Pink Fox: its Raining...IN MY HOUSE! :/


Super Self-Sufficient
Feb 11, 2011
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lol i started my walmart housewarming wish list and right now its all outdoor stuff, lol, a glider for the porch, a seating set for the carport, a bistro set for the back deck, a fire pit and chairs for around that LOL.

i just kinda realized ill need a ride on mower of some kind lol.
i can only imagine how long mowing an acre (let alone 4 after its cleared) is going to take untill i can get my beds and livestock on it.


Mr. Sensitive
Dec 22, 2010
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good luck with all of the this.

With a typical riding mower, it'll take somewhere around an hour to mow an acre, depending on the height/thickness of the grass, how flat it is (flatter is more speed!)

Pushing, particularly if you get a reel mower for the gas savings and exercise, will take a wee bit longer. :p


Little Miss Sunshine
Sep 27, 2010
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Pinkfox you'll be about 20 miles from me :cool: My eldest DD lives in that area. PM me when ya get here and I'll show ya around the area, well not THAT area particularly, but the closest larger city and a great many little shops that you will surely love that are off the beaten path and obscure ;)

ETA: FOR CERTAIN there is NO limitations on animals there, never has been, likely never will be. ;) As far as gardening, get ready for clay soil, I can help you out with that, and what will grow here and when to plant since you'll be in an entirely new zone. Good news is, you can start a Fall garden when you get here, our growing season is good through most of November :D


Super Self-Sufficient
Feb 11, 2011
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thats awesome :)
itll be nice to have someone to 'show me the zone" so to speak, ive got some ideas in terms of flowering plants and herbs, (and you guys get alot of the plants i love but cant grow sucessfully here in ct LOL) but ill definatly be looking for adivice for the orchard and grape strains that do well in the area.
not too worried about clay, harder to dig but easier to ammend than 100% pure sand...
literally our house right now has 3 inches of top soil and below that its just a giant sand dune, were literally built ontop of the 'leftovers" of a sand pit they dug out to put the footings down at the mall...pretty much everything has to be fairly shallow rooted up her to survive...the ants love it too nice and easy to tunnel through.

good to know about the critters, i do have quite a list of wants lol.
i assumed there wouldnt be limitations realy simply based on land size, but if there generally no restrictions even better :)

lol, on the mowing, im hoping eventually mowing will be minimal, im planning on fencing the entire property eventually with feild fence then cross fencing paddocks ect...
and i want sheep...the plan is eventually once a week ill just let the sheep freerange through the area (of course anything there not allowed to eat will have to be fenced off lol) and they can take care of the grass for me :D the rest of the time they will live in the orchard (of course the trees will be protected from them too...)
but untill then lol.
dropped the inspector an email this afternoon, gonna try and get him in next week to give it a good once over for to put a call in to my mortgage guy again today and if i dont hear anythign back ill simply talk to another broker at the company...
i need to get a pre-ap letter to the seller and wells fargo is a pain about how they do the pre-aproval letters, there for a specific property so rather than having 1 letter i cna use for any property i need a new letter for each i put in an offer on...*grumbles*
but they are willing to lend on small mortgages which most companies arnt so...ya take what ya can get right!? lol.

seller is taking care of making sure all the utilities are on for inspection for me so no worries there...

need to find out who the local cable/satellite and internet companies are so i can get a guestimate on that cost...also need to do some shopping around for a home and car insurance package, right now progressive is winning, but if you know of a local company that might be better....dont need anythign fancy...

i realy hope this one works out...
but like everything else in life, nothing is certain untill that keys in my hand!

im realy excited about milder winters, longer growing season and mroe so, having my own place and finally being able to start an adventure in life of my own.


Little Miss Sunshine
Sep 27, 2010
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Yeah we have a 235 day growing season here :D

The local utilities for Finger will differ a bit from here, as they are the far side of the county and closer to Jackson, so you may be able to get service out of Jackson. Most local cable/satellite you have to choose from will be either Dish Network which is better than Direct TV here, but Direct is around here, or Satellite internet services like WildBlue which I use, or HughesNet. Cable companies are not so often out in the sticks, and I am unsure if you will have that option. Our main phone services are AT&T and you'll want to get their cell packages because others here have very bad service. Verizon and T Mobile and such are basically a waste of time and money being so far out. If you get home phone service it will likely be AT&T or CenturyTel. We don't have lots in the way of options on things like that. Your electric company will not be optional, and I understand it is in a lot of places. You will likely be on Pickwick Electric Cooperatives grid where you are. Most of our utilities and such are very good. I'm not sure where you would be getting water from either? I'll have to call DD and ask her a few questions, she has lived out that way for a year or so.

