Frugal Homesteader
I told my dh last night that I should run for president & he laughed! Can you believe that?
Here is my platform:
Taxes: everyone pays 5% across the board, that way everyone is paying the same rate & those who make more pay more.
Bring back the deductions for healthcare costs & credit card interest. Increase the amount you can deduct for charitable contributions. Increase the child deduction from $3500 to $7000. But then again I would abolish the IRS as they are not legal according to our constitution so no need for any of this is there?
Go back to 2 representitives from each state in congress & put the electoral college back to the way it was intended by our forefathers. All unconstitutional rulings by the supreme court would be overturned & returned back to the states. Reduce the amount of money congressman make. Eliminate all pork & earmarks in bills(make them illegal).
Businesses would be required to apply for a license & pay a one time fee only. They would only pay a small fee. Vehicles would not be required to be paid for every single yr. You would get perminate tags for as long as you own your vehicle. Property taxes would be paid when you buy the property & that is it.
Schools would go back to being a part of the commuity to run not fed's or states.
The only taxes you pay would be on purchases.
FOr federal contracts, we would set a limit on how much we would pay for things & if the bids all came in to high I would send them back & say they were all to high, if you want our business go lower. To stop the $300 toiliet seats & $100 hammers!
Hire the small time handyman to fix & repair things if the others don't bid within our limit.
Healthcare: Not too sure about this issue as it is pretty sensitive area for a lot of people. I am not in favor of gov't ran program as they don't work well in other countries. But I think we could put limits on charges to make it more affordable for our citizens, along with insurance premiums. And really scrutinze law suits that are filed to help keep costs down, If they have no merit throw them out. Plus I feel we can better choose with our doc's what & how to treat ourselves than a gov't offical.
Energy: WE would "drill baby drill" to start with, but we would do it safely & enviornmentally safe too. We would invest in solar, wind & tide asap too. Make incentives for people to get these types of power. Help to lower the costs of these choices too. Creating more jobs by making all this more readily available. One of the things I would do about drilling is reopen rigs & quit paying people to not pump the oil here in the states. And refuse to pay the high prices for oil they are charging now. How fast do you think it would drop?
Farms: would be considered a valuable job. We would stop importing everything & start producing more here again. Learn to eat seasonally & go back to putting up food while it is in season.
Welfare would be temporary for everyone except for those who have a permanent situation, ie disability & a low income for life.
Maybe bring back a CC group like from the 30's, they did a lot of good for our country & earned a living too.
Debt: Well we all know about this one don't we? Stop spending! Only buy & pay for what we absolutely have to have & no more. Use the rest to pay off all our loans & get us out of debt with the rest of the world. Then we would no longer be a part of a global economy & be a SS country! Imagine that!
Okay I think that is it. Dh says I am too far right to get elected though.

Here is my platform:
Taxes: everyone pays 5% across the board, that way everyone is paying the same rate & those who make more pay more.
Bring back the deductions for healthcare costs & credit card interest. Increase the amount you can deduct for charitable contributions. Increase the child deduction from $3500 to $7000. But then again I would abolish the IRS as they are not legal according to our constitution so no need for any of this is there?
Go back to 2 representitives from each state in congress & put the electoral college back to the way it was intended by our forefathers. All unconstitutional rulings by the supreme court would be overturned & returned back to the states. Reduce the amount of money congressman make. Eliminate all pork & earmarks in bills(make them illegal).
Businesses would be required to apply for a license & pay a one time fee only. They would only pay a small fee. Vehicles would not be required to be paid for every single yr. You would get perminate tags for as long as you own your vehicle. Property taxes would be paid when you buy the property & that is it.
Schools would go back to being a part of the commuity to run not fed's or states.
The only taxes you pay would be on purchases.
FOr federal contracts, we would set a limit on how much we would pay for things & if the bids all came in to high I would send them back & say they were all to high, if you want our business go lower. To stop the $300 toiliet seats & $100 hammers!

Healthcare: Not too sure about this issue as it is pretty sensitive area for a lot of people. I am not in favor of gov't ran program as they don't work well in other countries. But I think we could put limits on charges to make it more affordable for our citizens, along with insurance premiums. And really scrutinze law suits that are filed to help keep costs down, If they have no merit throw them out. Plus I feel we can better choose with our doc's what & how to treat ourselves than a gov't offical.
Energy: WE would "drill baby drill" to start with, but we would do it safely & enviornmentally safe too. We would invest in solar, wind & tide asap too. Make incentives for people to get these types of power. Help to lower the costs of these choices too. Creating more jobs by making all this more readily available. One of the things I would do about drilling is reopen rigs & quit paying people to not pump the oil here in the states. And refuse to pay the high prices for oil they are charging now. How fast do you think it would drop?
Farms: would be considered a valuable job. We would stop importing everything & start producing more here again. Learn to eat seasonally & go back to putting up food while it is in season.
Welfare would be temporary for everyone except for those who have a permanent situation, ie disability & a low income for life.
Maybe bring back a CC group like from the 30's, they did a lot of good for our country & earned a living too.
Debt: Well we all know about this one don't we? Stop spending! Only buy & pay for what we absolutely have to have & no more. Use the rest to pay off all our loans & get us out of debt with the rest of the world. Then we would no longer be a part of a global economy & be a SS country! Imagine that!
Okay I think that is it. Dh says I am too far right to get elected though.