Punkins' world....SUNSHINE, seeds and no more drought!


Jul 16, 2008
Reaction score
Brandon, MS
Sounds like the last couple of days have been busy at your house.

I had two hens sitting. I did not take them out of the general population. Won't do that again. All but 4 eggs ended up broken. Then the only chick that hatch got smushed. Never had that problem before but I won't take the chance again. I planned culling my flock back this fall and was kind of counting on those birds. Oh well, next broody will be moved.

I wish I could get my DH to cut back some plants we have around the house. No way he says. He thinks they should be free to be what they want to be. And he gets very upset with me if I approach them with hedge trimmers. LOL


Don't Quote Me
Jul 20, 2008
Reaction score
East Tenn.
Three weeks sure has flown by. I guess more quickly for me than for my broody hen. Yesterday, 2 eggs hatched. I brought the chicks in and they are peeping comfortably in a box with a light.

This morning, one is zipping so I'll get it in a few hours. I wish I could leave them with her, but I have no place to keep them. Besides, they are going to a new home soon.

I don't think raising meat birds will work out. DH keeps saying how cute these little buggers are. He's just too tenderhearted to do the deed when the time comes.

DH also mentioned about building me a place to raise chicks. But, I really think that was just because of the "chick cuteness" factor. As soon as those chicks are gone, he'll be onto something else.

Not a lot of other things going on.

Oh, my Dad's lawn mower tore up. He hates to tinker, so he ordered a new one and gave the old one to DH. Dad is 83 and can afford a new Craftsman. He's not going to take it with him and this is a big necessity for him. So, yesterday afternoon, DH took out the motor and cleaned it up. He thinks my dad put the filter in wrong which caused it to blow oil everywhere. He's not dug into it enough yet to see if there is any major damage. DS wants to beef it up and take it to lawn mower races which is not going to happen.


City Biddy
Aug 6, 2008
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Missouri USA
Punkin you should take a look at my City Biddy Hen House plans on my website. It would make a GREAT place to raise chicks or set a broody. That is one of the things I do with mine. I put babies in it as soon as they are feathered out enough to stand being without extra heat. It gives them a safe secure place to call home until they are big enough to "run with the big hens"!:p

I have decided just to do the "deed" myself - hubby will do it but it is not his favorite thing to do. They ARE cute when tiny ... but they are sure YUMMY on the plate.:drool


Don't Quote Me
Jul 20, 2008
Reaction score
East Tenn.
Today, we spent some time going to some of the local produce markets. First, we went to the Amish market. Wow! does their stuff look great! Some of their cabbages were as big as a basketball. They already have corn, beans, all kinds of peppers, potatoes and tomatoes. The corn was priced a little steep, IMO, but when it's this early, it's probably worth it ($5 dozen). The huge heads of cabbage were $7 each and beans were $1.50 lb. It was very crowded. There were probably about 20 people waiting in line to pay. I bought red & white potatoes and cucumbers.

When you are in the market, you can see over some of thier fields. Several buggies were parked along side the road either gathering, working or mending fences. It's looked just like a painting, peaceful and serene.

We always drive through on some of the back roads. Their cornfield is as weedfree as some of the manicured gardens I've toured. It's just a beautiful sight.

The second stop was one that gets alot of stuff in from farther south. We bought some peaches and a cantaloupe there. It's really the only place to get fresh fruit now except for WalMart or the grocery store.

The third was a new produce barn that is owned by Mayfield's, our local dairy. They don't have the greenhouses like the Amish do, so they didn't have alot in. There, I bought some string beans for supper. Maybe they're just getting their feet wet in the produce selling, but they make the best milk and ice cream you've ever tasted.

I had one more egg to hatch, but the little guy didn't make it. Today is day 22 and she still has 6 more eggs. I'm going to give her a couple of more days. The two that hatched already are really thriving. He's coming to get those this evening.

We finally got the pool uncovered today. Now it will just take a few days to clear up.


Don't Quote Me
Jul 20, 2008
Reaction score
East Tenn.
I have spent a good part of the last couple of days getting stuff together for a yard sale. I've got several boxes full, and I haven't even gotten to the attic yet.

How did I ever accumulate so much stuff? I haven't had a yard sale in several years, but this is ridiculous.

I guess I've had too many fleeting interests in the past few years. Certainly nothing of any SS value in it.

We have alot of stuff that people have given us, thinking we would use it. For example, a trash compactor that has been sitting in the garage for at least a year (I think I used it 2-3 times) - out it goes.

I used to collect pink carnival glass, not anymore. It's going, too.

And, Ugh! the Christmas decorations I don't use anymore. I used to be big into scrapbooking and have alot that I will never use.

Oh well, maybe some good money will come out of it. I'm off to the attic before I get out of the "get rid of it" mood.


City Biddy
Aug 6, 2008
Reaction score
Missouri USA
I have always tried HARD not to be an accumulator of 'stuff' as I grew up in a house so full we had paths through the basement.

I STILL fight the problem. Every year I have to have a big clean out and it is absolutely AMAZING how much "stuff" I can accumulate in a SINGLE year. UGH!

Your post has encouraged me to begin shoveling once again.

Hurray for garage sales!


Always doing laundry
Oct 31, 2008
Reaction score
Oh honey, I feel you, I just cleaned out the toy box, ugh. I have to do it about every 3 months or I can't walk in my house. My parents and grandparents mean well but they just keep giving my kids all sorts of toys and stuff. We have really tried to cut back on the stuff. My one weakness is fabric. I have tried to use up everything I have before I buy more but it's hard! :D Good luck with the cleaning up!


Almost Self-Reliant
May 12, 2009
Reaction score
North Central Miss'ippy
Me too... Tried to get to the pump on the washing machine and couldn't do it cause of too much stuff in the room. Granted, a lot of it is needful (fishing rods, tackle boxes & cleaning supplies) but other stuff, man... Yard sale sounds good. Wonder if anyone will want the weed killer DH bought a CASE of?


Mountain Sage
Jul 11, 2008
Reaction score
Mountains of WV
I try to declutter also but it sort of sneaks up on you...sort of like a weight gain. One day you look around and can't find your feet! :lol:


Super Self-Sufficient
Jul 21, 2008
Reaction score
punkin said:
I have spent a good part of the last couple of days getting stuff together for a yard sale. I've got several boxes full, and I haven't even gotten to the attic yet.

How did I ever accumulate so much stuff? I haven't had a yard sale in several years, but this is ridiculous.

I guess I've had too many fleeting interests in the past few years. Certainly nothing of any SS value in it.

We have alot of stuff that people have given us, thinking we would use it. For example, a trash compactor that has been sitting in the garage for at least a year (I think I used it 2-3 times) - out it goes.

I used to collect pink carnival glass, not anymore. It's going, too.

And, Ugh! the Christmas decorations I don't use anymore. I used to be big into scrapbooking and have alot that I will never use.

Oh well, maybe some good money will come out of it. I'm off to the attic before I get out of the "get rid of it" mood.
HI Punkin
I had a good time reading up on your journal!! You sure are busy lady!

Great mood---declutter mood! I don't have much clutter anymore. Over the last 3 years I have trashed/sold/goodwill or whatever almost all my useless stuff....and tons I got like you....from someone cause I thought I might need it. But yes, get rid of stuff. Believe me your life gets lighter!

Next for me is the kitchen. All cabinets to be stripped bear, all stuff sorted, most into my new pantry and old pots etc. thrown....time to revamp the kitchen. I love to delcutter and it is so easy to find stuff now...!!

hope you make great money on that yard sale gal!!!!

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