Pink Fox: its Raining...IN MY HOUSE! :/


Jun 27, 2011
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Sorry about your bunnies but I am glad you are feeling semi ok. Hope your New Year is truly happy!!!! We've been getting the rain all day here too. At least I stayed home mostly.


Super Self-Sufficient
Feb 11, 2011
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i expected a few hiccups with this new setup so i ust have to give it time...still hopefull things wil work out in bunny land and if not, ill revisit the plans come late spring.

in good news, the new sink for my bathroom arrived and im SOOO excited.
my batroom is itsy VERY itsy bitsy...So a tandradr vanity/sink wont fit and right now my sink is barely large enough to wash my face in.
so i picked up 2 closet maid cabinates, there only 12" deep the PERFECT depth for the wal where the sink goes and am putting a clear glass essel sink ontop.
the plan is to custom cut one cabinate to hold the pipework, the other will just sit next to it. theyll get bolted together and bolted to the wall for security
ill lay a thin peice of ply oer the top to level them out and then that will get drilled for plumbing too and the top will be tiled with a beautiful glas moasic tile (since itll only need 4 12"x12" sheets it wont cost an arm and a leg and will bring some serious class to the room and will sparkle right through the sink. the sink will then sit ontop of everything since its a vessel it doesnt matterif it sticks out further than the cabinate, and being clear glass it wont be visually obtrisive either hopefully making the room feel a little bigger.
the first job in tere before any of that can happen though is to gather a little cash to replace the nasty "tile board" thats up...
whoever put it up handt a clue what they were doing and simply screwed it into the studs using big metal washers and scrws (that have gone rusty) theres been a leak behind it too so its all gross and stained from the back...
the ream plan would be rp it out put up wet rock and tile...but because of issues with that im thinking it would probablybe best to simply buy NEW tileboard, lowes ha a high gloss white that hould look fine with my plans) and put it up correctly using adhesive finnishing nails around the edges and silacone caulking to seal everything. whole thing should cost about $100 to do so we'll see what the budget says at the en of the month.
i would like to put tle in there, but also cant afford that right now but the lino is ugly so i think im going to PAINT the sheet linolium. ive seen it done and it looks realy nice and i think with some craft paint and time i can make it look quite nice, itll be painted a semi gloss white then ill tape out a pattern around the edges in the same sie as the countertop glass tile ill be using and match the colors up...
it should last a few years untilli cna afford to replace it with a realy nice floor tile (and under floor heating :D) and you barely see much of the floor anyway with the size of the room and the bathmat down lol.
I need to paint in there too so right now the plan is get the new tileboard, tear down the old, paint the walls then put up the new tileboard, then paint and seal the floor
ill have to wait on dad comming to do the plumbing for the sink...all the special parts should be arriving any ay now, mounting ring special drain for it...
ill need to order the faucets that i want too, but itll be a while before im ready to put that stuff together. and a little while before im expecting dad so no real rush.
itll be exciting to see that room transformed.
when i get some spare cash illbe replacing the shower curtain with a glass sliding shower door too which should open the room even more. :D

and i STILL need to finnish my kitchen, i have the paint for the walls but need the tile for the backsplash and shelving for inside the cabinates...but im exicted about getting that room finnished too...the shelving in the cabinates will be a BIG deal...rght now everythings just tossed in there.

and thats just the inside stuff...
got raised beds to start collecting supplies to build and fill (ill be happy if i can get 4 done for spring this year)
its going to be a busy year i think.

otherwise, this cold is still kicking my tuckus...i felt better and whent out for new years but the following afternoon i pretty much regretted not contageous at this point but all the congestions is comming back and starting to try to settle on the lungs...i hate being congested.


Almost Self-Reliant
Jul 14, 2011
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Your bath remodel plan sounds so nice! Please post pictures. I would love to see the sink, and the painted floor. I have painted vinyl before - just a small 'rug' in a back room. I didn't seal it very well, and it quickly got so scratched up it wasn't funny :(


Super Self-Sufficient
Feb 11, 2011
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yeah im thinking im going to need to use a floor paint and seal it like crazy for the plan to work, but ive got my fingers
just measured the tub end wals are currently cut at 33" wide and 7ft tall and the back peice is 5ft long by 7ft either way im going to have to cut boards an have a seam if going that route...i just need to figure out which way will give me the least none usable waste or in revers the MOST usable waste...if i cna fanangle it to have enough in scraps to o the backsplash in the kitchen with the same stuff itll save me some money and time there too lol.

critters are put up for the night, and dinners finnishing up in the oven, chicken bake (chicken stew with a jiffy bake mix crust...)
the crockpot was too full to put the dumplings in so now ive take out tonights serving tomorrow i can transfer to a pan bring it back to a boil and add my dumplings to steam for tomorrows dinner and 2 servings for the freezer :)


Super Self-Sufficient
Feb 11, 2011
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today was out to get feed day...not my favorite day of the month to say the least and i need to do some serious thinking o how to lower the feed bill. the expensive one right now is layer...
so im thinking i need to plan on setting some grain out this year for winter storage, thinking millet, oats, and barley...well see, i need to strt planning out the gardens and such and figuring out my seed needs for the year.

otherwise nothing going on right now...and im ok with that, my heads been pounding all morning and im about ready to go back to bed if it doesnt quit...
still need to unload 200lbs of feed from the trunk of my car and such but right now im lacking any energy to do so with...


