Pink Fox: its Raining...IN MY HOUSE! :/


Little Miss Sunshine
Sep 27, 2010
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Some people don't understand how others feel toward their animals though. Not everyone has the same kind of bond, and beyond that, some folks don't know how to just say, sorry you're hurting. They probably at least *thought* they were helping.

Pinky, you and your daddy are gonna make ME cry over Charlie, and i never even met him!!! I am so sorry it's not looking good for the old boy :(

Don't beat yourself up over not being there hun. You just can't be everywhere you want to be. :hugs :hugs


Super Self-Sufficient
Feb 11, 2011
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well...we MIGHT have some good news.

they pumped charlie ful of injectable antibiotics called the vet this evening and asked for their opinion based on what theyd seen and the vet said theyd seen a little improvment and woul like to give him another 24 hours and another day of injectable antibiotics to give it a chance to work...

the idea being its not the lump in the liver thats actually causing the major issues but the massive infection.
so dad went to pick him up and aparently he came bounding out of the back room, tail wagging and couldnt wait to be out of there...hes not been able to even stand under his own power in 24 hours...yesterday he managed a couple waggs when they picked him up but that was it...
tonight aparently his tail hasnt stopped...
they got him home and offered him some chicken and a little rice (he hasnt eaten in 4 days...he demolished it (they only gave him a LITTLE bit) he also had a drink and has kept it down...
they gave him a little more an hour later and he ate it again and stil kepeing it down...

hes still not himself, hes VERY weak very tired and still NOT out of the woods, we could still end up having him put to slep tomorrow if he slipps backwards of oesnt make any more progress...
BUT right now theres a little shine of light in the darkness...
hes going back in tomorrow for another day of fluids and antibiotics...we should have a more official answer tomorrow, if by 7pm tomorrow hes continuing to improve there going to continue antibiotics and fluids...if they can clear up the infection hes not oing to be "cured"
they cant be sure if the mass in his liver is a tumor or an absecss, either way theres no "cure" but assuming the infection is whats causing the inflamation it can be maanged without him being in pain ect...

so everythings kinda teetering right now...

and im SOOO sorry i missed your call, i was in the potty then dad skyped me immediatly afterwards LOL...

Denim Deb

More Precious than Rubies
Oct 21, 2010
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Glad to hear he's doing better. Hopefully, he'll continue to improve.


Super Self-Sufficient
Feb 11, 2011
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well its wednesday again...and only 1 1/2 more weeks left in August, this month has gone pretty quickly considering how off its been...

i got up this morning, got the bunny boxes clean and everyoens fed in and out.

its my cleaning day today so...yay?! i
the house oes need it though...i tend tolet it get away from me during the week.

then tomorrow i need ot put fresh beding in the guinea coop and introduce the lavender keet to the flock.
which means we'll probbaly be saying goodbye to gimpy tomorrow...
his leg is no better despite my attempts to straighten brace ect. hes not even 1/2 the size of the lavender, and hes barely even starting to feather out...hell never be able to walk properly or roost and dragging that leg around cant be good for him...part of me woners if i could do surgery, but im not sur ei could put him through an amputation without anesthetic lol, and why make him suffer, wouldnt change anything, he cant support his body weight on the one leg (if he was standing up fully on one leg then id say sure but hes most "sat" and when he moves its like hes ragging his whole body...)
the lavender keet however is doing great and big enough to join the flock, im hoping if i intriduce it now by the end of september i can start letting them range.
i also need to go round the fenceline with the weedeater again lol...considering weve not had much weeds are growing like crazy.

if i get all my cleaning done relitivly quickly today im going to pickle some egg and onions too this afternoon...


