Pink Fox: its Raining...IN MY HOUSE! :/


Super Self-Sufficient
Feb 11, 2011
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last night Keira MIGHT have alerted to a blood sugar drop.
no post seizure activity (i don't know im having one t the time but afterwards i know i had one lol) o it wasn't that, but
she started scratching an whinking at the crate about 4:30-4:45 ish...
with her having a touch of upset tummy i let her out but the moment i stood up i felt dizzy (blood pressure drop) i shoo it off, must have got up to fast and let her out and she practically glued herself to my leg and whined at me...took her to the kitche and was feeling kinda yuck...opend the back doog, but she didn't want to go outside unless i was coming...stepped outside but still nope not leaving my leg...and now my brain was catching up with my body i realized i was feeling a little "overheated" (My body temp and heart rate start to ise when my blood sugar starts to drop) so i graed 1/2 a banana a knife and a jar of peanut butter, sat and ate that...and about 5 min after eating i was already feeling a lot less yucky and she decided her work here was done and wlked bac to the bedroom, she came back for me ten repeated untilli folloed her, right into her crate and layed down.

i wasn't feeling "right" when she woke me, but it definatly wasnt a huge drop...ive definatly felt worse in the past form drops, the heart racing, and sakes hadn't started and i was only mildly nauseaous and warm...

not putting too much stock in it yet...but it certainly seemed to correlate, wll have to see if she repeates this behavior in the furutre.

aleting to the hypoglycemia and seizures are huge wonderfull things that would be a big bonus but im not the response is the "task training" but if she alerts too! even better.
diabetes alert/response dogs are trained using scent trining like drug dogs...they put scented pds in canister and train the dog to find the scent
hypoglycemic dogs work on LOW blood sugar, and that's alarently harder to train because the scent is harder to recreate...
same with seizure dogs, they don't know exactly what the dog is reacting to with seiure patients...changes in electrical field, scent/chemical its alost impossible to train for and whymost seizure alert dogs are self trained...if they are going to alert its eaier whn they are very bonded to their handler...
it could hav ejust been a fluke...but this would be a huge bonus.

otherwise not much else going on today, expecting a package with her martingale and my gps wire, to arrive today
think im going to order her name tag too...
need to take a shower
and nutmeg the mini rex is going home this afternoon!
her sole surviving son is goig home tomorrow so yay on both of those :)

haven't had any nibbles on the hollad buck so im going to turn the cage that hes in into a small coloy and put 2 of my rex girls in with him...
acorn will go in the main colony with the othe 4 rex girls, and the angora will stay...that gives me 3 males to butcher this round and with the baby and mini rex that's 5 less mouths to feed :D


Little Miss Sunshine
Sep 27, 2010
Reaction score
I hope she is responding to you and t wasn't just a fluke :D She is so smart! I wouldn't doubt her abilities ;)


Sustainability Master
Mar 10, 2012
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I'll bet since she's so centered around you that she might very well have sensed that something was a little 'off.' What a good dog and great companion!


Super Self-Sufficient
Feb 11, 2011
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im hoping so!

just ordered her name tag
and placed an order for 100ft of paracord.
after seeing the prices for hands free leashes, and the one I was hoping to modify not being quite large enough or trong enough for a dog keiras sizei decied to make one.

I made her traffic handle (a 12" leash that will clip to he martingale for corrections when I need her close ect)
and I made her a harness handle itll clip to the harness sim planning on making her and give me something to get hold off if I need help regaining balance or getting up.
im actually realypleased with how they came out so I ordred some more paracord...
50ft is black with a light reflective tracer, and 50ft is turquoise with a glow in the dark tracer...
the handles I just made are black and the same neon turquoise but without the glow/reflective...
the leash itself will be bigenough to multi function there will be a clip attatched to the handle and D-Rings at various intevals along the length of the leash...then a clipy on the the end to attatch to her harness (since thi will be more a back up, oops I dropped the ahandle ect ind of leash...or for it I want a longer line leash for walks without taking the 15ft line. itll probably end up being about 7ft long.
I figured since this will be worn across my bdy most of the time reflective/glow would be an added bonus for night time work/walking expecially in the winter as the days are short.

I put the paracord in my cart and find out I got 50% off for no apparent reason, and I had a coupon for $10 from a frined who was going to do paracord bracelents but changed his mind...
total order inc shipping and tax, $3.20

I will admit I splurdged on the tag, itended up being almost $12 , which is what the fancier tags cost at those engraving machines...BUT
this one is completely custom, her name on the front in a font I choose out of 150, theres even options for images (I opted for a heart and dragonflys!, dragonflys are a symbol of hope, resourcefulness, healing and transformation.) and engraving on the bac included, I put my name and email address since my phone number will likey change if I move...
considering the customization process id choose these guys ove those tag machines anyday
its an Australian company o the prices are in

so those are ordered paracord should be here early next week, tag will take a while ince its done to order and then shipped across the world lol.

I also need to find a place to order nylon webbing so I can make her a custom harness...with her deep chest and tiny waste shes an odd shape and most harnesses just arnt adjustable to fit comfortably...
and since the harness will also be a car/work harness I want to put ome light padding on the chest and back area and mae it o I can clip removable saddlebags to it too :)


Super Self-Sufficient
Feb 11, 2011
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theres the traffic leash and harness handle!
the hands free will be the same colors only with the reflective/glow

im actually quite proud.

