Pink Fox: its Raining...IN MY HOUSE! :/

Denim Deb

More Precious than Rubies
Oct 21, 2010
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I've never had any luck w/it or broccoli. Maybe this year...


Super Self-Sufficient
Feb 11, 2011
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yeah I haven't in the past either, mabe there magical lol gonna need to figure it out though, im going through enough lately lol

not much going on, whent out to dinner with some Corinth frineds yesterday, going to dinner with some Memphis frineds this evening...going away party tomorrow...busy busy bumble bee
the good news is I took the shelves down int he bedroom today and cleared the underbed boxes.
ive got my box of papers (past bills house deed ect) to sort through and set things aside and toss other stuff but other than that that room is currently as done as it can be.
hoping to sell the set of drawers asap and then ill take the bed apart during the day Wednesday so thatll be ready (but at least we'll still have something to sleep on weds/thurs nights.
gonna go through the papers today and then vacume/clean in there as much as I can, itll need a last min go around once everythins out but I figure if I make sure to get the bulk done...

got to sort the back deck off to make space, going to move everything im KEEPING to behind the house, stick the stuff im NOT keeping on the covered patio and stick a "come and get it" notice on craigslist on Monday for anything not picked up ver the weekend.
ive got the inside loveseat supposed to be going home sunday so there wont be that much stuff to move out there. REALY hoping to get the drawers gone before then because theyre realy too heavy for me to move on my own and I don't want to have to dismantle them.

since ive got the going away party tomorrow (sat) I doubt ill get much done so I think ill focus on the bathroom and whats left of the pantry.
Sunday will be clear/sort the patio and get stuff placed there that needs to get rid of and ort the back deck to toss out accumulated trash, will probably build a burn pile and have a fire Monday for the cardboard and paper trash.

Monday and Tuesday will be the rest of the livingroom and the kitchen

Wednesday will be outside stuff, need to dismantle the shelter ive got the hay in, dig up some plants and put them in pots for transporting, and dismantle the quail and 1 bank of rabbit cages, the others will go in whole, but ive got a large 4 bank that I want to rebuild differently and its currently not got any inhabitants so ill flat pack that one.

hoping to get buns and goats loaded Thursday night so I can pull up SOME of the fencing early Friday morning while dad and biz are loading the last few bits and we should be on the road Friday early afternoon.

next few days are gonna be NUTZ

gonna need to fit a run to town in there somewhere for a few more boxes for the kitchen stuff
mabe if I hold my breath thigns will slow down a bit...only a week ago I had plenty fo!


Super Self-Sufficient
Feb 11, 2011
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well had a great night at texas roadhouse with Memphis frineds yesterday.
was an idiot, after eating 1 piece of bread and my steak I had a handful of fries...I jusred id just over eaten when the full feeling set in, but within 10 mins of leaving the resturaunt henry my pouch that wants to be a stomach had a major hissy fit...its called dumping...and I managed ot drive almost 2 hours "throwing up" froth...
usually a dumping episode passed in about 30 mins...and typically when you lay down you can generally sleep it off, since your not actually vomiting just bringing up gastric liquids (hence the froth)
this whent on for 4 hours and every single one of those fries came back whent from a simple dump to a major episode and I managed to wretch a muscle in my stomach and agrivate the one in my back that likes to dance.
because of how slow digestion is I could easily se what I was bringing back...not a single bit of meat, not a single bit of bread...but every single one of those stupid fries.
once my pouch (and the additional tube leading form the pouch to the intestines that bypasses the actual stomach) was clear of the French fries I finally got some sleep, my poor little pouch is aching this morning, my tummy muscle isn't happy and I dehydrated...
I feel like an idiot but at least I now know to stay the HELL away from potato
I haven't had white potato (or anything made with white potato in about 4 about a harsh wakeup)
decaff coffee and lots of water this orning to rehydrate, will be going gentle on any foods today...little and often...little and often.

otherwise should have a good day lined up.
someone supposed to be coming this morning for the old swing set...
someone else supposed to be coming for the 2 side tables and the big set of drawers,
someones coming tomorrow for the loveseat from inside the house...

