Punkins' world....SUNSHINE, seeds and no more drought!


Don't Quote Me
Jul 20, 2008
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East Tenn.
FF, that brings back memories of a squirrel I had as a child.

Her nest fell out of a tree and just by luck, I beat the dogs to her. She was very playful and friendly. If she were on the floor and I was nearby, up my leg she would scamper. It was pretty painful if I happened to have on shorts. :rolleyes: I learned to quickly move aside on her last leap and send her flying across the floor. :D

She had another habit my mom hated. She would get on the dining table, chew and spit out candle wax from the candleabra (sp) my mom had. :lol:


Always doing laundry
Oct 31, 2008
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My mom and my cousin bobby both had pet squirrels as children. Mama kept hers in a shoebox by her bed and would crack the window when she went to bed at night and the little squirrel would go outside for the night and let itself back in and crawl back in its box by the time she woke up the next morning.

My great grandpa would sit on the porch all the time with peanuts in his shirt pocket and the squirrels would just love him up all the time for one of those peanuts. He would sit out there all afternoon playing with those squirrels. :D


Super Self-Sufficient
Jul 21, 2008
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punkin said:
FarmerChick said:
oh man I feel sorry for DH
hope all works out well for him...good chance it was a human accoustomed squirrel and not rabid...yikes
and I won't be googling "rabid squirrel" LOL-LOL

hope you are doing good!!!!

so busy aren't we?

Are you going to be using your camper????

I have mine in for a fix with the slide....ugh!! Should be under warranty but they are fighting me...I hate that..LOL..but I will win. Should be getting it back soon and going to Waldo's Water World near me in NC....just for Nicole to have some fun......

I love the oversized tote!! you go girl...you sure are sewing now! Any plans to sell at a craft fair or anything...people love homemade totes etc.!!
Hey FC, good to hear from you! I hope you are having good luck with your crops this year. Our garden is very stunted this year because of all the rain. It doesn't have time to dry out to work it up. I don't think we have had a string of more than 4 days this spring without rain.

I hope to get to use the camper this year. It's sure going to be a chore to move everything we have piled under it and in front of it. Sorry about your slide. You keep fighting for that warranty.

I think most of the quilts are going to be gifts this year. That will save me alot of time looking around for Christmas gifts - just trying to plan ahead.
Smart move using the handmade items for Christmas presents. Also just nice to give that gift vs. the store stuff!! :)

OMG!! The rain!!!!! We have not had dry weather for like 10 days. It is insane!! Cats and dogs last night again. Everything is just so saturated there is no where for that water to go!!

Our problem is hay. We put down 1/3 of a field then the bearings in the big tractor broke...yup, gotta fix it and it poured on that hay down even though it said only 30% chance of rain....usually with 30% in the olden days we never got the rain..LOL...SO WE were very lucky we only lost that 1/3 acre. I have about 60 acres to put down and I can't do it...nope, rain stopping me big time!! SO many farmers have hay down in the fields just soaked.

I know hay prices will be high this winter in this area cause there was tons of good hay but so many lost it. I am planning on selling most of my surplus hay this year. I need room in the hay barns..LOL---I have about 2500 bales in the top loft of the big barn I need to move now. But we have like 500 round bales we feed out to the cattle and I will use those for the goats also to move those along. Might sell some, not sure.

Rain---UGH UGH

Hey I don't need to go to Waldo's water world, I have it in my backyard almost..HA HA HA

Hey, stop using that camper as a storage shed...HA HA HA

It just doesn't feel like a good old southern spring and summer at all here. Just stinks with so much rain. I sure need to see that sun soon, it is depressing!

I went to the store last night to "get us all out of the house" and it cost me $250. Yup, threw tons of things in the cart..HA HA HA...boredom shopping is not a good thing! :)

Small gardens are OK, not stunted but I do see some rot on things from being water logged. We surely never can win against mother nature can we? HA HA

fight, fight, fight for those veggies! :) HA HA


Don't Quote Me
Jul 20, 2008
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East Tenn.
FC, maybe the weather holds some promise for us, yet. Our weatherman said to expect a change all the daily rain. We are now supposed to be getting into a dryer pattern.

There's alot of hay around here still to be put up, too. Good luck with yours.

DH's job is weather dependent, too. We haven't hauled a full week of wood much since Christmas. I'm sure you have to cope with road giving way or big machinery getting stuck.

BTW, hope you get your tractor up and going!


