Pink Fox: its Raining...IN MY HOUSE! :/


Super Self-Sufficient
Feb 11, 2011
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the most protective dog ive ever known was actually a poodle...smaller standard, but about as intimidating as cotton didn tknow he was protective untill he was tyring to eat your face.
personally i liek a dog that LOOKS scary so we dont typicaly have t find out if it would protect lol...

right now doberman is the top of the list, ive always loved them...found a couple breeders im talking has some stunning dogs form great lines, cgc, therapy trained a few service dogs, living with other dogs of both sexes and cats ect...
temperment is definatly number 1 in this case, and given what ive just gone through i refuse to give in to less than quality lines at this point ill save the money and invest this time...
roadside escues are great, adopting form a shelter is wonderfull...but after dozer....i just dont think i can do the "unsure" part again and with a dog with no backgroun dits impossible to say if theres any gentic defaults that would effect.

i do like collies thought heres something about thir head, and i realy like the smooths, the roughs i dont think would do too well in the humidity here lol....btu a smooth...and tlak about hard to find.

in GOOD news...
i finaly have an apointment with the usda loan folks...
called literally at closing time and got her immediatly (just encoraging my thoguht that she had her answering machine on all day to screen calls...) unfortunatly the ONLY apontemt she has is wednesday...shes leaving for training thursday morngin and wont be taking apts for 2 weeks...
so i took her weds apointment...
unfortunatly ive got a drs apt in the same area on thursday which means 2 trips into the city and i HATE driving 45mins one way twice in a week...but i gotta get this sorted and im not sure i can wait another 2 weeks...theres algea forming on my leakage pool...that cant be healthy.

got the lowes guy comming to price the window, door and insulation for the attic tomorrow too so at least i can present that quote as well. i realy want to try and get the house in a more efficient bills arnt bad but i think theyd be much better if my hosue wernt badly insulated, or had better airflow (the kitchen window doesnt open at all) or wasnt drafty in the winter...

once this stuffs sorted out im going to start working on the fence.
i think im going to run 4 strand electric about 4ft from the perimeter...then i can start putting in welded wire as time permits while still giving the animals acess to more space.
i figure 4ft form the perimeter also means ive got a ncie path to walk around the perimeter for fence checks, weed wacking ect.
but yeah thats the next "big" project.

the pigs need a larger pen but im not sure i want them roaming with the goats so i think im going to fence off the area of brush the goats have pretty much already decimated build a new shelter over in that area and give the pigs that area to clean up...hopefully theyll root up the brush thats left and kill it all...eventualy turning that into a pasture too. since the fence is already around part of it it just means modifying it a little and building the pigs a new shelter in that area...

so yeah, plenty of plans.


Sustainability Master
Mar 10, 2012
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Yea, the pointy head thing in a Collie is a bit odd, lol. I looked for a smooth coated pup a few years ago and they are as hard to find as hen's teeth!

Fingers crossed that your appt with the usda folks goes well!


Super Self-Sufficient
Feb 11, 2011
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m name is on the waiting list for a litter of doberman pups due next month...
momma is a stunning natural eared kimbertal female, her sire a grand champion and her grandsire a service dog...
daddy is a gorgeous kimbertal male, champions through his pedigree.

kimbertal is a kennel ive heard great thigns about for good temperment dobermans with amazing breeding, and structure so i but at $2500-$4000 a peice...HA

well i found a breeder whos got a 100% kimbertal breeding (both dogs direct rom kimbertal) and at a price much closer to what i was expecting, and after taling to her shes offering me for even cheaper as long as she gets reference if asked where the dog came from and for eferals and if the dog does work out as a service dog ect...
thats FINE by me!
she had a euro female give birth almost 2 weeks ago and i was thinking of going for a pup from that litter but she has advised me to wait, says while these current pups parents have great temprments, the parents of the litter due are amazing and both have the temperments for service dogs, and both get along fine with other pets (the stud used on the current litter is mildly same sex reactive and a little higher prey drive) so...
now i wait...
my baby should be entering the workd next month, then itll be a 2 month wait from them untill shes ready to come home so im expecting sometime in September. which works out nicely, plenty of time to get some projects around here done, get jasper and ruby spay/neutered and healed up, get these foster kittens gone and reclaim my house and do some far work before i have to start housebreaking a new baby.
the down side is...

going to set asside the cash now for her, the first puppy obedience class (i WILL be taking her to classes) and her spay.
it takes a chunk out of the money i was going to take off the credit card but itll be worth it to have a stable dog form good bloodlines from a breeder who realy seems to care.
mommy and daddy are both z and vwd clear, pen hip and elbow checked too!

got my usda apt tomorrow, im realy nervous, have to make a stop at the bank on the way up there for last months statment (cant find it in my mess lol) and deposit some cash to pay the spay/neuter checks for ruby and jasper and for the garbage bill.
got to also sent out the garbage and electirc bills too...get them done.

