Planning for Bird Flu/Swine Flu


Low-Carb Queen - RIP: 1963-2021
Jan 3, 2009
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The Hong Kong Flu put my dad in the hospital. He was touch and go for a while. I remember him looking VERY whiteish/grey and hacking like crazy. Nobody else in the house got sick. His smoking seemed to have made him a prime target for the virus.


Lovin' The Homestead
Jul 21, 2008
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I don't really read newspapers, stories on the web, nor do I watch any TV.
I don't watch TV that much; but admittedly, I am an internet news junkie. I have almost weened myself off YouTube, but looks like I just replaced one addiction for another. lol

About the flu, I have been reading the news as the swine flu story unfolds. It is quite fascinating and an interest of mine. However, I am not doing anything different really, although I do have Tamiflu (which is probably useless) on hand and some N95 respirators. The Tamiflu was from a prescription that I got filled when I was working in the ER; a friend of mine wrote me that prescription during a flu outbreak. I got the prescription filled but never had to use it. I am not worried about catching the swine flu or anything like that. In fact, I am speculating if this thing turns into a pandemic, I would be better off getting it now and "maybe" gaining some immunity if/when another and more deadly wave strikes or if the virus mutates into something more virulent. Keep in mind, that is just a theory...


Power Conserver
Mar 8, 2009
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When I started this thread, it was out of curiosity about how people kept their homes prepared for a medical scenario. I belong to several forums (not self sufficiency types) and each has its own perspectives. I wasn't trying to alarm people, just trying to find out if my own supplies were adequate and/or in-line with other self sufficient folks.

I never intended that this thread become a debate about whether or not a crisis is occuring for many people. I hoped people would think and share info about their personal preps, as I muddle through my own family's supplies. My Mother lost her own mother to the 1918 flu....when my Mom was only a few months old. Her loss has always been a reminder in my family.



Our Frustrated Curmudgeon
Jul 25, 2008
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Urban Idaho.
Big Daddy said:
What is the purpose of a surgical mask if it doesn't stop germs to some extent?
Could have been 1978, Wikipedia isn't the most reliable source. I was in the Army in Alaska from 1975 to 1978 and we all went through the line getting the immunization.

I guess the surgical mask is mainly for particles above a certain diameter. It would take care of things like spittle and blood. Viruses are much too small to be stopped by ordinary surgical masks. Also the common mask does not seal so there are gaps all around the edges that airborne particles can get around.


Our Frustrated Curmudgeon
Jul 25, 2008
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Urban Idaho.
Here is a link to a site with basic information about personal protective equipment (PPE). Note, PPE is not a silver bullet, it is protection beyond using nothing. You need to reduce exposure. One of the best and most basic ways is to wash your hands.


Super Self-Sufficient
Sep 12, 2008
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NOT Southern, Ca. :)
I am concerned because I live relatively close to ground zero. From what I hear transmission is mainly because of droplets, sneezing, coughing etc.. It's not the healthy that need the mask its the ones coughing.
The safest way to prevent the spread of bacteria is "Timely Hand Washing". This is true with anything.
Lets just hope that because this has been made main stream news, we will be able to stop transmission.


Recycled Spunk
Dec 1, 2008
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I'm worried about DH because he is on immune suppressants. He got a flu shot in the fall, but so far no word from his coordinator about this flu.
Won't this flu be sporadic at most until fall?


Low-Carb Queen - RIP: 1963-2021
Jan 3, 2009
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Not sure. Flu season was supposed to be over already, wasn't it?


Almost Self-Reliant
Oct 7, 2008
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Hiedi said:
In fact, I am speculating if this thing turns into a pandemic, I would be better off getting it now and "maybe" gaining some immunity if/when another and more deadly wave strikes or if the virus mutates into something more virulent. Keep in mind, that is just a theory...
In general I think that this may be a good idea. I have let disease run its course before to obtain the immunity that it will provide. Did that this past summer with colorado tick fever.

This flu looks benign so far in the US. But for those of us who aren't so healthy or who have loved ones of concern you should be ready. One can never tell when an epidemic will occur, they usually seem to come out of thin air.

Here is what I have in my file for flu. I have most of this stuff and it gives a number of options. I have not edited it lately. perhaps I will come back and do so.

This was written during that time period of the bird flu scare.
All of these are good ideas but the Herbal remedy, garlic, beta glucan. MMS and colloidal Silver will be the best and can be done at the same time. Vitamin C is excellent also but cannot be done with MMS as they cancel each other out.
The homeopathic protocols will follow.

When the flu comes:
I recommend that you prepare well in advance for if you wait till the last minute these products will be gone. Many people know about these alternative treatments and the stores will be rushed upon.

