Pink Fox: its Raining...IN MY HOUSE! :/


Super Self-Sufficient
Feb 11, 2011
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yeah they had 4 their first clutch and laid 8 this one, hatched 6 but i lost one last night, he was tiny tiny compared to his siblings who all have real and pin feathers he had nothing :/
stil 5 healthy chicks right now, im SUPPOSED to have a deposit comming o the yellow male, theres 1 gree thats sold to a frined, that gives me 2 female and 1 unknown sex blue to find homes for, ive got names on the list its just a case of them getting back to me and matching color/sex. this list was male heavy and the clutch was female just my luck huh?

I am a little worried about mighty mouse the tiny grey male kitten (who im certain is NOT siblings to te other 6...) hes usually the first to the food bowl, eats enthusiastically, first to my lap for snuggles...well this morning he didnt want to eat, and just wants to sleep...
force fed him some mush and nutrical and water...if hes still not himself tomorrow ill call the vet im fostering though and see if i need to take him in. 2 of the females also have scabbing o their heads and since ive got to head to jackson tomorrow anyway ill probably take all 3 if they say bring em in and have the scabbing checked as well as little man checked over.
ill admit, hes wiggled his way into my heart VERY quickly, but then, i have a special splace for "special needs"

in good news, one of the puppies, the male, is supposed to be going home o saturday...
*fingers crossed* i need ALL of the puppies to go home...
though i will admit part of me wants to keep the nekkid girly, and i wont reduce her price, but if someone offers me what im asking for her, ill sell her since i realy dont need another little dog and i realy DO need to pay down my creit card and get ruby and jasper spay/neutered ect...

still waiting on an apt with the usda ofice to get this laon to fix my septic...yay more money...

but otherwise.

gonna be a hot one today, 97 forcaste dhigh with a heat index chating over 100, going to a friends for a few hours this afternoon and i WILL be taking a dip in their pool...

stay cool and safe everyone...

and everyone in the path of this crazy weather pattern thats goign through to the north, PLEASE heed warnings and SERIOUSLY stay safe!!!


Super Self-Sufficient
Feb 11, 2011
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well life continues to throw me ap date ran out so i had to go up to jackson today to reapply...she said since ive been aproved once its just a case of reactivating and i should get a call early next week...
yup 1 whole month since i applied, that means almost 2 months with a small puddle of water turning into a large greasy (but thankfully not smelly) mud pit...
and there like...well we cant rush these things...

WHAT!? this is kind of one of those "emergency" type repairs listed on your website as the whole urpose of loans like that which im applying for...*sigh*

going to call the lowes instalation specialist tomorrow and see if he can get out and give me a quote for insulation, the back door and the kitchen window, ive got the quote for the septic so i can present both and hopefully have enough money to do those big jobs.
even better if theres a little elft over for other projects in the house. like replacing the yucky carpets in te bedrooms (even if i can only get a laminate, as long as it looks close to the origional hardwoods id be happy) and removing and rpelacing that sower backing wall...YUCK! mabe even paying off the loan i took out to clear the land which would free up some real cash...

iin more yuck news, the tiny grey kttien i was sure wasnt a littler mate passed away today...i dont know exactly what happend, got to call the vet who im fostering through in the morning and see what they want to do...
he refused to eat yesterday morning, pumped him full of nurtical and syrnge fed him, by afternoon he was acting normal again but thei smorning he was almost gone. he stopped breathing in my hands.
im getting a distinct feelign that death has decided im going to do his job for me. seems everything i touch turns to dead right now.

i jeep truckin though...

did manage to do 1 good thing today though...
my hose burst and using the little hose repair coupler i fixed it $2 to repair rather than $20 to yay me!
ive got the other hosepipe that i killed last year so i might try fixing that next month. if like to somehow "perminently" run a hose over to the veggie/rabbit area to make it easier, just ot sure how id do it without running it through pvc pipe and digging a trench to bury it in lol

oh well...
its hot!
and its time to go put the critters to bed.


Sustainability Master
Mar 10, 2012
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You did the best for the kitten... sounds like it was sick from the get-go. Hope that loan comes through for you SOON!