got a pending on the other chocolate and white female powderpuff puppy...shes supposed to go home on saturday...

so that just leaves the mostly white puff and the hairless girl to find homes...

lowes guy also came out today to give me some pricing...
attic insulation i think im going to do myself, they want .99 a sqft for blown in...but the rolls will cost me about 1/2 that house is only 650sqft but $300 or so makes a big difference. plus my house isnt so huge that that would be too much of an issue i dont think...will probably have to pay for them to deliver the rolls though...but still cheaper by far.

the door is a sure if my dad were here he could do it for me but hes not and with everything hes got going on i dont knwo when hell be comming, nor do i want him replacing a door when he arrives...
same with the window...its 2 jobs i cannot do myself...and 2 that came in a tad higher than i was expecting at about $1100 to do both (whihc includes tax and instalation ect...)

septic tank is THE most important thing right now...but i think if i can get enough, or it comes in under budget ill probably get the door and window done...the rest of the windows in the house were put in just before i moved in and i think it would help with bills so i probably will. but itll all depend on how much i get, and how much the septic costs.
im also hoping i can use some money to pay off the land clearing loan...even if i have to tell them the loan was for something else...we'll see what the rules are...

rest of todays plan is pretty basic...
kittens need baths so thatll probably get done...(with no momma to help keep them clean kittens get messy FAST lol)
and ive got to get my kitchen and bedroom straightend up.


Super Self-Sufficient
Feb 11, 2011
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oh and please keep the fingers crossed for me.
i just found out theres a ow cost spay/neuter in mid july, it works out at $10 less per dog than the other low cost program going on in the area, they are booking 20 but putting 24 on the reserved list, were number 22 and 23, if its mostly small dogs theyll likely be able to fit my 2 all depends on how much room is o thr transport form the pick up to the vet clinic and back.

if i can save the $20 there that can go to getting binx neutered...these folks are only doing dogs and only 2 pets per house right now...though they may do another one in the future for cats *fingers crossed*


Super Self-Sufficient
Feb 11, 2011
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meeting with the usda lady seemed to go well, she said based on the budget sheet she cant see it being an issue...but its 1 step of 10000 to getting this loan.
next step is her comming out shell take notes of the imediate jobs that need doing, then i have to have a licenced contractor or whatever come out, right up a bid (higher quote as they cant give them MORE than quote but dont mind if it comes in under lol)
the bid get submited and theywirte the check

the way this works is i get a "controled account" they isda ovfficer is incharge of controling the account...into that account goes the funds, form there the usda officr signs off on the check and the contractor uses it for whatever the job is....

so shes comming utesday to make notes...
septic is obviously #1 o the list, assuming im approved th septic guy has to submit his bid (on the higher estimate) and we go for there.

for the window and door and insulation same applies, they come in (already done) write a bid and it gets submitted, the officer then gets the morney into the account and writes the nessicary checks...

all in all ill be aprived or up to a "maxium amount" (this could ba any number up to $20,000...
the way it works is, the "account" stays open for as long as i own the home and can be used at ANY time without re-applying for repairs to the SAFETY and health of the home (ie roof, mold ect)
they only put in money as required, so i only pay interest on money used...BUT...
say i get the speitc fixed now at $1000, then in 2 months get the doors and window done, then in 6 months the insualtion, then i could go back in 5 years and take out the money if i need a new roof...and if the hot water heater goes i can call and say i need money for this ect...theres no "oh you have to apply for a new loan" ect...i just have a licenced contractor submit a bid, she comes out and aproives the work ad the money is placed as needed....

this means should i have an "emergency" liek this septic system issue i dont have to go thorug all this again...

it does mean i cant use the money to pay off the land clearing loan lie i i think intead of paying down the credit card, im going to use ANY left over puppy money to get the land clearing loan cc payment is a fraction of the loan payment...

but it also means ive got a little peace of mind should things go wrong with the house in the future and i need emergency cash to fix something...obviously wont cover cosmetics, but will cover thigns like mold, broken window, broken water heater, ect...

in junky nws...started the day off to a broken electric fence charger, not sure what happend but it whent from putting out 7000+ volts to only putting out 2000v...thats supposeldy enough t keep most livestock in but i hit the fence and dint even feel a tingle...goats not so much an issue, but those pigs are too smart for thier own good and thye test that fence...
so i had to spend some of the cash i have fomr the pups on a new charger since this one was just out of warentee...*grumbles*
if this one goes im going to a different brand...its just not worth the risk... especially as i start working on expanding pastures...

other than that....
got the kiddie pols washed out and refilled for the ducks and geese, and washed my car!
tomorrow ive got to give the kittens baths in the morning then an apointment in jackson in the afternoon...yay more gas...*sigh*
firday im heading down to corint for abunny sale
and then saturday i hsould have at least one more puppy going HOPING i can get the other 2 sold this weekend too...


