Pink Fox: its Raining...IN MY HOUSE! :/


Super Self-Sufficient
Feb 11, 2011
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well...I tought today id manage to be able to have a pretty lazy day...

fece I out
repaired a spot that looked like the line had been cut (its not high tensile and doesn't exactly "snap" easily)
then repaired another spot that looked like a deer had probably tried to run through and gotten tangled (insulators popped off)
thought id fixed it, come back to the house plug her back in an its still popping but puttingno voltge out...

so ust having a drink then gonna go start troubleshooting the dang fence.
first step is to simply make sure the charger IS working which means unhooking the fence from it and testing that's its puttingout power...
if it is that means ive gotta walk that fence over and over until I find the issues....
if not however it means the box that I replaced all of a few months ago is busted again and im going to be looking for a different brand...
I realy hope its something ridiculously stupid that I missed...

im tired today and just wanted a quiet day of do nothing...and instead I get a day of "hey lets get covered in bug bites again!"


Super Self-Sufficient
Feb 11, 2011
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well I finally got it fixed...
a small piece of wire that had been emedded in a tree had managed to break free and ground out the electric into the tree itself...
the wire is gone now, and the fence seems to be working just fine.
unfortunately pigy water delivery systemspring a leak AT the nipple today. I think the pigs just got too rough with it and broke the silicone seal.
thinking I need some kind of thin metal plate on the inside and outside and a washer in back, or some kind of large flat rubber washer to better secure the nipple.

while I fixed the fence, i ended up in the company of goats and pigs, the pigs are funny, very cautious of new groud but sticing one on either ide and ust slightly ahead of me, as long as i had my hands on their backs they were happy to keep their faces just infront, but if i took my hands off em it was like they suddenly turned on guard mode and theyd start talking and getting tense and shifting back and forth...
once they were familiar however they wre running around all kinds of ecited...
happy pigs make me giggle...

the goats semed quite happy to follow me too, stopping to nom here and there then catching up if i got too far, i think it helped them realie how much space they have because there much further out in the new psture now than they have been since i opend it up.

Lilly is also making improvments...slow...but imporovments. she can now put all her weight on her back legs (still bent on the knees in front) for a few mins at a time and actually walk like that for a few steps.
im sure now shes supporting weight that those muscles will start to rebuild in strength fairly quciky.

its interesting watching the pigs with her...its like they cant understand why shes lay down. they'll go over, grunt at her, rosemary gave her a little nudge but lilly bopped her with her head and that stopped dang quickly lol...sage lay next to her this morning for a little while before we whent on our adventure.

otherwise not much going on...
ha lunch, having a drink...then gonna go run to the co-op and pick up bunny food since i ran out this morning (a week before i wanted to, gona have to start buying 3 bags to see me through the month. i don't overfeed by any measure either. but consumption goes up a lot when theres babies.
good news is in a little under 2 weeks most of the rex babies will be going home...ill have 2 castor boys left that have not pre-sold.

and yeah that's about all i got right now. im exhausted!

Denim Deb

More Precious than Rubies
Oct 21, 2010
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Glad to hear Lilly is doing better. I was going to ask how she was. You must have read my mind.


Super Self-Sufficient
Feb 11, 2011
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well im worried about her again, noticed today she has some clouding and redness to one eye. PROBABLY just poked herself with a tick and got an infection but...I just don't know.
now im wondering about listeria or polio...or...or...or...who knows. all the other goats seem fine so whatever this is...*GAH!*

its also been "one of those days" and I definatly think im coming down with a case of the yuckies
tried to breed some of the rabbits today, none of the girls were interested.
one of the girls seems to have an infection of some kind so ifve got to put her in quarentein (none of the other girls seem to have it) and blackberry has a nasty boil or something at the base of her ear (going to be watching that so I can put antibiotic ointment in there when it pops.)
the pigs broke their trashcan watere...well they didn't realy "break it" of of the chunkers used the barrel as a leaning post, ay against it and broke the now ive got to figure out a way of making some kind of strong panel to go inside and out to reinforce the whole thing so THAT doesn't happen (as it WAS working great)
spilt glories bottle this morning then came in made my own breakfast and just as I wa about to put it down binx ran from out of nowhere knocking my hand and my smoothie whent all over the place...
I seriously thought best not to leave the house today lol but then I needed cat food.
managed to get through that mostly uneventufuly but as a thankyou for not dying my tummy is now angry with me. *DOH!*

but I told myself "buck up solider"
I got word for the lady im getting about 40 bales of hay from that she can bring it by tonight. shes bringing some boys and her huby to help unload/load and stack...but still tummy gotta behave!