Super Self-Sufficient
Feb 11, 2011
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well didnt hear for the loan lady yesterday so ill call mondya morning and be like seriously HELP!

in good news, 2 puppies whent home today...the puff male and 1 puff female.
got 2 more people im talking to about the other 2 puff girls (fingers crossed)
still no bites on the hairless girl though...which is odd since hairless and female are the typically favorite combination in the breed.

deposit arrived for the yellow male parrotlet today too so YAY on that, hes officially marked as SOLD
the green male baby is marked PENDING for a friend

got someone emialed me about the odler green female (if not im goign to se if i can tame her down since the frined realy wanted 2 greens)
so it just leaves me white older girl and 3 blue girls...

got a litter of rex in the nest box, PLEASE keep fingers crossed they do well. castor to red, got some 8 kits in dark, broken dark (likely castor could be black otter) and 2 that i THINK are lynx.
got to bred everyone that can be bred up in the next week or so and then we'll probably be done for summer.
chocolate tri will be bred to my holland buck for F1 mini plush
tri to red
opal to choc-chinchilla
and im debating if i want to breed my broken black to my english lop or to the chin...probably to the lop for F1 velveteens

2 angora does to my buck and if shes old enough the chin holland to the holland buck...
gotta check her birthdate.

from todays puppy money were already broke, got to put some aside for the trash bill, some for ruby and jaspers spay/neuter, some for the electric bill.
so im realy hoping the other 2 puffs at minimum go quickly as thats going to pay a chunk off the credit card.


Super Self-Sufficient
Feb 11, 2011
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well sold 4 parrotlets today to a hand feeder whos opening a petstore, gave her $25 off my usual price per bird since itll same me time and moeny in feeding, this could turn into a regular thing...we'll see.
the yellow boy is under deposit, and the older green girl and the grene boy are sold to a rihgt now about 3-4 weeks hand feeding green and yellow and all the current p-lets will be sold.

got the hailress and 2 puff girls to sell in terms of puppies, and probably another 3-4 weeks on the kittens and then all should be quiet for a while...

had to seperate out one of my duck hens today, shes underweight and was having trouble walking, i oticed her last night but put her to bed with the others and watched her eat and this morning she was walking around no problems...thinking shes just not fast enough at the feed bowl and with low body weight shes not keeping her strength up during the dya. seperated her out, ave her food and water in one of the old bunny hutches in the back yard and will give her a chance to build up her reserves again. shes featherwise ok and bright eyed, but her wings droop a little and shedoesnt have much strength in her legs. vent is nice and theres not much other than seperate, feed up and see what happens that i can do.

otherwise things are ok...
hung out with some frineds for lunch...
a little drama with some other frineds going on...

need to call usda lady tomorrow and demand an apointment, the mud pool is now growing its own algea colony and that cant be healthy.

got to also send off the forms for jasper and ruby to get the voucher to get them spay/neutered at the low cost so thats done...

and in themeantime doing some extra reasearch into my next 'big" dog.
i heard the neighbor today talking to a frined who was getting a little too close to the fenceline...
oh dont go over there shes got this big dog"
and his frined goes "i havent seen one" and
he goes "well i havent seen it in a few days"

so i yell out "no Dozer get back inside, i cant have you biting anyone else animal control will come and shoot you, you know you cant go outside when people are about...the fence isnt strong enough" hopefully thatll be enought ot put an end to that for at least a little while...
but it realy got me thinking that having him was a huge deterant despit him being so goofy and frinedly to people.
as of right now im doing my homework, ive always been attracted to dobermans, ive worked with them in the past and love their personalities, real velcro dogs, tend to be standoffish with strangers ect...
so im looking into a few good breeders there.
shepherds and malnois are also on the list...
part of me feels im moving a little too fast, but the other part of me didnt realize how much peace of ind simply having that big goof in the house gave me. ive started ocd checking locks again and my number is up...when he was here the ocd would kick in only when going out...and id only check 1 series of 3....a series being going to the door in one session so id go, check walk away go back check walk away repeat 3 times then STOP and id feel ok leaving or doing whatever...
now im checking 3 series and its a 15, 7 and 3...15 checks the first time, 7 the second, 3 the 3rd and im doing it not only when i go out, but before i go in the back yard, before bed ect...
ocd is a strange anxiety riddled beasty. ive also noticed myself starting to slip into window checks...making sure the window is only open so many inches...ive not started physicaly measuring yet...but if i know my shifts it wont be long before im not only measuring but i start putting my "security rods" back in. (its a metal rod cut to a certain lenght...if someone pulloed out the screen theyd have to use some serious force to open the window up past where it is because the rod stops it opening up...)
its not that i REALY need it...peaceful little town where eveyrone knows everyone...but the ocd and anxiety are returning and i feel like it...and i HATE that feeling.

