Pink Fox: its Raining...IN MY HOUSE! :/


Super Self-Sufficient
Feb 11, 2011
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oh yeah, definatly makes it "Real" now
its actually exactly 2 weeks, but ill be ok...working on getting things done, got some more boxes sorted today then the need to draw came over me so just played aroun with a tattoo design ive been imaginging forabout 3 years.
I want something that repestneds eveyrthig ive been through over the past few years

ive ben craving ink so I may just go get a price quote in it when im in town tomorrow.

if I cant get that one yet (cost) I do want some lettering work done...
anywho...goingto help a frined do a emperment eval on another o he frineds dogs....she says its a great dane but I think its more likely a hound and apparently hes a bully...we'll see.
neither these people are trainers or have any real experience training so they askedfor my opinion.


<Insert Snazzy Title Here
Nov 23, 2011
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Fallston, MD
If love to see your ink design when you get it finished. The bf doesn't like ink, and I don't know if I could stand the pain, but I've thought about getting ink. If I did it would likely be some sort of symbolic tattoo of storm and maybe a fox.


Super Self-Sufficient
Feb 11, 2011
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if you do decide to go for it my suggestions, start with something small somewhere you can sow off ONLY when you want to (my first one is on my thigh, its only visable in very short skirts or a bathing suit (or nekkid) Ive had people ask why get it if no one can seeit, my response...they are for not decorating my body this way for anyone else, each piece of mine means something a lot deeper than how cool, pretty or cute it is.
2 get it somewhere squishy that your not ticklish, over bone, in heavy nerved areas andticklish spots hurt the most, te one on the mygih was mabe a minor annoyance...the one on my lower back (not over the spine) I mostly slept through, the next 2 were more intenst (shoulder blade but I was very fluffy then so it only hurt when she hit a ticklish spot, and across the back of the neck/shoulders wasn't exactly comfortable...but the inner ankle inner foot was a major test.
3: be warned ink is addictive for many...I start craving at about 2 years (im about 3 years sinc emy last one and GRRR lol)
everyones pain tolerance is different, but for me it felt like that feeling when a clawed cat gets all lovey dovey and kneeds you with their claws...its not realy OMG ouch, but it gets annoying and kinda painful.
I had one frined who almot passed out and screamed form the pain of getting a toot in a spot id prettymuch half slet through...
oh and the outlining is the most painful part, the filling and shading are a wider needle to the sensation is kinda "diffused" lol.


this is the piece ive been working on that id like to get a quote on. obviously the artist would redraw it, clean an tidy it up some, and when inked I wantthe colors to be much more vivid and intese (more like markers than colored pencils, but I only had colored pencils. lol
the dream catcher and the tree of life are ideas that have ben floating for years, ive wanted to combine the 2 into a single piece for quite some time. but I wasn't entirely sure how, I didn't want a standard NA dream catcher because im not native American...and I dint want a celtic tree of life, because im not celtic (I follow a shamanistic pagan path.)
so this little homestead inspired me to delve...
the oak tree, I have many huge ones on this property that I just love, and the oak is tall strong and mighty (if not sometimes a little stubborn, it represents myself and my dad, me because big dreams start from a little nut...and dad for the strength (and stubbornness lol) the moon is guidance, whenever im feeling confused or stressed I go outside, find the moon and ask her whre I should go...she always answers back in her own way. when I was litte mum used to tel me the moon would help me find my way and whenever wewere apart to say goodnight to the moon and shed be talking to the same moon! so the moon also represents my momma. once its inked I want the moon to be a soft but more vivid icy blue and have a silvery white glow around it.
the macaw feathers represent jack jack (ill be getting anoter for a lost pets memorial) but also macaw is a very important shamanistic teacher, macaw teaches us communication not only with others but ourself, and a deeper connection to earth mother, macaw is also linked to the sun bringing vibrancy and life.
then of course the little pink fox to represent the current homestead and myself, and the little purple martin to represent family and the homestead ill be building in NJ.

so yeah. the colors would be more vibrant but otherwise...that's the hope, if not now its one ill be working on saving for.

todays plan is primarily have a shower get dressed, load up the lionheads and get some stuff done intown before meeting with the buyer for the lionheads, then hanging out with friends this evening.


Almost Self-Reliant
Jul 14, 2011
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I totally agree with you: I have 2, both of which are hidden. One is the story of my life from my perspective, and NOBODY can see it unless I want them to. The other is in memory of my son. It was a birthday gift from hubs (who said to get whatever I wanted no matter the cost - he's lucky I have trouble parting with cash!). It is a very simple design, on my chest. I wore my most 'revealing' top to the ink shop, and told them I didn't want it visible. I guess I'm just a big baby, because both of mine hurt like crazy, despite being in 'fleshy' spots!
I really like the design - where were you thinking of putting it?


