Presidential Debate--who watched?


Super Self-Sufficient
Jul 21, 2008
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getting a person to run for office like Presidency isn't hard, there are great knowledgeable people out there...BUT...they can't afford the campaign! Millions of dollars to run for President. If you can't afford to advertise, then you won't be known to the masses....sad actually. Money rules the show still.

Did you know any US citizen can run for President but who could afford to..LOL

love blrw

Lovin' The Homestead
Jul 20, 2008
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Ok Karen,
You know that someone called me a political radical once, right? HA! Well I hate politics, I think it makes many of us think in extremes. There is something that my mom used to say about politics and that was "never let the pendulum swing too far in one direction" .

Now for my personal opinion, I think that everyone's opinion should be valued, and that many people's opinions have been silenced over the last eight years. I won't even talk about the 'do not fly' list.
Some of our most educated people in the country are not valued, I am talking about scientists, we have enough salesmen, we have enough service providers, we have enough businessmen, we have enough techs, and enough politicians.
We need scientists and small farmers.
We need them and we need to respect them, they can get us out of a melting planet, change our country over to green energy, and make us more solid in our economy by not depending on other countries for our needs.
We are American, our forefathers were independent, we can provide for all our needs inside this country, I want that back! I want good cotton underwear again, I want wool blankets, I want real 'homemade by loving hands' food.
Can we even eat Cadbury chocolate without being poisoned because of the milk products from china? Get our good food back, I want Hershey to go back to it's original recipe. Get our dairy farms back, get our ranches out of foreign hands, and stop selling ourselves to the highest bidder! And let's stop polluting our water sources so I can eat fish and shellfish from OUR shores! There are plenty of ways our government can invest in clean energy, but they want to make a profit for their friends and so are not moving forward.
I don't like globalization, it hasn't helped our country one bit from where I sit.
See, that's my political radical side....ha!


Mountain Sage
Jul 11, 2008
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Mountains of WV
Have you guys seen the posts about the political front on the BYC? All having to be shut down and everything.....glad everyone can be nice over here and talk about politics and religion without getting all brody! :D

I prefer to NOT discuss these subjects but its still nice when you all can and do it like adults!


Frugal Vegetarian Farmer
Sep 16, 2008
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Southwest New Mexico Mountains
love blrw said:
Now for my personal opinion, I think that everyone's opinion should be valued, and that many people's opinions have been silenced over the last eight years.
So true...
and I will say that I am afraid of Palin because of this. She is very set that her "view of the way the world shoud be" is the only right way to view the world. She has shown that she will be a bit extreme to make sure she her views are translated into "laws of behavior" for all of us. I think the diversity of peoples, cultures and beliefs in our country deserves more latitude from a leader. (My quotes for emphasis not her words.)

Having said that, I don't think any current politician can start to fix things the way they should be fixed for the long haul. We run the whole industrialized world's economy based on borrowing. Give me things now and I will pay for them later. If we could somehow reset to having things when we could afford them, we would never get in the current predicament again. But I don't think that will happen in my lifetime.


Almost Self-Reliant
Oct 7, 2008
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southeast corner of IN
Wow...I am impressed that this discussion has stayed out of the 'gutter.' Wish the candidates could do the same!

I think my main problem with a 2-party system, as many of you guys have articulated already, is that how many people can find someone they generally agree with when there are only 2 choices?? I have a friend who's chided me for voting 3rd party because this election is 'too important' to 'throw your vote away.' (Funny, they are saying the exact same thing on NPR right now! They are interviewing all 4 of the major 3rd party candidates over the next few weeks. Yay!!!) Anyhoo, when Obama & McCain are both equally bad in my opinion, I don't really care which one of them wins. After hearing Nader speak again, I'm definitely voting for him, not because I think he has a snowball's chance of winning, but because I AGREE with what he's saying. Not 100%, but definitely a LOT more than any of the other candidates. And, as a wise man (well, my brother) has said, 'if we keep voting for the jacka--es that they put up, they're going to keep putting up jacka--es.' ;)

I wish we could just start over. The system is broken (incl. government, education, health care, etc.), and it's all SO corrupt, that I'm not sure anyone that we elect is going to be able to fix it.

