Quail_Antwerp: Words from the Barnyard...


Epicurean Goddess
Sep 10, 2008
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Garden Zone 8A Texas
Quail_Antwerp said:
keljonma said:
Well I called ya and your machine picked up! I figured you were just at auction, it being Monday, and all.... :gig
Yep, apparantly while I was at the Library, they fixed the phone lines :lol: So I'm back in business!!

keljonma, I can't call you back, due to it sees your number as long distance and I don't have long distance, so I emailed you the information you were asking for :)
While we were on the phone my cell battery went dead! :he

Got home from shopping to pick up some food for dinner and found that dh packed the silverware today! It is in storage. I said, dear, where are the forks?..... :th He is now taking another load to storage with specific instructions to bring back the silverware! What a day this has been! :lol:


Cold is on the Right, Hot is on The Left
Sep 12, 2008
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Dace said:
Hey QA...glad to see you are back!

How are you doing with your new eating habits? I was thinking about you last night.
Eh, I am doing ok I guess, but I know I could do better. I have a horrible sweet tooth, so I've tried the pickle thing keljonma suggested. Guess what? Doesn't help, I love dill pickles! So I still wanted something sweet after..sigh..so I broke down and bought some Little Debbie 100 calorie snack packs. I'm allowing myself one 100 calorie cake a day. They are TINY!

I've added a lot more fruits and vegetables to my diet, but I've not completely kicked the soda habit. I have been trying to only allow myself 1 creme soda/aw rootbeer a day...because dropping them cold turkey didn't work out to well.

keljonma, I left you a voicemail because I thought it was the phone I had borrowed that went out LOL Let me know if you get to make that phone call and what happens! :) :fl


Cold is on the Right, Hot is on The Left
Sep 12, 2008
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Woke up this morning to find two blue silkie eggs pipped in the 'bator! :ya I only have 3 blue silkie eggs in there, so 2 out of 3 makes me happy! :fl at least one is a roo? I have two hens, they need a buddy :p

I've 9 Speckled Sussex eggs due to hatch on Friday with a couple mixed eggs from my own flock.

Then I have 3 Blue Laced Red Wyandotte eggs due to hatch from my own flock a couple days after the Sussex.

Plus I have 2 sizzle eggs and 1 Serama egg due to hatch next week.

My Buff Call duck should be hatching her babies, soon, as well.

I've more eggs to set. I'm hoping to have some chicks started out and feathered to sell at the October Mount Hope Swap. It seems pairs of birds sell better than chicks. I'll be setting more Blue Laced Red Wyandottes and some Buff Brahma Bantam eggs.

I started with a headcold a couple days ago. I've a lot of sinus pressure and finding it hard to sleep at night. This morning the boys are in rare form and have been scrapping it out. I've had to put one in the corner already. It's only 8:20 am! :barnie


Almost Self-Reliant
Nov 3, 2008
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east central Ohio
Aly, long time no chat. I should call you tonight.

You should see my garage. It is overflowing with chicks. I think I should go halves with you on a swap booth. :) I have to downsize because there are more eggs in the bator. AND. . .I found Partridge Rock eggs on Ebay that I won yesterday. :hide

That's it then. The bator get shut down until at least February. I think. ;)


Cold is on the Right, Hot is on The Left
Sep 12, 2008
Reaction score
BeccaOH said:
Aly, long time no chat. I should call you tonight.

You should see my garage. It is overflowing with chicks. I think I should go halves with you on a swap booth. :) I have to downsize because there are more eggs in the bator. AND. . .I found Partridge Rock eggs on Ebay that I won yesterday. :hide

That's it then. The bator get shut down until at least February. I think. ;)
HAHAHAHAHA I said that, too...and I set my first batch of eggs in January!

I refuse to say I'm shutting down my incubator. I think I'll shut it down between hatches, but I'll probably plug it in and set some eggs whenever the idea suits me.

I'd be fine with going halves on a swap booth....Um, I'd be happy to relieve you of the BBS Orps, though :p


Almost Self-Reliant
Nov 3, 2008
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east central Ohio
I'd be fine with going halves on a swap booth....Um, I'd be happy to relieve you of the BBS Orps, though :tongue
I'll mark the date, but I don't know how best to price things. I think I'd rather go to Rogers auction and hope for good return. :hu

The BBS Orps aren't going anywhere until you have your pick. :D


Cold is on the Right, Hot is on The Left
Sep 12, 2008
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I realized I never really posted about yesterday, as it was MONDAY which is Auction day for me.

