Pink Fox: its Raining...IN MY HOUSE! :/


<Insert Snazzy Title Here
Nov 23, 2011
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Fallston, MD
seriously coming to your house! You eat good!

I look forward to the day when the other half will not have the crazy commute, so we can do better cooking. He does most of the cooking :hide I just don't like cooking! LOL


Super Self-Sufficient
Feb 11, 2011
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lol, that is why i LOVE the crockpot...toss everything in in the morning, turn it on low and 8 hours later..dinner!
im not a not realy "creative" either...but ive found the more i play with things...the more comfortable i become...ive found the key is cooking things that appea to me right at that moment...if im craving steak and trying to make never turns out quite as nice lol

Denim Deb

More Precious than Rubies
Oct 21, 2010
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OK, I get your buns confused. Are these Haystack's babbits, or another does?


Super Self-Sufficient
Feb 11, 2011
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lol, the babbits belong to blackberry who lives next door lol...
Blackberry is my broken black standard rex

aparently haystack is just built to be a babysitter.
Haystack is my Nz/Cali mix Young Meat Doe.


Almost Self-Reliant
Jun 21, 2010
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Pinky you are my inspiration. Now that we are a family of 4 again I am trying to get the cooking and putting away of food organized again. We about ran out of everything with our daughter and her family here for 8 months. I love having homemade fast food.


Almost Self-Reliant
Jan 7, 2009
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Evening Shade, AR
hqueen13 said:
seriously coming to your house! You eat good!

I look forward to the day when the other half will not have the crazy commute, so we can do better cooking. He does most of the cooking :hide I just don't like cooking! LOL
I'll second this motion and am wondering if we were twins, seperated at birth! :gig

Congrats on all the new babies and hoping you get to feeling better soon! :hugs


Super Self-Sufficient
Feb 11, 2011
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the home made pizza pockets are realy good and so simple, i make up a batch of 1/2 and 1/2 dough (1/2 white, 1/2 whole wheet as i dont like 100% whole wheet dough) and thn once its done rising i split it into balls about the size of a tennis ball and tada, easy single servings (1 ball will make 2 servings for me, but last night for some reason 1/2 the ball flattend out perfectly, the other half whent tough :( but i still had one for dinner :D
made my own marinara dipping sauce too out of a can of tomatoe sauce, some garlic, pepper and italian was delicious and just enough :D ive got one more "ball" of dough left in the freezer, so i think im going to have to make up a new batch next week.

ive got to divide up the potatoes in a little while, for the freezer, then go through whats left and see if any are "pantry" (laundry room) isnt realy a good "root cellar" it gets too hot so im not expecting much...
going to keep out a small batch of taters from the batch ready to freeze for tonight. think im going to light the grill and have hotdogs with a side of tater salad :)

started my cleaning, the back bedroom has officially been "reclaimed" at this point *YAY* with mum and dad here that became the catchall room...and i cant let that start happening...just because i dont "use" that room on a daily basis right now...doesnt mean its allows to become a jnk room, thats how hoarding behaviours start. so that room is going to be my next indoor project. paint on the walls, some shelving, and a counter top for my cabinates plus i need a small comfy chair for in there (a computer chair would work) as thats going to be my craft room and im going to NEED that craft space as i get these gourds underway.
will need plenty of shelving and im thinking of using cup hooks UNDER the shelving in the craft area so i can hang the gourds to dry ect.

shouldnt be a huge project but it will be a rewarding one i think.

but yeah, that rooms now reclaimed for the most part...
need to vacume and put some clothes away in My bedroom, clean jack jacks cage, vacume and swiffer the livingroom and the kitchen i have dishes vacuming and swiffering to do in there. (least i can swiffer with my pretty new floor)

then this afternoon i ned to head on up to go reclaim those waterbottles i left behind. lol.

busy busy, just letting lunch go down and then its back to the domestic stuff...


Super Self-Sufficient
Feb 11, 2011
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well the rabbitry is once again FULL.
whent to pick up my waterbottles, saw a sign for hollands, price was right, called and ended up with 2 new girls in the rabbitry.
1 solid black, 1 broken black about 10 weeks old, nice ear sets so we'll see.

moved Rowans 2 babbits, put strawberry in her own house...
im full lol.
there cute...
we'll see where this project goes.

the idea is to alternate with the lops over rex and visa versa then breeding those offspring back to the oppotise buck (so pips offspring bred to Thistle and thistles offspring bred to Pip) continue the back and forth untill i get the proper lop ears and the correct rex coat, once i get a few of those i can do a little sibling line breeding to lock in traits and it SHOULD give me loped rex's (or rex lops) its a potentially big project and it May not pan out the way id like it too but thats the goal. the eventual plan is to end up with a breeding trio of plush lops so ill have rex, mini rex, plush and holland.
if the plush lop project doesnt start showing results in about 3 generations though im going to phase out the Mini Rex and just do standards and hollands...