while out today i slipped into a "did i check the locks" mind set though i didnt go into an actual anxiety attack mode...i wasnt that far off.

enough of that.

one of my passiflora is blooming, i LOVE pasionflower flowers, there so tropical and almost alien looking!
will have to get some pictures :)
got a canna i planted last fall in bloom too, such a beautiful vibrant red, hoping the others start blooming soon...and my daylillies form last years "rescue" (spent the day in the heat diging up the entire daylilly bed this woman had) are sending up flower buds too YAY!
i need to build some trellises for the passifloras and the clamatis and hydrangea vines...

and yeah. thats about all i got, just wanted to ramble a little and lt everyone know im still alive.


Sustainability Master
Mar 10, 2012
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Congrats on selling the p'lets and two pups! I'm glad you're investigating getting a new big dog. I know they do give a sense of security. Not too surprising that you're a little more anxious without him. Hope you find a new friend quickly!

Denim Deb

More Precious than Rubies
Oct 21, 2010
Reaction score
Ditto to that. As much as I want a Cocker, if I ever lived by myself, I'd probably have a larger dog as well-or a skunk. (Imagine breaking into someone's house-and being greeted by a skunk! :lol:)

I know I'm OCD to a point, but I can't imagine being that bad. Hope you're doing OK. :hugs


Super Self-Sufficient
Feb 11, 2011
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i think EVERYONE has some form of
i just thing people diagnosed OCD have theirs enter overdrive.
im doing ok though...
ive managed it pretty well in the past and without having places i HAVE to be, it makes the checks annoying but they realy dont interfere with normal every day life....because i dont have a schdedual i REALY have to keep to so if it takes me an extra 10 mins to check the be it lol.

i think it more suprised me at how having a big guy here helped ease some of that side of the anxiety...
the little dogs are a great "alarm" system but unfotunatly they bar if a leaf crosses the path, and noones afraid of a 5lb nekkid i mean now whos going to keep the dor to door god sales people

got some stuff to get sorted today, some phone calls to make, a bedroom thats in desperate need of tidying...and a kitchen to straighten ect...
but for the most part i dont see it being too busy of a day for ow at least.

though i wil say ive had cockers al my life and they do make great "watch dogs" their bark (especially the english cockers) are much bgger than their bodies so they SOUND much long as the person cant SEE the then again with the reputaiton ockers have here in the probably be afraid of em lol.

Denim Deb

More Precious than Rubies
Oct 21, 2010
Reaction score
I found that out about their bark when I got my first one. And, she was also super protective. I thought she was going to tear up the neighbor when he acted like he was going to hurt me. (He was just joking around and was curious to see what she do-he found out quick! :lol:) And, she chased the neighbor's rottweiler out of the yard when it was chasing "her" cat.


Sustainability Master
Mar 10, 2012
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My Pyr is a great dog, but the best personal protection type dog I ever had was a Collie. That dog would NOT let anyone near me that he didn't know and love. One night an old boy friend came to my house to try and convince me that we weren't over. I went outside to talk to him and he tried to get physical with me. It's a good thing for him that I caught the dog by the collar as he as headed for the guys throat. The dog knocked him down and I literally pulled him off as he was snapping for his throat.... Scary, but oh so reassuring!

My OCD comes out when I travel. I constantly keep checking to make sure I don't lose anything or leave anythig in the hotel room... I agree, Pink... we all have our own personal OCD issues....