Don't Quote Me
Jul 20, 2008
Reaction score
East Tenn.
Yesterday, since it was so wet outside, I spent a good portion of the day listing alot of stuff on ebay. I used to scrapbook alot (OK, hours a day) before I got into trying to be more self sufficient.

I have tons of supplies that I probably will never use. I don't regret spending so much time scrapbooking, because I have some really great pages of memories. There's just no sense in all this stuff just setting here when someone else can use it (and I can make a few bucks ;) )

It was dry enough yesterday evening for DH to do a little mowing. He usually does the rough stuff and I do the rest of the yard. I fussed at him for doing too much last night, because I like to use the mower as my "tanning bed".

I picked about 2 more qts. of strawberries. This time the chickens got almost a full qt. of the bad ones due to all the wet weather. They get all the tops, too when I cap them.

Today, I'm going to finish mowing (when it dries a little) and start cleaning up the greenhouses. I'm starting another lap quilt with a bowling theme for a couple for Christmas. They are in their late 70's and really enjoy bowling. She has beat lukemia twice and are dear friends to us.

Gotta go get busy now . . .


City Biddy
Aug 6, 2008
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Missouri USA
Punkin I bet your chickens loved those berries!

It always seems to make the loss of berries (or what ever food went bad) easier to bear when you can feed it to the chickens and turn it into eggs!:)

I am so sorry about all of the extra rain! We have gotten a plenty here as well.

I think my fruit trees are showing signs of fungus. I'll have to spray them, which I hate to do, but I am afraid I am going to lose my tree! :idunno

The sun will shine again girls. Then it will be too hot and dry to grow things! :gig That is the way of the farmer.


Don't Quote Me
Jul 20, 2008
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East Tenn.
It's a beautiful, glorious Saturday!! :weee We haven't had one of those in a while.

Yesterday, I spent all day cleaning up the greenhouses and the potting shed. I used a kiddie pool and filled it with bleach and water to clean so I can reuse some of the pots. Although, that is a question I will have to ask the plant inspector when he comes to inspect my greenhouses. (Can I wash and reuse containers?)

I also noticed a new greenhouse inhabitant yesterday. I had left some 1.5 qt. pots sitting on shelf. I noticed one full of hay, leaves and such. Upon closer inspection, I discovered a little brown wren with 3 eggs in her nest. I'm going to let her be.

Today, I plan to continue cleaning greenhouse stuff. DH and I are also going to work in the garden: hoeing, tilling, weeding. I just want to stay outside and get some of this sunshine on me.

Have a great day, everyone!! :frow


Don't Quote Me
Jul 20, 2008
Reaction score
East Tenn.
We did get some of our daily goals accomplished yesterday. DH got both gardens tilled and in fine shape. He scraped the long gravel driveway that goes back behind the shop. It has a nasty habit of washing when we get a hard rain. Monday, he is going to have a couple of loads of larger rock brought in to help hold it in place.

He also got several trees and bushes wacked back. At our walkway we had 2 overgrown boxwoods. He tried to cut those back, but the looked too ugly. So, he just took them completely out. It does look alot better and opened the area up nicely.

I spent most of the day washing greenhouse containers, probably about 500 or more asst. pots in the last two days. I'm also working on reorganizing my building that holds my supplies. I killed 2 more huge black widow spiders. We have to be very careful where we stick our fingers. :hide

The Dominique that I had setting has destroyed all but 3 of her eggs. So, we took those eggs and stuffed them under the buff. We may have around 15 of the original 26 eggs we started with.

DH mentioned yesterday about raising Cornish Hens for meat. Kind of suprised me. I can raise them as long as he does the dirty work when it's time. :sick


Don't Quote Me
Jul 20, 2008
Reaction score
East Tenn.
Saturday, when DH was bushhogging, he thought he found another fire ant's nest. When he kicked the top off, he discovered it was a nest of roly-poly bugs. Frankly, I've never seen a nest of rolys before. It looks very similar to a fire ant's nest on the outside. Inside, there are lots of tunnels just like an ant's nest only bigger. So, today I shovel some into a bucket and dump it in the chicken's run. Free protein, girls! They gobbled them up quicker than I could see them moving.

Other than that, I got lots of stuff done today: sweeping, mopping, dusting, cleaned bathrooms (all stuff I hate). The not so bad stuff was 3 loads of laundry, finished organizing the potting shed, bathed 3 dogs, dusted cabbages, cut 3 heads of broccoli, tended chickens and put some nice steaks on the grill.

I also made a yummy strawberry pie.

I finished the top of the "bowling" themed lap quilt and am getting ready to start another "cow" themed quilt.

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