Pink Fox: its Raining...IN MY HOUSE! :/


Sustainability Master
Jul 22, 2011
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Klamath County, OR
I know EXACTLY how you feel Pink... When I was making jewelry and selling at art fairs, I would come home Sunday night and then all day Monday I would lose myself in a book or a computer game or something that let me be alone in my head. I would snap out of it in time to fix dinner, but other than that the entire day was a write-off. My DH is the same way so he understood what was happening and would just leave me alone.


Super Self-Sufficient
Feb 11, 2011
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least im not the only one..its definatly a form of sensory overload for me...
I feel fine when its happening butafter its all over I feel like someone drained me of every ounce.

weather is BEAUTIFUL is off, all the windows are open, worked on some quail cages and probably going to go out and work on the last one in a few mins.
I cant finnish them because I need a roll of 1/2" x 1" wire for the floors and either posts or blocks to put them up on to get them off the floor, but at least the big work on them is pretty much done.
right now ive got 4 24x24" cages, which will each hold a group of 1male and 5 female quail, im hoping to get my hands on some seriously LARGE jumbo browns...gotta find out how big the ones WBF are full grown :D
right now the plan is to start with 2 breeding groups, then add 2 more breeding groups when those 2 reach almost a year and the fertility start to drop a little bit then each group will be retired at 2 years (unless they maintain both lay ability and fertility)

its exciting getting little projects like this done, especially on beautiful days like today. feels like im getting things accomplished and when things get stuc at a stand still days like this just re-affirm that I am still heading towards a goal.

once this projects finished, building a duck pen and expanding the duck flock is the next job livestock wise, and expanding the orchard and fruit bushes the next not livestock job.
I also want to start working on building some flower beds in the main garden...I love flowers and don't have many, and I think that would be a nice little none far reward type project.

I also want to get the back bedroom done as the next in the house project (and id LOVE to replace the floor in that room too,would have to measure up and see what available in laminate flooring that woul look good with the real wood floors.)
I have the paint, need something to make a work top out of to go over the craft area, and need to move the set of drawers that's going in that room in.

still waiting on the septic guy to arrive for the much for morning right?!

but yeah.
feeling pretty good today!


Sustainability Master
Jul 22, 2011
Reaction score
Klamath County, OR
For me, flowers are more than just something pretty to look at or smell- some of them have medicinal value, some are just plain good to eat, some of the small ones like yarrow are a secondary food source for beneficials like ladybugs, and ALL of them attract more pollinators to my garden. My flowers are as important to my garden plan as my tomatoes are, lol.


Super Self-Sufficient
Feb 11, 2011
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that I can also agree with, I do tend to plant a verity iing perennial herbs with natives and ornamentals, its just that so much other stuff comes up that the flowers tend to be the last thing to get doe.
I have such bad soil here (pure clay) that I have to build and fill raised beds before I can do much lol


Sustainability Master
Jul 22, 2011
Reaction score
Klamath County, OR
My soil is just the opposite- the water just runs right through (volcanic cinders, mostly) so I've built raised beds too- and have been madly adding humus to hold some of the water so I don't have to water the garden twice a day


Super Self-Sufficient
Feb 11, 2011
Reaction score
ive been seriously OCD'ing over alpaca lately...and I just know im not yet ready for alpaca...
but the brain is inserious major need to medicate heavily overdrive.
I know I joke about my mental disorders fairly frequently, I have to make light of them to keep myself going but its hard for anyone who hasn't been through it to truly understand how seriously frustrating these thigns can be when they "stick"

I need ot do things to distract myself...
like ALOT...
so that means focusing on getting other things done.
today I picked up a couple cans ofspray paint, and next week ill be base coating a bunch of gourds so I can work on getting them painted up and sold.
I also got an extra can of relay cheap stuff to do the first coat on my rescued swing set/lilly support. she doesn't need it now so its going to get wire wooled, the first coat im using cheap because I know itll takeat least 3 coats,the last 2 coats will be a good rustoleum paint. then I can work on recovering the swing seats and backs. infact im going to see what I have to do to remove them form the frame so I can figure out the best way to do that. (and so I can paint the seat frame too!)
and im going to start putting some focus into the garden, evenif it means buying 1-2 cindeblocks at a time to build the beds I want to put in.
im sick of the garden looking like no one cares, and its not because I don't but because theres so much other stuff to do...

I foud an old clawfoot tub at one of the scrap dealers along the some reaserch to do into pricing on them, it would also need a coat of paint but im thinking it would make a REALY cute pond...I know what he "wants" for it, but I didn't bother haggling as I didn't know what was a good price, its not in great shape will never be used as a tub again and is issing a leg...but its cast iron...Im thinking I can use the overflow drain to pass the tube form a small fountain pump thorugh and pick up a cheap old looking faucet set and put the pump tube into the spout and tada, a cute water feature, a couple goldfish and some pond plants, surrounded by a low retaining wal and planted with some fountain gras, lavender, lemon balm,thyme ect around it, it shoud look pretty cute

I mean lookit!

oo ilike the idea of a shower head!!!


got to measure up for the blocks to make the beds I figure blocsk because I can then curve it a lot easier than having to makemucltiple cuts in pressure treated lumber.
plus since I cant get grass to grow in that area and its going to be a meditation type area its probably going to be graveld and I think the hardscapes would go well together.

that area will eventually be a shade/meditation garden with a fire pit and a pond and kinda blocked off from the rest of the garden the swing is going under the pecan tree, ust got to figure out how uch and what kind of color I can bring into that area via plants given it is pretty heavily shaded form the house and the pecan. I know most of it wil be woodlan foliage, ferns ect) but I want to vary the texture and bring in flowers and pops of color here and there with some gazing balls ect.
I also want some evergreen in that area since it looks pretty barren come end of fall.

that little sie garden I think it my first "fun garden" job.

ive got plans for a natural swimming pool later down the line in the back yard, and some more raied beds in the back yard but I wat to keep the majority of the back dog run around friendly.

unfortunately these plans too all cost money. but ill make it happen eventually...mabe.

right now though my main concern is ust making it nicer, adding value as I go (nice landscaping and curb appeal help home value) and making it more enjoyable for me.

oh and I found a realy nice mosaic tilethat id like to use fot eh kitchen depending on cost.


Sustainability Master
Mar 10, 2012
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I love the tub/garden ideas! I have an old tub in my pasture that I'd move into the yard if I could move it, lol. I've got my neighbor coming to do some tractor work for me this weekend, so I wonder if we could roll it into the bucket on his tractor.... hmmmm. I'm gonna have to give that some thought!

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