I plan to add a larger turkshead knott with the black reflective once it arrives on the traffic handle at the base neer the clasp to give it a little more stability and hide the connection point, the smaller turks head knott will remain loose as a "floater" so I can make th hand grip smaller ect as needed. (acts like a safety slip)
there both 4 strand round braid, but the hadle is doubled back so the strands wrap around a 4 strand core making it thicker and sturdier/more structured...the traffic handle is just 4 strand no core and feels nice in the hand, not overly bulky
the hands free leash with be the ame 4 strand as the traffic leash, the thinner style
this is 550 paracord, strong enough t hold more than enough weight lol.
each used about 5ft of cord.

im actually thinking after I make my traffic leash, it might be nother funds revenue I can follow. lot of people are making paracord bracelets, but I haven't seen anyone making leashes, collars ect ( a few online places selling them but nothing in person and even then there all the standard cobra weave)
will need plenty of practice and theres various types of knots to play with
but it was fun to make and I like how it came out :D


Little Miss Sunshine
Sep 27, 2010
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Doggie items sell like mad at the flea market. Those look better than most i have seen there. Idea? :D You make them, set price, and cut me in... I'll deal with the people :lol:


Super Self-Sufficient
Feb 11, 2011
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that might wok well :D

well baby bunny whent to his new home, then up to petco, wanted to get keira a bath but they wanted $40 just to bath her and clip her nails because shes "over sized" and "one of THOSE dogs" (in the mean time this wmans grooming sometiny little mutt whos trying to chew her hands off, no extra charge for that, while Keira is sat quietly at my side nd being cordial to everyone that whent past...*rolls eyes* its usually $20 for the basic bath and $5 for nails, but they wanted to charge an extra $20 just becaue shes a larger "one of those" dog...*rolls eyes*
shes like "so when do we need to prep for her?"
I said "thanks but no thanks, I don't mind paying a small fe due to size but it desnt sound like you want "one of THOSE dogs" on your tables so ill take her somewhere that doesn't discriminate...

just as im about to walk out the grooming area door this woman walks in with her black lab and goes "oh my god, who would bring one of those horrible dogs into a place like this" and no sooner id she say thatabout my irl whos stood quietly at my side, did her Lab turn and try to attack another dog walking past, then tr to bit the other dogs owner when he he tried to place himself between his dog and her
wasn't her dogs fault though of course...his dog was a bully breed ofsome ind...and her response was "my dog hates those kinds of dogs, he knows there mean"

I swear not only did me and the guy roll our eyes together but eira and his bully dog rolled their eyes too!

sinceno bath time I took the chance to do a little leash training with her in the store, she did excelet and we came acros a lot of nice people...there was oen woman who wontldnt walk anywhere neer us but everyone else was commenting on how well behaved she was how theyd never seen such a sweet mannered dog...
one guy had his daughterwith him must have been about 2 yrs old and you could tellhe was a little nervous...but she actually came up to me and goes "doggy Pet pet" he gets this worried look on his face a I made keira sit and told her ok, but be gentle right here, and put her hand on eiras chest...
the guy was in AWE, eia sat there quite comfortably and quietly, as his little girl gentle petter her chest, he said hed always been told how mean thse dog were...I explained that its got little to do with the breed and everything to do with the people then explained the dobes are incredibly loyal to their people, tend to be standoffish with strangers but typicaly are great with well mannered children...
hesnow going to go home and look at Doberman rescue because his wife had been talking about wanting a "big black dog" but neither are big fans of labs or they've got a new breed to look into :)

from there we whent to tractor supply, everyone there loved her, its mostly men in there wen I go in...or "tough" farm chicks, and again everyone commented on how well behaved and calme and sweet she is!
thn we came home...theres a grooming place in Henderson ill call tomorrow and se ow much theyd charge for just a bath and nail trim/dremmel...if its too pricey il do it myself at home will just have to be carefull...
couldn't belive it though..youd think somewhere like petsmart would be great, but apparently their grooming tem are breed prejudice.

oh and before we left I tried the harness I had for doer on her sinc ei had to return the step in I had for her...I figured dozers harness would fit...
NOPE, about 3" too small around the
so I did pic her up a new harness today, I priced up webbing and hardware and by the time I got everything I wanted to ake it...It was the same price as buying the one id been looking at.
ill still modify it a little to be able to add small clip on saddlebags, but otherwise its prefect, id a padded chest type harness so prefect for the car!


Sustainability Master
Mar 10, 2012
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Stupid people at stupid Petco.... ugh!

When growing up some of our neighbors had a Dobe - I would spend every minute I could walking her or just playing with her - she was the gentlest dog I'd ever met even though to a little girl like I was at the time - she was huge! But, a total sweetheart and she made me fall in love with the breed even though I've never owned one - yet!


Little Miss Sunshine
Sep 27, 2010
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What a bunch of jerks :rolleyes: I should have just washed her for you when I was there the other day :/ If you want, I don't mind. It might not be the smelly shampoo you're used too(I use Dawn, for fleas) but I don't mind bathing that precious sweet angel!!!! I LOVE her! She is awesome, and those people are stupid morons for being PREDJUDICE!!!! Somebody is really gonna get the mess slapped out of them one of these days...glad I wasn't there :rant I don't have bail money at the moment....

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