Basically the costs will be in this range: internet $50-100 mo. depending on your selection of speed because your best bet is satellite. Cabe/satellite TV, likely $30 a month, electric of course will depend on consumption, water is relatively cheap here, we watered our garden all last month and hit $38 on our bill. The highest it has EVER been was $55 when we filled our pool. Cell package, again depends on package, but our 2 phones is $100 a month on contract. We'd bump it down, but DH's contacts all have this number in case of job openings, so we're stuck with it :p

On insurance, I would personally go with an agent who isn't loyal to one particular company. My agent, thogh she can be a real lunkhead, has saved me $500 a year. Our home insurance is under $500 a year, property taxes are pretty cheap(ours is $450 for 1.488 acres), car tags run $50 a year, car insurance is running us $45 a month for 2 vehicles(both 2000 models) and you should see a drastic change coming here on most of your insurances and taxes. Our sales tax is 7.5% but we have no state tax. Some things are a bit higher, but mostly it is much cheaper to live here than other states.

If you ave any questions before you get down here, feel free to PM me and I will find out whatever you need to know if I don't know already :)


Mr. Sensitive
Dec 22, 2010
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Wannabefree said:
Yeah we have a 235 day growing season here :D

The local utilities for Finger will differ a bit from here, as they are the far side of the county and closer to Jackson, so you may be able to get service out of Jackson. Most local cable/satellite you have to choose from will be either Dish Network which is better than Direct TV here, but Direct is around here, or Satellite internet services like WildBlue which I use, or HughesNet. Cable companies are not so often out in the sticks, and I am unsure if you will have that option. Our main phone services are AT&T and you'll want to get their cell packages because others here have very bad service. Verizon and T Mobile and such are basically a waste of time and money being so far out. If you get home phone service it will likely be AT&T or CenturyTel. We don't have lots in the way of options on things like that. Your electric company will not be optional, and I understand it is in a lot of places. You will likely be on Pickwick Electric Cooperatives grid where you are. Most of our utilities and such are very good. I'm not sure where you would be getting water from either? I'll have to call DD and ask her a few questions, she has lived out that way for a year or so.

Basically the costs will be in this range: internet $50-100 mo. depending on your selection of speed because your best bet is satellite. Cabe/satellite TV, likely $30 a month, electric of course will depend on consumption, water is relatively cheap here, we watered our garden all last month and hit $38 on our bill. The highest it has EVER been was $55 when we filled our pool. Cell package, again depends on package, but our 2 phones is $100 a month on contract. We'd bump it down, but DH's contacts all have this number in case of job openings, so we're stuck with it :p

On insurance, I would personally go with an agent who isn't loyal to one particular company. My agent, thogh she can be a real lunkhead, has saved me $500 a year. Our home insurance is under $500 a year, property taxes are pretty cheap(ours is $450 for 1.488 acres), car tags run $50 a year, car insurance is running us $45 a month for 2 vehicles(both 2000 models) and you should see a drastic change coming here on most of your insurances and taxes. Our sales tax is 7.5% but we have no state tax. Some things are a bit higher, but mostly it is much cheaper to live here than other states.

If you ave any questions before you get down here, feel free to PM me and I will find out whatever you need to know if I don't know already :)
what about the snakes? :hide


Super Self-Sufficient
Feb 11, 2011
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I likes snakes, as long as the poisenous ones dont try to kill me or my dogs and i dont find them trying to ingest my critters...were all good...


Made in Alaska
Mar 25, 2010
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I see potential in that carport. Could be turned into an additional room!