I AM going to have a lazy day tomorrow, I don't care what I have to do to ensure that...but ive plans to do very little...and ive got a feeling that's what my body needs right ow...a lazy day of do nothing!


Super Self-Sufficient
Feb 11, 2011
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well the clouding is till there, gotta go into Jackson tomorrow (having a pinic with some frineds) o gonna go up early and pick up some tetramycin and b12 complex (also need shots for the pups and safeguard too...)
shes in the back yard, I figure if she cant see well having her in the electric fence wouldn't be a good idea, plus she was out in the rain hen I got I put bunch of straw in the little greenhouse, set up some hay, and shell stay in there until shes either improved or she lets go of this life. shes not ready to give up though so neither am I. plus it gives Bonnie and Clyde time to e around a goat.

whent to an auction with E this morning, was wet but we had a good time :)
I DIDNT buy a horse as much as I wanted to save the old Belgian mare with bad eyes I figured she wouldn't fit in the bed of the truck lol) E got the cheese making stuff she whent for and I came home with furniture for my patio...and lots of idead for my garden...this home was for sale 17 acres, multiple barns and at under $200,000 and BEAUTIFUL...a little dated inside but immaculate! sooo many ideas! just walking past the patio was a huge woosh of mint nd sage and rosemary from the planters!

this now means I relay do need to sort and clear off my patio and get things organized out there.

all in all a good morning. and now just chilling out.
gotta mix up the cream pies for tomorrow, put soe dishes away and do some more...but otherwise, nothing else realy planned for the rest of tody its soggy


Sustainability Master
Mar 10, 2012
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Poor Lilly - she's really had a tough go lately... I'm sending good wishes her way.

What is this 'sogginess' of which you speak? We are so dry here and have cracks in the ground that a small goat could disappear in.

Have a great time tomorrow at your picnic and save me some pie! :) (coconut cream is my fave)


Super Self-Sufficient
Feb 11, 2011
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well the good news, lilly has been standing on he own, she still doesn't have the strength or coordination in the fron tto WALK, but she will stand for a few mins here and there.

the bad news is right now theres a few options that could be causing the eye issue.
listeriosis/polio, or pink eye seem to be the top 2 contenders.
given the severity of polio vs pinkeye im treating her as if she has polio first.
this means Pen-g and Fort-B complex (thiamine) for the next 2 weeks.

if shes still coudy eyed and not getting better after that shell THEN start a 2 week course of tetracyclin which would treat the pinkeye nasties
cnt treat with tetra and pen0g at the same time as the tetracyclin binds the penecilin making it useless...

in all this shes still eating like a pig, stubborn as a mule and sweet as pie!
the pups are LOVING her, will sit and lay with her so this is actually realy good for their training too. they seem to realy lie he but arnt all over he unless shes ust eaten (then I think they think shes moma as tey lick around he mouth lol)

speaking of, the pups are doing well, need to gie them a bath and get some flea/tick protection on them now there about 8 weks old they can get topical..
I also nee dot pick up their shots and some dewormer for them too. thatll come tomorrow though.

gota nice supprise this moring when neighbor along the front where the tree fel down onto my fenceline came round.
said he didn't know if the tree was technically mine or his, but while he couldn't haul it away (he had to be in his late 70's) hed be happy to put the chainsaw to it so I could haul it at y coveniece...
I told him that would be great...
well i came home from getting feed for the critters...and the tree is all chopped up! yay!

and yeah, theressome thunder rumbling and rains a I think im going to go give lilly her meds, get her tucked up in the greenhouse so she doesn't get soaked when this batch of rain hits then im gonna bring bonnie and clyde in to give them baths and clip nails. wih me luck! lol


Super Self-Sufficient
Feb 11, 2011
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baths wre interesting, aaprently water is actually pure acid andburns immensely..or is trying t otherwise kill them both.
got em done though and omg sooo many fleas, poor lil pups, whe I started rinsing the water was red fro the pure amount fo flea dirt (dried blood)
got em bathed in dawn to kill all the bugs on em...then they got their topical once comeptly dry. should keep em flea free. plus first moth ivermectin for heatworm prevent so that's al done.
traumatized them enough and couldt find my nail clippers so thatll wait until tomorrow lol