Pre-making pizzas?

old fashioned

Almost Self-Reliant
Oct 10, 2009
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Tacoma, Wa
abifae said:
the book is out of reach...

BUT mollie katzen's enchanted broccoli forest has my favorite pizza crust recipe in it. i used it a lot for pizza and calzones before i had to cut out wheat.

it's easy to make and nummers.
whatdaya mean "out of reach"? We're waitin ya know.... :lol:


Late For Supper
Jan 6, 2009
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I don't see why you couldn't make the entire pizza(uncooked of course), freeze it, and then vacuum seal it.

Just a thought.........


Food Guru
Jan 1, 2009
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Southwick, MA
I think I made a thousand of these when I was single and working full time on a horse farm. Here is how I did it, and you might adapt this to suit your needs:

I would prepare by cutting a couple dozen pieces of cardboard from corrugated boxes just a bit smaller than a gallon ziplock, and cover them with foil on one side, just fold it over about an inch or so to hold the foil in place. I would lightly grease the foil. Actually, I think I used Baggies food storage bags and stapled them, but Ziplocs would be better. I was on a pretty tight budget then.

I would make a triple batch of French bread dough (my pre-whole wheat days) and divide it up and stretch it into rounds to fit on the foil. I worked at a pizza place as a kid, so I was good at stretching the dough. I suppose you could use a rolling pin, but.....

I put sauce, cheese, and pepperoni or homemade cooked sausage on them, carefully slipped them and the cardboard into the bags, and carefully stacked them in the freezer.

To cook, I would take the foil off the cardboard and put it directly onto the oven rack. I usually cooked them in a toaster oven we had in the tack room at work. I think it took 20 minutes or so, depending on whether it went into the oven frozen or thawed. Either worked.

I also made batches with no sauce but used sharp cheddar, cooked sausage, and cooked chopped brocolli. Yum!

Now I make and roll out and freeze the ww MEN recipe between layers of parchment paper on a cookie sheet, inside a couple of garbage bags. I don't sauce or top these, I take one out and thaw it for a few hours (if possible) on a greased cookie sheet and top it before baking. I usually sauce it while it sits and thaws and rises, so it doesn't dry out.

The frozen "personal" pizzas and brocolli-cheese bread was to die for!


Lovin' The Homestead
Jul 19, 2008
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Campton, Kentucky
freemotion said:
I think I made a thousand of these when I was single and working full time on a horse farm. Here is how I did it, and you might adapt this to suit your needs:

I would prepare by cutting a couple dozen pieces of cardboard from corrugated boxes just a bit smaller than a gallon ziplock, and cover them with foil on one side, just fold it over about an inch or so to hold the foil in place. I would lightly grease the foil. Actually, I think I used Baggies food storage bags and stapled them, but Ziplocs would be better. I was on a pretty tight budget then.

I would make a triple batch of French bread dough (my pre-whole wheat days) and divide it up and stretch it into rounds to fit on the foil. I worked at a pizza place as a kid, so I was good at stretching the dough. I suppose you could use a rolling pin, but.....

I put sauce, cheese, and pepperoni or homemade cooked sausage on them, carefully slipped them and the cardboard into the bags, and carefully stacked them in the freezer.

To cook, I would take the foil off the cardboard and put it directly onto the oven rack. I usually cooked them in a toaster oven we had in the tack room at work. I think it took 20 minutes or so, depending on whether it went into the oven frozen or thawed. Either worked.

I also made batches with no sauce but used sharp cheddar, cooked sausage, and cooked chopped brocolli. Yum!

Now I make and roll out and freeze the ww MEN recipe between layers of parchment paper on a cookie sheet, inside a couple of garbage bags. I don't sauce or top these, I take one out and thaw it for a few hours (if possible) on a greased cookie sheet and top it before baking. I usually sauce it while it sits and thaws and rises, so it doesn't dry out.

The frozen "personal" pizzas and brocolli-cheese bread was to die for!
Wow, Free, thanks for sharing that info.... I definately want to make these.. When you say "now I make and roll out and freeze the ww MEN recipe" Are you referring to Weight Watchers recipe? If so could you share? I am trying to find some good Weight Watchers Recipes as I am gonna have to put Hubby and I both back on WW.



Food Guru
Jan 1, 2009
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Southwick, MA
kimnkell.....Nope, I mean whole wheat. Check out my thread on my upcoming class. I can send you a copy of a published study that my dh was in....the average participant achieved double the weight loss and triple the waist circumference loss of Weight Watchers, Atkins, Zone, or Ornish. It is based on real food, too, don't you dare go low fat on me! :lol:

I now use the "Artisan bread in five minutes a day" recipe from MEN, meaning Mother Earth News. It is in an article on their website somewhere. This is because I am eating more fermented foods because of serious lifelong health issues and the recipe lent itself to traditional preparation methods. This method will not produce results that will suit most people's tastes, but it allows me, personally, to eat one of my favorite foods much more often than I could otherwise.


Lovin' The Homestead
Jul 19, 2008
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Campton, Kentucky
Oh,,,,silly me.. I thought you were doing Weight Your classes sound great but things are really tight now. I have lost 50 pounds since last year this time (well, I have gained about 10 of it back ) but still I have done pretty good by doing Weight Watchers and cutting back on sweets. I don't buy the pre-packaged foods or anything. I still try and stick to the real food diet just cut down on the fat alot. I will still eat what I want really but just not so-oooo much of it. lol.. If I ever get the extra $$ I would love to take your classes. I am sure I couldl learn so much. Oh, and I love Mother Earth News...


Food Guru
Jan 1, 2009
Reaction score
Southwick, MA
Good news, eat fat!!! :lol: Ok, you'll just have to take my next series of classes for some really, really good news on fats....

And good for you, losing 50 lbs! You'll be able to keep it off once you learn how to turn up your metabolism and keep it up.

Pizza can be a really healthy food when made right. I love it!


Revolution in Progress
Aug 3, 2008
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Southern California
Great suggestion on the pre-made frozen pizzas Free!

Kimnkell I will still eat what I want really but just not so-oooo much of it. A personal trainer told my best friend's 16 yr old (who was trying to lose weight) that she 'should be hungry when she goes to bed' :th Terrible, the poor girl was really having a hard time on a low fat diet. Happily she is moving in a new healthier direction now!

Here is my dough recipe:

1 Tb yeast
1Tbs honey
8 oz warm water
1 oz olive oil
1 tsp sea salt
14 oz flour (any type, WW, bread, all purpose or a combo) more or less as needed.

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