Quail_Antwerp: Words from the Barnyard...


Cold is on the Right, Hot is on The Left
Sep 12, 2008
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I'm nursing a headache, don't know what to do, and just feel at a loss.

My SIL walked out the door yesterday, got in the car with her case manager, didn't tell us goodbye, didn't say she was leaving, didn't ask us to care for her dog, she just left. No one will tell us where she is or if she'll be back. Nothing. Not even after we called the sheriff's office and reported her missing.

It's been nearly 48 hours now, and we've heard nothing. I've stressed, worried, and cried, and the agency her case manager works for only tells us, "Well, we don't know anything we can leave a message for her to call." But no one calls...Not SIL, not the case manager, not the counselor, no one.

Then today we get the news that DH will have back surgery sometime next month. They will call and let us know when it is scheduled for. He will be in the hospital 1-4 days, depending on how he does with the surgery. We have to go to Youngstown for it.

To top that off, I had to talk with my nephew today and a neighbor to see if they can work out the childcare between the two of them for that time, as I can no longer trust my children to be safe at my mother's home.

Today we found out that my 13 year old brother intentionally shot my 10 year old DD in the shoulder with his BB gun....and she didn't tell anyone because she was too scared to tell and my brother had told her not to tell!!!!!! So he's in a butt load of trouble now by my mom, and mom said she understood that I refuse to allow my children to be there anymore because I am not guaranteed they are safe. DH wanted to call the sheriff and report him. Mom said she's cleaning out my brothers room today and confiscating all of his belongings except his bed, dresser, and clothes, she's taking his bb gun, he no longer is going to have TV priveleges, and she's going to "whack the tar outta him" when he gets home. See, he had left for boyscouts camp, and my DS told on my brother after my brother had left for camp. We had a long talk with my DD about telling us from now on when someone hurts her, because those are the things she should be telling on!

Supposedly he said before he shot her, "If I shoot a person, it won't go through them it will just bounce off." Then when he did it, and it left a mark (didn't go through, but blistered her skin and made her bleed a bit) and he said, "Oh, I didn't know it would do that, I'm sorry, don't tell Grandma."

AGH....Now I have a stress headache and I just want to sleep the weekend away. :(


Mountain Sage
Jul 11, 2008
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Mountains of WV
Aly, prayers going out to you tonight...... :hugs You've been through enough. Time to zone out with the covers over your head and let the world take care of itself for a little while. :old :love

(This is me, mothering you from a distance!) :frow


Cold is on the Right, Hot is on The Left
Sep 12, 2008
Reaction score
I am feeling better this morning after a good nights sleep. Even the baby slept all night, which was a first!

Today I am back to farm stuff as usual, and have eggs to ship out, so I'll be a busy bee this AM and this afternoon, packing up SIL's crap, composing a letter giving her and her case manager a deadline to have it all picked up by (don't even legally have to give her a deadline since she hasn't paid rent for staying here, if rent was paid, I'd have to give her 30 days), and am putting my house back in order, the way it mostly was before she arrived.

Nephew and his daughter are still here, and he's quite upset with his mom. He had given/bought his mom most of her belongings as far as the household phone, her dishes, paper shredder, computer, etc. He said if his mom doesn't come get her stuff, he'll go through it all, keep the items he bought her, and the rest he said we can do whatever with. He already dug out the house phone he had purchased with answering machine and plugged it in. I said your mom might get mad and he said Oh well I bought it. I feel bad because he's very hurt right now. He had to fight for a year to get his daughter, has only had his daughter since January, and now pretty much all his family has left them both behind. This kid (ok well he's actually almost 24) has been great since he got here. Anything we need done, he pitches in and helps...

In fact, he knows we need 2 more rolls of fencing to finish our pasture before DH goes for his surgery, or I will have to get rid of our cows. Nephew said he has the $ so he'll go get the two rolls we need and help DH put the fence up. He said he'll bust butt and help us get all the farm stuff done that we need to have done before DH's surgery. How great is this kid? It's like he's totally stepped up to the plate, laid out a plan and said, "This is how we'll get it done!"

Anyway, I need to get eggs down to the PO and the morning feeding/watering done, so I'll talk to ya'll later....

Oh and another thing....SIL ordered Welsummer pullets from Meyers....we're supposed to pick them up on Tuesday....mom and I are going...since I'm paying, I'm keeping them!!


Power Conserver
Apr 27, 2009
Reaction score
Keep your chin up an your spirits high... things have a way of working out.. yes i would keep the pullets too..lol... hope you have a good day :)


Don't Quote Me
Jul 20, 2008
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East Tenn.
Glad that you got a good night's sleep. That always gives you a brighter outlook for the day.

It's great that your nephew is helping out.

I hope your brother learns his lesson with the BB gun. Any gun can be dangerous.

And I vote that you keep the pullets, too.


Almost Self-Reliant
Feb 13, 2009
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SE Kansas
Quail, if anybody can handle all of this %#&%@ it you. I'm betting you'll come through one day at a time. :)


Cold is on the Right, Hot is on The Left
Sep 12, 2008
Reaction score
Thanks for the words of encouragement and the boost of confidence ya'll.

Anyone have any advice on what I should do with her pomeranian she left here? We don't want him, I have no desire to care for him indefinitely until she gets her head screwed back on, and I don't know if I can legally give him away/rehome him or what. I mean, should I consider she abandoned him and find him a good home?? The dog has been walking around my place crying non stop since she left. It's driving me nuts!

The only things she took with her were some clothes, her medications, and the paint by number DH and I gave her for her birthday. We don't know of anything else that she took.

In Farm News: (LOL isn't that funny!) I made $40 today selling 4 Light Brahma hens that are 10 months old and laying up a storm! $10 a hen wasn't bad, IMO, and I was happy to see the little escape artists GO! :D


Epicurean Goddess
Sep 10, 2008
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Garden Zone 8A Texas
Isn't it strange what people take when they leave? Can you call the caseworker and asks if she wants the dog or can pick up the dog for your SIL? Other than that - I'd say sell or give it away.

In Farm News: (LOL isn't that funny!) I made $40 today selling 4 Light Brahma hens that are 10 months old and laying up a storm! $10 a hen wasn't bad, IMO, and I was happy to see the little escape artists GO!
Too funny! Congratulations on the sale!

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