Super Self-Sufficient
Feb 11, 2011
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yup, right now im thinking screened room as i love to sit outside but i dont love bugs, and TN certainly lends itself to a much longer 'sit outside" season lol
but eventualy im thinking completly finnish it to expand the kitchen.

some more pictures.

the back deck.

as you can see. the deck is brand new, i will be either paint or sealing it in white to match the trim of the house...
theres also no steps off the deck into the yard so that will be one of the first things to do as the dogs fenced area will be at the back of the house and this will be their main access to that area. im thinking of putting a little bistro set on their so i can sit out in a morning wiht my breakfast and let the dogs play.
ill probbaly also put some wood trellis around the underneath of the deck to keep the dogs out from under there and then surround that in flowers :D
im thinking id like to crow either carolina jasmine or clematis up the deck supports. :)

the veiw off the back deck

the property line follows where the gras seems to be a little longer, then hooks around behind the bush thats at the back of the neighbors veggie patch
the dogs fence will probbaly come across there the tree is straight across the back...then behind that in the open area im thinking it would be a good spot for the orchard since its flat, full sun, and i can eventually expand back into the shrub line back there...

the guest room

i like how bright it is in there but im thinking of re-painting the trim white then a very soft pastel lilac color on the walls
theres no closet in that room. the window fall facing the back yard is the planned spot for my craft cabinates and counter, id love to be able to sit there with the window open looking out into my garden while im sewing or making stuff :)

the bathroom

the flowerd panneling behind the tub has to go eventually, im thinking a nice white beadboard shower panneling, paint all the trim white too, but leave the walls the blue...i like it :)
i will need to eventually change out the skin whihc is aparently tiny, for a nice white vanity and sink. the cabinate over the toilet will also be painted white as will the trim around the medicine cabinate that you cant see...theres a realy ugly light fixture above the sink, those big globe things, that needs to be replaced, but definatly usable, and more than enough space.

the master

this one has a closet, im planning on keeping it simple in there, a tall set of draws next to the window in the corner, my bed on the wall where the pic was taken...the dogs crates will either fit on one side of the bed like they are now stacked or side by side under the window...
again planning on painting the trim white, and the walls will end up being a very soft sage green. pink/green/white bedding with a peony/cherry blossom theme and tada.
ive already got an art peice planned for above the bed :)

livingroom 1:

the "heater wall" im hoping to eventually replace the heater with a nice gas fireplace...something similar to
jack jacks cage will go in that corner with the tv above the heater/eventual fireplace...its the only real place the tv could fit and being the tv is very secondary in my lifestyle...

im liking the blue trim in there and thinking of staying a parchemnt white on the walls with the blue trim and accenting it with lots of artwork in blues choclates and pink...

livingroom 2:

thats the window that id eventually replace with a glass door leading out to a screaned in carport lol, thats the wall the couch will have to go on (the front wall has a large window that id prefer not to block) behind the couch will be my 55 gallon then my couch pushed up on that long taking the recliner and corner section of my sectional and it should fit quite nicely there

on the long wall over my fish tank im thinking realy cool art peices, i want to get some trim to make boxes, paint it the same color as the trim in the livingroom (aparently theres about 1/2 gallon left of it in the laundry room lol)
inside the frame im thinking either that same blue...or chocolate with a small white shelf inside the "box" on the shelf will be turquoise pots with hot pink orchids :D
my other thought was inside the boxes a very pretty blue or chcoolate brown walpaper.

the kitchen:

im still not entirely sure aout the mustard cabinates...but i think i can work with it as is...change out the hardware for black hardware and paint the walls the same soft sage green i want in my bedroom, and pretyt much dub it the sunflower room...unfortunatly in terms of cabinate and counter space...thats IT...
id eventually like to have natural gas piped into the kitchen and replace the stove with a larger gas stove that better fills the space.
on the opposite wall is a single over the fridge cabinate (same color) right in the middle of the wall, fridge will go under that...not realy alot of space to expand but i think with a creative lift up table and a kitchen cart/small wheeled island we can definatly increase the work space without too many issues...
as you can see...odly...its carpeted in hoping the same hardwoods in the livingroom and bathroom are under there...if so theyll get refinnished pretty quickly, if not the carpet will be replaced with a high quality linolium...carpet in a kitchen doesnt strike me as a good idea at

as you can tell...
i havent through about any of this at all! LMAO

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