Super Self-Sufficient
Feb 11, 2011
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im thinking my left shoulder blade, I have one of my flying foxes on my right and my girly skull and stars across my shoulders/neck so im thinking balance out foxy by putting it on the left.
ive got another smaller piece I want on my lower back and a larger piece that will go from my left shoulder to right thigh (a trail of stars) and a few word pieces I want, those are my "certains" the stars im waiting on until I can get the excess skin around my midsection removed since im sure that will change the shape of my hips and waist, but all the others are in spots that shouldn't be effected by any further weight loss or skin removal.

ive got a few other pieces im playing around with as mabes, but nothing truly set in stone yet with those and I don't add them to my list until they've been stuck in my head for a couple of years.


Super Self-Sufficient
Feb 11, 2011
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ell took al the pieces ive pulled together for my immediate future list and took them with and got priced up...cheaper than I thought, I might actually be able to pull this off lol.
just have to decide which is the one I want the absolute most and go from there.
given the situation I think itll be the dream catcher, because that one has the most relevance to the current situation. but ive got to see exactly how much ive got in gift cards to be sure...I don't have any cash so the Christmas/birthday gift cards I collected are what would pay for it.

had a great evening with friends, and then saw the new 300 movie, wouldn't have been my choice but they were going and payed so hey! why not! (I didn't even know there was a 2nd 300 movie lol)
and the 2 lionheads whent to their new home yesterday too! yay. so im back to my "take along" critter numbers. lol.

hanging out with more friends this afternoon for lunch too and of course this time change has thrown me off.

this weekend has pretty much been a bust for getting thigns done but ill get back to it on Monday, theres not much left in terms of stuff to be boxed, craft stuff, and pantry stuff are realy next, gonna take a frined up on a laundry usage offer this week and get my last 2 bags of laundry done so they can get packed up too.
bathroom and kitchen will be the last things to get done.
its getting there though. as of right now ive realy got no plans for next week, id like to try and get whichever tat I choose to get at some point so that's a day used, (an hour into town, 2-3 hours in the chair, lunch and an hour home) and a frined wants to go to the zoo in Memphis and then out to dinner likely on Friday, so theres another day gone.
plans for Saturday evening takes 1/2 a day away (shower, hair, ect) so im definatly in ned of keeping myself on track over the next week and a half or so.

which means, going to go tend the rabbits then get some boxes done.


<Insert Snazzy Title Here
Nov 23, 2011
Reaction score
Fallston, MD
Oh it's so beautiful! I love the thought and symbolism that you have in it. That is the only way I would do a tattoo, it would have to mean something.


Super Self-Sufficient
Feb 11, 2011
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thanks, every single one of my tats have osme kind f deeper meaning, sometimes its just a little representation of who I am (ie my girly skull) othertimes its spiritual (my foxes) and then theres those like this that have a full story combined into them.
if im going to wear it forever it HAS to be something that will never loose connection and meaning to me...
I may like superman one day and batwoman another...the names f boydfinreds can cme and go ect...
I also rfuse to get "flash" (the pre-designed work in the books) ill use it for some style inspirations, but id never get a direct flash piece, I draw each of mine up, then let the artist play and tweek it a little, once done I get my drawing back and templates are destroyed. the only "copy" is any pictures of the work. if someone wants to mimic it that's their buinsess but im not going tomae t easy on them to do lol.

im pretty set that im going to get this one, going to drop them an email and see if they've got any slots on either weds or thurs :)

today wa smy 1 month review witht he dr after starting this sugar/gluten free/reduced carb diet thing...
im only down 5lbs and the pain is still there, BUT im down 5lbs and my energy isn't as low, so im goingto stick with it...
hes running some blood work and is now fairly certain the pain is fibro related since all numbers so far have come back and despite better energy the pain is still there...

thenstopped at co-op, Jasper coughed up a tapeworm and roundworms last ngiht (probably from eating the cats rodential prizes) I have fenbendazole which would take care of the round...but not the tape, so had to pick up tape worm tabs for the dogs and cats, they only had combo for the dogs so I don't have to give them the safeguard at least.
also picked up a couple of syrnges so I can get the goats dewormed too.
and rabbit and goat feed of course lol.

so yeah...
got the goats ivomec and first day of safeguard, I ivomec'd because poppy has some bald patches, I think ther from where sage would rub against her all the time but figurd best to delouse/de-mite them both just in case
poppy is going to drive e crazy over the next however long...
ligs are still there, shes eating/not seperating herself out yet, but I noticed some mucus day before last and today its vey definatly at least the start of the mucus plug...
this doest mean all too much other than to expect babies at some
some goats start loosing their plug a month before hand...but im hoping it wont be a month lol.

got some pantry boxes packed an set aside the larger tools so made a little progress in the pantry so that's good.
got to keep some stuff (electric fence tester, ect) handy for when I get to the parens, the electric fence wil be one of the first jobs and I don't want to be searching for it so ill probably put them in a bag or something instead.

and I got some chicken marinating for dinner which im going to start working on soon. ginger chicken ith stirfried veggies :)
tomorrow ill work on boxing up more craft stuff and I think im going to start moving Empty drawers out of my bedroom and livingroom into the back bedroom so I can see progress (rit now it feels like im getting nowhere.

So yeah bit of a crazy day.

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