First, I'm running out of things to take to auction! :lol: I either need to hatch more :hide or I better start baking things! Monday mornings they auction off local baked/canned goods first. No way are they getting my canned goodies, so I'm going to try baking some cookies/breads/etc possibly and start taking them to auction over the winter months.

Yesterday I took 2 rabbit does to the auction, 4 ducks (1 pair runners, 1 pair Pekins), and 12 half grown chicks. 11 of those were pullets and 1 cockerel. The chicks were the red stars and New Hampshire Reds (yes I realize, good layers, but I didn't have time nor space to mess with them right now), Daisy the Deleware, and 3 of my Welsummer/blue/black/splash/barred Rock mixes. I kept my favorite 3 pullets from the Welsummer/blue/black/splash/barred Rock mixes for a breeding project. My check should arrive on Wednesday.

After the auction, we went over to my moms while we waited for the repair work on my Jeep. I needed some exhuast work done, and a local guy said he'd do it for $25 just to help us out! How cool is that?! So mom and I went to the library for a bit, then we had lunch at her house with her family, picked up the Jeep and came home.

When we got home we opened up all the coops to give everyone (except the BLRW) a chance to free range for a bit. Then we had a storm hatch up, so I ran out and chased everyone back into their repective coops. I was positive that I had managed to get Sam and The Ladies all into their coop.

This morning when I went out to feed them their yogurt, I couldn't find Eleanor. I was upset and looked into the other coops, including the duck shed, to see if she had been ushered into the wrong coop. Nope. No Eleanor.

I was very much close to tears at this point, told Ernie, who was leaving to help my Step Dad, that I can't find Eleanor, and how in the heck was I going to explain that I lost one of The Ladies to keljonma? Ernie told me to keep looking for her, have the kids help you, and I'll help you when I get back. He was trying to be reassuring when he said, "She probably just got lost, not used to her surroundings and all."

I didn't believe him. I knew Eleanor was gone and spent my morning trying to figure out should I email or call the news in to keljonma.

So the kids and I did as Ernie suggested and while he left, we kept looking. We walked through the corn, down the logging road, checked the dog boxes, looked in the trees, in the cow barn, checked the coops a second time, even the new run that no chickens are in yet, etc. Finally the kids and I started looking in the pasture field. Couldn't find her anywhere.

I told the kids to walk the corn rows again while I checked the field infront of the pasture. I had just passed Ernie's mini barn when I decided to pray. I said, "God brought Ernie's cow back, maybe he'll bring back my friend's Eleanor." So while I didn't close my eyes, as I was still searching, I breathed out a prayer to God asking that He help bring Eleanor back safely. Not even five seconds after I prayed, I hear my DD screaming, "Mom! I found her! MOM I found her!"

My immediate reply, "Is she ALIVE?!" Kids screaming, "Yes! Yes she's alive!"

Me: "You're sure?! She's ALIVE?"

Daughter: "Yes! She's on the back side of the duck pen, on a stump!"

That meant she was in the pasture field and we had missed her! I crawled over the fence, picked my way through the sumac trees growing there and back to the stumps that are hidden with greenery. There was Miss Eleanor, who didn't even run, just looked a bit confused and worried.

When I picked her up and told her everything was ok, Eleanor closed her eyes and sighed, almost seemed like she had closed her eyes in thankful prayer and was sighing with relief.

So, if chickens can pray, I guarantee you Eleanor was praying, too, and when she was found, she was breathing a prayer of Thankfulness right with me!


Revolution in Progress
Aug 3, 2008
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Southern California
Awww poor Eleanor!

I am glad that you found her safe and sound. I bet she is the first one in the coop tonight ;)

On your eating...keep plugging away and keep your goal insight. You can do it. Just know that as long as you have the sugar in your diet it creates more sugar craving....so as soon as you can break that the craving will fade. :thumbsup


Epicurean Goddess
Sep 10, 2008
Reaction score
Garden Zone 8A Texas
Quail_Antwerp: Monday Auction! Today, Eleanor's Scary Adventure!
When I saw this I did not want to open your journal this morning! But I know Eleanor is famous for her adventures as she is named for a woman who was not afraid to investigate! :D

When I picked her up and told her everything was ok, Eleanor closed her eyes and sighed, almost seemed like she had closed her eyes in thankful prayer and was sighing with relief.

So, if chickens can pray, I guarantee you Eleanor was praying, too, and when she was found, she was breathing a prayer of Thankfulness right with me!
She kind of did the same thing when she got stuck behind the fencing. And that look that said - What Took You So Long To Find Me?!

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