that leaves me a small charcoal bbq grill (which I don't HAVE to get rid of) and a loveseat.
if the loveseat doesn't find a home im going to have dad help me stick it in the old barn that's currently full of trash stuff
since theres a chance of a little moving assistance cash I don't want to leave junk around the place that might get me disqualified or something...

this mornings plan, box up the bathroom, get those thigns on their way and have a shower before the party
if I can fit a run to Jackson to get some more boxes ill do that too. ive got 2 boxes left empty right now which should be enough for the bathroom stuff at least.


Super Self-Sufficient
Feb 11, 2011
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well since the swing pick up was running late
I filled the morning with some garden stuff instead.
5 climbing roses trimmed, dug up, and potted...
about 10 raspberry and blackberry plants trimmed dug up and potted and some of the backgarden flowers (a couple spirea and some lemon thyme mostly) dug an dpotted, im not taking everything, some stuffs easier/cheaper to replace than others...but my roses and berry bushes are kinda important to me to not loose with the house.

ive got 6 knockout roses in the front I want to dig up and take (they are LARGE, nursery cost for that size is $125 a piece on a couple of them) and theres a couple spirea in the front bed id like to pull out and take...will probably leave eveyrhting else though...

was gonna dig up my rugosas, but the the thorns on the raspberries tore me up and the rugosa is covered in those tiny tiny super sharp little ones, I can fairly easily replace them though if we decide to...

the person supposed to be commign for the drawers/tables today STILL hasn't messaged me with a time...I HATE dealing with people, this is ridiculous, at least the guy for the swing let me know he was running late eventually...
this behavior bugs me...she knows ive got plans this afternoon, she knows ive got large dogs that need to be put up before they arrive, *grumble grumble*
I don't have time for games and inconsiderate people.
it isn't just a south "he I get there when I get there" thing either...
people assume because they are going to be handing you money that your time is there for them to waste...that you should bow to their needs...and I don't have the patients for people who think their time is worth more than yours.


Sustainability Master
Mar 10, 2012
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Ditto! Hope they come through for you. Glad you got to dig up some of your plants - it'll be like taking a little bit of 'home' with you.


Super Self-Sufficient
Feb 11, 2011
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today is rainy and yuck, lady that was supposed to come yesterday is supposed ot be coming between 3:30-4:30 today
another person is supposed to be coing for the loveseat but hasn't sent me a time yet *GRR* (ive epeatedly asked!)
and I made a run to lowes for some stuff and more boxes.
now im exhausted, last nights party wore me out...
but no rest for the wicked.

got to go lig check poppy and feed the buns, and get the boxes out of the car. since doing naything outside today is not likely to happen I want to get the bathroom done and start on the kitchen.
the kitchen and outside are the BIG jobs.

right now the plan today is bathroom, 1/2 the kitchen and get this stuff gone home.
tomorrow will be patio/pantry collect and clean up the mess in the garden (build a burn pile, though itll likely not be dry enough till weds I want to get everything together.
Tuesday will be everything else in the kitchen but necessities
weds will be dismantle the bed, and dismantle the carcover/hay storage...
Thursday is pick up in the morning truck and lunch thenhome and pack everything but the kitchen nessecities bed and chair (one of us will be sleeping on the chair)

holy heck its gone nowhere.


Super Self-Sufficient
Feb 11, 2011
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well still no word from the person for the loveseat, im realy frustrated right now...

but I checked the goats (poppy still has her ligs so I now REALY hoping shell hold off until we get moved and settled)
tended the buns
and the bathroom is packed.
got to gether the trash and give the room a vacume and obviously there will be a few last in things (like rising down the tub, giving the toilet a quick scrub ect thatll need to be done weds...but otherwise.
just got a few bits of makeup, my brush, toothpaste/brush, my travel bottles for bath stuff and the next weeks worth of meds out.

having a drink then gonna finnish up in there and then start on the kitchen.
I think that's the room that's overwhelming me the most.

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