Pink Fox: its Raining...IN MY HOUSE! :/


Super Self-Sufficient
Feb 11, 2011
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i think so too, i flet very comfortable around him, he didnt just assume anything, asked a ton of questions, even down to the realy "which direction does the pain hit, where does it go, what does it feel like...he seemed to be realy ontop of it, taking notes al the way along instead of just standing there like "yeah shut up so we can get this over with"

in other news, nekkid pupy whent home yesterday, very excited since that means my temptation to keep her is now gone lol.
just 2 puff girls left and emailing with a few people. realy hoping theyll go home before the end of this week comming so i ca claim my livingroom back.

baby kittens are also doing well, they are eating wet food much better and picking at the dry food and drinking thats good. gotta get them weighed and see where were standing. they cant be spay/nuetered untill they reach 2lbs...there somewhere in the 4-5 week range right now so im hoping no more than 4 more weeks...
not because i dont like them, but because i realy need to get some stuff done in the house and cant do much with them runing around. lol.
once they go i want to get that back bedroom painted, clean the carpet since i cant afford to replace it yet and then move the set of drawers in that are currently taking up extra space in my bedroom.
once that rooms painted and arranged i can make a countertop for the craft space and actually USE my craft room as a craft room lol

once thats done im starting on the bathroom. the board behind the shower is going (usda funds or not ill sell a kidney if i have to, its realy ycuky) and the sinks comming out, the bathroom will get painted, new cabinates and sink, new tile around the shower and if i can swing it, tile on the floor (if not ill paint the linolium thats in there or something because the floor is also yucky lol)

USDA lady comes on tuesday to make a list of imediate need jobs and sign off o things, then its just a case of waiting for the approval. septic tank comes first, then probably door and window in the kitchen, once door and window is done ill repaint (got enough paint) and put in the backsplash and that room will be done.

ive also started some outside patio projects ive wanted to work on for some time now...
im making a light/art peice, when mum and dad came to visit we sat out to grill and eat but it was too dark once the sun set to do anythign out there even wit a ire lite in the pit...
so over the ast few months ive been gathering parts.
picked up 2 shelf brakets and a shop light, but shop lights are ugly and i LOVE backlit art peices i couldnt afford plexie (was going to do a stained "glass" peice, so instead i thought..hmmm...canvas...
i wanted a BIG peice...and a 6x4 canvas was going to cost me almost $200 with shipping...
so off to lowes where i picked up some 1x2 pine and corner braces...
and goodwill where i got a twin white sheet for a little over $1
and tada a canvas, its not galery stretch condition and without the center braces its a little bowed but i didnt want cross peices that would mess with the effect.
got that hung infortn of the light (theres a few inches between the light and the canvas to avoid heat issues)

today i "stained" the sheet wit some very watered down acrylic paint, i need th elight to shine through most of the peice so didnt want to just paint...the color wash is umber and sienna so it gives that warm earthy tone, and being its a wash the light shoudl shine through.
the rest of the peice will be black acrylic paint i want to silohueete a modified tree of when back lit the "sky" behind the tree will glow...
i also want to put in some little details that you wont see untill the light is lit...i think the only way im going to be able to do it how im envisioning it is by picking up some white card stock (or brown paper bags) cutting out the shapes i want to show only when lit and gluing them to the BACK of the canvas so when the light is on youl see them but when the light is not they hsouldnt be visable.
I want to put bats in the sky and a family fo foxes playing at the base of the tree, mabe an owl in the branches.

im also going to get some glow in the dark paint and put some fireflys in the grass, they should only show up after the light is turned off :D
or around christmas time ill buy a small pack of flashing white christmas lights and poke them through the canvas from the back...hmm... lol

i think when its done itll be realy cool looking.

once i get my machine back and can cash inmy swagbucks im going to order those garage door screens, i did the math and those are much cheaper than buying rols of screen and making my own screen curtains. they will get put up around the carport and that should give me a realy nice spot to sit out and chill in the eveings, bug free too! lol.

so right now the color washed sheet is drying, im hoping i can get the tree painted today :)
ive also got to work on getting the hosue a little tidier for the usda ladies visit lol


Sustainability Master
Mar 10, 2012
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Pictures please - when you're done with the canvas! It sounds soooo cool.

Hope the visit with the usda lady goes well.


Sustainability Master
Jul 22, 2011
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Klamath County, OR
I was reading your post and imagining how lovely it would be to sit out there in the gathering darkness, enjoying the light art when it suddenly occurred to me--- what about also creating a couple of shadow puppets that could be manipulated with sticks or ropes or something from the chairs? things like being able to REALLY have your foxes dance!


