Quilting Extraordinaire
I do believe God puts us each in our individual situations for a reason. He has you where you are for a reason, and instead of getting down over it and banging yor head against the wall, ask Him to show you the joy that can come out of that situation.
The situation He has placed on my life is not a money is a very very deep problem with one of my children...and I could get soooooo down about it. I could rant and rave and worry about it...and at times I do
but mostly I just hand it over to Him and try and count my other blessings in my life...and they are many! Oh so many!
You have a super wonderful husband who LOVES you and you love have wonderful children, a farm...alot of things that many don't have. Ask God where He is leading you...where He wants you to go...what He is trying to teach you through all this hardship. There are answers.
And most of all, be thankful for all the wonders in life that you DO have! Dig down into yourself and find that JOY that He promises all His children. CHOOSE JOY!
Jeremiah 29:11, "For I know the plans that I have for you, plans to prosper you and plans to give you a hope and a future and plans never to harm you."
I do believe God puts us each in our individual situations for a reason. He has you where you are for a reason, and instead of getting down over it and banging yor head against the wall, ask Him to show you the joy that can come out of that situation.
The situation He has placed on my life is not a money is a very very deep problem with one of my children...and I could get soooooo down about it. I could rant and rave and worry about it...and at times I do
You have a super wonderful husband who LOVES you and you love have wonderful children, a farm...alot of things that many don't have. Ask God where He is leading you...where He wants you to go...what He is trying to teach you through all this hardship. There are answers.
And most of all, be thankful for all the wonders in life that you DO have! Dig down into yourself and find that JOY that He promises all His children. CHOOSE JOY!
Jeremiah 29:11, "For I know the plans that I have for you, plans to prosper you and plans to give you a hope and a future and plans never to harm you."