Pink Fox: its Raining...IN MY HOUSE! :/


Super Self-Sufficient
Feb 11, 2011
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lol i made a story in my head that the piles of shingles are actually the remainds of a vast empire...much like the emerald city...only it was the asphalt in the return to oz, where eveyrhting had crumbled and decayed...
im expecting to find tic-toc at some point, and the scarecrow...a talking moose head woudl freak me out though!

we had a "good" night last night...bad from the sleep point but good from the puppy point...3:30 dozer woke me crying, so insted of hooping hed jsut shut up i took him out to potty...he whent potty straight away and then settled down in his crate again after about 5 mins. i dont like getting up partway through the night because i have a seriously hard time getting back to sleep, but id rather him wake me and let me know he needs to go out than have accidents...its progres in the housebreaking.
then at 7:30 he starts squeeking again, this is also the time that ruby starts her "m bladders going to burst" dance so up i get and out we going back to bed after this one *sigh* lol, but he whent potty immediatly again! no accident in the crate last night. if he keeps this up for a few days we'll move forward with his crate training...
right now he has a 24 inch crate, which is about twice as long as he needs, in the back half is his bed in the front is a pee pad (rather him use the pad than go on his bedding because thats a REALY hard habit to break)
if he can reliably wake me to tell me he needs to go out ill take out the pee pad and put the divider in, giving him just enoguh room for his bed...(which is how your "supposed" to crate train lol).

im hoping i can get him reliably ousebroken pretty quick because im betting by 6 months hell no longer fit in the 24" crate and im not sure i realy sure i want (or can afford or have space for) a 42" crate cause i doubt a 36" would be big enough long term lol.
also given hes supposed to be a guard dog, id prefer it if he can be reliable enough at not eating the house and haing accidents that he can sleep on the bed (or on a bed in the bedroom) kinda hard to guard the ouse if your locked in a box so...

weve got a long way to go but hes smat.
During the day were out every 2 hours or as soon as he wakes from a nap (generally ever 2 hours lol) and that seems to be good for him on a potty schedual, only 1 pee (on the pad) in the past 2 days and thats my own fault because i needed the bathroom and hoped hed stay asleep while i did lol.

the bonus to this is im pretty much taking jasper back to step 1 too, jasper is a pain in the butt and ive yet to be able to fully house break have to wait him out outside (whihc sucks on mornings like this morning where its 25 degrees and you realy need to pee too lol) or hell come back in and poop in the bathroom...
and he marks, hes an intact male so its expected and wears a belly band to keep my furniture safe and my sanity intact...but i honestly dont know how he can pee sooo much...he deosnt drink that much...
im hoping taking him out every 2 hours along with dozer, i can "re-program" the potty issues im having.
getting him neutered would be helpfull too and depending on how quickly these pups find a home, will dictate if i breed ruby one last time...if yes he'll stay intact until then, if no he'll be neutered ASAP.

i love having pups in the house but if i cant find homes for them then id simply turn into a hoarder and thats not fair to the dogs or myself...not to mention as well that as i get started with the farm and livestock im going to be inundated with livestock babies too, and i simply wont have the time to give puppies the 1 on 1 they need.


today is cold, a blanket of frost on the ground this morning...
and ive got to go grocery shipping today.
got to write out my preplanned list of coupon/price match ups along with the other items i need (like milk...i go through alot of milk aparently lol)
I want to stop in walmart because theres a sale on bakeware and i could do with a couple of cookie sheets...and i might pick up 2 more shelves from lowes for the kitchen to finnish that job off.
gonna price up paint and paint supplies too for the livingroom, i realy want to get that done asap.
2 gals of wall color and 1 gal of semi gloss white for the trim should be plenty, a roller tray, a couple of good paint brushes (or 1 and 1 edger) and a roller and pole should see the job done. oh and sand paper and some spackle and a spackle trowel for some of the divits. lol!
kroger, walgreens ect...its not realy a long list but theres multiple stops along the way to get the best deals.

so yeah i should get my tush moving!