my house is clean, got about 25lbs more of taters to prep and freeze (ended up tossing only about 10lbs lol) so thats on tomorros list, as is planting the catnip and basil ive got that are currently looking kinda sorry or themselves that i didnt get to today (im HOPING they survive) the privet basil is going in a pot along with one of my regular basil plants which ill dig out. the catnip is going in various places around the house as its a natural insect repelant. (and itll keep tempi and willow close to home LOL)

oh and i picked up the 6 t-posts i need to do the corners...these are HEAVY duty T-Posts..6 ft tall and heavy, not just the flat ones ive been using so far. they were the same price as the 3ft tall posts because they were on i figuted heavy duty might be a better choice so i picked them up so i can better measure out where im going with the fence...the pen the girls are in now is just dirt so i need to get it done. they cant be on a dirt lot when i have 4 acres of leaves and brush and tall grass...its silly.

the lady i got the bunnies from also raises potbelly pigs and she had a brand new litter literally JUST born when i was there...OMG sooo but im not ready for piggies just yet lol...and when i am im going old spots...Potbellies are cute, but i want my BIG piggies! lol. but seeing how she had her lot set up actually helped me vsualize what can be done without getting in over my head...i have a tendency to overthink things i think and get overwhlemed by all my fancy plans....

so i just need all the "bits and bobs. going to see how much ive got at the end of the month and then pick up the grounding rods...then beginning of next month ill ick up everything else i need and get this DONE...

Hoping ill then get all bluebells buns sold because that money will then help me build the guinea coop... right now the plan is to build 4x4 house on "stilts". the floor of the house will be 4ft off the ground, the house itself will be 4x4x4 and then under the house will be a 4x4x8 run. im going to build it in thegoat field (itll eventually be the berry patch) once the guinne are old enough to free range the run will be dismantled and the house left in place and hopefully theyll return home each night.

i should be able to build the guinea house with a total of 3 sheets of plywood. al internal supposrts can be 1x2's only the legs need to be 2x4 pressure treated.


<Insert Snazzy Title Here
Nov 23, 2011
Reaction score
Fallston, MD
Dawn419 said:
hqueen13 said:
seriously coming to your house! You eat good!

I look forward to the day when the other half will not have the crazy commute, so we can do better cooking. He does most of the cooking :hide I just don't like cooking! LOL
I'll second this motion and am wondering if we were twins, seperated at birth! :gig
OMG, we must be!!!! I just don't cook. I don't enjoy it. Give me cleaning over cooking any day! I *can* cook... some things... I just don't find any fun in it. No idea why. :rolleyes: Thank goodness he's willing to do it though!!

Yay on new buns! You sound like me, I can over think things until the cows come home (and I don't have cows, so that is a long time) and sometimes the paralysis of analysis will keep me from ever starting a project, especially if I am not confident of the outcome.


Super Self-Sufficient
Feb 11, 2011
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exactly,or worse, completing the roject and then being disapointed because it didnt come out like you had it planned...

well did NOT sleep well last night, dontknow why but got up this morning feeling like id spent the entire night running a marathon, stomach and leg muscles ahing head cloudy...*sigh*

did managed to get my plants planted, there all looking a little sorryfor themselves so im not sure how many will survive but ive got 2 catnip, 1 apple mint and 4 small purple cone flower goenin in the front bed and 3 catnip along thecarport, still got a thyme and aboxwood basil but i think im going to put them in pots i want to build sone herb beds next year (multi tiered so i can reach things and such) i like mixing them into the flower beds too but i also want MORE and some herbs are so highly invasive that they need to be restricted...

my romas are bursting into production, i think by the time im done ill probably get about 4-5lbs of tomatoes off each plant the first few waves have come in slow enough that ie eaten about 3lbs of romas as slicing tomatoes (i like them lol). NOT as impressed with the big boy or marions though...taken 3 tomatoes off the marions and theres a few fruit ripening up but ill be lucky to get mabe 2lbs off each plant. big boys obviously have much larger fruit, but not much production there thinking mabe 3 lbs off each plant if im lucky...
dont think ill be doing either the marion or the bigboy next year...
th romas i WILL be doing though...

Mabe some cool clored heirlooms.

decided im definatly not doing carrots again, just not worth it...i got only about 1lb of usuable "baby" carrots from the whole lot. got to pull up my onions, dont think they did much but if i get some small slicers ill be happy, i dont use onions much so large onions go to waste...and i didnt see any bugs on anything planted neer the onions (fingers crossed) so i dont mind giving them some space. dont think my garlic has done anything though :(

think my future gardens are going to be tomatoe and gourd focused...and put alot more effort into getting the berry patches set up...
ill get there...slowly but surely :D is going to be a relitivly slow day i think. i need t get the rabbit hutches cleaned out did some of them yesterday while moving everyone around but need to get the last 5 done...shouldnt take long though.
i should probbaly head down to the co-op either today or tomororw and pick up goat and rabbit feed, got enough bird feed to last till july...but the goat feed and rabbit feed isnt going to last me another week and a half so...

other than that...lazy day. got confo my clipper blade shipped out but the estimated deliver date is MONDAY *ugh* though it arrived in MS last night so im hoping for saturday lol.
cant get here soon enough if youask ruby, shes sooo shaggy right now, she was even too hot last night and the bedroom was 72 degrees lol...poor little sheepy dog!

but yeah. off i go.

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