
then to my last apointment of the day, then home...
since its wet and grey and yuck out im goign to go put the critters to bed a little early tonight, then come in, feed the baby p-lets, then start on dinner. got a big peice of sirloin (3 meals) on managers special, so im going to cook that up with baked swet potato and mabe some corn for dinner.
im actually kinda excited about that :)

then tomorrow its up, off to selmer get the bill paid, pick up feed, come home, groom E's cav king charles spaniel, then the 5 duckies are going home tomorrow evening...
got to try and finnish my commission peice tomorrow too...part 1 is almsot done, part 2 is not even started. ive got another week but ill be seeing the buyer on sunday anyway so id like to get it finnished so nether of us have to make a special trip...

fun times

Denim Deb

More Precious than Rubies
Oct 21, 2010
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We're supposed to get the rain tonight, then it's supposed to warm up. Hope it warms up for you as well.


Little Miss Sunshine
Sep 27, 2010
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Sis, if you're coming to Selmer, let me know what time and I'll meet you and drop you and E off some strawberries and fruits!!!!!! PLEASE!!! :lol: You'd be doing me a HUGE favor!!! :D


Super Self-Sufficient
Feb 11, 2011
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dang it...missed ya. didnt even get chance to check onhere this morning!

took the 5 duckies to meet their new home, picked up feed for the inside and outside critters (can you belive it costs more to feed 3 dogs 4 cats and 3 birds than it does to feed 6 ducks, 2 geese, 7 rabbits + babies, 4 goatsand 2 pigs?! seriously somethings up with that)
anywho loaded up 300lbs there abouts of feed and kitty litter.
then picked up E's dog Shylie to groom her, came home got her bathed, fed the bab p-let, dried an clipped her...
the unloaded aid 300lbs of critter nosh...
i just sat down about 30 mins ago and am thinking of all the stuff i shoudl probably get done.
ive got an extra week to work on the commission project (and a few rainy days next week) but right now im thinking of my drill and trying to get the greenhouse frame strengthend in such a way i can try putting the plastic back on nd not have it blow away again next time someone sneeezes...
would realy like to get some tomatoes started, i can direct seed lettuce and such once the beds are filled, but id rather plant seedlings or toms, and peppers...
so im thinking about herding the ducks and geese back into their pen so the dogs can come out for a bit and doing that now...

and infact...i think im going to.


Little Miss Sunshine
Sep 27, 2010
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Woman...I have plants. You know you're welcome to some. Wish you coulda met up with me today, we had so dang much stuff :th We did get it all gone though.