Super Self-Sufficient
Feb 11, 2011
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ATT are scumbags...

i bought my new cellphone before i moved for obviosu reasons, ATT being the ONLY phone to actually have service in my house...
i reserched phones, checked everythign i could and whent with the hone i picked because 1: it was "free" ($40 after activation fee) and 2: it did not require any kind of data plan...

well today i checked my bill and find its DOUBLE what my contract states it should be..why because theres a 2gb data plan (added AFTER the contract sighn up) that i DID NOT authorize.

call ATT customer service...its explained to me that my phone is a smart phoen and a data plan is required...i asked why i wasnt infomred of this wheni purchesed the phone, and she couldnt tell me anything beyond "obviously it was a mistake" well thats all well and good but i have a data plan added to my contact that 1: i didnt know i needed, 2: was not informed about and 3: i did not consent to...
she did some checking aparently the data plan was added october 3rd (my contract was activated september 20th) and i was "informed" i explained i was NOT infomred no letter, no email no call, no text no NOTHING to inform me that the data was needed or that it was going to be added to my contract...according to the information i CONSENTED to adding this data plan...
i asked her what kind of scam att were running because again i wasnt informed via mail or otherwise nore did i consent verbally, written, typed or by clicking a box or otherwise...

now in order to remove the data plan i would have to get a none smart phone..ok fine...
but in order to do so at no charge i would have had to do it within the first 30 days of my contract...

i pointed out that thats further proof that i was not informed of the change nor authorized it because had i had been told i would have changed my phone immediatly while it was free to do so...
she agreed and apologized but there was nothing she could personally do for me...

thankfully aparently while corporate are scumbags customer service are not, she got the floor manager who listend to everything i had to say (by this point im almost crying blllecause i cant aford a $70 phone bill and i certianly cant affod a new phone, even thier BASIC phone is $50 plus an activation fee of $40 and shipping and im being told "well your screwed"
she placed me on hold, did some digging and came back to tell me that despite it not realy being allowed shes shipping me out a VERY basic phone free of charge, i have to call as soon as the phone gets here to make sure the records are updaed and the data plan is immediatly removed, but it is being sent out today and there shouldnt be any isues, all i have to do is switch the sim.
i then asked about the current bill and shes going to credit the account for the ammount of the data plan and will resend me the new bill balance...which will be the origional amount i origionally agreed about 1/2 the bill sitting there right now...
shes noted the account and if i have any questions or problems getting this sorted i have her name and can ask for her no problems...

thank heavens...
i was seriously close to a serious mental breakdown, was fighting tears and resisting the urge to hit something...

so yeah thank goodness for a great floor manager because i would have had a serious issue otherwise...

what i dont get is how there going to know if i do actualy switch my sim over LOL...the sim is universal will work in any phone as long as the phone is yeah...
I dont care as long as i have a working phone and NO expensive data plan i didnt agre to or authorize im happy.

im wondering if the only reaosn they were so helpfull was the threat of better buienss and a potential lawsuit for forging my
but i dont care as long as its sorted out quickly.

I swear, never had these roblems when people communicated via smoke LOL!
i didnt even want att in the first place due to having some issues in the past with these idiots...but its the ONLY company that has service actually IN my house or anywhere on y property for that matter so im stuck with them untill i devlop my psychic messaging skills!
which could be a very long time :p


Almost Self-Reliant
Jul 14, 2011
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Cell phone companies can be such a pain!

I had a huge issue with our provider, Sprint. They refused to port our number! When asked why (on speaker phone) they told the guy it was because we were excellent customers and they wanted to keep us :barnie Here in MI, if you have an issue, you can submit a form and ask the attorney general's office to investigate. I did. They did. Sprint freaked out, called, said it was all just a big misunderstanding and they had immediately flagged my account as 'portable'. Jerks! :p

Did you find a color you liked at Lowes? For some weird reason, the living room in our new house was lavender, with blue trim :sick It was hideous. It was also panelling :sick So, as a temporary fix, I bought some paint at Lowes that was supposed to cover well in one coat (to hide the mess until we can slap up some drywall!). At first, it looked like I had smeared butter all over the walls! So yellow, I was not pleased. After two weeks, it had dried completely and was the light tan color I had THOUGHT I'd bought :lol: It really did cover nicely and go on well. Just scared me a little while it was wet!