Super Self-Sufficient
Feb 11, 2011
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well had my new gyno apointment today and i get a good vibe form this guy
first of hes canadian and used the term kiddo, a term i use alot but rarely hear here in the US lol. made me feel comfortable
second off, when he noticed i was in pain during th epelvic exam he imedialty stopped and apologized...weel when you bleed straight for almost 30 days and have knee crushing pain to go with it, tends ot leave you a little tender in the uterus..he wasnt even applying my pressure but it was tender...

pelvic exam...lasted all of a few secons, result, im highly enflamaed theres multiple cysts on my ovaries that he could fele just fomr the pelvic exam and given ive only ben off the deppo 3 1/2 (almost 4 months) a "normal" case i should NOT have gotte that bad that quickly. hes fairly certain theres "stuff" going on...and we WILL be following up...

he admited he doesnt "like" the deppo due to the side effects unlike some methods its not somehting you can just suck out should negative side effects start to occur BUT...despite that, hes more than happy and comfortable given im aware of the potential effects to put me back on deppo should we decide thats the route i want to take...he just cant right now because he wants to get to the bottom of why i got so bad so quickly (even endo/pcos shouldnt have done this this fast)

he wants to discus potential otehr options for future use...
one of which is a brand new iud thats specidficlaly esigned for people like me, says the big issue with the mirena and why so many people have issues with it is because they SHOULDNT HAVE IT...the mirena is designed for eoman that have had children...says so right i the add...unfortunatly women who havent had kids are being perscribed this method and aparently the actual implant is MUCH too large, the uterus tries to force out the forign object because its too large for the capacity of the uterus and the cervix, which causes pain, embedment ect...
this new on eis about 1/2 the size of the mirena but does the same job and is aparently twice as effective, same hormone as the deppo shot just in a smaller amoutn and designed for women like me who have severe issues that would warrent an iud but havent had kids and thus have a smaler uterus and cervix... its an option that he wants me to reaserch, along with a few others...
right now im on a high dosage pill to hel control bleeding and pain but it shouldnt effect anythign to caue problems with diagnosing this issue...
i go in next week for a TV ultrasound, he wants some much clearer pictures of whats going on in there as he things theres more than pcos/endo (and actually belvie si may ot even have pcos but given the cycsts mabe some kind of other issue causing cyst growth...)
hes applied to the other dr for the results of my pap and physical exam, may need to contact my regular dr for blood work results...
once he gets those and the TVUS results well sit down and reveiw and decide what the next step is.
he didnt want to order any lab work untill he knows exactly whats already been done and found because he understands my insurance can be tempermental and doesnt want me stuck wth bills becaue we repeated a procedure ect and it wouldnt be hes waiting on that stuff...
i go back in after the ultrasound and other suff come in and we'll come up with a game plan.

all in al he seemed realy nice, a good ehad on his shoulders, and most importabtly realy willing to listen and discuss

right now hes hopign we can try a few other methods (if nessicary) BUT if nothing on his list works (and hes going to run everything thourhg my health insurance BEFORE hand to make sure its covered) but if nothing else helps he will put my back on the deppo all i have to say is enough, i want the shot...
i aske dhim if i needed to get that in writing and he laughed, said "quite frankly it doesnt matter what I like and dont like, its not my body and im not interested in dictating what your allowed to do with job is to ensure you are healthy and help you make informed desicions...not try to force my belifs on you or tell you what your feeling...its not my body...i dont know"

he did say though simply from the pelvic exam he can tell i have a high pain tolerance (its THAT enflamed) and that he knows just fomr that that this is simply not "normal"
he seems to belive theres alot more going on here that over the years has simply been brushed under the rug and treated as an inconvenience...he said given my age and given my history theres something more happening in my body that needs to be checked out.

this is the first dr ive ever had, male or female to NOT question how mcuh pain im in when i say it hurts or tel me its all in my head or al about mental state ect...

i KNOW i have high pain tolerance, ive been told many times previously...heck i had a large mrsa abcess drained and packed in the ER and even the nurse commented that she was suprised how well i got through it (yay breathing techniques)
when i say something hurts...its because it REALY hurts...

so yeah all in all whent pretty well.

i also managed to find 2 pairs of sandles at a discount store for the same price i was seeing per pair at kmart ad walmart and these i actually got those since mine are falling apart...
and yeah...thats all i got.
its hot...ive gott he ac on in mybedroom "prepping" for i think im oging to finnish up and go keep it company :D
but first ive got a bucnh of little critters who need supper.

Denim Deb

More Precious than Rubies
Oct 21, 2010
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Pinky, sounds like that doctor is a keeper! I hope they can get to the bottom of this, and come up w/a plan that works.


Sustainability Master
Mar 10, 2012
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Sounds like you've got a winner in this doc. Is't it nice to have someone who listens and actually hears what you say?

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