Super Self-Sufficient
Feb 11, 2011
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ooo that could be cool :)
ill get some pictures once its done, im going to work on it some more today starting the detail work, im liking how its commign out but im going to need to put some card stock or something behind th eblack paint, or do a few more coats, even the acrylic is not quite thick enough to blcok the light on the areas i want to be completly blacked out...not a big deal though.

today was the usda lady inspection thing...i say inspection but it was relay more of a "proof finding" mission
she came by, took notes an dpictures.

the BAD news...
my house was built before 1978 so is under a lead paint issue.
this means that the window and the yucky surroudn in the bthroom since both are touching paint and the paint would have ot be disturbed to fix cannot be touched by the usda...
unless i get a lead paint test, if it comes back clear no issues but itll cost money.
going to look into how much, if its not too expensive ill get it done, however if it comes back too high ill fix the bathroom myself (ll wear a just in case mask) and wil have to hold off on the window untill i ca afford ot pay cash for that...

the GOOD news...
the door, the insulation and the spetic shouldnt be an issue.
the septics going to be a little less than easy since ill need to get the health department out, they need to make up a diagram as to where the feild lines should go shoudl i need to replace the entire system...becaue with the way this works, if the septic guy jsut says its a $500 broken pipe digs it up and finds ive got a destroyed eild system..they cnanot rebid at ahigher they have to go in ASSUMING the entire system has to be replaced and if everythigns good and healthy and it comes in Under the quote thats perfectly fine...

but thats small beans realy.

and suprisingly she noticed the window ac and mentioned if id thought about central...WHA!? im poor i could never afford central air and i figure being its not a health/saftey risk...
but she said because i only have 1 heater to heat the whole house (no other heaters in the bedrooms ect) and im running an "inefficient unit" (all window ac units are considered inefficient) the usda will allow me to take loan money to put in a central heat and air system, since its much more efficient overall and would deliver zoned heat (which i should have and dont) so she ut it on the list of things to put in her report as needs...

she also said everything so far looks good with the aplication so should eveyrthing get aproved, in oder of need:
1: septic
2: insulation
3: back door
4: central air

gotta do my homework on the central air and see if it would be more efficient to have an electric system or see if they have a gas system and see how much the other stuff is going to run first...its deifnatly last on the list...
but a full house systen for a less than 700 sqft house with venting to 4 rooms shouldnt be all that expensive to instal...the question will be cost to run.

so yeah...
1 more step down.
she said due to the septic shes putting a "rush" note on the file, but she cant make any promises and i should hear something in about a monht (hopefully sooner, but expect it to take 30 days)

so continuing to keep those fingers crossed lol.

for the rest of todays plan im going to go work on my canvas and the kittens realy need baths...

tomorrow ive got a TV ultrasound and then hopefully well get back on the right track for fixing those issues...
thursday is monthly therapy and after thant hanging out with frineds frieday will probbaly be finnish the art peice off day lol.

theres a fairly nice breeze today...
so it shoudl help keep some of the flys away while im painting...i HATE flys.


Sustainability Master
Mar 10, 2012
Reaction score
Hope it's not lead paint - but such good news on the septic and other issues. It's a shame you have to wait a month, but all in all, it's worth waiting for. :fl that it comes in sooner!


Super Self-Sufficient
Feb 11, 2011
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well folks...
here she is!

shes a 6ft x 4ft peice.
im going to add some veyr tiny detail work in gold metalic paint but that wouldnt show with my camera so for the most part this is what she looks liek during the day.

will try and get a deacent picture tonight of it to play with the backlit "suprise" critters a little bit to see what the best way is to get it to work in such a way that you realy dont notice them in the daylight but they become visable when the backlight comes on.
i have ti set to a timer so it should come on around sunset and go off at my usual bedtime, but the timer also has an override function for "always on" so i can keep it on later if ive got frineds over ect...

i realy like how its turned out :)

Denim Deb

More Precious than Rubies
Oct 21, 2010
Reaction score
Pink, you need to see about making those and selling them! I think that is cool! I'd love to have something like that. You could do a bunch of different scenes to appeal to all kind of people.


Super Self-Sufficient
Feb 11, 2011
Reaction score
heres what it looks like at night


im actually thinking of doing smaller versions using christmas for the smaller ones and under cabinate lights to the slightly larger ones... theres be a few logisticts to figure out in mounting the lights
obviously on a peice this size ti would have to be an on site commission since i dont own a box truck lol.

but im realy pleased with how it turned out and am realy thinking about playing with some smaller versions to sell at craft airs along with my painte dbirdhouses and such...

it gives off enough light to see and do things by safely (ie grill and eat) but not so much to be glaring :)
im envisioning small ones with christmas lights with fairies in a little girls room

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