Revolution in Progress
Oh no....what happened? You know we are always here for you 

Since I wrote this, and deleted it and apparantly saved it to my computer, we've lost medical insurance on the baby because we couldn't find his hospital record of birth and I didn't have the $ to buy a copy of his birth certificate.Welfare's a sensitive issue for me, I guess. Always said I'd never need it because we grew up on it as kids (single mom). My mom did work. When she worked, we lost all assistance. They wouldn't even help with daycare, and I can't tell you how many times CPS was called because we'd come home off the bus to no babysitter, and mom wouldn't be home for another hour or so.
The CPS worker told my mom to quit her job! My mom felt like she couldn't win. She was ridiculed if she worked, and treated like crap (especially by family) if she didn't. Result? We were dirt poor.
I swore my kids wouldn't ever know what it was like growing up the way I did. I grew up with the false ideals that a two parent home didn't need assistance. I could just cry right now thinking about how our situation is. I won't, but I most certainly could.
It's an embarrassment, having a family, and not being able to provide the way you want. Yes, we're making it, but barely sometimes.
It kills my husband that he's not out there working. He's worked from the day he got out of highschool. He would go in to work sicker than a dog, because his job was always too important to him to miss work. I worked, too, until when we had baby number 3 and the company I worked for closed down. We were great financially, so we agreed that we could make it if I stayed home.
If I knew then what I know now, I would have just found another job and worked my tail off padding our savings more than it was.
Yes, physically, I could go work a job. But, because Ernie is at home and disabled, I do NOT qualify for childcare assistance. They would make Ernie watch the kids, Ernie who is not supposed to do anything at all, no lifting, bending, twisting, etc. Ernie, who's dying a little bit (not physically) every day, who I'm watching struggle to not give in to depression, who's denied for SSI/D everytime only because he can still move his arms and legs. I'm his ONLY support. He has NONE from his family. We do have the support of a few great friends.
This farm, it's Ernie's dream. I work my tail off to help him realize that. It's hard, it's humiliating, being where we are. My kids have no idea we're poor. None at all.
I realize this is OT and I've gone on a rambling rampage here, but I can't tell ya'll how long I've held stuff in.
I can make a choice, I can choose to go find a job, and either leave the kiddos here with Daddy who can't even put his own socks on, and hope to God he doesn't fall or hurt himself, or I can stay here and do the best I can with this just started farm and continue reporting every egg I sell, which does affect our assistance.
I can't find the baby's birth certificate, or his hospital record of birth. They've seen his HRB, but because someone didn't write on the paper that they, "physically viewed the original before they made a copy" I'm going to loose all medical on the baby until I get his BC or find that HRB.
Folks, I am sooooooooo tired. Giving up at this point would be sooooo easy. I can't tell you how easy.
And it really hurts when I come on here and I see people wanting to give the goverment more control. We're all entitled to our opinions, yes, but I'm working so hard to get off any help and to be self sustaining.
Someone told me the other day that they don't think they've ever heard me whine about things. Well, folks, here I am whining, I've just about reached my breaking point. It only took 5 years.
Ernie and I are just tired. We've so much we need to do before winter, very little money, and we're just tired.
We have a neighbor and my stepdad, both are constantly calling wanting Ernie to come do their work for them...yard work, house remodeling, etc. We were trying to finish our pasture so our two cows could get out there and eat, so they wouldn't be starving to death, because their small pasture had been ate to nothing by that stupid pony. I am tired of people wanting Ernie to go do and do and do for them. I was so tired of it, that last week, the following very snappy and snotty message was the outgoing message on my machine, "We're outside working on fence. If you'd like to come and help, you're more than welcome to come and help! Other wise, leave a message and when our farm work is done, if we have time, we'll get back to you."
I had very vew messages on my machine last week.
Ya'll can keep arguing about healthcare, or what ever else the goverment should do, I just want to survive, and without the goverment telling me which way is the best way to survive.