Almost Self-Reliant
Jul 14, 2011
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I noticed this morning that the Prickly Ash that is taking over everything here has grown up all around the fence line and started touching the wires again :rolleyes: I wish the darn stuff was edible - we could eat well forever on what's in the backyard alone! The 'good' news is, you can't weed whack the stuff down, you have to dig up the roots, so I officially can't do it and must delegate the task to one of the guys :D Have fun cleaning today! I have to run errands today - the tags for the MH and car are due (which means it's almost my birthday - Yay. Another year older and deeper in debt :p ) and pick up some pint and a half sized canning jars at the store - they are having a buy 2 get one free sale at the 'big name' store here. It will be nice to get away for a while, as Ice Cream has hit her cycle again - started bellowing at 8am, and hasn't quit yet :/ It is annoying to listen to, but I don't worry about the neighbors - this is payback for their dog barking at all hours of the day and night, incessantly :D


Super Self-Sufficient
Feb 11, 2011
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poor icecream.
yeah this grass is crazy, the goats arnt moving quite as fast as i thought they would LOL! there making progress...but not all that quickly.
thinking i need a lawn mower...or a market lamb.

today however has been a ugh day.
whent in to clean gimpy and the lav guinea out and gimpy had gotten himself stuck, twisted his good leg out of place...
I put him down and moved the lavender guinea into the made no sense to let him sufer aother day, he didnt eat this monrning and thelavneder keet was trying to peck at him once he got stuck.
didnt think id be able to do it...
but i did.

and mum just let me now that they put charlie to sleep...
hed gone back down hill this morning and theyd taken him back in for fluids today and once again antibiotics all day an by this afternoon hed perked up a bit, but hed started panting inscessanlty and he was bloated...
the vet told them the next step would be $1000 in an ultrasound and liver biopsy...all those would have done would confirm or deny the existence of a tumor or abcess...They wouldnt have given a efinitive reason for the massive infection and they wouldnt have given the specialist any more answers than "hes got cancer..." or "hes not got cancer" he would have simply been put in a kennel in ICU kept on fluids and anitbiotics for however long and left to stress...
the antibitocis had perked him up but realy one nothign to effect the infection, and the other type they tried today didnt make an edge either...whatever was causing the ifnection jsut wasnt responing to anitbiotics and if they couldnt get the infection under control theres no way they could have done anything else either.

dad and my brother sat with him when he was put to sleep...


after he took his last breath he evacuated his bowels...aparently it smelt like was black blood, clots and what dad could only descirbe as rotting flesh...
his insides had literally been decaying...

even had they pai thousands to have him looke at by the specialist....given the state his insies werein...there would have been NOHTING anyone could have done to repair the amage.

im personally thinking a virus similarto parvo might be at fault, where he would have picked it up i ont know, and in a healthy adult dog parvo is nothing, oesnt even give em a tummy ache...but in a dog with a compromised immune system, parvo would ravage the immune system just like it would a young pup.
but thats ust a theory.

Chalrlie is now at peace, we can all mourn his passing and move on to celebrate his life.

otherwise, my house is clean, made home made febreeze today and it works like a charm (1/8 cup your fave fabric softner, 2 tablespoons of baking soda an hot water to fill, lid on, shake shake shake and spray. shake wel before each use.)
the lavender guinea is in the main i just have to hope the others dont eat him...
the thing i was dreading with gimpy is done andover with and hes no longer suffering...
i gave the babies their first clipper session today (that whent over like a fart in church lol) but its done for now...
and i gave ruby the WORST haircut ever...
she rolledin something gross (likely duck poop)followed by something sticky...i couldnt get it all out so i had to shave off almost all her tail and all of both her back ugg shes realy looking rather funny right now. its just hair, itl grow back and she realy doesnt give a damn but still she wasjust starting to look all nice and plush again :/

ive got to dose the pups and ruby with dewormer again tongiht and tomorrow...(routein stuff)
when i do the 8 week dewormer ill deworm dozer and jasper and the cats too...
need to pick up a bottle of ivomec at some point and will probbaly need another bottle of safeguard before its time to deworm the goats again...

right now the rest of the ay brings figuring out how i want to prep this fish, and whatevers on tv...
tomorrow afternoon brings fresh bedding for the ducks geese and guineas, and weed wacking of the fenceline...
and friday im hoping to get the rest of the gourds scrubbed...


Power Conserver
Dec 25, 2011
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:hugs I am so sorry to hear. Very hard and brave decision :hugs

Denim Deb

More Precious than Rubies
Oct 21, 2010
Reaction score
I'm so sorry for your parents. :hugs That's never an easy decision to make, but I'm sure that knowing there was nothing they could have done made it easier on them.


Super Self-Sufficient
Feb 11, 2011
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:hugs thanks guys, it means an awefull lot, i hope you know how much i apreciate you all

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