One more thing before I shut up: I just checked the ballot for here in Indiana, and there are 13(!) people on our ballot for president! Too bad they don't let anybody but the 2 big guys talk.... (another example of the corruption in our system!)

love blrw

Lovin' The Homestead
Jul 20, 2008
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I think I can quote Gov. Palin as saying that she and McCain follow the same "worldview". This is a word that is used, by some, to separate themselves from evolutionists. They believe there are just two world views: evolutionism and creationism. (Can google this).
I do not like extremism. I feel that the more intelligent a person is, the more they accept diverse thought. Not that people can't have their own beliefs, everyone should have their own beliefs, but just to know that maybe, just maybe, their beliefs/thoughts may not be perfect.
And to those that believe that there is only one way, their way, maybe God wants to reveal certain things to certain people at certain times, and that maybe, that is why we should have more respect for others, because God reveals, not humans. I don't disrespect God's intentions. What God reveals to you, is what God has intended to reveal to you, and man may not want to get involved.
And don't be discouraged, we cleaned up these big messes more than once, and we can do it again. That is why they call it PLAYING the market. And the situation got worse when they allowed daytrading, if they would halt day trading and make people trade paper for a few months and stop all day (more like hour trading) trading then investors would not be able to make quick profits. They would have to INVEST for a certain amount of time. INVESTING is supposed to be something a person does because they believe in a company, not something to make a quick profit off of. This would help stabilize the markets. There is plenty of money out there, and we are a resourceful nation. We just need to get out of the service industries and go into manufacturing. Like bring the Geo back, we get 55 mph in it. My husband has been out of work for 7 months... so I empathize.


Frugal Homesteader
Sep 11, 2008
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Okay, I just finished reading the whole thread. I did watch both debates & was disappointed in both of them. The second was supposed to be like a town hall meeting & it really was not as the moderator chose the questions, whats up with that? My whole family is supporting McCain. And it is not just because we are from AZ!!!! I have listened to Obama from the begining & I have always felt uneasy about him. Like there is something lurking & waiting to jump at us. I watch Fox News a lot & I mean a lot!! Today they were comparing tax plans & health care plans of both candidates. Guess what Obama's tax plan will hurt those making $25-$47k/yr the most(guess where our income is?). The McCain healthcare will give the average citizen who has employer provided healthcare on average a $1200 extra credit. Plus even though about 16 million employers are guesstimated to drop their coverage under McCain, with the $5000 credit his plan provides 31 million families will benefit from it. And they say there are 21 mil w/o insurance right now. McCain also offers in his plan a temporary plan that will cover pre existing conditions thru the gov't. Sounds good to me. Although I wasn't basing my decisions on these issues. I was more looking at the state of our world & who would best wear the commander in chief hat for us. I vote for the man who has been there done that. Not one who won't admit he was wrong about the surge. What is so wrong about admitting it worked? Plus he would not give the soldiers the funds needed to get the job done right & faster. A timeline you cannot put on a war, sorry. I do not agree with us invading Iraq, but we are there & need to finsih the job right. So that the men & women who have died over there did not die in vain.
I do not believe in abortion, but I do not believe the federal gov't has the right to make it legal or illegal. It needs to go back to the state level.


Cold is on the Right, Hot is on The Left
Sep 12, 2008
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Hi Pam,
I agree with you on the abortion issue. In fact, I believe that there are ALOT of things that shouldn't be on a federal level and need to go back to a state level!



Lovin' The Homestead
Sep 10, 2008
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Lake Champlain Islands
Pam and Aly,
Ditto!!! If the rest of the country agreed with us, we wouldn't be in the predicment we are in now!Government needs to get out of the areas that they were not constitutionally authorized to be in, and then maybe they will be able to better manage the rest. Right now they are just making a mess out of everything!

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