Super Self-Sufficient
Feb 11, 2011
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i think what bothers me the most is THEY screwed up then expected me to not only swallow the extra cost on the bill (it literaly doubled my bill) AND pay for a new phone, shipping and activation fee ontop of it all...
Im like umm no, you guys screwed up you guys need to fix this without turning my financial budget into one big mess.
well it took me 5 hours but im finally back from shopping, hit walmart first for kitty litter, bakeware (on sale for 98 cents lol so i picked up a piza tray and 2 cookie trays) and a basket for on my shelf. also got some basic groceries there that were cheaper elsewhere...
then to kroger where half the stuff on my list had sold out :( but still managed to get some of the stuff i wanted
then to target for more groceries,
target is next to petco so i stopped in there too and found a BEAUTIFUL betta fish whos now living in a 7 gallon tnk in my bedroom, hes a double tail in pink, green and blue...kinda surreal when alls said and done lol.
then since it was just up the road and dozer could do with a collar and petsmart didnt ave any i liked i whent to petco, where i picked up 2 more betta fish (they were on sale) for the 2 1 gal tanks i have in the craft room...i couldnt say no, i mean sale AND a new betta shipment...kinda like my drug of choice lol
from there off to walgreens where i picked up the next few items on my list...
then on the way home stopped in henderson at the big star grocery for the last few bits.

it was a long day but the cupboards are stocked and my fridge actually looks like someone lives in the house now...theres food in there, real food like grapes and yogurt! lol

and i got home to a pleasent suprise, the neighbor has started raking MY leaves...LOL...
hes like i was doing my yard and figured hey why not..ill finnish up probbaly tomorrow...

hey works for me, free labor!
I dont yet own a rake, i figure tools come after everyting else at this if he wants to do it for me, at least the front of the house, then im not going to stop him.

but yeah. made flatbread pizza for dinner caue i realized half way to jackson that i hadnt put the crokpot on (so thats tomorrows dinner) but im kinda loking frward to "pizza" lol.

Denim Deb

More Precious than Rubies
Oct 21, 2010
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Hope your going to post pics of your fish. I miss having a tank, but don't have the room right now. One day I hope to again. There's something very calming and peaceful about watching them swim, even if it's only a bunch of guppies.


Little Miss Sunshine
Sep 27, 2010
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Hey, if you wanna meet me sometime in the next few weeks I can show you a few places to get LOTS of decor for your house :) I put Christmas gifts in baskets and got several the other day for a couple bucks each. I also know a place that sells deeeeeeply discounted furniture. anyway, thought I'd offer to show you around a bit and put you onto some good deals. Let me know. :)


Super Self-Sufficient
Feb 11, 2011
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Deb, ill try and get some pics of the for you...
i fish are therapy.

WBF, definatly should meet up at some point, you let me know whens good for you cause i know your busy buys and i have a pretty open schedual lol.

oh and i did pick out my paint color today so its just a case of waiting for all the bils to go out then i can go get it and get this room done.
im planning on doing a very soft ligh sage green for the walls in an eggshell, with semi gloss white for the trim


Little Miss Sunshine
Sep 27, 2010
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pinkfox said:
Deb, ill try and get some pics of the for you...
i fish are therapy.

WBF, definatly should meet up at some point, you let me know whens good for you cause i know your busy buys and i have a pretty open schedual lol.
Just call me whenever. You still have my number right? I don't have anything to do that can't wait a few hours. I need a day out :lol:

ETA: I buy $5 gallons of paint at Lowe's that folks have returned because they messed up the color :lol: I just wait for a color I want :p Ya can't beat $5!!!!! Oh, and what are you doing for Thanksgiving? I'm cooking, and you're welcome to a plate and some leftovers to take home :) I think my parents, brother, and niece is coming, but otherwise it's just us.


Super Self-Sufficient
Feb 11, 2011
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i have no plans for thanksgiving...i would be honored to join you guys :D

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