Pink Fox: its Raining...IN MY HOUSE! :/


Super Self-Sufficient
Feb 11, 2011
Reaction score
trying, got 2 big and 2 small boxes packed.
need some bubblewrap

emptying the drawers made it VERY obvious the kind of moisture issues I have, one draw was soaked and amost all of them had some mold, more the drawers I use for off season clothing, I mean seriously?! that cant be normal.

well least im making progress
probably going to try and get another smaller delicates box done...figure I can use some of my fabric from the craft drawers as padding for the more delicate stuff...

Edit to add.
fabric and bedroom delicates packed...
got some livingroom delicates packed to.
tomorrow is pantry day, then Monday ill start working more on the back bedroom/craft stuff.
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Super Self-Sufficient
Feb 11, 2011
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thanks Marianne. :)

today was tough...hanging out with friends...its riduclous, I love my frineds and when im out with them I have a great time...BUT...its just flat out plain physically exhausting...3 hours out and im going to need 3 days of hibernation just to rebuild the reserves, this hppens every ingle time I go out...sometimes its worse than others, but its always there...
these are people I like, people I enjoy being aroud and spending time with, people who don push me to interact, and who accept me as the crazy nut I am...we sat around and laughed ad enjoyed eachoters company..and all was fine until I got in the car to come hom and suddenly it was likeevery ounce of life had been sucked ou of me by millions of invisiable vampires, the enrgy gone, tired, and frustrated and a want to cry but no energy t do so.
this is a lifelong struggle for me, something I don't usualy share but that has such an impact...why cant I hold down a job? because of this 8 hour work day requires and entire week to recover from...I hate feeling like this, I hate telling people I like that I cant do this and that because I flat out don't have the meotional energy to do more than I do...once a week...that all I have in me...4 hours TOPS, I could probably push 8 hours if I didn't have to interact with humans (ie a day at the zoo) but even that I come home ad sleep for a week...
and ontop fo that im not only physialy and emotionally rinad de to normal circumstances, whatever this painfull skin junk is is just not going away, dr treated and took blood to check for lymes and elrichia, hes also checkingfor arthritis...(im 28) but if they all come back clear (and the antibiotics have done nothing :/) then im guessing itll be a persuit of a fibro diag...
im back to the drs tomorrow, whichis adding to the crazy, there calling for possible snow tonight, which makes me a basket case, I dot mind the snow as longas I don't have to drive in it...I dnt panic before had, I always stock up well in advance...but the throught ofdriving in snow...forget it...
but I need my deppo and I need the blood work results...

and a new brain, one that's not so chemically whackadoo!

the good news though is while I was out I had a good time. lol.

in weird news...
my black kitty Tempi vanished months ago, I let her out one day as usual and shedidnt come home...then one day in November she turned up randomly but wouldn't come close, she looked fat and healthy so I figured she must have adopted a new family and decided to let me know she was safe and moving on...
haven't seen her since...tonight...I get home, let the dogs out and binx...who is currently n house arrest after trying slice his toe off (no realy, well come back to hat)...slipped out so I grabbed him and look over and these my big yellow eyed black kitty staring atme...
in she came too! she looks good but ate some canned food like she hadnt had a meal in months, shes not underweight, doesn't look like shes been summing it...
but not sure now what to do, she still has he original ollar and microchip tag think if someone adpted her theyd hve changed that already...right now shes on house arrest too...I wish I could ask her where shes been... its about 5-6 months since she wandered off.
I half bet shes been livin in the abandoned house on the end of the street, lord knows she would have had pick of squirrels mice and rats.

weird for he to come back now...and with about month to go before I plan to be packing to move...I just dunno what to think, id hate to let her out have her go away again and come back in 6months looking for me...

might have omeone interested in the freezer, need to get the futon sold so ive got stacking sace for the boxes...

im hoping to spend tomorrow going hrough the pantry, going to box up all the cane stuff I know imnot going to use and donate them to whichever food bank can come get hem first, pulled 2 chikens ou of te freezer for the dogs, that shuld be a few days worth of meals for them, and pulled some frozen veg and breads out for th pig...will do the same again tomorrow.


Super Self-Sufficient
Feb 6, 2011
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rural Abilene, KS, 67410 USA
Some cats are funny that way. We've had a couple that moved on, but would show up once in a while. A friend had one that moved across the street, but every so often would come back to her house, walk in the door, have a snack and a nap, then go back across the street. We also have adopted a couple through the years that just decided they liked our place more.
Are you eating gluten free?


Super Self-Sufficient
Feb 6, 2011
Reaction score
rural Abilene, KS, 67410 USA
Some cats are funny that way. We've had a couple that moved on, but would show up once in a while. A friend had one that moved across the street, but every so often would come back to her house, walk in the door, have a snack and a nap, then go back across the street. We also have adopted a couple through the years that just decided they liked our place more.
Are you eating gluten free?


<Insert Snazzy Title Here
Nov 23, 2011
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Fallston, MD
Introverts struggle with being time to recoup after interactions with people. Interesting that you commented on the vampiric nature of the feeling. There is such a thing as an emotional vampire or energy vampire, they just suck the emotions or energy our of those around them, leaving you feeling drained after the encounter. Usually these people are wounded in some way and often have no idea they are doing it. I wonder if you're experiencing something similar but with everyone.
:hugsHang in there!


Super Self-Sufficient
Feb 11, 2011
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hqueen, It wouldn't surprise me.

Marianne, I was tested for celiacs when I first started experiencing sme energy issues, and it came back clear, but ive never tried going completely gluten free...
im thinking of trying it though...infact im thinking of going paleo/ketosis style, I cant cull carbs completely (not ony don't I want to, but sometimes a piece of fruit is the only thing that can get my blood sugar to stop falling) but im starting to realy cut down on the bad carbs...gonna get back on a high protein lots fo veg and carbs are SMALL TREATS method, I know im eating entirely too many lately.

a frined mentioned asking the dr about adrenal fatigue so that's on todays run by the doc list, ive got all the symptoms from what ive read, especially the serous craving of salty/sweet snacks, (ive been craving potato chips...I don't LIKE potato chips, they stick to my teeth and get gummed up and yuck...but I pause at the chip isle every time...)

but we'll see what he says today, bloodwork my have found something...
it could just be stress, its not exactly been the easiest last 6 months...
it may simply be that the psych meds im on arnt working well enough, or the right ones...

itll get figured out

I do know that im planning a vacation not sure when yet, but im thinking a cruise...probably September time, all inclusive is nice...
mabe that's all I realy need...a vacation.
to be completely honest the last real vacation I whent on was about 12 years ago, while away my dog who we got for my 5th birthday died and then it rained the entire rest of the time...I haven't been on an actual chill out recollect vacation since then...the rest of the family did, but someone always had to stay home with the im planning on it...want to save up some money, spend some time lazing around, mabe a horseback ride on the beach and some snorkeling, and possibly even a spa treatment or 2...a girl can dream LOL!

its cold todaybut thankfully no snowfall a little time yet before the drs appointment, not sure what ill be doing after that though...were expecting actual possible mabe snow tonight into tomorrow...but ive got plenty of groceries in to not have to worry :)


<Insert Snazzy Title Here
Nov 23, 2011
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Fallston, MD
Ooo what is this thing you speak of.... vacation? Lol
I want to go green free too, I just haven't gotten the guts/organization to do it. The testing for celiac is really limited and doesn't actually show all the signs of a gluten allergy.
Hope you can get some answers soon!

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