Epicurean Goddess
How is your Ameraucana pullet doing today? The poor thing has had a rough few weeks lately. 
Landmark mixes their own calf chop.. I haven't thought to look for animal byproducts, but if given the chance, chickens will eat anything dead they find laying in the yard....including our orange kitten that was hit by a carBeccaOH said:Have you compared ingredients lists between cafe chop and something like Flockraiser? Does the chop have any animal byproducts? This interests me. I'm all for saving money. Would it work for chickens that can't free range?
What I am buying looks identical to scratch, just coated in molasses, and it has some pelleted stuff mixed in that looks just like the game bird feed.jenlyn9483 said:Aly, I too am very interested in this "Calf Chop". My feedstore has never heard of it however. Can you tell me who makes it and if there is another name for it? It sounds sorta like stuff we have down here called Sweet Plus. Its pretty cheep too, sorta like a cheep version of sweet feed. My goats wont eat it but my chickens like it. My goats will only eat the expensive high quaility sweet feed and Nutrena goat.
Right now I give my chickens and ducks Half Corn Chops Half Nutrena Layer Pellet
And my young ones just Start and Grow crumbles.
I've never used the cat food, but my mom has. I know the chickens steal dog food from the outside dog dishes.keljonma said:IMO, cat food is missing some nutrients the birds need and can be too high in sodium, depending on the brand.
ETA We were giving The Ladies and Sam canned tuna, salmon, mackerel, when we could get it on sale for 2 or 3 cans for $1 and feeding them fish caught on our fishing trips.