Vitamin c
1 to 2000 mg every hour until diarrhea occurs then back off some
This is called reaching bowel tolerance. When the body has all the vit c it can use diarrhea occurs. After diarrhea happens wait a few hours and start again. In major emergency just start out with 10 grams. Once should test what their bowel tolerance is before they get sick so they will have knowledge of a starting point.

This paragraph needs edition

Eat 2 to 4 cloves of raw garlic a day
Increase the dosage as the flu
Comes closer into your area

Lugols Iodine

Dosage to be noted later

Grapefruit seed extract.
purchased at any healthfood store
Gargle with it. 4 gtts in about 4 ounces of water 3 to 4 times a day
Drink it. 1 drop per 10lbs body weight. 4xday
You may also purchase this in pills. Take at least 3 pills 4x day.
With pills increase or decrease dosage according to size of person.
GSE is nontoxic in even the largest dosages

olive leaf extract
standardized to at least 15 percent but use any you can fined if you can't find this.
Average adults 3 caps 3 x day
Increase or decrease dosage according to size of person and seriousness of disease
This is a nontoxic product

Beta Glucon from NOW products
Start taking this as soon as you hear about the first case or better yet start in October and keep at it till flu season is past.

Colloidal silver
purchase at healthfood store
1 ounce every hour if condition is severe
otherwise 1 ounce 3 x day
gargle with it and hold it in your mouth up to one minute before drinking it
This is a nontoxic product
Or learn how to make your own
With the Silvergen
Or Silverpuppy machine

A brand I like is called
And Herbal Healer, and internet company sells a
Variation and good product.

Hydrogen peroxide
Purchase at any drug store or supermarket
several drops in the ear 3 x day
do one ear then the other
only effective as a preventative
upon the first hours of suspected contamination

Herbal Formula
Will probably treat 5 or 6 people. I purchased 1/4 ounce each of these, except the mushroom blend where I purchased 1/2 lb. Mix all ingredients and soak in glass jar covered with vodka for 6 weeks. Strain. put into dropper bottles. Start using as soon as flu hits the state, I mean the very first minute. Carry it with you. Will build immunity and attack virus, anti inflammatory properities.

Product Name Product # Price X Qty = Total
Astragalus Root Powder 11-035P1 $4.50 1 $4.50
Echinacea Ang. Root Pwd 11-187P1 $21.95 1 $21.95
Ginger Ground 11-260P1 $3.42 1 $3.42
Licorice Root Powder 11-395P1 $4.56 1 $4.56
Mushroom Blend of 4 Powder 11-6105X2 $31.56 1 $31.56
Olive Leaf - Powder 11-4905P1 $3.86 1 $3.86
Cat's Claw Bark Powder 11-100P1 $4.89 1 $4.89

Total about $74 dollars with about $5 for shipping.

Vitamin D3

Make sure your serum vitamin d3 levels are at least 50. If you have chronic disease between 80 and 100. It may not prevent or cure the flu but it may help you to survive it if it is a killer strain.

MMS : go to to understand its use. This should be in your first line of defense. Have it on hand because you will not be able to get it if a severe flu strikes. I guarantee, it will be almost impossible to get. I can help you get it.

may help with pain and inflammation associated with flu
1 or 2 caps 2 to 3 times a day
If it is a dangerous flu Tylenol and aspirin may
Weaken your defenses.

Ozone Protocol
If you have ozone equipement follow the ozone protocol.
but vitamin c will inactivate ozone so do not use together.
At the end of the day after all ozone treatments give Vit c 10gms.
Separate ozone treatments by several hours from vitamin or other drug therapies.
It is unknown if ozone affects drugs.
Stop all unnecessary drugs you may be taking while combating the flu. You will have to determine the risk of stopping drugs for a few days.
It you decide to take a drug just for the flu I can not say the effects that ozone may have on it.

In Germany they give ozone intrmuscular injections to fight flu.

Disinfecting your environment
Grapeseed extract, 50 drops to a quart spray bottle.
spray all surfaces a contaminated person is in contact with
keep a bottle each bathroom, kitchen and near front door
after washing your hands spray your hands or put about 10 drops of GSE in your liquid hand soap or dish soap
Add 10 drops to your dishwasher
50 drops to your laundry

I recommed that you purchase ozonators, only for the most serious deadly flu. They are about $40 each from this site.

you will need 1 medical grade and 2 room air ozonators.
Use one ozonator for the room of an infected person
Use the other ozonator near the entry door and use it to make ozonated water also.
The medical grade is for respiratory treatments and insuffalation.
See the next page for more details.

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