Epicurean Goddess
STOP IT!Quail_Antwerp said:Want to shift gears on ya'll, Ernie and I had a wonderful visit with keljonma and her husband. I don't know where they got the bed they let us sleep on, but it was the most comfortable bed we'd ever been in!
Their kindness to us while we were there really touched Ernie. We really enjoyed our visit, and it helped to distract Ernie for a bit.
We really enjoyed the trip to the lake, and OMG the fish ya'll!!!!! We got to see a beautiful sunset and we did look at a farm house that would have been walking distance to keljonma, but no way would I pay $200,000+ for a place to live.
We visited with the First Ladies, and Sam, the First Rooster, showed me why a rooster stick is necessary. Ernie's favorite of the ladies was Lou, who if I remember correctly is a Black Jersey Giant. He was petting her and commenting on how soft her feathers were.
Another of the first ladies, I'm thinking her name was Pat? but I'm not sure, thought I needed to be bullied, and gave me a good hard peck on my back while I was squatted down to get pictures...Now that I think about it, I might have been Betty?? Keljonma will have to clear that up for me LOL
I am really glad to be home.
Yes, Lou is our Jersey Black Giant, a flock sweetie. Betty is our Buff Orp, and Pat our White Wyandotte. Pat is a "hold me" chicken and Betty would only come near you if you had food. The bully is Frances, our Delaware. She has a wicked way with her beak!

Get some rest - night shifts can be killers.....