Quail_Antwerp: Words from the Barnyard...


Always doing laundry
Oct 31, 2008
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Once again, I am jealous! With all the ticks this year I am SERIOUSLY considering getting some guineas!

So glad to hear that your DS is fine! That will be a neat pic to have in his baby book, though.


Epicurean Goddess
Sep 10, 2008
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Garden Zone 8A Texas
Wonderful news about DS!!

Everyone is looking happy and healthy in the latest photos. DH thought that a-frame was pretty neat.


Mountain Sage
Jul 11, 2008
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Mountains of WV
Aly, that is the most creative and cute use of recycled pallets that I've seen yet! Very sellable, if you get the notion to produce more! The pups are adorable and I know you will make them LGD as soon as they can keep up with you....well, IF they can keep up with you! :lol:


Quilting Extraordinaire
Jul 19, 2008
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Northern Ontario Canada
Awww Quail I love the Anthwerp house out of pallets, that is really cool...now I just have to convince Dh to bring some pallets home...
The puppies are gorgeous! Two of them are going to kepp you really really busy, you might want to send one here...:p
And the goats....ahhh, I'll take two ;)
Your farm sounds like so much fun!


Cold is on the Right, Hot is on The Left
Sep 12, 2008
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Well, last night was interesting.....

When we had got home from the Dr's appt for DS we noticed that our niece and her BF were re-packing their stuff. We just assumed they found an apartment and must be packing their stuff to move.

Well, they didn't say anything to us, and when we came in the house they did what they always did, ran to the room. They did come out to eat dinner, though, so DH asked the BF, "Have you put anymore applications out or found a job yet?" BF said, "No." Dh kept his cool, but said very firmly, "You've been here for a month, haven't found a job, and you haven't put anymore applications out?" They said nothing, just stared at their plates, eating. Then DH said, "When I moved up from Tennessee, I had a job the first week I was here. I didn't move in on my In-Laws and mooch. I worked. You've one week to get a job, and if you don't get a job in a week, then you can start looking for your own place." That set them off!

Then DH told them we didn't appreciate them sneaking around and acting like every conversation with SIL had to be a secret. He told them, "You are in my house, and there are NO secrets here." She screams at him, "So I'm not allowed to talk to my mom?" and I jumped in and said, "He didn't say you can't talk to your mom, he's referring to yours and BF's sneakiness. We don't like it, and it means you can't be trusted."

That was followed by her screaming at us, "Well, just kick us out then!" We ignored her comment and didn't kick her out. They stormed out of the room and started carrying stuff that they already had packed up while we were at DS's appointment to their car! It took them 3 trips to the car...BF made two trips and while he was taking stuff out, Niece was yelling at her mom, "I'm going to sleep in my car tonight because I have no where else to go and they don't want me here."

I interrupted her tirade to inform her, "We never said we didn't want you here, we just said we wanted you to help out!"

Then she said, "They hate me!" and we said, "No we don't!" Then they went out to their car and as the BF passed DH, DH pointed his finger at him and said, "That one, right there, he's the fat lazy one." BF turns to DH and screams, "For your information, I have a job lined up!" Dh asked where and BF would only say, "Somewhere."

So they left. They took off in the car, and we didn't know where they went. Before going to bed, we found out from SIL that they had told her earlier that day they were packing up and going back to Tennesee! So we came to the conclusion, because of their attitudes they'd had with us since we had returned home, that they were hoping we'd tell them to get out, so they could say we threw them out. It backfired. We told them they didn't have to leave, they just have to get jobs and help out around the farm.

A little after midnight 4 ambulances went down our road. We got concerned, so we got up and went looking to make sure niece hadn't wrecked. We discovered the E-squad's at the neighbors, so we drove around to the local places we thought niece might be, and couldn't find them. We went back home.

This morning niece and BF show up at our house at 8 am and smoke is rolling out from under the carhood. I asked Niece, did it over heat, she says no. It smelled burnt! Now, we had told her last week that her waterpump was chattering and that she should replace it. She didn't listen to us. Yesterday she went to an auto parts store and had it tested, and they told her the waterpump was out and should be replaced ASAP. She still drove the car home!! Then drove it last night, then again this morning to take her mom to the bank.

By the time she got back to our house, we could see the smoke and smell the burnt rubber. DH told her, "You'll be lucky if you didn't blow it up. I bet your water pump is froze up!" Opened the hood, and yep, it was froze up and not only that, but the serpentine belt had just worn right off!!!!!!! There were bits of rubber and oil all over her motor, and it was blowing the antifreeze out!

I called the parts store and got prices for all the parts she needed. We took her down to buy the parts, and DH fixed her car for her. This afternoon around 3 pm they STILL left for Tennessee, all the while telling us they are leaving but not sure where they are going. SIL had already told us that the BF had called his former employee in Knoxville TN and got his previous job as a McD's manager back. So, that's where they are headed.

Can't say I'm not worried, as given how badly she damaged the motor in her car, we aren't sure the car is going to make it to TN. We made sure they had plenty of antifreeze, checked it out as best we could, told her she didn't have to leave several times, but there was no changing their minds. I just hope they get to where they are going safely.

I also hope something happens to make them both grow up.

ETA: when they showed up this morning, they were both eating humble pie and crow.


Always doing laundry
Oct 31, 2008
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Sometimes they just gotta do things on their own to see how good they had it before. I went through it, didn't talk to my parents for a year. I had to learn how to make it on my own and be independent and I'm a better person for it. I also appreciate my family more now that I am a parent myself. It is all a part of growing up....she'll learn. I hope that she's okay too, I know you are worried, even if it is nice to have 2 more bodies out of the house. :hugs


Food Guru
Jan 1, 2009
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Southwick, MA
Whew! Your house should feel SOOO peaceful now!

I cannot imagine sleeping in someone else's bed, eating someone else's food, and then screaming at them.....if I had a problem with someone I was staying with, I'd leave quietly. And still thank them for their hospitality (unless I was leaving because of criminal behavior on their part....you or dh weren't behaving like criminals, were you? ;) :lol: )

I am so relieved for you!


Should be Sewing
Nov 19, 2008
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So, where did they stay the night at last night? In their car?
How old is your niece?
Ahh...must be a lot more peaceful though!

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