Super Self-Sufficient
Feb 11, 2011
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i know right...if it wernt for the fact that i LOVE my ducky eggs lol.
ive pretyt muhc put the idea of having chickens on hold becaue i cant even eat Farm fresh chicken eggs now ive got myself hooked on the ducks lol.

i will sitll be getting some chickens, but they will be more "pretty" and chick sales than egg for my fridge...

im hoping to go with some harder to find breeds (im looking to get my hands on a little group of mille fleur standard cochins)

but for spring the plan is more ducks...(and get the ducks moved to a beter location on the farm)
right now im planning on adding 6 more runner ducks (preferbaly blues and splash/silvers if i can get em) to the flock, 5 hens and a drake, thatll give me 10 laying females and 2 drakes to "service" them, if i go with blues i should get blue black and occasionally splash/silver ducklings on the hatch outs.
i love my duckies and this year im planning on dedicating some planting space to grains that i can dry and set aside for winter use for them (oats, millet, barely, wheet) which will hopefully help lessen next years winter feed cost.

im also hoping to get a couple more goslings in the spring. saddlebcks or sebbies. itll depend on what i cna get hold of.
they dont like being locked up at night so im goign to be better securing the orchard area and building them a couple of 3 sided lean tos/nesting spots and the current duck/goose house will be moved to a new spot to give the ducks more room wthout them harrassing the geese.

i need to start planning the planting areas and get my orchard trees ordered...and planning the berry bushes and the expasion of the fencing for the goats.

wont be doing too much in terms fo veggies this year...want to do a couple of beds for the bunny garden, thinking 2-3 4x8 beds there and plan to put hoop houses over them for winter to try and get fresh greens over the winter for them too...
would like to do a couple of beds for grain, not decided on a size for those plots
and then mabe 4 4x8 beds for me with tomatoes and bell peppers being the primary focus as thats what i use the most of and what most expensive to buy.

got to think about getting my 2 big burn piles form the dozer work burning...(going to do 1 at a time, im not THAT crazy lol)

springs just aroudn the corner...


Super Self-Sufficient
Feb 11, 2011
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i think i had an idea of how to do the preimeter fencing relitivly cheaply.

origioanlly i wanted to run welded wire around the entie perimeter, the idea being i could then let the birds free range my property with much less risk fo them escaping...and if i eventually get an LGD it would help keep them in...then run electric inside the preimeter about 3ft away creating a path around...
but in order to do that im looking at alot of heavy lifting and about $700 on the cheap (and thats by stapling the fence to trees instead of sinking posts

but now im thinking about bird netting, i can get a 14x14 sheet for $6. if i cut that down to 2ft tall that gives me almost 100ft of runer duck safe height fence...i could easily staple this to all the trees along the property line providing the needed isual barrier. then run a couple strands of barbed wire stapled into the trees above the fencing to keep things out. then using nail in insulators and the trees as posts i can run the electric Inside that...the electic keeps the goats in no problems.

Ive decided to get a guard llama instead of LGD's to live with the goats (if i add another dog at this point itll be someone to keep dozer occupied with lol)

its still not a "cheap" project but it cuts cost down to about 1/6th of the weled wire price. and by using the trees as posts it cuts the cost of putting up electric down to a seriously tiny fraction of the initial cost too! this COULD work so im not setting a forward motion plan. i cant afford to do this all in one shot so i think ill buy a couple peices of the netting an a couple bags of nail in insulators each month and just start doing it section by section. i hould have enough electric fence wire currently to run at leat 1 line of electric, so ill start with the bird netting and the top line of electric fence and then next month do another section of the bird netting and another line of electric...hopefully by april/may i should have the entire property done :D

least...thats the idea.

i also already have some bird netting which i can get started with.
itll also give the grass seed i need to get and start in the spring time to get established beofre the goats can go in...

im so excited about the possibility of giving them more space. i LOVE my goaties!
im hoping to get at least 1 doeling out of lilly and poppy breedings that i can keep back, 2 would be perfect. and then any babies after that wil be sold and that money put asside for future livestock.
im thinking 5 goats and a trio of llama will go perfect on my land.
add to that a trio of small pigs and i think ill be at capacity for a while for "large" livestock.

oh sooo many ideas lol


Little Miss Sunshine
Sep 27, 2010
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Yeah and runners are so stinking cute and funny! I love mine too :)

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